need some help aboute i7 new systems

Oct 29, 2005
:confused:i wont to ask,if i was to build a new i7 systems do i have to use VISTA or can i use XP i hate VISTA! :confused:
yea but you will want to use xp 64bit if u want more than 3GB ram in a triple channel setup
You would be a very SMALL number of people who use I7 and XP. The problem is XP will only support 4 logical cores on 1 socket (I have a setting in my BIOS that has a XP setting... the helps says "Will disable 4 cores for XP compatability.")

If you really don't like Vista, give linux or Windows Server 2008 a try, I use both, haven't been happier. Course I was one of those social delinquents that used windows 2000 till about 2 years ago. You can get a free trial of Windows Server 2008 from Microsoft, it's around a 2.8gb download tho.
I honestly don't want to turn this in to another one of 'those' threads, but what is it you hate about Vista so much, OP? If it's just a few things we can probably find easy work-arounds. I've found that with some tweaking Vista is just as usable if not moreso than XP.

As others have already stated, running XP would effectively disable hyperthreading on the i7 (1 thread per core, 4 threads, instead of 2 threads per core, 8 threads) which would almost certainly slow things down under heavy loads.
I think a lot of the people that dislike Vista haven't given it a proper chance - if you've used it heavily and still didn't like it, I won't challenge you, but if you've just had brief experiences with it, I'd strongly suggest giving it a try. Personally, I don't find any part of it to be worse than XP after a few adjustments.
WTF is wrong with Vista? Right now I can't fucking stand XP. New netbook is getting Vista slapped on it immediately; the last 2 with XP were horrendous to use.
WTF is wrong with Vista? Right now I can't fucking stand XP. New netbook is getting Vista slapped on it immediately; the last 2 with XP were horrendous to use.

This I'm not so sure about. I'd imagine that the relatively weak CPUs, GPUs, and slow SSDs / HDDs in netbooks would be a recipe for disaster and immense frustration when it comes to Vista.

There is a point I will never argue against -- the hardware requirements to run Vista comfortably are a good bit higher than the requirements to run XP similarly. That said, please don't confuse this with my saying software runs slower on Vista, since I am referring specifically to the OS itself, and once it's running smoothly it makes a similarly fast (in some cases faster) platform compared with XP or Windows 2000.
Netbooks have proven to run Vista well., just look at any netbook discussion thread. A review on the MSI Wind even showed battery gains to be had. And besides, I don't want to have to relearn an old OS.
Vista ultimate runs well enough on my mini9. Not OMG fast, but it IS a crappy little atom CPU and not the penryn 2.5 Im used to. ;)
vista is underrated. I have used it for about a year and i would NEVER consider going back to xp.
I like a lot of the posters above ^^ am a fan of Vista and generally find peopel liek it after giving it an extended go.

Still as Silent said, doesn't want it to be 'one of those' threads, would also vote for Server 2008 as an alternative if needed; have heard only good things.
The catch wit running a server OS is that all your utilities skyrocket in price. The free AV tools, etc are only licensed for use on home PCs, servers need to buy expensive licenses, backup, disk imaging, etc ultilies are all typically priced much higher than for consumer OSes.
Still seems rather trendy to hate Microsoft and Vista...

S: (adj) trendy, voguish (in accord with the latest fad)

I assure you, there are many of us that have disliked MIcrosoft since DOS 3.4 (3.3 was perfect and where they should have stopped writing code.) so there is nothing trendy about it. :D
I made the jump to Vista 64bit SP1, just because the memory i splurged on (6GB DDR 1600 1.65v) is going to be fully supported.
Ya ok, hating vista is soo cool. whatever. All I know is that if my apps/games/hardware were half as stable as Vista x64 sp1, I would be a real happy person. The OS never gives me any problems.