New Shooter Taking It Old School

I love the fact that it shows someone scope in and 20 seconds later says "no iron sight aiming".
I love the fact that it shows someone scope in and 20 seconds later says "no iron sight aiming".

How is scoping in with a specialty weapon iron sight aiming? Iron sight aiming is the bullshit where if you have any regular gun, you can magically move slower and become more accurate when "aiming down sights". Unnecessary retarded addition to the FPS genre that adds complexity without adding any fun or skill.
Quake has come back from the dead.
Sign me up and come on and shoot at me.
What? Quake has never been dead. Quake Live has been doing quite well since it's inception and will be on Steam very shortly.
OH WELL GAWD DAMN. I fuckin' like this trailer. Sign me the FUCK up yo. I'm really likin' tha sound of this game. Thank God there are people who still make games like this.
I will probably buy it, I am desperate for anything that doesn't suck horribly so desparate I will try almost anything. The baggage involved with tribes ascend, pay 2 win, crap servers, and their constant attempts to make the game worse to force people to quit gets old fast.

Not much originality definitely looks like a total rip off UT but who cares, epic gave up their right to my care about UT with that atrocity UT3. And the quake players pretty much trashed the quake franchise. HLDM lol its on valve time.

Looks like crap.

Okay, let me fill these developers in. There is NO REASON to play these games if there is no story. Without story and identifiable characters, there is no investment and no reason to bother.

There isn't much of a story to tribes but it was huge. People make up a story as they go, its easy.
How is scoping in with a specialty weapon iron sight aiming? Iron sight aiming is the bullshit where if you have any regular gun, you can magically move slower and become more accurate when "aiming down sights". Unnecessary retarded addition to the FPS genre that adds complexity without adding any fun or skill.

In modern FPS games iron sight aiming is aiming down the sights whether they're open "iron sights" or red dot sights or magnified optics sights. Them saying no iron sights makes it sound like it's strictly hip-fire which isn't the case if they have scoped weapons.
Looks rad.
Looks like crap.

Okay, let me fill these developers in. There is NO REASON to play these games if there is no story. Without story and identifiable characters, there is no investment and no reason to bother.
Back... back to your console! This isn't targeted at the Deus Ex crowd. This is for FPS gamers who want to make their own story.

That said, I'm too old/slow for this game. I hope the vehicles can take more than 3 seconds of damage like the Unreal games.
about time someone has done this.... hope they do it well though... Im very interested and oh my might even pay full price for it
What? Quake has never been dead. Quake Live has been doing quite well since it's inception and will be on Steam very shortly.

I haven't thought about Quake for 10 years.
I played it when it was first released and all the way into Q III Arena.
Awesome game and this reminds me of the real deal.

I'm not fast enough anymore, but I'll still buy this for the fun.:D
I would want to play it myself first before I pass judgement. Vehicles in an FPS, uhg.... If you are gonna go old school at least do it right, with NO vehicles.
Might as well call it reminds me of UT2k4.


In modern FPS games iron sight aiming is aiming down the sights whether they're open "iron sights" or red dot sights or magnified optics sights. Them saying no iron sights makes it sound like it's strictly hip-fire which isn't the case if they have scoped weapons.

No what makes iron sights significant is not the presence or absence of scopes or zooms is the fact that they usually force you to slow down in order to do it and it has a significant effect on the spread of bullets. This causes the games to be incredibly campy because no one can shoot while running as well as a person who is moving slow and iron sighting. This gives the upper hand to campers whom already have the upper hand anyway.
The 4 player package is the best. Even that game nexuis went down to like $5, this would get you in for slightly over double that from the start. The godlike package is kind of weak, they should have thrown 2 more copies of the game in. From what I think the most important part of this game is going to be getting people who are fans of old school FPS to buy packages and distribute them to friends who are COD types.
GDI...requires steam.

Well it is still a good concept and glad to see something like this coming to maket, but that excludes me from playing it. Meh, oh well.
GDI...requires steam.

Well it is still a good concept and glad to see something like this coming to maket, but that excludes me from playing it. Meh, oh well.

I don't mean to sound rude, but doesn't that exclude you from playing a lot of games?
As a 20 year gamer, no storyline is needed. Just need to get frag fix Doom style, not camping in COD.
I'm sure I'll add this to my Steam collection on day one launch. Pisses me off to buy a season pass just to get new maps. Sure miss my old Doom Chronicles game server.
I'm curious if this is banking more off of nostalgia than anything else. I'm happy to see something different come out compared to the COD / BF formula of leveling up, unlocking gear, grind grind grind. One of the things that has helped keep these games (COD/BF) alive for so long is the carrot on a stick method of always giving the player something to work towards, whether it's a level unlock, a new scope, etc.

Of course the older games Toxikk appears to be based on like Quake had long healthy lives without all of those extra things. Would they have lived so long if an alternative like COD was around back then?
I don't mean to sound rude, but doesn't that exclude you from playing a lot of games?

Yes it does, but we are talking about this game in particular here. That and there is very little that is steam exclusive I care about.
Yes it does, but we are talking about this game in particular here. That and there is very little that is steam exclusive I care about.

I see. Hopefully this game will be so good you'll be forced to come to the dark side regardless of your principles :D
Let's take the unreal engine, change nothing but the maps and models, and then sell it like we are bringing it old school
I would love a remake of the original UT2004 using an updated graphics engine. There was nothing more satisfying than UT04 Onslaught mode, flying around and pancaking people in the Manta on my 75lb 22" CRT. Those were the days, it's such a shame we haven't had anything like it since...
How is scoping in with a specialty weapon iron sight aiming? Iron sight aiming is the bullshit where if you have any regular gun, you can magically move slower and become more accurate when "aiming down sights". Unnecessary retarded addition to the FPS genre that adds complexity without adding any fun or skill.

Adds complexity which players have to account for, yet makes it "easier". Contradictory isn't it? :rolleyes:

No what makes iron sights significant is not the presence or absence of scopes or zooms is the fact that they usually force you to slow down in order to do it and it has a significant effect on the spread of bullets. This causes the games to be incredibly campy because no one can shoot while running as well as a person who is moving slow and iron sighting. This gives the upper hand to campers whom already have the upper hand anyway.

"Makes people who think win, so lets take away options so I can run around aimlessly and win to!"

Looking forward to this game, but someone of the comments here go full retard. :p
Let's take the unreal engine, change nothing but the maps and models, and then sell it like we are bringing it old school

I'm OK with that.

Hopefully this game will appeal to an older generation, decreasing the number of kids on the servers.
I've got two commitments for a 4 pack pre order. Need one more. $11.25 does it, PM me if interested.
Looks like UT2k4 and guess who's playing UT2k4 still.

That's right. No one.

I'll keep an eye on this title, but I doubt it's going to be anything worth a shit. The new UT should blow this out the water.
Looks like UT2k4 and guess who's playing UT2k4 still.

That's right. No one.

I'll keep an eye on this title, but I doubt it's going to be anything worth a shit. The new UT should blow this out the water.

You must have missed the last ut release... I have no hope for ut at this point.
You must have missed the last ut release... I have no hope for ut at this point.

You must be referring to UT3 and no I did not miss it. I also do not play it. I still play UT.
I would want to play it myself first before I pass judgement. Vehicles in an FPS, uhg.... If you are gonna go old school at least do it right, with NO vehicles.

Yeah but I don't expect vehicles on duel or 2v2 maps. Context matters.
The trailer throws buzzwords and catchphrases around are you guys are sold? What ever happened to waiting for reviews and feedback, or for the game to actually be released? :(