Nforce 3 vs. VIA K8T800 for 939 venice


Sep 13, 2002
I need to purchase a new cpu/mobo combo and it seems like the venice is the hot CPU to have right now. I plan on getting a 3000+ venice, but I am unsure of what chipset to get. I have a 6800GT AGP so NF4 is out of the question.

Are there any dominant features that are excluded form either chipset? Is there one that is better for OCing?

I'm lookiung at hte MSI NF3, and Abit for the VIA chipset. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Yes, AGP really does limit things. I have a 6800NU that is AGP and i'm finding that I wish I had got the PCIe version.

I'd be interested which boards people recommend for socket 939 w/AGP as well.
The NF3 has a better track record for OCing. The Via tends to hit a wall around 245 HTT, although some people have done better than that (probably not 1:1 though). The NF3 has a built in firewall (not as advanced as the NF4 one). And I think the SATA support is probably a little faster than the 8237 soutbridge Via has been using for a while now.
NF3 is the way to go. I reccomend either the MSI Neo2 or DFI LanParty 250GB. If your tight on cash, try out the Chaintech VNF3. I have both the VNF3 and the VNF4-Ultra, and both are great boards. The price is right, and they OC damn close to the big dogs...there biggest limitation being BIOS related, so that can always be addressed later.
I just purchased a K8T800 Abit AV8-3rd Eye less than a month ago. I really wish I had purchased the nForce 3 Ultra. The nForce 3 Ultra is the same chipset as the nF 4 except it supports AGP where the nF 4 only supports PCIx format. I just did not do enough research on this before making a purchase. I have asked the vender if I may exchange the VIA mobo for the nF 3 Ultra mobo. I just haven't heard from him as yet. Thanks BJ

Viper87227:: I did look at the DFI LP nF2 3 250 but if I am not mistaken that board is a socket 754. If it were a socket 939 I would have grabed one in a heartbeat. Since it was a socket 754, I went with the AV8 board. I now have an Epox 9NDA3J on order, I need to upgrade the wifes system and if the vender will not allow me to exchange this mobo, I guess I will install the AV8 in her case etc. If I could be wrong on the DFI please give me a link. I would be interested in purchasing one.