New Lian Uni Fan TL LCD Fans Have Screens On Them


[H]F Junkie
Apr 20, 2013
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This is just plain stupid.
And yet they'll probably sell out and may even incur scalping like their predecessor. Why, because no other fan can alternate between telling you the time, and material of an adult nature (filth) involving bikinis and a car wash. Talk about a value-add for system builders and anime freaks just in terms of sheer gluttony of stimuli.
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And yet they'll probably sell out and may even incur scalping like their predecessors. Why, because no other fan can alternate between telling you the time, and material of an adult nature (filth). That's going to be remarkable for nerds and anime weirdos just in terms of sheer gluttony of stimuli.

I'm a total "anime weirdo", but I prefer my cases to be quiet and inconspicuous and dislike window panels. There are other ways to show off that you're an "anime weirdo" (also known as an "otaku" and occasionally "weeb") besides messing with your PC. I like my builds to be about pure performance, not looks. I don't really get the RGB fanatics, either, but then again I guess they're just the PC analogue of the people that "pimp" their cars.... which aren't all anime people.

One other thing I notice about these: "reverse" and "normal" configuration. Wtf does that even mean lol? So each fan can only be put as an intake or exhaust if you want to keep the LCD panel? Lol good god this is dumb. But yes people will purchase it, because PCPartpicker is nothing if not a "can I build the flashiest computer ever" center.
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Saw these at Computex earlier hthis year - they had some pacman gifs of them running between the different fans and it seemed pretty neat. If you're an unique aesthetics sort of person, I could see these being useful - otherwise, probably not so much.

One other thing I notice about these: "reverse" and "normal" configuration. Wtf does that even mean lol?
You buy the one that has the airflow going the way you want based on your rig and desired screen orientation...

Most fans aren't reversible anyway (Thermaltake's SWAFAN EX120's come with a spare set of blades to reverse them).
Cool you people don't like them. You are not the target audience and they will sell a boat load of them.
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Most fans aren't reversible anyway

I'm assuming you mean "reversible" in the sense of keeping the frame static. Because otherwise, every single cheap, basic fan design can be reversed simply by flipping the fan over. Because they don't have to care about RGB frames or an LCD panel. That's kind of the point. You ever switch cases, you're possibly plopping down $50 per fan if you need to reorient your airflow. And the old fans are just sitting there collecting dust.

Personally, I find this pretty silly. For that price, they could have maybe done something to keep them orientation agnostic. I highly doubt it's an insurmountable challenge...
I go back and forth on this. While yes, this is related to cooling, it is also tech news which is this section.

I'm going to have to re-read the rules for this subforum to see if it addresses this specifically, but of the top of my head things like this are totally appropriate for the news forum.
technically everything in tech is tech news and there is no point in having any other sub forums, right?
we have sections for a reason. if it was news about the company, sure in here would make sense.
Great. Might as well never discuss anything then.
It just old men yelling at clouds and not discussing anything of value. Anyway the fans are kinda cool but they are pricey. 120/140 are $45/50 for each fan.
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I'll wait for the OLED edition.

Jk, I keep all the lights off in my case and it sits out of site.

Although I did use all the RGB stuff my case and parts came with and added a stupid underglow to my case like you see on car mods. I turn it on at LANs and I guess it looks cool lol. I would never pay extra for something like this but if it came with the case or was bundled with something I would use it.
As much as I hate RGB, I think this is pretty cool. I still wouldn't buy it personally.
I'm assuming you mean "reversible" in the sense of keeping the frame static.
Yes, that's what I mean. For fan where there's an RGB ring or blades that light up, doing the standard reverse the frame trick can result in.. uhh.. a loss of aesthetic functionality.
Re:: forum appropriateness: if it's got a link to a review or press release, this is a reasonable subforum to for it. If you just have a question, then the appropriate subforum is more sensible. My pennies.

Re:: this fan: I was initially in the "Oh My God, Lian-Li is well on the way to making a $100 damn FAN!" camp. But, after watching Jay play with them, I came around. My case is a full mesh front panel. As it sits next to my desk, I can't see inside the window. Having something spit out some specs/temps on the center of the fan(s) that currently just have a dead spot in the middle is an interesting use of space. For that, $50 ain't bad, if you think of it as a screen+software that happens to come with a secondary utility (a fan).

And yet they'll probably sell out and may even incur scalping like their predecessor. Why, because no other fan can alternate between telling you the time, and material of an adult nature (filth) involving bikinis and a car wash. Talk about a value-add for system builders and anime freaks just in terms of sheer gluttony of stimuli.
I mean you can’t tell me the guy who built this didn’t want it to advertise his hentai collection.

Well you could but I wouldn’t believe you, and deep down you know you’ be fibbing.
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These look pretty cool. I'm sure some cases would have more use than I would for them. I'd probably just use one on the back of the case with a temp on there. No video, though. I'd just want the simple temperature gauge, which I could easily find elsewhere in other products.
First shown at Computex, now all the world swoons before Lian Li's beautiful nightmares as they were suddenly, finally released to retail mere hours ago.

400x400 pixels. RGB-lit infinity mirrors around the edges. Available in black and white, 120mm and 140mm, plus a reversed-blade option. $46.99 single without controller, $149.99 3pack with controller.



People go hungry all over the world and this is what we’re conjuring up?
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This only makes sense if you can actually, you know...see the front of the fans in your case. Mine I can only maybe see the rear one.
Personally, I find this pretty silly. For that price, they could have maybe done something to keep them orientation agnostic. I highly doubt it's an insurmountable challenge...

Seems like if they are only spinning the outer ring of the middle of the fan, you could make them so that the blades could be removed and flipped around or something.