You almost sound like an NEC shill who trolls this site to pump up orders for the manufacturer. I have no like or dislike for Vincent. I take it as one man's opinion, just as I take Painman's experience as one man's opinion. I see no reason to get so personally negative about your poor opinion of Vincent.

Isn't this a bit of a controdiction? At first you stray from the discussion and go into personal attacks against me, and then proclame that you just take things as opinion without being personal? Kinda like stepping onto your high horse and falling down again?:rolleyes:
I have no likes or dislikes of Vincent personally either (never met the guy). As a reviewer however, I find his reviews incomplete and flawed at best. Regardless of your opinion about behardware, I hope we agree that the response time test was flawed and incomplete considering it was taken when overdrive was off?

When you receive your NEC 2690 I look forward to your hopefully unbiased report. After all it really does not matter what anyone says, as long as you are happy with the monitor for its intended purposes.

An unbiased report is what I am going for, in the sense that I would test and reflect the results regardless of being negative or positive. My subjective opinion would of course also be present in my review. I am a widescreen gamer and that would also be the main subject in my review: the NEC 2690 as a widescreen gamer screen.

I don't work for NEC and haven't purchased any NEC products earlier. This screen will be the first NEC product I buy. My opinons are not formed by any alternative motives as you suggest above. This is a screen I have ordered myself as you know, and all the 24" screens are within my budget. I'm not disagreeing with you due to some love for NEC or to justify my purchase (I have a 14 days full return period if needed with full refund). You should trust me when I say that widescreen gaming is a big part of my life and was naturally taken into consideration when I was choosing a new monitor...

I'm putting my money where my mouth is and believe that this screen will deliver more to me then the 24"s on the market today.

Otherwise we agree that the end users happyness with the screen is the most important one! :)
We still disagree probably about price though. My opinion is still that price doesn't reflect how good or bad a screen is. If its worth the price or not is a subjective opinion and doesn't make the screen better or worse in any degree. How much people are willing to pay for a screen and how good it is are different questions in my opinion.

As it relates to the NEC press release; there is no technology in the NEC 2690 that is not currently available in monitors from other manufacturers. Furthermore, you should be asking the question of what is not in the NEC 2690 today that is contemplated to be in this piece six months from now.

Maybe a bad formulation of my part. Packed in/found in the same screen was the original meaning. :)
What NEC 2690 would contain 6 months from now thats not in today? S-PVA panel? Not interested... :D
Tamlin_WSGF....*clap* *clap* *clap*

Well done. I was going to reply to that post as well, but, reply would look amateurish next to yours. :D

For me, Photography is priority #1. Gaming is #1a. Both are hobbies, but hobbies I very much enjoy. I can justify a high price if it does both things (photo editing and gaming) VERY well.

And both should be enjoyed to the fullest! It holds great promise to do both (I'm especially comforted after reading Painmans review!) :D

I'm more then ever looking forward getting my screen!
Hi, You can download the software and manuals spectraviewII of the NEC Web.

To use the following S/N: Removed - B.B.S.
By the price that is paid, I consider that this software would have to come including in pack.

Somebody could post any review of how work software in the NEC2690?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mod Edit - Don't post S/N's for paid for software again. Violates more [H]F rules than I care to cut and paste and is against their EULA, to be sure. Strike one..... BlindedByScience
Travbomb, or anyone, who had hands on experience, I cant really decide which one would be best for CAD, the 2690(spectraview) or the Samsung XL20.

The XL20 supposed to have a wider gamut(100% where as the NEC has 'only' 93%), and higher contrast ratio, but I also heard that the lookup table is lower than on the 2690, and also the the former has S-PVA but the NEC has S-IPS matrix. Their price is around the same, and both are targeted roughly the same target group so I suppose they are competing products. I am leaning towards the NEC, there was only one place i found a not too detailed comparison, here:
The guy is saying that the low bit lookup table and improper software cripples the XL20, and as a result the 2690 wins...

Anyone any thoughts?
I agree to a point,but I would never equate the 2407 A04 or BenQ 241W to a 7300GT !!!??! More like they are the 7900GTX's and the 2690 is the 8800GTX. :)

I don't see how you figure that since they all have the same native resolution??
Travbomb, or anyone, who had hands on experience, I cant really decide which one would be best for CAD, the 2690(spectraview) or the Samsung XL20.

The XL20 supposed to have a wider gamut(100% where as the NEC has 'only' 93%), and higher contrast ratio, but I also heard that the lookup table is lower than on the 2690, and also the the former has S-PVA but the NEC has S-IPS matrix. Their price is around the same, and both are targeted roughly the same target group so I suppose they are competing products. I am leaning towards the NEC, there was only one place i found a not too detailed comparison, here:
The guy is saying that the low bit lookup table and improper software cripples the XL20, and as a result the 2690 wins...

Anyone any thoughts?

I saw the XL20 at CES and was quite dissapointed by the color ship due to the S-PVA panel. You could tell the colors on the left of the panel were different then the right no matter how you looked at it. The color was pretty darn good though. I believe it has a 10 bit LUT which is smaller than the 12 bit in the 2690.
That's what I like. A man who scoffs at the opportunity for true knowledge. Stay tuned!

Its not a flashing display you've shown so far of "true knowledge", so think I'll pass this one...

I also notice you have changed your post from:

You almost sound like an NEC shill who trolls this site to pump up orders for the manufacturer. I have no like or dislike for Vincent. I take it as one man's opinion, just as I take Painman's experience as one man's opinion. I see no reason to get so personally negative about your poor opinion of Vincent.


You almost sound like a shill who trolls this site to pump up interest in traffic at your own website. Would you put up with this kind of name calling on the WSGF website where you are a moderator? I have no like or dislike for Vincent. I take it as one man's opinion, just as I take Painman's experience as one man's opinion that he keeps updated also on your WSGF website. I see no reason to get so personally negative about your poor opinion of Vincent. Just because his website competes on monitor reviews with the website you are a moderator of is no reason to get insulting.

I don't really see the point discussing with you anymore. You're like one of those people who starts personal attacks when they run out of arguments. Now you are just looking for negative things to say about me. At first, you called me a NEC representative almost, and then you attack me when you figure out I am a moderator of a site claiming I'm posting to bring traffic to the site. Both of your speculations are way off.

Maybe you have understood I don't work for NEC, so I won't go further into that.

WSGF on the other hand:
1. It took you some time to figure out where I was coming from, so if I was posting to generate traffic back to the site, I must have done a poor job... ;)
2. WSGF doesn't compete with Behardware on monitor reviews. If you had spent more then 5 seconds there, you would understand that WSGF doesn't review monitors. There are users who review their own stuff, but that goes for most forums.
3. WSGF is a non-profit site where every moderator and also administrator works for free and even contributes $$$ to the forum. We are providing a service for those who needs to get their games working on internet (even [H] uses our site for solutions) for free. We don't need to generate traffic in order to get advertisers.
4. I am not here as a moderator from widescreen gaming forum, though Tamlin is the name I use on internet and Tamlin_WSGF if Tamlin is taken. Thats my identity on internet. The only reference to my site you can find is in the profile on its appropriate place ( where its asked to write down homepage). I don't even use it in my signature.
5. If you read my posts and also see the section I moderate, widescreens are of big interest to me. Also the tech behind widescreens. [H] is a good place which gives lots of good readings about screens. That I post in any of the threads, is because the subject interests me personally and have nothing to do with WSGF. As mentioned above, Tamlin is my internet identity and using another wouldn't make anything better. When Magnetik entered a thread in WSGF to post, he also used Magnetik. People like to use their internet names.
6. If you were on WSGF, you would already have gotten a warning for going to personal attacks and asked to stick with the subject.

With this I am finished discussing me and your personal attacks against me. Note that I am here as Tamlin, not as a moderator and I like to discuss screens. This place have their own moderators. If you run out of arguments again and starts with your personal attacks I'd be forced to report this to [H]'s moderator, since you are in violation of the rules of [H] and I find it annoying.

My apologies to Travbomb the off topic discussion that evolved. I felt a need to defend myself against these personal attacks, and now I am finished discussion with him. Back to discussing something more pleasant: NEC LCD2690! :D
Travbomb, or anyone, who had hands on experience, I cant really decide which one would be best for CAD, the 2690(spectraview) or the Samsung XL20.

The XL20 supposed to have a wider gamut(100% where as the NEC has 'only' 93%), and higher contrast ratio, but I also heard that the lookup table is lower than on the 2690, and also the the former has S-PVA but the NEC has S-IPS matrix. Their price is around the same, and both are targeted roughly the same target group so I suppose they are competing products. I am leaning towards the NEC, there was only one place i found a not too detailed comparison, here:
The guy is saying that the low bit lookup table and improper software cripples the XL20, and as a result the 2690 wins...

Anyone any thoughts?

Tftcentral had some short info on this screen with links to some reviews. According to them it features a new A-MVA panel with a new pixel design. If this pixel design takes away the dead angles (image shifts already at center +-5 degrees) that plagues the VA panels, then its well worth looking at as an option. :)
Cheers, thanks for the answers. Also can someone explain that how do these different bit depth colour lookup tables affect the actual quality of displays at the end? like for example you said that the XL20 has a 10 bit LUT, where as the NEC 2690 has a 12-bit LUT. How would that affect their performance?

And also, if the XL20 has a 100% coverage of the gamut, while as the NEC 2690 has only 93%, what would that mean in the practice when I look at the same picture, that i am not seeing 7% color variation on the NEC? So it looks like when it comes to accurate color display the XL20 is better, however as it has a lower LUT, it isnt as precise when it comes to... well i am not sure what LUT does :D, any help?

btw My goals are generally CAD, digital painting,webdesign etc, not necessarily accurate screen to print matching.

I saw the XL20 at CES and was quite dissapointed by the color ship due to the S-PVA panel. You could tell the colors on the left of the panel were different then the right no matter how you looked at it.

- so you mean that the XL20, as the result of the S-PVA matrix, had its colours distorted if you looked it from a slightly different angle?
Cheers, thanks for the answers. Also can someone explain that how do these different bit depth colour lookup tables affect the actual quality of displays at the end? like for example you said that the XL20 has a 10 bit LUT, where as the NEC 2690 has a 12-bit LUT. How would that affect their performance?

I was a bit hasty and forgot to mention that the XL20 has the ability to have its LUT hardware calibrated. At least according to X-bitlabs:
Calibration: the monitor’s calibration results are enabled. Like with the emulation, the results are written into the monitor’s LUT and do not depend on whether Natural Color Expert is running or not

Here is the result of gamma correction using 10-bit lut:
With 10-bit lut, a palette of 1021 tones pr. RGB being used.
With 12-bit lut, there is a palette of 4081 pr. RGB being used. In theory, the grayscale performance would be higher on the 12-bit. Since the panels themselves are 8-bits, I would think the difference from 8-bit lut to 10-bit would be larger then from 10-bit to 12-bit.

And also, if the XL20 has a 100% coverage of the gamut, while as the NEC 2690 has only 93%, what would that mean in the practice when I look at the same picture, that i am not seeing 7% color variation on the NEC? So it looks like when it comes to accurate color display the XL20 is better, however as it has a lower LUT, it isnt as precise when it comes to... well i am not sure what LUT does :D, any help?

The gammut represents the range of colors, in this case the Adobe RGB color space, a screen can display. The color depth is higher, the more gammut a screen have. It forms a triangle, because its represents the color depth of the R(red), G(green) and B(blue).

Lut is the lookup table the screen uses (the graphic card also have a LUT) to calculate which shade/color to display. The higher the LUT, the more accurate can it pinpoint the color/shade. Its important that the color read is as similar (color accuracy) as to the color shown on screen.

The NEC would in theory (provided both have been calibrated properly) have higher color accuracy up to 93% of Adobe gammut (or whatever the maximum gammut is on the NEC), while the XL20 would be able to display deeper shades then the NEC, above NECs gammut of 91%, 93% or 95% depending on where you get the specs...

btw My goals are generally CAD, digital painting,webdesign etc, not necessarily accurate screen to print matching.

Then both screens would most likely be sufficiant (unless the XL20 has image shifts as Travbomb mentioned and you find it intrusive). :)
wow, brilliant answer, so in other words, the NEC will be considerably more precise on the first 93% of the Adobe RGB Gamut, but after that it goes 'blind' where as the XL20 will continue to be able to display depth?

So it really boils down if what you plan to do with the monitor, for example if I am going to use it for Flash animation, then I am making a much better deal with the NEC, as i think Flash is limited to sRGB gamut, and in that range the 2690 is more precise than the Xl20, because of the LUT is higher, right?

In Photoshop, the same principle applies to web graphics as they are also sRGB(the end result at least), however if i were to create a digital painting that could be published, or just viewed in regular RGB(or if i were a photographer who shoots on RGB capable cameras), then i could benefit more from the wider gamut of the XL20 right?
I don't see how you figure that since they all have the same native resolution??

Its an approximation,nothing more,still its closer then WSGF's 7300GT :D I really
think some here are looking to lynch him and the NEC rep for no reason... :mad:
Does anybody know where to find the 2690 in the US? I have tried a few major online dealers but no one seems to have it in stock. Any ideas?
Does anybody know where to find the 2690 in the US? I have tried a few major online dealers but no one seems to have it in stock. Any ideas?

Right now not much product has shipped out to the channel. We have product but because it is new they like to control where it ships. Product should be shipping out to various distributors tomorrow.
Right now not much product has shipped out to the channel. We have product but because it is new they like to control where it ships. Product should be shipping out to various distributors tomorrow.

Thanks so much for the info. I cannot help but wondering though, who those "various distributors" are :) If you could post a few retailers (the more the better) I would greatly appreciate it and I will follow up with a call with them in a day or two.
Travbomb, or anyone, who had hands on experience, I cant really decide which one would be best for CAD, the 2690(spectraview) or the Samsung XL20.

I have seen the NEC 2690, Samsung XL20 and Samsung XL30. The XL20 has been on the market for a while now in Japan but seems not to have yet to have much traction in the US market. For the CAD work you mention the NEC 2690 is probably a better choice than the XL20. I find the LED display a bit tiring to look at over time, especially if you are going to looking at it 8 hours a day. You may also want to verify that the larger dot pitch of the NEC product works for you. If you can wait and are looking to purchase your monitor in the future you may wish to consider waiting for the Samsung XL30 which displays 114% of the Adobe gamut. The Samsung XL30 I saw looked spectacular. It has been publically stated that the same Samsung panel in the XL30 may be included in upcoming 30 inch products from Apple, Dell, Hewlett Packard and Eizo.
Travbomb, Do you have any info for me...I've been posting on 2 treads her asking for you and still no anser. I'm the guy that order one from Montreal Quebec. I spoke to Mike from NEC this week he said he was going to call in Chicago and get back to me, but I still have no news? I'm asking because your asking the other people her where did they order! do you need more info from me? I Need this badly. i'm renting a Nec at the moment and this new monitor is costing me more and more everyday! I would like to know when I'm going to get one, beacause at this rate it's going to be as expenssive as a CG from EIZO!

I'm starting to wonder if your posting these info just to calm things down and keep us on leash? If i had the good info from the start i could have made other choices or organized differently. I apreciate your posting her but The date of delevery as been push back so many times....I just wonder? :confused:

Any chance i get an answer from you travbomb? Last news from mike was he did not get shipement last week due to a snow storm!!! still no dates! i would really like an answer please.
Jorgen Fundingsrud at the Norwegian website has posted his recent review of the NEC 2690WUXI. Jorgen is very complimentary of the monitor for the purpose of the graphic arts and notes its improvements over other NEC models that he is familiar with. However, he was unimpressed with the monitors gaming performance. Jorgen states:

"Dette er ikke en grafisk skjerm for spillere, men en allsidig skjerm for grafikere."

Translated it means: This is not a graphic display unit for [game] players, but an all-round display unit for graphics.

It seems that another independent reviewer has a less than stellar opinion of this monitor relative to its gaming capabilities. Let the character assassination of the reviewer begin! Maybe he is another reviewer that has issues with manipulating the monitor's menu's :rolleyes:
btw the stated pixelpitch .270mm, is that horizontal or diagonal? i mean if its diagonal then its not that bad at all...

BTW, this morning i phoned NEC UK, to ask when do the 2690 SpectraView monitors come out and they said its going to be the end of March. They also said that main difference between the regular version and the SV, is only that the Spectra comes with the Hood and will be 'hand selected' and comes with a zero dead pixel warranty. When i asked them about the colorimeter bundle, they said it will NOT include that.

That is really weird, as if you go to the NEC US site, it says:

...comes bundled with color calibration software and a co-branded NEC/GretagMacbeth colorimeter for unparalleled color performance and use in color-critical applications...

Travomb, also said the same thing, so it is really confusing right now, why would it be any different in the UK??

Originally Posted by Travomb
The only difference between the two versions is that one has software for internal calibration and a colorimeter and teh other is just the monitor.
End of March. That makes me really pi**ed, they're doing a Benq. When i emailed them a couple of weeks ago they said it would be availible around now. UK websites are stating the 28th of this month, but to be honest they keep pushing it back and back. It's so annoying, you look forward to something and they let you down over and over. I'd much prefer a proper date rather than a Mickey Mouse one. This kind of thing just makes me want to cancel my order. If anyone from Nec reads this; SORT YOUR COMPANY OUT AND STOP STRINGING US ALONG.
End of March. That makes me really pi**ed, they're doing a Benq. When i emailed them a couple of weeks ago they said it would be availible around now. UK websites are stating the 28th of this month, but to be honest they keep pushing it back and back. It's so annoying, you look forward to something and they let you down over and over. I'd much prefer a proper date rather than a Mickey Mouse one. This kind of thing just makes me want to cancel my order. If anyone from Nec reads this; SORT YOUR COMPANY OUT AND STOP STRINGING US ALONG.

Its called manufacturing. There are a slew of things that can happen in the process that causes delays or slippage. there isnt a whole lot you can do about it sometimes especially in an industry where oyu have to rely on other suppliers for parts in your products.

As for the Spectraview in teh UK question, basically they do the SV thing completely different then the states do. We dont even have a hood for sale here and NEC UK does not write their own software for the SV kit where as in the states we do.
Any chance i get an answer from you travbomb? Last news from mike was he did not get shipement last week due to a snow storm!!! still no dates! i would really like an answer please.

I dont know who the reseller you placed your order with goes through in distribution to procure product so I cant release the order. Hopefully today they will just let all the orders go and we will be set. I will keep you posted.
Jorgen Fundingsrud at the Norwegian website has posted his recent review of the NEC 2690WUXI. Jorgen is very complimentary of the monitor for the purpose of the graphic arts and notes its improvements over other NEC models that he is familiar with. However, he was unimpressed with the monitors gaming performance. Jorgen states:

"Dette er ikke en grafisk skjerm for spillere, men en allsidig skjerm for grafikere."

Translated it means: This is not a graphic display unit for [game] players, but an all-round display unit for graphics.

It seems that another independent reviewer has a less than stellar opinion of this monitor relative to its gaming capabilities. Let the character assassination of the reviewer begin! Maybe he is another reviewer that has issues with manipulating the monitor's menu's :rolleyes:

I'd just like to know what his criteria and specific complaints were. I'm still happy with the way mine holds up - I've noted its imperfections as I've observed them; whether those imperfections make it an unacceptable panel for gaming purposes is a matter of personal requirements and taste IMO. My overall opinion remains good, but as you stated earlier, it's still one man's opinion. :)
Well, NEC deserves the loss, in this case. I mean really, they are making loads of interest money on delaying their product delivery alone (even if not done on purpose). My 1300 Euros has been with someone else for months now.

I say, if you can't sell a product, don't pretend you can. Too few stores realize this simple rule of thumb.

Hi i'm new here and from the Netherlands (holland)
I'm the owner (one day) of the 2690wuxi silver white, It is in one word superb.
I've been told mine has been shipped today, so it should be here* friday at the latest.
Mine is a black version, and supposedly a handpicked one (no dead pixels). I'll let you know my findings by then! Can hardly wait..
For those in the UK who really want one of these, i've found a sight that has 58 in stock however they only supply the white/silver grey models.

I want a black one, why delay the black ones, why, why..... i'm having to use a 10 year old CRT to keep me going, it has a smudge under the glass... right in the middle of the screen..... please Nec send the black monitors to the UK soon.....
End of March. That makes me really pi**ed, they're doing a Benq. When i emailed them a couple of weeks ago they said it would be availible around now.

Actually, then maybe I have some good news for you, when I asked them, they said the SV version is coming by the end of March, but they ll have the regular versions by mid March, and then they ll have to fit the Hoods and that accounts for the further delay for the SV versions. Of course its only good if you are interested in the basic not the SV.

By the way, the reason why the Colorimeter was removed from the package, according to the rep, that they are more targeting companies, not individuals, whom would buy more than one units, and of course it makes sense then, as if you buy 20 monitors and use them in the same room then 1 colorimeter will do the job and the rest would be just waste, so as a result, no colorimeter.

Instead you will be treated with the hoods! Not so sure about how fair that is, as the Gretagmacbeth Eye One, that comes with the US version, and is recommended for this one as well, costs £180, however a few plastic hoods cost what, £10?:rolleyes: Assuming of course that this SV will be £200 more than the basic version, as it is usually the case with other NEC SV models. (The US SV version costs $300 more accordingly, and that is WITH the colorimeter)
I've been told mine has been shipped today, so it should be here* friday at the latest. Mine is a black version, and supposedly a handpicked one (no dead pixels). I'll let you know my findings by then! Can hardly wait..

Congrats! Could you please share the place where you got your monitor from? I am trying to find one in the US but no one seems to have it in stock. I called NEC and they couldn't help me either.

BTW, is the SV version released in the states yet?
Thanks midnightgreen, i feel a little better as i just want a regular one. I'll try and get the Spectraview software at a later date. Anyone know where SV software can be purchased in the UK.

Cheers for the info. Midnightgreen
I've been told mine has been shipped today, so it should be here* friday at the latest.
Mine is a black version, and supposedly a handpicked one (no dead pixels). I'll let you know my findings by then! Can hardly wait..

Here also ZERO dead pixels, the screen comes with overdrive OFF ! and 100% brightness.
After adjustments it's SUPERB !!! I hope that yours come soon and I'm sure that you have
the same pleasure as mine.
I'd just like to know what his criteria and specific complaints were. I'm still happy with the way mine holds up - I've noted its imperfections as I've observed them; whether those imperfections make it an unacceptable panel for gaming purposes is a matter of personal requirements and taste IMO. My overall opinion remains good, but as you stated earlier, it's still one man's opinion. :)

It was a nice article he wrote. A bit thin IMO (especially since I am interested in this screen), but well written. I've already been on him about this test. Last friday I think. I asked him to turn on the overdrive and retest it (even sent him a PM in how to do it), I questioned a bit why he tested a wide gammut screen with sRGB and asked if he could test some of the fuctions (provided a link with a list of functions to test).

He also said in his review: "Med en responstid på 13 ms er dette å regne som en skilpadde, selv om 7 ms responstid for grå/grå er levelig." which translated would mean: "With a response time of 13 ms, this screen is to be reconed as a turtle, though a response time of 7 ms grey to grey is to live with." I asked what he ment by this, since as example the Dell 2407WFP is 16 ms with 6 ms grey to grey". I informed him that this screen is NOT 13 ms BtW (ISO) and 7 ms (GtG) unless he turns overdrive ON. :)

Tamlin_WSGF in the thread that belongs to his article is me.

I've translated the gaming tests for you in your review.

Jørgen Fundingsrud writes as mentioned a nice article here and though its not in depth of this screen, its still a nice reading. He writes a bit about the menu, but I'd wish he discovered the advanced menu as well and turned on overdrive + tested some of the functions there.
Here is a link to the user guide if anyone else would want to review this screen and wonder how to put overdrive on and activate other advanced functions... :D
wow, brilliant answer, so in other words, the NEC will be considerably more precise on the first 93% of the Adobe RGB Gamut, but after that it goes 'blind' where as the XL20 will continue to be able to display depth?

So it really boils down if what you plan to do with the monitor, for example if I am going to use it for Flash animation, then I am making a much better deal with the NEC, as i think Flash is limited to sRGB gamut, and in that range the 2690 is more precise than the Xl20, because of the LUT is higher, right?

In Photoshop, the same principle applies to web graphics as they are also sRGB(the end result at least), however if i were to create a digital painting that could be published, or just viewed in regular RGB(or if i were a photographer who shoots on RGB capable cameras), then i could benefit more from the wider gamut of the XL20 right?

Sorry for late reply. Yes, this is correct! :D If you have needs to access colors below the 93% of Adobe gammut, then this screen (the NEC) will not show those colors and you'll see it as uniform instead of levels at these color depths. You'll sacrifice color accuracy and PQ up to 93%, but gain the deepest colors of adobe RGB.

A quck note though: These panels used in the XL20 might be victim of the VA color/gamma shifts as Travbomb noted. This means you might encounter some viewing angle issues that could be a dealbreaker for you. The Eizo ColorEdge CE series have it due to S-PVA panels (CE240W), but not their highend CG series which is S-IPS based. Some reading:
I can bring out more if you wish, but you can also search abit about it.

I haven't seen the XL20 and not researced enough about the new A-MVA panel, so I cannot say for sure anything yet. Still, I'd advice you to have the option to return it if you choose the XL20 just in case. :)

VA's are not bad panels, but since I find those viewing angle based image shifts intrusive and there are lots of complaints and threads about graphics professionals trying to calibrate it away, I found it nessesary to at least put a word of caution about them. :)
wow, that silver looks good to me. And nice view from angle, very sharp. If you use it for gaming, would love to hear your impressions. Thanks.

Games look great and with overdrive ON ! also fast, no ghosting and smear with beautiful colors!!
The performance in games is very good in my quick impression, i use the screen with the BFG Nvidia 8800 GTX.
Meow, I think this is a manufacturing mistake.
I don't have this definitely not on my screen and i use also the dvi-d whit my 8800.
Try another cable ?

My setting are:

Set to s-RGB 6500K
Brightness 60%
Black level 50%
Sharpness 29%
Colorcomp ON
Overdrive ON

Try this and then look.
Meow said:
Well, no matter how hard I try to config the Sharpness, Black Level, Contrast and Brightness, it has some VERY UGLY contrast colouring greenish and reddish, clearly visible with - for example - small black stripes next to each other on white background. Black-White-Black-White stripes show colours. That's not good.
I immediately noticed the flaw because I typed something with two ll's next to each other in a search bar. Then I started noticing it in every character on screen, white on black too. It's just there. And it's too obvious for my taste. Almost looks like analogue, while it has only 1 cable connected, and that's DVI-D. I had to double check when I noticed this!
That sounds like ClearType. Do you have it enabled? If so, disable it. ClearType takes advantage of subpixels to make letters sharper on LCD monitors, but some people are annoyed by the colors.

If it's not ClearType, then I have no idea what it is because I have never seen or heard of this problem on any LCD monitor.

As for the sharpness control, that's just digital sharpening, which can be useful when using lower resolutions. Just set it to the lowest value that isn't blurry and don't worry about it.

Either way, for now my advice for others is NOT to buy it. Buy a Samsung instead. Unless they have sharpness control added to their screens too, then you're probably getting similar crap.
You're crazy. Have you seen any of the newer Samsung monitors? They're awful. The Samsung 191T was my first LCD monitor, and I was generally satisfied with it, but I'm not happy with any of the current Samsung monitors. The colors are washed out and they lag, and the viewing angles are not good enough for large screens.