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Thanks for the good post Duster. The only UD or full team vote issue doesn't pertain to me as I fold(ed) for both, but how the discussion is being handled is negative to the team and really pointless.

Bottom line is that there is no such thing as the new/old guard. There are [H]ardOCP|DC team members that all provide support in various ways and all should be respected.
Why don't the guys like myself, only run FAH, just abstain and let the folk who will be directly affected (former UD guys) vote on what they want. They then show the results of their vote to King N/Moose and that's it.

Otherwise we risk the former UD guys just saying screw it and going off to do what they want, on ANOTHER team.
I understand were both sides are coming from on this entire issue of who can/can't vote. Why not meet on common ground? Why not have a weighted vote? I see how F@H has way more people and could really take any vote and make it go there way. Maybe take the UD and have there vote count more. I know that is really F'ed up. I mean every one should have an equal voice here and all but why should I be voting on something that I don't really plan on using?

I understand that doing a weighted vote would mean a lot of back end work but I see it as something that would help with this big rift that seems to be growing ATM. And maybe this kind of decision should be done through PM with the old guard/new guard and Kyle instead of posting it for all to see. I know if I was wanting to join a team right now and I was reading what was going on I wouldn't join b/c it seems like a bunch of children

A weighted vote could work, and would certainly please the UDers, but then you just risk bickering from the F@H guys who may feel like they deserve equal say. As far as voting on something you don't plan on using, that may apply to you, but I am sure there are pleanty of F@Hers who may try a new project should one be decided on. I UDed for a while, and it was not my thing, but that does not mean I wouldn't try out something new. Furthermore, even if someone did not plan on switching, that does not mean the change does not affect them. Bottom line is, this is a big change for the entire team, and I think the entire team should get an equal say in things. The last thing we want is to start a civil war in the forums because a group of people felt as though they did not get fair say and hold a grudge for it.

As far as the new guard / old guard BS goes, Hito said it best. There is no new or old guard. There is the [H]orde. We are all the same team, folding for the same thing, and I will be damned if anyone thinks they are better than someone else because they were around back when the team started.
Why don't the guys like myself, only run FAH, just abstain and let the folk who will be directly affected (former UD guys) vote on what they want. They then show the results of their vote to King N/Moose and that's it.

Otherwise we risk the former UD guys just saying screw it and going off to do what they want, on ANOTHER team.

The biggest thing you run into, is how many UDers are active on the forums? I bet I could count them all with my fingers. Should we really be putting a major team changing decision in the hands of ten people? Bottom line is, UDers are not the only ones affected by thing change, and the decision should not be theirs alone. The entire team should have even say.
As far as the new guard / old guard BS goes, Hito said it best. There is no new or old guard. There is the [H]orde. We are all the same team, folding for the same thing, and I will be damned if anyone thinks they are better than someone else because they were around back when the team started.

Well, why don't you take a quick look at who ALWAYS brings up "old/new guard". It's the same person every time. You want the labeling of "old/new guard" to stop, then I would suggest you go talk to the ONE person that brings it up. Go find the single person that keeps trying to make the distinction. I'll give you a hint, he's not too hard to find.

The biggest thing you run into, is how many UDers are active on the forums? I bet I could count them all with my fingers. Should we really be putting a major team changing decision in the hands of ten people? Bottom line is, UDers are not the only ones affected by thing change, and the decision should not be theirs alone. The entire team should have even say.

Just because those people choose not to post on a regular basis does not mean they are not on the forum. A lot of people just lurk for whatever reason. Considering I started folding for the [H]orde before I even joined the forums much less posted in here should give you an idea.

Seems to me that:

Some time ago, the team as a whole voted to have 2x projects. So now that that issue is raised again, the team as a whole should decide the direction.
Well, why don't you take a quick look at who ALWAYS brings up "old/new guard". It's the same person every time. You want the labeling of "old/new guard" to stop, then I would suggest you go talk to the ONE person that brings it up. Go find the single person that keeps trying to make the distinction. I'll give you a hint, he's not too hard to find.

Trust me, it goes far beyond that ;)
Honestly, I don't care. I fold for the [H] on FAH, and since I never participated in the other team, I don't feel my vote towards the new second team counts, or even matters. The only thing I would vote for is for anything that helps against MS since I have a family member dealing with that, but again, I never participated in the team that we lost, so I don't feel it's fair that I get to pick the new one. We are a team, but we're a team of two, in my opinion, with open acceptance for everyone in both.

And quite frankly, bickering about equality on the issue just makes everyone look childish. This isn't an American court, this is the [H]. Let the guys that participated before pick their new project.

Instead of quoting tsuehpsyde's whole post, I'll just say that I agree (look up or down one post, depending on how your prefs are set) .. Usually tsuehpsyde drives me nuts, but he is right on target here !! While the "everyone is equal, they get a vote" approach has it's technical points, the folks most affected in this situation are obviously the UD folders, not the FAH'rs. Yes, then there are the relatively small group that does both.. Let's prove ourselves to be an ethical group and suggest that only folks involved in UD during the last 2 months place a vote for a new project., the rest of y'all (including me), take a seat for now.... (takes off rose-colored glasses)....
An honor system vote/poll like I suggest above is ripe for skullduggery, but is also the "right thing to do"...

A second project that supports older PC's and a dial up connection would be great.
Imagine FAH smp units on dial up, NOT on my old service.:rolleyes:

Also a decision needs to be made soon (days) to prevent brow beating. Make a decision
and lets go, do not follow our governments (US) example. Congress/Senate blah blah etc.;)

I haven't UD'd long, but I put the older boxen in my farm on it when they were having difficulty accomplishing work with FAH. Any project that will allow me to use those crappers to do something useful, and as part of the [H]orde, would be great. I'll go with whatever is selected by those who have researched it.

Fold On!

I joined the R@H team as well with an Athlon XP 2200+.
I was glad to see it installed as a service nice and easy.

Instead of quoting tsuehpsyde's whole post, I'll just say that I agree (look up or down one post, depending on how your prefs are set) .. Usually tsuehpsyde drives me nuts, but he is right on target here !!

I'm always on target. ;) AND WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME!!! :(

How do the other clients run with FAH on the same box? One of the great things was that UD and FAH would split CPU time right down the middle. I've been playing with WCG and it does not always stay running at 50% but jumps all over from 2-50%.
So whats going on here? Any projects we need to look at that people aren't testing already? Projects that are being tested, that need more testing?
I understand were both sides are coming from on this entire issue of who can/can't vote. Why not meet on common ground? Why not have a weighted vote? I see how F@H has way more people and could really take any vote and make it go their way.
I find it amusing that my fellow posters think that there is some form of ``F@H'' alliance or organization. I think that we are a diverse group of people and that there is no organization within either subteam.

I only do F@H, but I sure as heck won't be voting for ``no other project'' since that is just lame. Then again, I do not care about voting, since I could give less than 2 cents what is being chosen. Having said that, I think that some form of diversification will provide more benefit to humanity.