New extra large -bigadv on Beta

anybody having issues uploading 6903 WU to the server, i have one which is trying to upload without success since last 9 hrs.
anybody having issues uploading 6903 WU to the server, i have one which is trying to upload without success since last 9 hrs.

That has happened before. Can't say if that is the current status however......
anybody having issues uploading 6903 WU to the server, i have one which is trying to upload without success since last 9 hrs.

I had that happen a few days ago. It eventually unclogged itself after I restarted FAH.
anybody having issues uploading 6903 WU to the server, i have one which is trying to upload without success since last 9 hrs.

Do you have QoS turned on in your router? I found that was killing my bigadv uploads with my DGL-4300. I'm guessing i'd need to manually tweak it, but for now being disabled it has been uploading flawlessly for me.
Ooh, we are set to overtake EVGA in about 10.5 years! Now if Stanford can keep their big beta server filled and I had money to invest in a new bigadv folding system...
Ooh, we are set to overtake EVGA in about 10.5 years! Now if Stanford can keep their big beta server filled and I had money to invest in a new bigadv folding system...

I think we will do that a whole lot sooner ;)....
Lost 100k points:

Two 6903's, both started and finished about an hour apart. Both paused and rebooted to windows for ~7 hours for rendering my 3D for work, then back to Linux to finish. (better PPD than windows 24/7 :rolleyes:)

Identical times, but one got 100k more credit.

06.22, 3am 341,914 1
06.22, 6am 441,570 1

Checking the logs I did these as -bigbeta, so I won't bother the FF forum as I am not a beta tester.

Anyway, back to work, 2 deadlines this week....
Lost 100k points:

Two 6903's, both started and finished about an hour apart. Both paused and rebooted to windows for ~7 hours for rendering my 3D for work, then back to Linux to finish. (better PPD than windows 24/7 :rolleyes:)

Identical times, but one got 100k more credit.

06.22, 3am 341,914 1
06.22, 6am 441,570 1

Checking the logs I did these as -bigbeta, so I won't bother the FF forum as I am not a beta tester.

Anyway, back to work, 2 deadlines this week....
i still am not able to upload my 6903 wu since last three days now i also have two more completed 6900's and one 2689 which are also not going out.

thats 1 million points points sitting out there not getting uploaded.
log file

/bin/rm: cannot remove `/tmp/fah/f2': No such file or directory
processing work/wuresults_01.dat
unit number '01'
launching fah...

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further
use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

48 cores detected

--- Opening Log file [June 22 14:54:52 UTC]

# Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################

Folding@Home Client Version 6.34


Launch directory: /tmp/langouste-xxxx/5941/clientdir
Executable: /home/xxxx/fah/fah6
Arguments: -send 01 -bigxxx -smp 48

[14:54:52] - Ask before connecting: No
[14:54:52] - Proxy:
[14:54:52] - User name: CHANDAN (Team 33)
[14:54:52] - User ID: xxxx
[14:54:52] - Machine ID: 2
[14:54:52] Loaded queue successfully.
[14:54:52] Attempting to return result(s) to server...
[14:54:52] Project: 6903 (Run 9, Clone 2, Gen 4)

[14:54:52] + Attempting to send results [June 22 14:54:52 UTC]
[14:55:22] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[14:55:22] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[14:55:22] (
[14:55:22] + Retrying using alternative port
[16:55:32] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:55:32] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:55:32] (
[16:55:32] - Error: Could not transmit unit 01 (completed June 20) to work server.

[16:55:32] + Attempting to send results [June 22 16:55:32 UTC]
[16:55:39] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:55:39] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:55:39] (
[16:55:39] + Retrying using alternative port
[16:55:42] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[16:55:42] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[16:55:42] (
[16:55:42] Could not transmit unit 01 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[16:55:42] - Failed to send unit 01 to server

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.
processing work/wuresults_04.dat
unit number '04'
launching fah...

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further
use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

48 cores detected

--- Opening Log file [June 22 16:55:42 UTC]

# Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################

Folding@Home Client Version 6.34


Launch directory: /tmp/langouste-xxxx/5941/clientdir
Executable: /home/xxxx/fah/fah6
Arguments: -send 04 -bigxxx -smp 48

[16:55:42] - Ask before connecting: No
[16:55:42] - Proxy:
[16:55:42] - User name: CHANDAN (Team 33)
[16:55:42] - User ID: xxxxxxxxx
[16:55:42] - Machine ID: 2
[16:55:42] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:55:42] Attempting to return result(s) to server...
[16:55:42] Project: 6900 (Run 6, Clone 6, Gen 9)

[16:55:42] + Attempting to send results [June 22 16:55:42 UTC]
[18:55:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[18:55:50] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[18:55:50] (
[18:55:50] + Retrying using alternative port
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I'm not a langouste user, but I think that might be the problem.
If you take the langouste proxy out of the config, do the WU's upload ?


i tried that too it does not upload, i also noticed langouste somehow i don't know uploaded one 6900 WU today and deleted one more 6900 WU which was pending upload.

right now only the 6903 WU is still there for upload.
i tried that too it does not upload, i also noticed langouste somehow i don't know uploaded one 6900 WU today and deleted one more 6900 WU which was pending upload.

right now only the 6903 WU is still there for upload.

It seems ironic that it is croaking right at the 2 hour mark. What sort of upload rate are you getting and what is the size of the file? Maybe its timing out?

Can you tell if its pushing the file during the whole two hours?
It seems ironic that it is croaking right at the 2 hour mark. What sort of upload rate are you getting and what is the size of the file? Maybe its timing out?

Can you tell if its pushing the file during the whole two hours?

ya did you enter any max upload speed when starting langouste? It's in bytes so...something like 100 will take forever lol
Here's what I input:
./langouste3 -l 8880 -r 55000
It seems ironic that it is croaking right at the 2 hour mark. What sort of upload rate are you getting and what is the size of the file? Maybe its timing out?

Can you tell if its pushing the file during the whole two hours?
MIBW found there was an upload time limit. That could be the problem. Especially if it was able to upload smaller units.
MIBW found there was an upload time limit. That could be the problem. Especially if it was able to upload smaller units.

I've run into it if I have 2 -bigbeta uploading at the same time.
It seems ironic that it is croaking right at the 2 hour mark. What sort of upload rate are you getting and what is the size of the file? Maybe its timing out?

Can you tell if its pushing the file during the whole two hours?

i have a 1mbps upload connection, don't know what the actual upload rate is.

ya did you enter any max upload speed when starting langouste? It's in bytes so...something like 100 will take forever lol
Here's what I input:
./langouste3 -l 8880 -r 55000

all i use is this command from musky's post

./langouste3 -l 8880 -D
i have a 1mbps upload connection, don't know what the actual upload rate is.

all i use is this command from musky's post

./langouste3 -l 8880 -D

1mbps is 125 Kbytes, in theory ~30min upload time for 6903.

Maybe check if everything is right with your connection first? like

If speedtest reports good speeds the router or the proxy is not working / too slow.

In your router ( is there a bandwith page? Check out whats the upload rate when the log writes "Attempting to send results "
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When I was having bigadv upload issues I tried all sorts of things, including disabling langouste, etc. Then I checked which showed slow upload speeds from multiple PCs (even with F@H not running). I finally found out I had a bad network cable between my router and primary switch. When I replaced the cable everything was good. Definitely try to isolate the problem before assuming it's specific to F@H.
If any of you guys are in Ohio, Time Warner has their "wideband" up and running now. I just ordered and all that they have to do is bring me a new docsis 3.0 modem. The speed is 50/5 so that should ease some of the strain of uploading the larger units.
How much will that cost per month?

The cable provider here, Charter, is notorious for obscenely terrible customer service. I've stuck with AT&T Uverse, which is good, but my speeds are only around 12/2
The advertised price is $99. I got a "discount" so I'm paying just under $50 more a month for it. It is not cheap by any means
If any of you guys are in Ohio, Time Warner has their "wideband" up and running now. I just ordered and all that they have to do is bring me a new docsis 3.0 modem. The speed is 50/5 so that should ease some of the strain of uploading the larger units.

I switched to it a while back and it works beautifully. I am currently subscribed to the 30/5 service although my real speeds border around 36/6. Their new docsis 3.0 modems are dinkier than I imagined as my previous modem was frickin huge.

You guys have no idea how awesome it is when downloading large steam games as it happens so fast. Since my promotional period is now over, i'm not at $80 a month versus $50 a month that I was at before during the promotion.