NHL 09 Love

I want it for 360, anyone up to make an online team for Be a Pro or whatever it is?

Yeah we might have to make a new thread to make a team though. Haven't done the online team thing before though. Actually haven't gotten the CD in the drive yet - just got home from work :D
I GOT IT TODAY AT GAMESTOP PS3 VERISON !!! this game is awesome

This game is actually one of the reasons that I got a PS3 in the first place.. EA shits on PC sports gamers regularly with engines from 10 years ago and lacking features.

This game is actually one of the reasons that I got a PS3 in the first place.. EA shits on PC sports gamers regularly with engines from 10 years ago and lacking features.

I hate to admit that it was a factor in deciding on a PS3 purchase for me, too, though Bluray was the driving factor. Picking this up soon... looks VERY fun :D. Can't wait for LittleBigPlanet though ;).

This game is actually one of the reasons that I got a PS3 in the first place.. EA shits on PC sports gamers regularly with engines from 10 years ago and lacking features.

I hate to admit that it was a factor in deciding on a PS3 purchase for me, too, though Bluray was the driving factor. Picking this up soon... looks VERY fun :D. Can't wait for LittleBigPlanet though ;).

lol, in 2007 I bought my PS3 for 2 reasons, one of them was just for NHL games after seeing how awful NHL 08 on PC was and how nothing had changed on the PC versions since 2005. ;)

.........the other reason being MGS4
The PC version of NHL is still a port of the PS2 version, and not with the new engine. Completely different.
Found it in stock at EBGames today. I guess I need to get a headset for PS3 now.
Yeah i picked it up. need a club now. This game is so great thus far
Darn, I was just editing the gear for my pro and the game froze on me.
I've been playing this all day... man I don't want to work tomorrow this is too much fun.

THe game itself is just what you'd expect... but the 6v6 online is just incredible if you have a good team.
The best buy here has a copy.. I just don't have the money to pick it up today :(
or georges laraque-like?

Anyone else who got the 360 version joining the hardforum team?
Ughhhh so I didn't get to play it last night...it still is unopened...

And I probably won't be able to get to play it tonight or tomorrow either...this sucks.

Let me know if someone starts a PS3 "club"
i am huge NHL fan, i have always played it on the PC though until this year when i got my PS3/360 but now i am at odds with myself on which to buy for, i have played the demo on both systems and i seem to play better on with 360 controller but i like my PS3 better. well i am off to a doctors appt then stopping and buying my copy on the way home. guess i will flip a coin.
well this is the ps3 thread
i like the ps3 controller better for this game.
I actually returned 09 after about two hours....and Gamestop allowed me an exchange with 2k9. I knew the game 'cause I played the demo over and over (didn't play the 09 demo). Quite simply, the AI on 09 is just bad, allowing scorers to roam in front of your net without defenders and some of the moves players make with the puck are just ridiculous. I love hockey.....I have a CenterIce subscription every year on Directv. If it's not in the game, count on EA to put it in the game no matter of cartoony it is.:p
I actually returned 09 after about two hours....and Gamestop allowed me an exchange with 2k9. I knew the game 'cause I played the demo over and over (didn't play the 09 demo). Quite simply, the AI on 09 is just bad, allowing scorers to roam in front of your net without defenders and some of the moves players make with the puck are just ridiculous. I love hockey.....I have a CenterIce subscription every year on Directv. If it's not in the game, count on EA to put it in the game no matter of cartoony it is.:p

Maybe you had it on Rookie? :p

I just got to play it and I am a grinder in front of the net and it is hard for even me to stay in there and get a clean shot off...I dunno what your talking about.
the 2k09 demo sucked ass and looked like shit compared to the nhl 09 demo
nhl 09 is a better game. but i dunno i guess you like a more arcadey style
This has to be one of the best NHL games ever. I can't stop playing Be A Pro. Although, I'm interested in how the retail version of 2k9 plays. I wish EA would add things like Zamboni driving and such.
the 2k09 demo sucked ass and looked like shit compared to the nhl 09 demo
nhl 09 is a better game. but i dunno i guess you like a more arcadey style

Ah well, the 2k8 demo sucked and was nothing like retail.
That and 2k does the sim better. I would argue that NHL 09 is much more arcadey.

But hey, I own both, so what do I know :)
This has to be one of the best NHL games ever. I can't stop playing Be A Pro. Although, I'm interested in how the retail version of 2k9 plays. I wish EA would add things like Zamboni driving and such.

Same here... except I only play the online Be a Pro.

They could have released just the EASHL thing / Online Team Play as a full game and I would still buy it. It's unbelievably fun, and is easily the next best thing to being on the ice yourself.
I actually returned 09 after about two hours....and Gamestop allowed me an exchange with 2k9. I knew the game 'cause I played the demo over and over (didn't play the 09 demo). Quite simply, the AI on 09 is just bad, allowing scorers to roam in front of your net without defenders and some of the moves players make with the puck are just ridiculous. I love hockey.....I have a CenterIce subscription every year on Directv. If it's not in the game, count on EA to put it in the game no matter of cartoony it is.:p

join a team and blame your teammates for their poor play. :rolleyes:
I love it, just find it hard as hell to score

but I haven't played a hockey game seriously for a few years now
xbox 360 will have more players on the ea servers so u might have more connection issues but there will always be ppl on to play against. I honestly prefer the 360 dashboard.

I own it for the ps3 and am on an eashl team for it. I've played 20 games online and have obtained the pro card. The game is simply amazing.

Plus with the ps3 u never have to worry about it freezing and doing a RROD on you while you are playing nhl09.
Plus with the ps3 u never have to worry about it freezing and doing a RROD on you while you are playing nhl09.

I have the PS3 version and online it freezes while trying to load 30-50% of the time...and I have to HARD reset the PS3... :mad:

Anybody else having this problem?
I have the PS3 version and online it freezes while trying to load 30-50% of the time...and I have to HARD reset the PS3... :mad:

Anybody else having this problem?

I played the game all weekend and it only froze twice on me

I didn't have to hard reset the PS3...just quit game, and soft reboot
It would freeze where it starts showing the controls on the controller and say "Loading..."

Then the PS3 wouldn't respond to anything... PS button wouldn't bring up anything, etc...so I had to go hard reboot it...

It did that multiple times.
I've only had mine freeze once, and it was offline editing my pro for the first time. Online has been fine, but I only played two matches.
I have the PS3 version and online it freezes while trying to load 30-50% of the time...and I have to HARD reset the PS3... :mad:

Anybody else having this problem?

i've had that problem once, mind you i've been playing constantly since it released on sept 11 here in canuckistan. still, unacceptable. hopefully my ps3 doesn't mind too much... folding at home crashes my system once in a while too.

more often, i find the game resets the ps3 with a triple beep on its own whenever i try quitting from anywhere other than the main menu.

some people are reporting flickering on both platforms, i kind of expect the odd flicker myself... given the hardware we're using to play on.
Yeah I have seen the flicker too...but went away after a period of hockey...

Anyways the only other thing I get frustrated at is how stupid the computer is when I play...I am a power forward and start screening the goalie/looking for deflections & rebounds...but they will rarely shoot it, they keep looking to give me a pass instead of shooting it. I only get about chance a period for them to shoot it and I get a chance to deflect it.

I might just have to move to defense or something, so I can control my anger lol