Next-Gen consoles = Death of PC Gaming?

qdemn7 said:
If (very large IF) Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo could ever get over their mutual antagonism for one another,

Honestly...I could SERIOUSLY see Microsoft plopping down the cash to buy Nintendo...or controlling interest. That would bring all the games into their stable and give them a handheld with instant credibility.

Then again...I could be high on dog food.
I don't necessarily agree that PC gaming will die, but I think a LOT more people will consider their stance on the situation. The primary reason being.. $$$$..

Lets think about this. To get an R520, one of the top versions that doesnt have its pipes crippled, will likely be over $500. Now to get full use out of that you have to have a pretty fast cpu, at least I would say a 3+ghz P4, or a 3200+ A64. Theres another ~200 for cpu, ~100 for mobo, and ~125 for ram (assuming 512mb). Now your up to $900, throw in your hard drives, optical drive, case, expensive PSU since your card sucks juice, oh and fancy lcd's.. which puts you easily over $1k for a system that is capable of actually playing games at 1920x1080 resolution... and a screen that can do that is another $1k.

Contrast that to a console that is only going to cost around $500.. there is a serious price discrepancy there.

I just hope graphics card people stop charging such obscene amounts for cards... 1 card costs more than an entire console system... its out of wack.
SgtSweatySac said:
Sure, it's more expensive for us to upgrade, but considering the amount of activities that a PC is capable of (plus, you know, the ENTIRE mod scene) I highly doubt we'll be seeing the death of PC gaming anytime soon.


I might consider a console when I can use a keyboard & mouse effectively, surf the net, create a text document, pay my bills, and do anything that generally just comes to mind.
Steve said:
Honestly...I could SERIOUSLY see Microsoft plopping down the cash to buy Nintendo...or controlling interest. That would bring all the games into their stable and give them a handheld with instant credibility.

Then again...I could be high on dog food.
No, that's a damn good idea. Gates has enough money, that's for sure. If I were him, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
It also pisses me off that I miss games like Zelda and Metroid because I don't known a GC...
S1nF1xx said:

qdemn7 said:
No, that's a damn good idea. Gates has enough money, that's for sure. If I were him, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Gates has floated this idea before, but the CEO of Nintendo has made it clear that the company is not for sale. It is an issue of being a family dynasty for one and Japanese pride for another. Nintendo is a very old company (over a hundred years old) and is certainly not selling out.
Ok. For the final time, the consoles will be better than PCs for a while and then it will shift. For those of you who buy consoles, you will be stuck with the same hardware for the next 4-6 years while the PC hardwars will go through many cycles. At the end of the next generation cycle, the PCs will be much better than the consoles and then when a new generation is released, everyone will say, "PC GAMING IS DYING!!!"
Game developers will kill the PC not consoles and frankly I dont blame them , easier to develop and more profitable (usually) so I think its wrong to assume that hardware superiority is the key to gaming. Yes there allways be pc gaming but if the title makes a heap more profit on a console then a person gotta be braindead to focus on a less profitable platform. As for us getting the cards first ,well we do make good guinea pigs as its been proven by the countless game titles that have problems running on certain setups.
This prediction will never EVER become a reality. The only thing new consoles can do is steal away a few of the noobs who we'd rather see leave the community in the first place. The community which is established with all PC gamers is a much more competitive and fun community than any console community. If you have doubts about this, just remember establishments such as CAL and TWL, game communities which will never die. Unless the PC system itself dies will gaming ever migrate to a new system, but for now and the visible future, the PC owns gaming.
S1nF1xx said:
my two cents....what would console gaming be without pc's? one example....GTA

i know there are a lot of console cross overs....(Halo), but what about games that are best played on a Half-Life1/2 (ever tried playing HL on a ps2??!!?! damn near impossible!), and the whole Doom series was started on the pc....

too much at stake for the pc gaming to die, too much flexiblity....
Steve said:
From the front page:

I want your opinion on this in a clear, concise manner without any flaming. Are these consoles going to be the death of PC gaming? Discuss.

I believe the question needs to be restated…It’s not “Are these consoles going to be the death of PC gaming?” but rather “Is PC Gaming going to be the death of the console?”.

Why? Because consoles have been around longer then PC gaming has (yes, there were some PCs around in the 70s/80s, but not as we know them today). Anyway, a console is nothing more then a custom PC (in a sense) placed in the living room. Also, we have Gates and Co are pushing HTPCs, we have advanced DVRs (again just specialized PCs) recording shows, DVD players (another PC), etc. IMO, there will be an eventual convergence into a very custom HTPC that will incorporate all of there features. You can already see this with the multimedia features that these consoles are pushing. I see the HTPC becoming the future console, DVR, STB, DVD player, game console. With the adoption of Cable Card in the future, a HTPC, with a nice front-end, will be all of these things.

So, no. I don’t see these next gen consoles killing the PC. It’s just a matter of time until the console is assimilated into the living room PC.
Personally I was a strict PC gamer until the xbox and gamecube came out. The vast majority of the games I play since then, like over 95%, are on consoles. If I look back over the past year, I bought over a dozen games per console. For my PC I got one game as a gift (HL2), and that was all. I just love the fact that I can go out and buy a console game and go home and play. No installing, no screwing with resolution, AA, etc and I don't have to worry about if the system is up to the task. Downloadable content on PCs is great, too bad most of the content I end up downloading is patches. If I remember correctly, the Revolution and 360 will both have downloadable content.

I know within my group of friends that PC gaming is an endangered species. We will continue to occasionally PC game as long as there are must have PC only titles. If a game comes out on both PC and console, we all get the console version. Do I see PC gaming dying any time soon, no; do I see PC game sales slumping when the new consoles are released, definately.
I don't get it, a lot of people are saying that PCs are expensive. If you have a nice video card you have to have a nice CPU to go with it and a nice monitor, etc etc etc. (Despite the fact that PC does a lot more than just gaming.)

Well, where did you get the idea that console gaming is CHEAP? To get the most out of console gaming you have to buy a good HDTV which costs thousands of dollars, and a good sound system, nice couch, stuff like that. In my opinion console gaming is actually a lot more expensive than PC gaming. Sure you can cheap out and play on a 13" TV, well you can cheap out with a PC as well but the experience won't be the same, makes sense?
The PC will never die. Simply because console systems are becoming PCs.

Console systems have hardware so much in common with PCs that eventually they'll become a PC. Ethernet? Harddrive? PowerPC processors up the wazzu!

Hook up a keyboard, a mouse, and add a printer then you suddenly have a PC.

Besides PCs are best for RPG games like WOW. Not to forget everyones favorite first person shooter games. It is and will always be better on PC.

Besides what makes people think that next generation consoles won't cost? I'm betting that it'll cost you at least $350 to $500 for one of these bad boys.
cokane5227 said:
Well, where did you get the idea that console gaming is CHEAP? To get the most out of console gaming you have to buy a good HDTV which costs thousands of dollars, and a good sound system, nice couch, stuff like that.

the cost of all that put together would net you one killer computer by any standards...HDTV's may be getting cheaper, but they are still well over 1300 (i'm canadian, so if that price seems high, thats what we have to put up with up here :mad: ) for a good tv....then you've got to get the surround sound....

my logitech z-560's, albeit 4.1, i wouldn't trade them for anything....except maybe the upgrade in the product line :D

i like my computer gaming, i can't get around the controllers anymore....i need the keyboard/mouse combo, i feel too restricted with a controller
Who's to say PC gaming isn't already in its death spiral? Allow me to argue as Devil's Advocate.

Once upon a time ago, I could walk into a store like Software Etc., or Babbages, Electronic's Boutique, Best Buy, you name it ... the number of PC titles staggered the mind. I'm harkening back to the late eighties, early nineties. Shelf upon shelf of titles. I could spend an hour just checking the racks to see what was available. Today? I go through Best Buy and its one aisle, or Electronics Boutique and have to ask the shopkeeper where the PC titles have been shuffled to this week. "Oh, its way back there in the farthest corner."

E3 the last few years should be a fairly strong indicator. E3 2005 was shockingly bereft of much more than a few titles that caught my attention. This year, I had to strain to find something. Anything. Bethesda's Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Check. F.E.A.R. Check. Um ... what else? Spore? I'm sure I'm forgetting SOMETHING and that's the problem. Why can't I remember?

One cannot argue that PC gaming has been in a decline the last 5 to 7 years. I know many of you will point to Half Life 2, Doom 3, Far Cry and such, and this and that. These have been the all too rare jewels in the last 3 years for heaven's sake. The Adventure Game genre is all but kaput. Flight simulators? A handful. War sims? An even smaller handful. Racing? Team sports? Or name the last boxing game on the PC? All we've got nowadays are knockoff shooters and RTS games. The truth is there are far less games showing up on the PC than there used to be ... and there are numerous reasons for this ... not just because of the consoles. But they play a role, and not necessarily for the reasons commonly suggested.

The most often argument I hear is ... "Yeah, that console may be kick ass for a year or so, but eventually the PC will catch up." Okay. Sure. No argument there. Such will always be the case. Consoles are solid state (more or less ... what about the future?) whereas PC's are modular. But there's an interesting item to be aware of: the cost of cutting edge hardware is always expensive. Because consoles generally come in under the $300 ~ $350 mark, how much will it cost to keep that PC of ours up to date during the intervening 3 to 5 years between console releases? ~$500 XTPEULTRABootykickerZZtop Edition each year? Anywhere from ~$200 to ~$1000 for the latest MegaCacheQuadDamage CPU every other year? RAM? Hard drive space? It adds up. Fast. Will a PC always be faster in the long run? Yes ... if you have the money to burn. No question.

(But why haven't the cost of video cards come into some normalcy like almost every other PC component? I remember when $1 per megabyte was the measuring stick for HDD. Today, you can get 160GB for $80. That's progress. RAM? Down. Enclosures? Down. Motherboards? Down. Sound cards? Down. The only other thing still ridiculously priced are CPUs.)

The argument shouldn't necessarily be based around whether a PC or Console is more powerful. It should be considered from a reality standpoint. Between Nintendo's Gamecube (forthcoming Revolution), Sony's PlayStation2 (forthcoming PlayStation3), and Microsoft's X-Box (forthcoming X-Box 360), there is a huge base of consumers to target. And that means money. The high-end PC market can't be growing at nearly the same sustained rate, which means less marks (myself included), er, targets. If you're a new developer and have a one shot chance to catch fire ... which market are you aiming for? The one with the least amount of risk, that's which one.

As the consoles become more ubiquitous, and capable of doing more than just playing games, the PC gets squeezed just a little bit more. Even traditional PC developers are admitting that they can't ignore the console market. The migration was gradual, but now we're seeing it more often.

There are plenty contributing factors to the PC's downturn, not least among them the raping of the developer scene by the likes of Microsoft, Interplay (finally dead), Electronic Arts, Eidos, UbiSoft, etc ... At some point, every quality developer got snapped up like hot stocks and then gutted. Black Isle. Looking Glass. Origin Systems. All dead. Even Maxis has suffered forced restructuring at the hands of EA during the height of The Sims popularity. Do I need to go on? Consolidation has been the boogeyman.

Here’s a culprit that no-one will want to admit to … the 3D accelerator. In it’s own way, 3D accelerators have contributed to the problem. Everything needs to be whiz-bang! Pixel Shader 3.0! What? Its in 2D? Cancel the project unless the convert to 3D! Oh, but its an adventure game. A WHAT? CANCEL IT! Yes 3D accelerators brought forth the age of eye candy … but it also forced a narrower focus of games on the market. Developer’s feel the pressure: gotta be visually impressive. But how many people actually have the hardware necessary? By comparison to, say … a console … not many.

Lots of blame to go on. Can't heave it all on consoles ... but they haven't made things easier, that's for sure.

PC gaming isn't dead. It won't be killed by the next round of console launches either. But let us be mindful, the beginning of the end of the golden age of the PC as the primo platform was a few years ago.
CoSWill said:

I might consider a console when I can use a keyboard & mouse effectively, surf the net, create a text document, pay my bills, and do anything that generally just comes to mind.

...that's like saying that you will buy a car once it can fly you to Europe and sail you to the Bermuda Triangle.

Consoles aren't meant to do any of the things you suggested.
Pc games will never die. Just, think about it... As long as there are computers, there will be games for it. They always say that," OH MAN! The Ps2 is so powerful, this will be the end of Pc games!" They say something like that everytime a console comes out.

Steve said:
From the front page:

I want your opinion on this in a clear, concise manner without any flaming. Are these consoles going to be the death of PC gaming? Discuss.
zamardii said:
Pc games will never die. Just, think about it... As long as there are computers, there will be games for it. They always say that," OH MAN! The Ps2 is so powerful, this will be the end of Pc games!" They say something like that everytime a console comes out.

The fact that PCs will still exist doesn't mean they will still be used as gaming machines. PC manufacturers sell most of their products with completely inadequate VGA cards (Think Intel Extreme! graphics here) because they know their core demographic isn't going to give a damn.

You're right; it's said every time a new console is released. It also happens to become a bit more true every time they say it.
HighHardOne said:
PC gaming isn't dead. It won't be killed by the next round of console launches either. But let us be mindful, the beginning of the end of the golden age of the PC as the primo platform was a few years ago.

Quite possibly the truest and saddest statement about the state of games I've ever heard. I'm not that old and I harken back to Star Control II, Wing Commander, The Dig, Ultima VII...I could go on forever. I used to think it was me growing up, but the truth is that quality PC games have become more rare.

Last year I bought The Sims 2, HL2, Doom3, Full Spectrum Warrior, Far Cry, and KOTOR II. The only game I have on my computer now is Civ III, and it's been a few months after the "top and bottom of the year" reformat. But I'm still playing Burnout 3, Resident Evil 4, and Star Ocean 3. I can't put Lumines down.

At least there's Civ IV soon. I'm even trading up to get a laptop w/ decent 3D so I can take it around.

I have a GC, PS2, PSP, and PC. Lumines is like crack. Seriously.
How can consoles kill pc's when consoles nowadays are almost pc's themselves?

With this in mind, they're killing themselves since they're evolving into pc's. What these "consol" game programmers will most likely end up doing is programming games for pc's instead.

Atm, for me, pc games are going nowhere including dying.
A few points...
1) While hardware spec changes for a PC every year...A console spec must hold it up for about 5 - 6 years ...(Yeah, I know its less than a year but how many people can really afford to completly change pcs every 3 months when something new comes out...) This means that even if games do look better on the XBox or PS3 rigth now they wont a year or two down the road...
2) That was only reffering to graphical quality of games...In terms of content, pc games are usually much more involving and richer...and even thought now most games make their way from pc to the console, its not the same playing it on one than on the other. I probably would say that the only games that play better on consoles are Sports games and Mario - Kart...
3) I remember someone say here at [H]ardOCP in a review that XBOX games will not be able to actually use all the power of the console until after a few years when programmers learn develop its full capacity...

Coclusions : Consoles are fun, I have an XBOX and love to play Burnout 3 and Fifa 2005...But ANYONE WHO SAYS THAT CONSOLES WILL KILL PC GAMING, HAS NEVER PLAYED PC GAMES OR NEVER SHOULD HAVE...
Consoles won't be the death of pc gaming. Lack of games that people want to play will be the death of pc gaming. Add to that the game requirements to play that pc game decently. Incompatibility issues also come to mind. Sometimes these issues and things are easy to fix... and sometimes they are not.

I have been a gamer ever since I was young. I have gamed on many platforms (consoles that played simple games like pong and pc's where you had to type in each line of code to play a simple game) over the years. Both have come a long way since their introduction. But consoles are still the easiest way to game. And no pc is going to beat a console in that respect. Gaming is the sole function of a console no matter what extra features are added.

There are pro's and con's to both.... but one thing is certain. Gaming is evolveing and the best features of both are starting to merge.
sfuller said:
Quite possibly the truest and saddest statement about the state of games I've ever heard. I'm not that old and I harken back to Star Control II, Wing Commander, The Dig, Ultima VII...I could go on forever. I used to think it was me growing up, but the truth is that quality PC games have become more rare.

I Agree, the best RPG ive ever played its still, (and probably always be Ultima VII) but this happens with everything...movies now are not what they used to be, for the most part, theres is alot o hollywood crap out there. But theres is also still some serious quality movies made from time to time...Just because some people release crap, doesnt mean noone is making quality games...Besides thats as relative as it gets, what might be crap for someone, might be gold for other... HL (1) was an excellent game... and many more ive played have been, though not terribly good, they were fun...
I don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet, but I feel the need to.

What some people don't realize is that by the time these consoles are released, the R520 and G70 and dualcore processors and physx card will all be highly circulated in the PC realm.
Not only that, but my prediction based on what I've seen so far is that the Xbox360 and PS3 are receiving the same lackluster games with mildly upgraded graphics, or watered down PC ports.
You can argue all day about which is faster, but that doesn't mean a thing if the games suck.
One thing to consider is that PC graphics development has become R&D for consoles, which why we are seeing G70 and R520 variants in them. Also the cost point is flawed, console hardware is sold at or below cost and subsidized with software licensing, it is a closed razor handle with proprietary blades.
Well, seeing how E3 was very week PC wise this year I think PC gaming isnt dead but its 3 more steps close to the grave. Here is why:

1. Next-Gen consoles will support HD up to 1080p. That means true hi-res gaming at 42 inches and larger.

2. Next-Gen consoles ease of use. All XBOX games are 1 DVD disc you just pop in as with the PC it takes multiple obsolete CDs to load. Doom 3 for example.

3. Support for Next-Gen internet games is growing rapidly and VOIP ready too. Something not all PC games support out of the box.

I love my hi-end PC but I see the only thing saving it is RTS games and the keyboard/mouse combo. If the consoles ever got a good handle on those then the PC gaming market would take dive.
Glow said:
This is the only thing that made this post worth reading

haha, agreed, that drawing was priceless.

My opinion. I've switched from being a PC gamer to being a console gamer on the release of the Xbox. The reason being that I did not have money for a computer. I enjoy the xbox, and i plan to get the xbox 360.

The PC will always remain the top of the gaming....damn it is so hard to form these sentences this late in the night.

Basically until the PC makes some radical changes (ie its no longer needed, other devices take its place) the PC will remain #1 gaming platform.


ps. Im getting back into PC gaming next week. Just placed my newegg order today, yesss, FINALLY!
i cant stand console controllers...thats my only complaint with em,and yes,some of that has to do with me,i cant aim for crap with one,gimme a mouse and keyboard any day,when they get to that point...then maybe id think about picking up my DustBox,er Xbox again. exactly wtf any 1st person shooter is doing on a console still baffles me.even if your the best aimer on the planet with say,and xbox controller,the respone time is no where near that of a mouse,and thats my 3 cents :D
LeviathanV said:
I Agree, the best RPG ive ever played its still, (and probably always be Ultima VII) but this happens with everything...movies now are not what they used to be, for the most part, theres is alot o hollywood crap out there. But theres is also still some serious quality movies made from time to time...Just because some people release crap, doesnt mean noone is making quality games...Besides thats as relative as it gets, what might be crap for someone, might be gold for other... HL (1) was an excellent game... and many more ive played have been, though not terribly good, they were fun...

Right on, everyone isn't me...but you can say, objectively, that the market was saturated with PC games in 1992, and wasn't very much so in 2004, or the previous three years. Switching to my opinion, I don't remember the golden age extending past the death of the Voodoo - becasue HL and CIV3 were aberrations, and maybe a select few like the Sims or Starcraft...I could be called picky...

Someone mentioned 3D acceleration as the culprit and it's definitely a fishy coincidence. Have you ever noticed that old movies on TV are always 3-4 stars and new ones are impossible to come by - is that media fascism or what? Am I a fascist with this belief of a "golden age"?
As long as "developers" still tout games like the Halo, uh, "series" as, "t3h n3\/\/ revelotion for teh gaming! lol!!!! woot!!11!!!1!!!1!!!one!!!!!!!eleven!!!1!!!" PCs will always be superior to consoles for gaming.
this thread is bullsh!t , i hate people who say pc gaming is finished, they need a slap back to reality and realize that by teh time both these consoles are out, pc's will become more powerful...

thats all that needs 2 b said about that!!!
Three things that I believe will make PC's more powerful compared to consoles. PCs always evolve.

1. Dual Core CPUs.

2. AGEIA Physics Processor.

3. POV-Ray graphic cards. If they ever come.
My future vision:

Will PCs beat consoles?
No because:
You can't beat that couch gaming on a big tv feel.
It's fun to sit next to your friends.
Consoles are cheap.

Will consoles beat PCs
No because:
You'll never catch the hardcore cs player with a controller
It's awesome to play online with 32 people
PCs are multipurpose

He're what I see. The PC and the console will hybridize. That's right. Your 2000 dollar PC will actually function more like a server that can also balance your checkbook and play "desk games" It will have a raid 5 array, will stay on 24/7 and be constantly downloading/storing content. It will hold movies, games, apps, music, whatever.

Your console will be a game system/pc extender that can pull content from your PC/Server to play couch games, watch movies, play music, or surf the internet. You will have one in every room. Your kids will have one.

It's coming. Think hybrid! ;)
I wish a game develloper would come out and talk about how hard/not hard it is to port games to the PC. As drastic as the cpu's may be different... at the very least it seems both PS3 and Xbox360 are directX gaming boxes. Several cores may be nice, lol, but it's too bad they are not Athlons. ;)

Don't even developpment boxes early on have various PC parts, Mac stuff? PC's and PC-esque equipment involved in the creation of games no doubt. Anyways, it may not be a full on hybrid type thing, but a little on accident. It seems a lot of games are PC and XBOX this last year just cause sometimes they were the only two viable platforms for them (Xbox only system could probably do Doom, PC users everywhere are blessed with Chronicles of Riddick). And in not too long only xbx360 and PC will have quake4 and Gears of war. PC will always be there to fill in the powerhouse gaps. So where's there's an audience there are the devellopers. Too bad xbox isn't a PC again for us PC users.

Anyways, so long as Blizzard, NCSoft, Epic, Id, Valve are making games... I'll be buying them!
texuspete00 said:
I wish a game develloper would come out and talk about how hard/not hard it is to port games to the PC. As drastic as the cpu's may be different... at the very least it seems both PS3 and Xbox360 are directX gaming boxes. Several cores may be nice, lol, but it's too bad they are not Athlons. ;)

Don't even developpment boxes early on have various PC parts, Mac stuff? PC's and PC-esque equipment involved in the creation of games no doubt. Anyways, it may not be a full on hybrid type thing, but a little on accident. It seems a lot of games are PC and XBOX this last year just cause sometimes they were the only two viable platforms for them (Xbox only system could probably do Doom, PC users everywhere are blessed with Chronicles of Riddick). And in not too long only xbx360 and PC will have quake4 and Gears of war. PC will always be there to fill in the powerhouse gaps. So where's there's an audience there are the devellopers. Too bad xbox isn't a PC again for us PC users.

Anyways, so long as Blizzard, NCSoft, Epic, Id, Valve are making games... I'll be buying them!

Argument holds some vaidity (except the amd part...ugh...), but the reason there are so many "multiplatform" games these days is because it's cheaper and easier to do so now then ever before.

All a console team has to do (thing bungie and halo here) is make a pedestrian series like halo one and two, cut a ton of corners, and then port it to a PC in a year or so. Think of red faction. No one liked that game, yet it was ported to the PC just to make a quick buck.

The general rule of thumb is the more platforms a single title is on the worse the game is going to be. This makes total sense. All a dev team has to do is make a "meh" game and it will sell four times the units if it's on all four consoles and the PC.

While four platforms is a stretch, one often sees games like Splinter Cell (really good game, kind of a bad example here) go even further, liscensing on the GBA (I think) and the nGage. So that's even more money.

A good example is the new deus ex game. Here was a title that really had a lot of potential. A decent premise, a hell of a prequel, and the support of the commnuity. I think we can all agree that the game was average at best, and most certainly not a satisfying sequel. But since it hit two platforms, it didn't have to be awesome, since it can sell extra units on the PC.

With the xbox, some PC games could be "ported" to the xbox with just a little work tweaking the levels and such. With the uh, new "next-gen" consoles, this will happen much much more, since they will further be able to compete with PCs tech-wise (at least for the first three months of their existence).

So expect the quality of all games in general, especially FPS, to decline over the next couple of years. After all, all a company has to do is rehash an old concept, throw in a few new vehicles or two, throw in a "catch" such as being able to play as "the enemy", hire David Cross to do the voice acting (he went from Mr. Show to that?), and gloss over the walls with some reflections, and you have a typical bland console shooter.

When the meat-headed console cretins tire of the shiny surfaces, "port" it to the PC to score a quick buck.

That's much better then making a good game from the beginning, isn't it?