New Shooter Taking It Old School

This was the reason i played Battlefield 1942 for 7 years and only spent $50.
This was the reason i played Quake 2 for 5 years and only spent $50.

Desert Combat mod for BF.Rocket Arena, Urban Terror (F*** Counterstrike's ripoff of Urban Terror BTW) for Q2. Good Times.

LM2 was my favorite of all time, although RA2 was a big time killer. Once RA3 came along I was hooked as well.

I did BF42 for years too, the original DC mod was awesome, up until v.35 when they started nerfing the apache. I've not enjoyed a modern battlefield series game since (although I do have all of them).

I would wager that if you put a mod into any modern BF game that would allow people choose between the normal 'have to go through the whole class system and play weapons as they are unlocked', versus another version where people can jump in and play any weapon or class they want, all without having to 'level up', people would abandon the whole 'ranking and leveling' bullshit instantly.
The trailer throws buzzwords and catchphrases around are you guys are sold? What ever happened to waiting for reviews and feedback, or for the game to actually be released? :(

Sometimes you gotta have a little faith. 11 bucks buys me BETA access and the game upon release guaranteed. The potential upside way outweighs the risk I just got swindled for could have bought me a large pizza instead....
Sometimes you gotta have a little faith. 11 bucks buys me BETA access and the game upon release guaranteed. The potential upside way outweighs the risk I just got swindled for could have bought me a large pizza instead....
Don't get me wrong; I want this to be good and succeed, but the with the current state of affairs of this industry I find it very difficult to have faith, regardless of how much or little something might cost.

They can finish the game, release it (no, not Early Access) and backup their claims, then maybe I'll give them my money. So far they are doing nothing more than selling us a promise.
The trailer throws buzzwords and catchphrases around are you guys are sold? What ever happened to waiting for reviews and feedback, or for the game to actually be released? :(

Are you really interested in reviews of an old school multiplayer shooter? Dunno why are you interested in what some complete fucking noob thinks for a game he most definitely sucks at. Man, even my wife doesn't check reviews of ANYTHING these days.
This game is Unreal Tournament 3 Black edition. We saw how well that did.

Doubt this game will sell.
Said screw it, went in with NukeDukem for a copy. At $11 its not going to kill me lmao
Are you really interested in reviews of an old school multiplayer shooter? Dunno why are you interested in what some complete fucking noob thinks for a game he most definitely sucks at. Man, even my wife doesn't check reviews of ANYTHING these days.

Days the guy that watches a video of the game and judges it completely.
If you are referring to how you couldn't reload in tribes... You could still pick up ammo or loot dead bodies. I didn't see that in the trailer, so that's what I meant. SHAZBOTS!

I really liked the class system in tribes.

Three sets of armor, light medium heavy,
heavy had most armor, was slowest, most ammo.
Each class had maybe 5 class specific weapons and 20 non class specific weapons, light could pick 3, medium could pick 4, heavy could pick 5
Everyone could effectively make whatever class they wanted to spawn with, and could change their class at little bases,

You could spawn as a really fast and vulnerable class, zoom across the map, change armor to heavy near the enemy base (at a destroyable deployable) and fuck their shit up.

It was balanced for everyone!!!
this was the only good implementation of classes ive ever seen.
If it supports 32-64 players then:

8-16 :(
As great as that looks, and as much fun as I used to have playing UT and Quake, I just don't have the twitch reflexes to play competitive enough to enjoy myself.
God I wish I did, but it aint happening.

I'm seeing quite a few comments like this. Which means... All of us older guys can play together. :D Something interesting (to me at least) is that I seem to have gotten an uptick in my shooter reflexes lately. I'd probably still get ripped apart if I got back into Quake Live, but I've been doing better than I was. I've been playing a lot of id games lately though including a touch of Q3A with my kids. They're still no match for me there, but they're getting better, and it seems to have given me a little boost. :cool:
This game is Unreal Tournament 3 Black edition. We saw how well that did.

Doubt this game will sell.

Black Edition was actually pretty good. The problem was that most people had moved on by then.

That, coupled with the fact that barely anyone could run the game at a decent framerate when it came out, kind of made UT3 DOA.
spawn die, spawn die, spawn kill spawn die, spawn die spawn die spawn die.
Yeah, looks great!
No iron sight aiming looks stupid, same with reloading. Other then that I like this. Says no free to play, so you buy the game and thats it or is there a monthly sub?