New Battlefield Free-to-Play (similar to BF2)


Lol.. well I'm definitely gonna be playing the shit out of this as soon as it's available to me. The only thing I don't like so far are that the kits from BF2 won't be there, it's just the combined kits from BC2, but I guess that'll be alright. Also, I hope they keep the commander in this version.. I'm assuming they are.
I am really getting tired of people's bitching. This game will be a great taste of what to expect when BF3 hits. Any true fans of DICE's work in the past should be excited. Sure it's combining old tech from BF2 with new tech from BC2- that's the point! Sure they could have just made BF2 into a F2P game. How can someone really complain about a free game? Really, that is just ignorant on so many levels.

Screw COD, give my Battlefield any day.
I guess nobody has any issues with "HD console quality graphics" on a PC game. And before you say it's a free game, you're going to be paying for every little thing.
Only if you're a mug. Heroes was great fun without a penny spent and you could still roll a server.
Lol @ console hd graphics. Oh and the problem I have with a free game from dice is that they should be focusing all efforts in bf3 and then after that's done fuck around with garbage micro f2p crap. Call me crazy but free don't mean shit to me. I'll pay their 50-60 bucks for a real game and gladly. Shove this casual crap.
Closed Beta will start November 30th, 2010. Open Beta is scheduled for early 2011.

those dates pretty much sum up that they have a very small team working on this game. otherwise they should be able to push this game out in a couple months instead of 5-6 months.
dammit still no invite. This sucks I wanna play this so badly.

I wouldn't think the invites would go out until the end of the month with the closed beta actually starts. But I'm just as anxious as you too, heh ;).
They ran this same program for almost each and every new BF product. The use the free beta to test functions, software, technology, etc. I remember I was in one of these right before BF2 came out because of the network and connection problems. Everyone remembers those issues. Soon after the beta and the release Dice had a patch to fix it. So they haven gotten better in regards to fixing stuff and hearing what the gamers have to say.

All I want is a realistic shooter, good load out options, plenty of longer unlocks, slower promotions, and stop the aimboters. Thats all not to much to ask for :)
like others have said, release bf2 for free then.
... They pretty much are. Its only being called something else so they can try out a totally different sales model (i.e. microtransaction based). You can't expect them to give IP away for free if they think theres some way to make money on it. If you don't want it, go play BF2 by yourself.
Hopefully the leveling and rpg system won't put me off like Battlefield Heroes when I tried, such as when the much higher level guy just simply set me on fire. At least the "grind" hasn't gotten to RTS games yet, lol...
The video I just watched of it isn't too bad , its really BF2 with BC graphics and classes. The graphics didn't look so great but its a beta so I'd expect its in the process.

32 players as well is confirmed which is nice. Would prefer 64 but you get what you get.
I still do not get why people are calling it crap....BF3 will still come out. It will still be awesome.

Awesome for consoles but I have very little confidence in Dice and EA making BF3 a true PC shooter.

A big batch of e-mails went out today inviting people to the closed beta. I got a key, did anyone else? I'm about to redeem it and jump on after dinner.

Edit: Just played a few rounds.. almost unplayable right now. I was lagging too bad to hit much and it forces you to play in like a browser window, so no graphical options whatsoever (even resolution). If you hit alt+enter, it'll stretch it to full screen though. So far it's nowhere near BF2 game play :(.
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A big batch of e-mails went out today inviting people to the closed beta. I got a key, did anyone else? I'm about to redeem it and jump on after dinner.

Edit: Just played a few rounds.. almost unplayable right now. I was lagging too bad to hit much and it forces you to play in like a browser window, so no graphical options whatsoever (even resolution). If you hit alt+enter, it'll stretch it to full screen though. So far it's nowhere near BF2 game play :(.

no still nuthing. If anyone can help me get in it would appreciated :( (pathetic face)
i got my battlefield closed beta key today so im going to check it out. im downloading now so I will let you guys know when im done how it is ill post some screens
Ok here it is. I downloaded and played the Beta for Battlefield Free play & I must say i know its a beta but its not thought out well.

1. Graphics are very Poor. I set my Res with everything High as you can see and it looks like a xbox 1 game.
2. The movement is terrible very glitchy
3. An extreme use of Recoil in Weapons. I could barely hit a damn thing. even with Burst shots the gun was very unstable
4. at this point trying to get into a server was a royal pain took about 6 minutes to get connected to 1
5. I could not get fullscreen to work properly. everytime i used the "start fullscreen" option My mouse was gone. I had to use the Tab key to get started wich sucked
6. I had to play the game in a Tiny window because whenever I played fullscreen it did not allow you to take screenshots.
7. Reading the TXT/Chat ingame was not great Blurry at times so I couldnt make out what some people were typing.
8. You can glitch in the game I found a couple of spots where I could get inside a Building and just snipe. There were many users doing this.

My opinion is this. It could be an awesome idea/game but they have a shit ton of work to do. The menu is Extremely limited and most stuff dont work. Graphics are very poor so who ever thought it was better then BC2 needs a wake up call.




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Yikes! I admit that I rolled my eyes when you said "xbox 1 graphics"... then I scrolled down and saw the screenshots.

I don't remember BF2 looking this bad :\. The screen filters don't help at all, it just makes the game look muddy.
I play for like 30 minutes last night and completely agree with what 4LC4PON3 said. Personally going to wait for an update or two and try again.
The game is very dull. Not alot of colors at all and the Textures are flat with no real Detail. Only time will tell how they improve it. like I said this can be Fantastic as long as they really do their homework. I love this idea but it needs a ton of work.
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A big batch of e-mails went out today inviting people to the closed beta. I got a key, did anyone else? I'm about to redeem it and jump on after dinner.

Edit: Just played a few rounds.. almost unplayable right now. I was lagging too bad to hit much and it forces you to play in like a browser window, so no graphical options whatsoever (even resolution). If you hit alt+enter, it'll stretch it to full screen though. So far it's nowhere near BF2 game play :(.

I got a key but keep forgetting to actually sit down and try the game.
Ok here it is. I downloaded and played the Beta for Battlefield Free play & I must say i know its a beta but its not thought out well.

1. Graphics are very Poor. I set my Res with everything High as you can see and it looks like a xbox 1 game.
2. The movement is terrible very glitchy
3. An extreme use of Recoil in Weapons. I could barely hit a damn thing. even with Burst shots the gun was very unstable
4. at this point trying to get into a server was a royal pain took about 6 minutes to get connected to 1
5. I could not get fullscreen to work properly. everytime i used the "start fullscreen" option My mouse was gone. I had to use the Tab key to get started wich sucked
6. I had to play the game in a Tiny window because whenever I played fullscreen it did not allow you to take screenshots.
7. Reading the TXT/Chat ingame was not great Blurry at times so I couldnt make out what some people were typing.
8. You can glitch in the game I found a couple of spots where I could get inside a Building and just snipe. There were many users doing this.

My opinion is this. It could be an awesome idea/game but they have a shit ton of work to do. The menu is Extremely limited and most stuff dont work. Graphics are very poor so who ever thought it was better then BC2 needs a wake up call.

Hmm, I hope they can fix most of that. Doesn't instill much confidence.

All they had to do was port BF2 and modify/update a few things...