New Opteron 240's $50 each

i also received my 2 in today, couldn't test them b/c i don't have a motherboard and ram yet.

edited: thanks
More opterons in! 140 and 246

*EDITED* Assumed it was 240 since that was what they were selling before and auction looked the same :(
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the 246 deal is not good at all. I am pretty sure thats close to retail. Now the 240's he had much better deal. I am hoping these are not CO's and are CG cores and are some of the last ones AMD made. Mabey get lucky and hit my magical 2.0GHZ mark. I have my Asus board already, my chips should be here monday :D
Vengance_01 said:
the 246 deal is not good at all. I am pretty sure thats close to retail. Now the 240's he had much better deal. I am hoping these are not CO's and are CG cores and are some of the last ones AMD made. Mabey get lucky and hit my magical 2.0GHZ mark. I have my Asus board already, my chips should be here monday :D

On newegg 246's go for $219 OEM and $239 retail. It's cheaper, but you can find better deals from other sellers on ebay (probably getting matched pairs also).

PCJ said:
Heh, someone bought all 450 of the original 240's :D

That's pretty lame.
Twig and Berries said:
I say that guy is a jerk for screwing us all out of a deal
don't worry, i might sell mine if i can't sell one of my rigs, or i can't find a cheap mobo and psu to go along with it. i bought these with the full intention on using them. but as some of the members here know, i'm from New Orleans, and i'm living on a budget. a new mobo will cost me an additional $170, + $100 for a PSU, + $165 for 1gb of RAM. that all comes out to $535 with the 2 cpu's, and not including getting a PCI-e video card to go w/ the mobo. I'd much rather buy a new laptop with that money. so i'll consider everything, and if i don't think it's money well spent, i'll sell them. i was going to use these for video editing, photoshop 7, and Maya 6.5 . along w/ acting as my server for when i'm coding.
I'm going to be selling atleast a pair when they arrive Monday.

I'll sell mine for about the exact same price as that ebay guy did. 2x Opteron 240s for $115 shipped. Why the extra $5 bucks? Because I prefer using Paypal and Paypal I believe deducts 3-4% per transaction. I just want the initial money I put into some of the opterons back.

I feel bad for some of you guys that weren't able to hop on the deal. Just PM me and we'll work out the details.
I'm definitely interested in buying if you guys are going to be selling your 240s. Shoot me a PM or something. I don't have heat but I have a 5 ear old ebay (icydeath35) account with 170+ feedback with no negatives.
Volkum said:
I'm definitely interested in buying if you guys are going to be selling your 240s. Shoot me a PM or something. I don't have heat but I have a 5 ear old ebay (icydeath35) account with 170+ feedback with no negatives.

PMed ya...
I am interested in buying some also. Shoot me a PM if anybody has some they would like to get rid of.
got mine 431 and newest CG core for these chips. It almost has the stepping for the old FX chips. I should have results on friday/saturday.
irrision said:
It's hardforums man. What you do is you buy two maybe four to be safe. A stack of registered memory say 4GB and a couple motherboards. You then proceed to dig out those extra 200GB drives you have lying around (You have some lying around right?) and you build a dual processor machine which you proceed to install your server OS of choice on. You then build a 3 phase cooling system and overclock them to double their speed at which point you take pictures and post them on the forums showing your hardcore geek prowess. Then we proceed to comment and 1-up your post with links to other posts that have even faster overclocks while some of us lament our lack of funds to do the same or drool over your setup and post it to our website/blog. In the end you never really do anything with the machine it's just about having a ludicrisly fast machine that heats your entire house while you surf the web on it. Now buy some quick because I hear your geekiness shrinking away!

Not to mention you totally forget about I/O speed of a hard drive and use a single 200gb SATA drive. All the while enjoying having a dual cpu system that never uses more then 50% of one CPU before hard drive I/O becomes a huge issue, but thanking yourself for wasting loads of money on overclocking gear that means nothing in actual performance :D

This is a sweet deal however, and I thank the thread starter :)
I just picked up 4 of the 140's and 2 of the 246's . Gods I need to stay away from here and ebay.

Remember the Xeon 1.6's from last year? I have 7 of those setups running still. Now I'm going to put in 2 dual opterons...

Vengance_01 said:
got mine 431 and newest CG core for these chips. It almost has the stepping for the old FX chips. I should have results on friday/saturday.
how do you find the stepping? i know mine are probably from the same batch and very close in numbers. but i don't know how to find the stepping to find out if my 240's are a CG core or a CO core.
Good price on the 140's, even if they are single-capable only. I have four or five P-II and P-III 4U servers at work that I have been meaning and needing to upgrade. Of course I am going to have to replace nearly all of the internal guts no matter which upgrade path I go, so these 140's would be a good inexpensive start to doing so. Yeah, a EPS12V power supply and REG (ECC) DDR are going to cost a little bit more than normal, but I think the end result would be well worth it. I've been twitching to put a good 64-bit build of Linux on them. :p
Penguincomp said:
I just picked up 4 of the 140's and 2 of the 246's . Gods I need to stay away from here and ebay.

Remember the Xeon 1.6's from last year? I have 7 of those setups running still. Now I'm going to put in 2 dual opterons...


Jesus! How much is your electric bill each month :eek:
kaotic504 said:
how do you find the stepping? i know mine are probably from the same batch and very close in numbers. but i don't know how to find the stepping to find out if my 240's are a CG core or a CO core.
The last two letters in the top code. Tell me what are the last two, and I can tell you if they are CG or CO. Mine was AU and it was a CG core.
It's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask..

Anyone have a spare I/O backplate for the K8N-DL motherboard posted above?
Mine came with _nothing_
v3rt1g0 said:
It's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask..

Anyone have a spare I/O backplate for the K8N-DL motherboard posted above?
Mine came with _nothing_

Check ebay. Alot of the Asus I/O shields are very similar (probably would have to cut a bit off) or are the same.
Vengance_01 said:
The last two letters in the top code. Tell me what are the last two, and I can tell you if they are CG or CO. Mine was AU and it was a CG core.
here's what both of mine say:

the other:

i think they're pretty close in batch numbers. that's what i think is the batch number. but i don't. it's so much easier to read XP's. anyway, i'm seriously considering sell them b/c i just bought a Lian Li case and need to sell something to make up for the difference.

edit: just something that said AU's are CG cores and AL's are CO cores for the 200 series cpu's. if you have the 800 series, it's AV for CG and AM for CO. THANKS!
Volkum said:
Check ebay. Alot of the Asus I/O shields are very similar (probably would have to cut a bit off) or are the same.

Good suggestion, thanks. I wouldn't have thought of eBay for something like this.

The only one that's close enough to work:

I'd have to cut out the firewire plug, but otherwise a perfect fit. :)

Now that I think about it, my MSI K8N Neo2 may use the same, or very similar, backplate. I'll have to check that, since I have a bunch of it's accessories stashed away (I blew my first board and bought a replacement.. heh heh).
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Penguincomp said:
I keep em at the office and don't pay the electric bill =D
Yeah, the thought occurred to me after I hit the reply button :p
BTW : Is it worth the effort to put older machines (~P2-400-ish) to the task? If so, I have access to ~6 machines at work which were abondoned. Could slap on Win98SE basic and crunch away! :D
bump, just want to see how everyone's doing w/ their chips, their setups and if they're able to overclock at all.
still waiting for a response in terms of the 2x140 i ordered. ive got to order the parts but im waiting to recieve the chips first. hope they oc, if not its ok. ill be using them to fold and to play lan games at home lol. at this rate, ill have 4 new rigs built just this, i really gotta stay away from these damn sites. i have plans that involve money, yet i keep spending it on new rigs. :(
Got my 2x 240s on Friday (bought them off a fellow HardForum member who was lucky enough to buy the 240s from the ebay deal). Rest of the parts are in the mail/being ordered.
Anyone here pickup any extra Opteron 240s that they are trying to sell??? Please let me know.. Thanks!!!