Next-Gen consoles = Death of PC Gaming?

Anybody else think it might be a possibility with all this talk of consoles challenging the PC gaming market that hardware manufactureres might take a hint from the competition and make their stuff a bit cheaper?
I lived in Korea for a bit and visited the electronics market in Seoul regularly. It was like a big fruit stand, and if you knew what was what, you could make a killing - I had awsome stuff for about 3/4 of the price here in the states. Just throwing that out there.
Piracy is hurting the pc market, there is no doubt about it, but I think it's developers that are really killing the pc market, with their half-assed ports, sloppy patch work and sheer ignorance toward the community. Prime example Valve. They have a huge stutter/hiccup bug in their engine, and rather than put everything on the shelf, and figure out a fix so people who spent $50 or more on the game can enjoy it, no, they are pushing an expansion pack that will more than likley suffer from the same bugs. That doesn't fill me with " warm fuzzies" as gabe would say. Why am I or any other pc gamer in this situation gonna plunk down $35 for an expansion to a game I paid $50 for and still can't play stutter free?

They do this to pc gamers too often, I assure you the xbox version of HL2 will be bug free, because you can;t pull that stuff on console.

I understand there are thousands of configurations to go through on pc, but developers know this going into the game, so do it right or don't do it at all. Guys like ID and Epic keep the community and pc gaming alive, they are devote, they listen, and they don;t sit on their high horse and ignore anything wrong with the game, they fix it asap.. Guys like Valve twist the first knife that's in the arm and bleeding profusely.
You saying steam is gonna kill PC gaming?

Ya know for some reason, i believe this more than the console argument :D <Kidding!>
no, it has nothing to do with steam, and everything to do with companies like valve that abadon a product once it's released. They make maps and add-on's, but do nothing to fix the bugs present. How am I and thousands of other gamers supposed to play the new cs:s or hl2 dm maps when we still cant play the original stuff without stu...stu...stuttering.

Look at the source engine itself, it hasnt been selling at all, why? The glitches. No one wants a game with hiccups. One company made the mistake of using the source engine and even their game suffers because of it.

I'm focusing on valve here, because they are the latest, but this has been going on in pc gaming for years, and this is what teered so many away. Why sit around looking for tweaks and hacks and .gui's to fix a problem the company won't, when if u accept some lower detail, you can play the same game on a console for half the price and bug free.
So they still haven't fixed the stuttering eh? HL2 was a godawful mess for me. Suttering, crackling, popping audio... It was horrible in certain spots. Still playable but it was a distraction, those issues were. CS:S even had that same problem.

I've found that over the last month or so CS:S works perfectly for me now. So I think they may have addressed that issue. Does HL2 still exhibit this behavior? I haven't reinstalled it so I don't know.
Piracy is a huge concern for PC gaming, I have so many PC enthusiast friends that pirate absolutely everything, it wouldn't even cross their mind to actually purchase media anymore. Then they show their friends and family how to pirate, and it spreads throughout the area, it doesn't make sense that they would want to harm the platform they swear by. Then they get irate when they see consoles moving in front-and-center. This clearly doesn't reflect everybody of course, but it's still alarming nonetheless.

I think Steam was a great concept, but in practice it was messy for a lot of people, myself included. HL2 for Xbox should be nice, just a single version you can rent at the store to plop in and play. No 6 different versions, installation headaches, steam woes, stutter bugs...textures will be reduced a little to match SDTV res, but it should still look fantastic with all the same aesthetic (I'm not extremist about graphics anymore). Shame about the MP though, but there's always Counter-Strike. Hope they add in some kind of exclusives to improve the experience at least, like in Doom 3.
Abysmal said:
Piracy is a huge concern for PC gaming, I have so many PC enthusiast friends that pirate absolutely everything, it wouldn't even cross their mind to actually purchase media anymore. Then they show their friends and family how to pirate, and it spreads throughout the area, it doesn't make sense that they would want to harm the platform they swear by. Then they get irate when they see consoles moving in front-and-center.
Yep I see this all the time. And the hypocricy of it is very frustrating. But you know how it is... If you want to maintain friendships you can't get to preachy about what they're doing wrong. ;)

I let them know that I'm not going to pirate my games, though I once did that sort of thing on occasion in the past (was never as bad as some though). Hell I even paid for my copy of XP last month and went legit there. I have almost zero pirated software now and I wish everyone else would do the same. This stealing... it's just helping to make it even harder for these developers to turn a profit w/regard to PC gaming.

In some cases though, these guys who pirate PC games also play consoles. So they don't really care. So what if they don't have games for their PC now? So what if they ruin it for you and me? They still have their console to go back to. :mad:
Hello ppl

A couple of days ago, my 11 year old asked me the same question; are you going to leave the PC after the X360 comes out?. To be honest, I never consider that option till my kid asked me my point of view and I explained to him as follow:

Me - "Well son on the PC I can browse the web"

My kid - "you can do the same on the new consoles"

Me - "Yeah, but I can download patches and upgrades and Mods on my PC"

My kid- "This is what X360 is going to achive soon, In fact dad;have you heard of XBOX LIVE? you can do all sorts on things there.

Me - "Don't be a Smart ass, I know whats XBOX LIVE IS. and its getting pretty close to what I do to look for game content if you ask me.

My kid - "And you know what else dad? you wont have to buy those expensive parts that you put inside the PC, Video cards; rigth dad? you pay $300.00 for one card,and you said it sucked, the X360 is going to cost that or less.

Me - "MMMM, yeah; but my favorite game is Unreal 2K4.

My Kid - "XBOX already have it and it looks better on console"

Me - " Ahaaaa,but I only use Mouse and Keyboard to play those games"

My kid - "You got me there dad,there is no way you'll move to X360 unless you can connect a mouse and Keyboard to it.

Me - "Yea son you are rigth, There is no way ill move from PC to console unless 3 things happen. 1)Mouse input 2)Keyboard Input 3) Monitor input.

My kid - "They are too intelligent not think of that, dad, I'm sure there are thinking of a way."

Me - "When that time arrive, ill consider moving."

My kid " are we getting the X360 then?"

Me - " I already put a deposit on it son."
There are still things you'll be able to do on a PC that you can't do with a console. Productivity applications like office, autocad, etc. come to mind. Outlook/Exchange. Many others ofcourse.

PCs will always continue to evolve - catch up and then surpass consoles. It might take longer this generation but it will happen. If you want to stay on the bleeding edge then you will pay for it. And some people are willing to do that. Which is at least in part why PC gaming will probably not completely die out any time soon. Plus many enthusiasts out there actually enjoy working with the hardware, trying new CPUs/video cards/etc.. Can't do that with a console.
Riptide_NVN said:
So they still haven't fixed the stuttering eh? HL2 was a godawful mess for me. Suttering, crackling, popping audio... It was horrible in certain spots. Still playable but it was a distraction, those issues were. CS:S even had that same problem.

I've found that over the last month or so CS:S works perfectly for me now. So I think they may have addressed that issue. Does HL2 still exhibit this behavior? I haven't reinstalled it so I don't know.

The stuttering goes from system to system. On my old socket 754 with my old 6800 gt agp, I had no stuttering...well, in like 3 or 4 spots in the game, but pretty much unnoticable because the gaps were so far inbetween. With my new socket 939/x800xl pci-e setup, the stuttering makes it to the point of unplayable for my personal tastes. Some may be able to deal with it, all goes to personal pref, but about every 30 seconds - 60 seconds, I'm guranteed a hiccup or stutter. Some spots I can go 5 minutes hiccup free and then BOOM i'll get like 7 of them in 20 seconds to even it out to on average every 30 to 60 seocnds, other times, they just come 30 to 60 secs lol. =) Some people have it some don't, all depends on each system-if you say cs works fine for you, odds are hl2 will as well. Both using the same engine, so it pretty much says your in the clear =)

As for bootlegging...
i'm too picky to bootleg a game, I need the original box, instructions, manual, etc. I'm just picky like that. I mean, in the past, I have bootlegged games as a "rental" I'd play them for about 3 days, determine if I like it or not and then delete it and go out and buy it or come to the decision I dont want it....either way I took it off my HD in 5 days at most. This way if I craved more, I made myself buy it, and furthermore, I NEED that box and jewel case =) See, steam kills that for me though, I dont like a game with no box or instructions, u ....well I need that kind of stuff, I need to show something for my purchase, aside from a blue bar showing me how much % I have downloaded. ;)

Anyways, yea piracy is a big issue, but I dont think it's any worse in pc gaming than it is in the movie and/or music industry, and their flourishing...even consoles are starting to get bootlegged more often....
|0b0 said:
The stuttering goes from system to system.
My experience was similar. I could go 10-20 minutes with not a single pop or stutter and then hit a certain spot where it would do it for 30 seconds straight. I don't know what it was but it seemed worse in certain areas of certain maps. Evidently valve didn't know what was going on either, seeing as how it apparently isn't fixed even now. At least not for everyone. I might have to reinstall HL2 just to see if it still does this now that CS:S seems to work well for me. With my luck once I get HL2 back on there it'll start stuttering badly, and in CS:S again as well. ;)
Anyways, yea piracy is a big issue, but I dont think it's any worse in pc gaming than it is in the movie and/or music industry, and their flourishing...even consoles are starting to get bootlegged more often....
I don't have a huge issue with people copying games, as long as once they get a taste of it they either remove it or buy it. I don't think that's all that unreasonable. But it's like eating out @ a restaurant: don't eat half the plate before you ask for a refund. ;)

Here's the thing though. Piracy hurts worse in a market where the margins are thinner. PCs hurt more from it than the entertainment industry where margins are probably much nicer and where you are moving much more product.
A console isn't competing with a PC on productivity, it's solely about entertainment. People are going to already have a computer just like they'll already have a TV. You pick where you want your future gaming (upgrades) to be. Everyone has their own definition of quality.

If you go console, it opens up a lot more computer choices for you that may directly benefit productivity and the overall computing experience (i.e. tablet PCs or Macs), simply because you don't have to worry about gaming capabilities.
Abysmal said:
A console isn't competing with a PC on productivity, it's solely about entertainment.
Yes I know but an earlier poster mentioned how his son stated he could now surf the internet on the xbox. While somewhat of an entertainment application, that particular use bleeds over into productivity as well.

My only point is that MS would be insane to port productivity apps over and get them running on the xbox.
Well I just wanted to say something about keyboards and mice on consoles. . .It's just not the same. I don't know about you guys but when I play a console game it's so I can relax, not worry about any settings or tweaking, just sit back on my couch and play but if we had keyboards and mice. . .well we'd need a table in front of us. Which is the same thing as just playing it on the computer. So I personally don't see a point of keyboards and mice on consoles but I will agree that FPS need one (which is why I play them on the computer). I hope I make sense :S Oh well, consoles are simpler and they will always have that kind of appeal to them even though computers will surpass them.
Sounds like PC gaming would improve if a cheaper, standardized version came out... Phantom! :D


Whether or not PC games die, consoles should be the gaming platform of choice. I don't mean 'should' as a prediction but as a requirement. And I'm a PC gamer; the newest console I have is PS1 (and SNES, both for nostalgia gaming.)

There's no real reason why consoles shouldn't become THE gaming platform. Every deficiency can be corrected. Off the top of my head the needs are thus:

- High-definition support - will happen over time
- keyboard/mouse - Should be a trivial addition, no?
- HDD - for patches. Xbox doesn't have one, does it? They're coming, regardless.
- GUI-based OS - for modding potential (requires the above 2) - For modding goodness (and a host of other things.)

Then you basically have a PC at a fraction of the cost of gaming PCs, one that is GUARANTEED to work with the latest titles until the next hardware refresh. One that doesn't take up a ton of room, make a lot of noise or require weeks/months of research to put together just so. Plus various other reasons.

It makes sense to me. Still, I'm going to stick with PCs as long as I can because that's the way I am. I don't see the PC market exploding anytime soon though. Probably never.
To those who say I'm done with PC gaming when these Next-Gen Consoles come out.

I call Shenanigans!!
These stupid threads won't die. These things have been said about so many consoles from years past. It has never happened. People GET OVER it. PC GAMING WILL NOT DIE BECAUSE OF A CONSOLE.

It will die, if everyone of you quits buying PC games and starts buying consoles. THAT'S what would make PC games die. They are still making money on PC games. Look at how much money Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 made. There is ALOT of money to be made there.

Graphics wise, PC's usually lead the way, the consoles catch up for awhile, then are surpassed everytime. Why? Because consoles change every 4 or 5 years. PC's change alot in that time frame.

The level of immersion I get when playing PC games, vs console games always has kept me gaming on the PC. The type of games each platform gets are different. One will not replace the other. In time, they'll eventually become one. Everything in the home is becomming one piece of equipment.

Sooner or later, you'll really buy some PC like thing and hook up periphrials to it and that will be your stereo/theatre/PC/console and it will become more of a appliance that you see in every home, like a microwave or TV.
Sir-Fragalot said:
These stupid threads won't die. These things have been said about so many consoles from years past. It has never happened. People GET OVER it. PC GAMING WILL NOT DIE BECAUSE OF A CONSOLE.

It will die, if everyone of you quits buying PC games and starts buying consoles. THAT'S what would make PC games die. They are still making money on PC games. Look at how much money Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 made. There is ALOT of money to be made there.

Graphics wise, PC's usually lead the way, the consoles catch up for awhile, then are surpassed everytime. Why? Because consoles change every 4 or 5 years. PC's change alot in that time frame.

The level of immersion I get when playing PC games, vs console games always has kept me gaming on the PC. The type of games each platform gets are different. One will not replace the other. In time, they'll eventually become one. Everything in the home is becomming one piece of equipment.

Sooner or later, you'll really buy some PC like thing and hook up periphrials to it and that will be your stereo/theatre/PC/console and it will become more of a appliance that you see in every home, like a microwave or TV.

This should really be the last post in this thread.
I was under the impression that this type of convergence is what MS wants in the long run anyways. Playing games on the PC directly from the disc, using a universal joystick layout.

I still think that there is too much money involved in the PC gaming industry, even though a lesser amount the consoles, to have it die. What do I see on the front page of Asus' website? "Motherboard fore the gaming enthusiast"..."the P5wd2 Premimum using the newest ...." There is just way to much money involved among the tech companies to allow for it to happen. I agree that a) console and PC will converge, b) there will always be PC for other uses (Reason 3.0, CuBase, productivity, etc) c) PC will always allow for the top graphics and performance at a given point into the generation of console that is available.

Admittedly, we may see fewer "top tier" games, but there will always be someone to make games on the PC that surpass what can be done on a consolel, simply because there are too many people who make money off of us, that can't get involved in the console gaming. Consoles are closed systems, and unless you got an in with Sony, MS or Nintendo (like intel, IBM, Nvidia and ATI), you are shut out. Nobody is going to buy a 200 dollar motherboard, 400 dollar graphics card, the 70 dollar gaming mouse, etc., if there is nothing on the platform to show where you money has been put. Also, think about the focus of most computer sites, such as this one. Gaming is a prime focus, and they make money off of it as well. All I can conclude is that while PC gaming may become niche, it won't die. Sure, the "golden era" is over, but I don't mind.

The truth of the matter is that there are three groups of people who are truely affected by these "threads" on the death of PC gaming.. 1) PC !!!!!!s and 2) People who spent alot of money on their PC for gaming and fear that they may lose out on good games, or 3) that a $300 dollar device may be technically superior and offer better gaming performance than a $1000+ PC. For the first group, there really is no answer for them except "PC is teh b3st!!!" In reality, if you like "gaming", then you shouldn't care about where you do it. As for the second and third. I will admit I am partially in that group. While my computer is by no means top of the line, my 4ghz P4 and 6600gt weren't cheap, and are definitely more expensive in combination with a motherboard and DDR2 memory than any console will be. However, so long as a few games come out for the PC that showcase it's power, I don't mind, because if there are games on a console that I want to play, I'll just decide if it is worth getting the console to play those games. But my investment will be worth it if I can play those few games that are the best available in video gaming at the time.

For me, I have such little time, that I game more on my PC simply because I am in front of it more, and it is convenient. I will not deny that consoels have their place. I have a gamecube, and Mario Kart, and Mario party, etc. are great games to play with friends over. Each has their own purpose, and they do not have to be mutually exclusive unless you feel the need to justify using only one or the other.
I love PC Games, nothing like the instant gratification of a fps. The only console I own is a gamecube, cause it was inexpensive and my fiance got it for me cause she is the best. However with the new consoles comming out I will probably leave my PC as it is and focus on console gaming.


I already own a sweet 50in HDTV and a nice 7.1 surround sound setup, I have found playing Resident Evil 4, Tales of Symphonia, and Zelda infinately more enjoyable than many of the top tier games fo the last year on the PC. I pretty much use my PC strictly for web browsing/e-mail/paying bills as well as a little bit of graphic design. I purchased Halflife 2 and Doom3, and beat them both in a few days they were very enjoyable but not much more than eye candy and rehashed gameplay. I think it is silly to even compare the cost of an HDTV and surround sound to the cost of a high end pc. HDTV and surround sound isn't designed as an interface for the console but for television and movies. It is something that most people will have or already have independant of video game consoles. I however won't have a monitor and pc speakers without a pc... Not to mention the consoles will have the benefit of true surround sound, most PC speakers aren't setup by the user for true surround sound, they are often sitting at the far edge of a desk or 3 feet from the listening position, not enough distance for full immersion. I get a lot more scares and fun out of playing resident evil 4 late at night on my big screen for $150 dollars beyond my home theater setup than I did playing doom3 on my $2k pc, amittedly at the sacrifice of eye candy.

Odds are that with the new generation consoles that web browsing/keyboard-mouse controls will be available. Webpages on 1080i or 720p will be easy to navigate and read, however I will probably still use a pc for this purpose since I will need one for design/webpage work.

I will hold my final judgement until the xbox360 comes out, however if the experience is 25% more enjoyable than my simple gamecube I will be a devotee and may consider getting a mac mini to save on space and eliminate the roaring jet noise my oc'd pc produces.

Chris-long time reader first time poster
The way I see it is PC gaming won't die because too many people like a mouse and keyboard way too much. People like all the mods and other goodies that they can easily get with PC games. The new consoles may promise these things but I doubt that anyone will devote time to these when doing it for a PC game is easier and anyone can do it.

The one thing I do see these new consoles posibly doing is killing media center PC's. I have had a Media Center PC and got rid of it because I couldn't use it for anything if it was sitting in the living room. I would have to download or rip everything on one PC and send it to the MCPC. It too much time having to manage windows and preventing viruses and spyware and all the headaches that come with PC's.

PC gaming won't die with these new consoles but PC media centers may. It's a long shot but they may. They have the capabilities to play all the media my PC does.
I'll tell you why these threads won't die:
Deam and Ravenous are putting out excellent arguements that make perfect sense (I may be biased becasue I agree with them), and the only response is been a gutteral roar from the diehard PC m4f1a. I'll stop posting - and may even get a 850xt with my next computer if anyone can give me a game that's coming next year that will push beyond what I have: I can run HL2 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF like butta. Doom 3 is a bit much at that res but I didn't like it anyway (Shadows still don't work in Homeworld 2). Maybe my tastes are changing, too. I could care less about BF2 and F.E.A.R and instead am looking forward to CIV4 and SimCity5.

BTW - How does Pirates! fare on a good rig?
sfuller said:
KOTOR II was a real shame in this manner. Deus Ex 2 also.

I think that I'm going to stop investing in PCs so much and go to console for gaming, save something spectacular like CIV 4 and SimCity 5. I don't see a real hardware pusher for a long time, you can see that from the E3. Of course I'll have a pimp rig, but I don't think I'm going for straight graphics anymore...I'll go for multitasking with a Athlon 64x2 and 2 gigs on my next machine, in a SFF case, with a middle of the road graphics option. Maybe quiet will be my next build. Hopefully I can use Tiger on it!

What do you think the next AAA title for PC will be? One that'll make smoke pour out the beast? Don't you think chilling on the PC upgrades is called for? I've staved off with what I have now for like two years, a new record in the thirteen years that I've been building them...

F.E.A.R. ;)

Really a lot of people aren't even arguing on the topic.... it's not what do you like better, what's more cost effective. Like RE4 on a HDTV over HL2 on a swanky monitor is really a personal preference. Hurray choices!! Guy above me will be playing games on his XT, maybe stave off the upgrades for abit with the new consoles... buying a $500 graphics card in the first place leads me to believe when the large discrepancy in graphics returns.... just might be out graphics whoring with me in 2007. So dead... no!
This is my prediction. With in the next 10-15 years the PC Gaming industry will change, along with the console, gradually over that period. NOT DIE, but change. My thinking is as console systems grow the line between what is know as a PC and a Console will grow very very thin. I think it will be extremely hard to distinguish whats a console or PC without looking at the brand (Sony, Microsoft,Gcube,etc) Consoles of the future, will run a full OS and full PC like apps, just like it's PC counterpart. So eventually the systems will grow so similiar that they will eventually just have to join hands and frolic together. So no the PC gaming industry isn't going to die, I think the will eventually merge into the same market.
pistola said:
This is my prediction. With in the next 10-15 years the PC Gaming industry will change, along with the console, gradually over that period. NOT DIE, but change. My thinking is as console systems grow the line between what is know as a PC and a Console will grow very very thin. I think it will be extremely hard to distinguish whats a console or PC without looking at the brand (Sony, Microsoft,Gcube,etc) Consoles of the future, will run a full OS and full PC like apps, just like it's PC counterpart. So eventually the systems will grow so similiar that they will eventually just have to join hands and frolic together. So no the PC gaming industry isn't going to die, I think the will eventually merge into the same market.

I agree. Of course I did say something to that effect before. :D
I call a bar with no girls in it "dead", so go figure. I think when people speak of the "death" of PC Gaming, my interpretation is not the absolute cessation of developing, but the lurch of it: and how can anyone say that it hasn't turned into a blue-hair?

And yes, I am (was) a graphics whore, I bought a 800xt for about 500 bucks last time, upgrading from a 9700p. But, the new machine is a 700 series, PCIe. Just an example of how I'm spending the money on the next one. 2gig ram and a dual core that's clocked at what I have now so I can do more at once - and at the expense of gaming. I think that's my future at least - and it's *my* prediction of what the market will turn into, due to the games that will be available for consoles; what they will look like, and what they will offer, content wise.

How much better can you get beyond HL2 in the FPS realm? Strategy games don't usually tax the machine - and the only ones I want will probably be pretty spartan anyway. Opinions from a pretty seasoned PC gamer (I'm sure there are some that are cooler than I): My first computer was a Packard Bell 386/16 for Wing Commander and Loom. I never stopped working to keep up with the hardware necessities of the new shit-hot game. I think I've been through at least ten full blown systems; I can't tell you how much time I spent just working to get the money to do that!
Moose777 said:
This thread is still around?

Shouldn't it have died a long time ago?

Yeah, but if you cut its head off 3 more will grow in its place.
Sir-Fragalot said:
I agree. Of course I did say something to that effect before. :D

Well they say great minds thing alike, and forgive me im at work and didn't really have time to read all bagillion pages of this thread. :)
pistola said:
So no the PC gaming industry isn't going to die, I think the will eventually merge into the same market.
Maybe, maybe not. If Microsoft ported all their apps over to a console, so that you didn't need a PC any more, then you can forget them making any more money off of their Windows licenses. I just don't see that likely to be happening. It is advantageous for them to keep the two separate enough that you need BOTH of them in your household.

Microsoft does not want to subsidize your PC like it does the console. Thus the two remain separate.
hikeskool said:
This should really be the last post in this thread.

Since we are ASKING for opinions on this subject in response to a recently published article, you will forgive me when I tell everyone to ignore these types of responses in this thread.

Everyone else, please continue to contribute your thoughts and feelings on the subject, they are appreciated.
Riptide_NVN said:
Maybe, maybe not. If Microsoft ported all their apps over to a console, so that you didn't need a PC any more, then you can forget them making any more money off of their Windows licenses. I just don't see that likely to be happening. It is advantageous for them to keep the two separate enough that you need BOTH of them in your household.

Microsoft does not want to subsidize your PC like it does the console. Thus the two remain separate.

Whose to say that they may build some sort of Windows for Consoles???
Riptide_NVN said:
If Microsoft ported all their apps over to a console, so that you didn't need a PC any more

If that happened, then Xbox 360 = $300 MiniMac Killer
Teh reason that won't really happen is because of the reason I said. There is an entire economy based on PC's, and high-powered PC's as well. WinXP on XBOX severely damages a large number of tech companies who sell to the mainstream consumer. If MS ported XP to the XBOX360, gave it a mouse and keyboard, there would be serious questions for those who paid $1000-$2000 dollars for similar technology in thier PC, as opposed to the 300 dollar XBOX. However, for all the "productivity" uses I get out of my PC, they could not be done on a couch, but require a desk. So if they did it, I don't think I, personally, would really use it that much as a full out PC. However, you really have to consider the full PC market when considering such things. It's the same reason why we don't have electric cars in full force yet. The tech has been around for a long time, but in doing so, you would in one day destroy a billion dollar oil industry. So, it doesn't happen. That is at least my opinion.

However, I don't see a problem the other way around, i.e. making the PC more XBOX friendly, if not eventually 100% directly compatible. MS still gets the royalties for the games, and they lose money on the console. So, what do they care where you play your XBOX games, be it console or PC.

Console on an expansion card? Hmm.....
mcravenufo said:
Whose to say that they may build some sort of Windows for Consoles???
See Deam's reply just above. He is saying exactly what I am.

IOW, it's not gonna happen. MS doesn't want to subsidize your PC and bastardize their market. No way, no how.
It's sad to see so many people in denial about the gradual decline of the PC gaming industry. The numbers speak for themselves. Every year the console industry sales increase significantly over previous years while the sales of PC games gradually decline.
WickedAngel said:
It's sad to see so many people in denial about the gradual decline of the PC gaming industry. The numbers speak for themselves. Every year the console industry sales increase significantly over previous years while the sales of PC games gradually decline.

Prove it.

And why does MS have to be the one to bridge the PC/console gap? Maybe sony or someone else come up with a OS that bridges the gap between the systems, MS isn't the all mighty god of OSs there is other people out there.
Steve said:
You do have a point, a very valid point. I can EASILY see someone deciding on a new HDTV (they are rapidly falling in price) and console instead of buying a new PC. With PCs being so powerful right now, arguably more powerful than anything the average user needs them for, I could see folks rationalize the HDTV/console purchase and put off a PC upgrade.

Then again. My PCs are SOOOO much more than a console. They do games better AND do everything else. I think Microsoft has realized that and that is why the Xbox360 is incorporating many of the things we rely on PCs for. Hell, if the Xbox360 did regular e-mail.... :eek:

Same here, PC's are better in my point of view, but i do game on both...
there are certin games for PC that i love
and games for xbox that i love...
i play both about the same about of time