Both use an external colorimeter, like the one shown in sosrah's post, which conencts to the computer via usb. The profiling software spends about 15 minutes making lots of pretty colors and measuring them through the colorimeter, then generates an ICC / ICM profile that your OS will then use to tell it how to display colors very precisely on that, specific monitor, by loading a LUT into your video card every time it starts up. This profile can be created with any profiling software, including the stuff that comes free included with the colorimeter. It's all part of the color management chain.

Optionally, SpectraView can use the same colorimeter to calibrate the display itself. This is less necessary, but can make things "better". For instance, it might not be possible for the profile to get exactly the output you want (in my case 6500 color temp., 2.2 gamma, 1.20 cd/m2 brightness) using just the video card's LUT, if the display itself is set up improperly. The profiling software may try to help you with this by looking at the puck and telling you, in effect, turn the red up and the green down, turn the brightness down, or whatever. But SpectraView is able to get it really right, by calibrating the LUT in the monitor itself, then generating the profile as well.
OK understood, but it still ends up being the eye that makes the final judgement call. Even if you precisely measure your monitor's LUT-specs and set it by the use of expensive added gadgets, since you drive your screen using software, that is *always* the limiting factor in the entire chain. Making the extra gadget pretty much useless in real life.

And by the way, use Moninfo ( ) to get the exact values such gadget will obtain. Then use GammaComp to tune your LUT when needed, and still the hardest thing in the chain is the Red, Green and Blue gamma adjustment you need to do with the naked eye. Not to mention the white-point. Still all of this is a lot easier with LCD/TFT than with CRT screens, i.m.o.

By the way, I found the RGB Native setting to give the best colors (with the least banding). sRGB was way too cold (not enough Reds and Yellows). Also, I think Colorcomp can easily be set on, to 5. There's more than enough luminance coming from this baby.. ;-)
Just spoke with engineering and there is no fan inside of the LCD2690WUXi-BK. Not sure what you hearing but I would double check that it is the display.
Like the other guy I do hear an electrical crisping sound coming from the back in the upper left corner (seen from the front), but in my case it's very hard to notice. You need to put your ear close to the top of the panel to hear it, but is *is* there.

I'm an audio-engineer by trade, so I hear more than the next person, but still. You may want to pass this on to engineering. I have no complaints about it, it's like a tiny cricket in the summer night, sort of. I can record the sound with a sensitive microphone if you want..

My panel also has a slight green backlight glow in the upper right corner, with or without feed, visible with black. It's a bit more there than I expected on a screen for this price, but I've read this is quite normal for panels this size.
Yet another review from Norway. Written by Brynjulf Blix, a reviewer who actually knows how to navigate through OSM when testing the screens

That's great that we have another independent reviewer to weigh in on this matter. He again sets forth the proposition that this is an adequate gaming monitor but not the ultimate.

Maybe that guy read the review from Behardware/ before writing his own at :)It wouldn't be the first time an opinion from one reviewer gets reflected in another reviewer in fear of looking stupid.

Your comments above discrediting the Norwegian reviewer, Jorgen Fundingsrud, are baseless and inappropriate. Why you are intolerant of the opinions of others and seek to belittle their opinions is beyond understanding. At least Fundingsrud has seen the NEC monitor which he discusses. This is alot more than some others who post here who just recite and reorganize the impressions of others having never even seen the devices they render their opinion upon.
Like the other guy I do hear an electrical crisping sound coming from the back in the upper left corner (seen from the front), but in my case it's very hard to notice. You need to put your ear close to the top of the panel to hear it, but is *is* there.

I'm an audio-engineer by trade, so I hear more than the next person, but still. You may want to pass this on to engineering. I have no complaints about it, it's like a tiny cricket in the summer night, sort of. I can record the sound with a sensitive microphone if you want..
I've noticed this with the NEC 20WMGX2 as well. It gets worse when the brightness is raised.
Like the other guy I do hear an electrical crisping sound coming from the back in the upper left corner (seen from the front), but in my case it's very hard to notice. You need to put your ear close to the top of the panel to hear it, but is *is* there.

I'm an audio-engineer by trade, so I hear more than the next person, but still. You may want to pass this on to engineering. I have no complaints about it, it's like a tiny cricket in the summer night, sort of. I can record the sound with a sensitive microphone if you want..

My panel also has a slight green backlight glow in the upper right corner, with or without feed, visible with black. It's a bit more there than I expected on a screen for this price, but I've read this is quite normal for panels this size.

Well, in my case it is more like a whole clan of crickets. I was sitting 3 meters (appr. 10 feet?) away watching a movie and as soon as there was only dialog I could hear the noise very clear. Doesn't need an audio engineer (even though I actually worked as one for quite some time, before I got into graphics) to spot this noise.
Your comments above discrediting the Norwegian reviewer, Jorgen Fundingsrud, are baseless and inappropriate. Why you are intolerant of the opinions of others and seek to belittle their opinions is beyond understanding. At least Fundingsrud has seen the NEC monitor which he discusses. This is alot more than some others who post here who just recite and reorganize the impressions of others having never even seen the devices they render their opinion upon.

This is getting ridiculous interpolator! First of all, the comment you are refering to is taken from another forum. Secondly, its taken completely out of context. I am not discrediting the Norwegian reviewer, its not an attack of the reviewer at all. Its a question of to why Painmans experience is in such contrast with the review. You are reading my posts as the devil reads the bible, trying to find ways to attack me. If you can't find anything, you twist what I write in an attempt to make it look bad.

You even go to the length of quoting from other forums and then putting it in this thread without any refereal that you have actually taken this out of context from another thread not even at [H]ardforum. You are starting to look like a new version of poststalker. :rolleyes:

Edit: Though I have questioned the some of findings of this reviewer, I have also complemented his review on [H], WSGF and also in the thread belonging to the review. I have nothing against this reviewer and enjoyed reading his review.
Wow. Enough. Interpolator, I don't know if it's some personal battle that you wish to wage with Tamlin, or some inexplicable personal desire you have for denigrating the response time/gaming capability of the 2690 - but here you are, using the words of reviewers who cast its response times in a negative light as your "talking points", while implying that someone here or elsewhere has proclaimed the 2690 to be the "ultimate" in gaming panels - and using that implication in an attempt to mitigate the impact of reviews that cast it in a more favorable light.

Well, no one ever made such a claim. Tamlin never said so, I never said so, no other reviewer ever said so. You made this up on your own. It's called a straw man argument, in case you're unfamiliar with the term.

I tend to agree with the observations of Mr. Blix, who gave the panel an 8 out of 10 in the area of response time - a fair assessment IMO. Judging response time alone: If we call a CRT 10, and a good TN panel 9, then the 2690 follows somewhat behind... but not far.

Take my words and accept them or dismiss them as you please; since I'm not a reviewer by trade, you may be inclined to do the latter - but keep in mind that I've owned a 2690 now for the entirety of 2 weeks... that's about 2 weeks longer than you have.
Wow. Enough. Interpolator, I don't know if it's some personal battle that you wish to wage with Tamlin, or some inexplicable personal desire you have for denigrating the response time/gaming capability of the 2690 - but here you are, using the words of reviewers who cast its response times in a negative light as your "talking points", while implying that someone here or elsewhere has proclaimed the 2690 to be the "ultimate" in gaming panels - and using that implication in an attempt to mitigate the impact of reviews that cast it in a more favorable light.

Well, no one ever made such a claim. Tamlin never said so, I never said so, no other reviewer ever said so. You made this up on your own. It's called a straw man argument, in case you're unfamiliar with the term.

I tend to agree with the observations of Mr. Blix, who gave the panel an 8 out of 10 in the area of response time - a fair assessment IMO. Judging response time alone: If we call a CRT 10, and a good TN panel 9, then the 2690 follows somewhat behind... but not far.

Take my words and accept them or dismiss them as you please; since I'm not a reviewer by trade, you may be inclined to do the latter - but keep in mind that I've owned a 2690 now for the entirety of 2 weeks... that's about 2 weeks longer than you have.

Ahhh Painman, I must say I do like your article on this monitor... You keep it simple for the gamer in mind as well as the all around user.... I think you have me sold on this monitor, it was either this or the Samsung 27 inch monitor, and after seeing some recent pics from the Dell 27 inch monitor I am not very impressed... Nice pics on the review as well, glad to see someone who has put this baby to some gaming use and has shared some of the joy in an actual photo...

I hope you continue to enjoy your awesome monitor and thanks for your input.
I tried an Eizo CE240W, but I was disappointed because it had all the problems that I've seen in other monitors with PVA panels. It had the same input lag that the Dell 2405FPW has. It had the same washed-out look that I've seen in other monitors with PVA panels due to the poor viewing angles. It also had the same color trailing problem that I hear the Dell 2407WFP has. It had more accurate colors though, but even then, it still wasn't accurate enough because it only measured the brightest shades and adjusted the gain accordingly. That left the midtones slightly inaccurate. It didn't matter anyway because the sides were more washed out than the middle due to the poor viewing angles, and for some reason, the left side was worse with darker shades, which negates the benefits of color accuracy.
With my NEC 2690 and one of the great test-screens that the NaViSet software offers I found out that there are a lot more low-end Black levels this screen can show than you'll see out of the box. If you pump up the Black level a little, true black is still the blackest black this screen can show, but you get a lot of new dark levels, and by lowering Contrast a little you still get all the lighter levels too. In total you simply get a much wider range displayed, without introducing anything bad. With that you really should have your Brightness down to 0.0% though. Like this:

I really love the amount of tuning one can do for the 2690, it's a lot more than with any other monitor (or TV even) I've owned in my life. Hats off to NEC for that.
its not an attack of the reviewer at all.

Excuse me! Your comments are not an insult to the Norwegian reviewer? Your comments on this forum about Vincent being "stupid" and "senile" are not a personal attack and insult to that reviewer as well? I have used no denigrating words to describe your comments and look how you have flown off the handle taking personal offense. I suggest to you that these reviewers would see your choice of words far more negatively than you do.

The fact of the matter is that the observations of the Painman, Meow, Chuck Waugh, HDJK, Travbomb and the reveiwers are first hand observations discussing what they have have observed and noteowrthy by buyers evaluating this monitor. Up to this point it appears you have never even seen the monitor. Your voluminous comments on this thread are nothing more than hearsay discussion which is just a reordering and recital of the statements of others and provide little new information that is not already available.
You really don't stop do you? :rolleyes: I'll not feed the troll you are and allow you to provoke me. :cool:
I have no opinion on who insulted whom, or didn't, but would you please take this discussion off-line, or perhaps just end it? It has nothing to do with thie subject of this thread.
So, I tried entering the advanced setup. I thought I might have missed the section in the manual referring to it. It just so happens that the European version doesn't have an advanced menu! So there is no way to change the color of the bars :(
Why (since the menu is in English also) would they load the same model monitor with a different software??? Do they think European users are too dumb to handle extra settings and adjustments? I'm sorry, but I'm getting a little frustrated here. I was waiting for two month for this great piece of modern technology to arrive, and now it is a strip-down version and unbearably noisy on top :(
Plus: try getting some information from NEC through the normal channels... they finally answered my mail with a template starting with 'Dear Ladies and Gentlemen...' They did not comment on any of the issues I wrote about. And there is no contact for Switzerland I could find. I am just about to return it and get my money back.
Ahhh Painman, I must say I do like your article on this monitor... You keep it simple for the gamer in mind as well as the all around user.... I think you have me sold on this monitor, it was either this or the Samsung 27 inch monitor, and after seeing some recent pics from the Dell 27 inch monitor I am not very impressed... Nice pics on the review as well, glad to see someone who has put this baby to some gaming use and has shared some of the joy in an actual photo...

I hope you continue to enjoy your awesome monitor and thanks for your input.

Glad you liked the review, and hope you find my observations accurate should you pull the trigger and get one of your own. :)

I have no opinion on who insulted whom, or didn't, but would you please take this discussion off-line, or perhaps just end it? It has nothing to do with thie subject of this thread.

I agree - sorry for my, erm, contribution to all of that... :eek: but let's move on.
So, I tried entering the advanced setup. I thought I might have missed the section in the manual referring to it. It just so happens that the European version doesn't have an advanced menu! So there is no way to change the color of the bars :(
Why (since the menu is in English also) would they load the same model monitor with a different software??? Do they think European users are too dumb to handle extra settings and adjustments? I'm sorry, but I'm getting a little frustrated here. I was waiting for two month for this great piece of modern technology to arrive, and now it is a strip-down version and unbearably noisy on top :(
Plus: try getting some information from NEC through the normal channels... they finally answered my mail with a template starting with 'Dear Ladies and Gentlemen...' They did not comment on any of the issues I wrote about. And there is no contact for Switzerland I could find. I am just about to return it and get my money back.

I have the italian manual and i have a section that explain the advanced menu:
-turn off the monitor
-press the ON and INPUT/SELECT buttons simultaneously at least for 1 second. Then press the control buttons (exit, left, right, up, down)
-the advanced menu is displayed

to exit from advanced menu turn off the monitor.
So, I tried entering the advanced setup. I thought I might have missed the section in the manual referring to it. It just so happens that the European version doesn't have an advanced menu!
Mine has. I'm in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You can't get it any more European than that. ;) Mine is Made In China and France, mostly, according to the parts.

Did you hold the power and input button pressed for one second at power up?
I actually even noticed that you can hear it switch, in the back of the screen.

Granted, there are a few differences between what's mentioned under Advanced options in the manual and what's actually there, but 98% of the entries are correct.
Mine has. I'm in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You can't get it any more European than that ;)

Did you hold the power and input button pressed for one second at power up?
I actually even noticed that you can hear it switch, in the back of the screen.

Granted, there are a few differences between what's mentioned under Advanced options in the manual and what's actually there, but 98% of the entries are correct.

Are we missing out of some goodies? :eek: I'm getting this screen wednesday or thursday. Its already being shipped to me. Which 1% to you refer to?
Are we missing out of some goodies? :eek: I'm getting this screen wednesday or thursday. Its already being shipped to me. Which 1% to you refer to?
Just the two or three inconsistencies with the manual and real-life. Nothing you need to worry about. I will look them up for you when I feel like doing it. As you can see it has A LOT of advanced options (which by the way include the normal options, they should have called it 'Expert mode OSD', that would be more appropriate).

Just like Painman, I see very slight backlight stuff, green-ish and purple-ish, but you have to look real hard to notice it. Be in total dark, with a black screen. And it might even disappear over time. I have mine half a week now.

The audio noise-issue H. is having, is - as always - related to the power-transformer or the gelijkrichtbrug (as we Dutch call it). Strange how NEC is seemingly using cheap parts for that. It might be smart for NEC to share the schematics of the PSU in it, so you can replace the electronic parts making the noise. A lot easier than sending it out. If you have experience using a soldering iron, and some technical knowledge, I'd go that way. I've done this for other equipment too, like my Allen&Heath mixer. A&H had no problems with e-mailing me the basic schematics I needed.

It's sad how NEC also goes the "we are a big untouchable automated company" way with their support desks and email responses, as H. noted. I hate when hardware brands do that. How hard is it to just behave like humans and reply to emails personally, signing with a name, like normal well-behaved people do?
Just like Painman(?), I see very slight backlight stuff, green-ish and purple-ish, but you have to look real hard to notice it. Be in total dark, with a black screen. And it might even disappear over time. I have mine half a week now.

Meow - the greenish and purplish cast you see is inherent to IPS screen technology, and will show up when the panel is dark and you view it from a non-perpendicular angle. Sitting further away will reduce it, or adjusting the screen position so that it's at a more exactly perpendicular angle to your eyes.
Just the two or three inconsistencies with the manual and real-life. Nothing you need to worry about. I will look them up for you when I feel like doing it. As you can see it has A LOT of advanced options (which by the way include the normal options, they should have called it 'Expert mode OSD', that would be more appropriate).

I know. Its an extremely feature-rich screen. Looking forward to test out some of the functions! I know the english manual by heart almost already. I noticed there were some features that got deactivated when you activated other features. Like when using gamma selection on programable, low bright mode gets deactivated and some functions only work in analoge/vga mode. It'll probably take me a week just to tweak it even with a calibrator... :D

Inconsistencies I don't worry about as long as they don't remove me of features. :)
I have no opinion on who insulted whom, or didn't, but would you please take this discussion off-line, or perhaps just end it? It has nothing to do with thie subject of this thread.

I agree. I have looked back at the several pages and this thread has been highjacked and dominated by a totlly obsesive personality that is intolerant of the views of others. The insults and name calling of others who have opinions is totally wrong. This thread is littered with complete BS. I read here to find out about the equipment; not about some guy's other website or his views of others opinions interspersed with insults. It seems as if people are being called stupid with every disagreement of opinion. Who do these people think they are to behave in such a disgraceful way? Interpolator should let this rest and Tamlin_WSGF should stop the attitude and conduct himself more professionally.

And while I am at it, those who post here inquiring about when they are going to get delivery of there monitor, why don't you use the PM to Travbomb and not post here too.
I know. Its an extremely feature-rich screen. Looking forward to test out some of the functions! I know the english manual by heart almost already. I noticed there were some features that got deactivated when you activated other features. Like when using gamma selection on programable, low bright mode gets deactivated and some functions only work in analoge/vga mode. It'll probably take me a week just to tweak it even with a calibrator... :D

Inconsistencies I don't worry about as long as they don't remove me of features. :)

Tamlin, where did you order yours from? I've been trying to find a place with this in stock, and the only site I found that did wanted $2300 for it!
Tamlin, where did you order yours from? I've been trying to find a place with this in stock, and the only site I found that did wanted $2300 for it!

Hey Aquila, what's this we have here... 2690 shopping? :D

Tamlin lives in Norway. As for US availablility, it looks like it kinda dried up for a while. NEC filling large corporate orders maybe? Travbomb can hopefully provide some more channel availability news soon.

EDIT: A buddy of mine is really interested in the 2490 - Trav, if you can provide any news on the status of those, that would be fantastic too. Thanks :)
I have a technical question for the experts:

Nec 2690 uses Lg/Philips LM260WU1 panel;

luminance: 500 cd/m2
contrast ratio: 1000:1/3000:1(dcr= dynamic contrast ratio)

luminance: 400 cd/m2
contrast ratio: 800:1

Why different specifications?

At first the 800:1 contrast of the Nec compared to other panels (i.e. the new 27" used by Samsung that has 3000:1 contrast) seems poor, but after reading the specifications at Lg/Philips i thought that maybe every manifacturer measure contrast with different methology.
Does anyone know the truth?
Hey Aquila, what's this we have here... 2690 shopping? :D

Tamlin lives in Norway. As for US availablility, it looks like it kinda dried up for a while. NEC filling large corporate orders maybe? Travbomb can hopefully provide some more channel availability news soon.

EDIT: A buddy of mine is really interested in the 2490 - Trav, if you can provide any news on the status of those, that would be fantastic too. Thanks :)

Yeah, I'm still sorta waiting for the 24WMGX2, 3, whatever it ends up being because of the bevy of inputs it has. I know that it won't have an IPS panel, but I'm not overly concerned about that. I may go for the 2490, too. I only sit about 2-3 feet away from the monitor, so screen dooring may be a factor on the 26". I could just notice it occasionally, not to an annoying level, tho, on the 24" Gateway I had, but it was only in certain situations (high-range solid color). Damn my eyes!

I would LOVE to see the three displays 24WMGX, 2490WUXi, and 2690WUXi side by side for a comparison. Best Buy has had the 20WMGX in store, and have a listing for both WUXi's, so it could happen.
I noticed there were some features that got deactivated when you activated other features. Like when using gamma selection on programable, low bright mode gets deactivated and some functions only work in analoge/vga mode. It'll probably take me a week just to tweak it even with a calibrator... :D
Know what you mean, I'm still not there, after 6 days of exploring. I do know now that the Sharpness really defaults one notch below its optimum.

You need to be sure to get the latest en manual here, not the US one. They have differences in the Advanced section, and the written explanations of the options are better in the new eu one.

The "DVI Long Cable" is an interesting setting. I have set it to 0. It's using a Voltage boost on the cable, and causes a sensitivity increase on the reception of your videocard's output, and it is my guess that the lower you can set that, the lower possible noise will be. I have noticed certain improvements anyway.

Painman said:
the greenish and purplish cast you see is inherent to IPS screen technology, and will show up when the panel is dark and you view it from a non-perpendicular angle. Sitting further away will reduce it, or adjusting the screen position so that it's at a more exactly perpendicular angle to your eyes
It is also visible from a perpendicular angle. The upper right corner of my 2690 clearly has green backlight bleeding (or whatever you want to call it), but not so much that I would return the screen for it. It seems to have been getting less over time, and Colorcomp on 5 reduced it a little as well (default is 3).

By the way, those who complain about its 'large' dot-pitch are insane. I can't even make out the dots when I'm almost bumping my nose on the panel, and my eyesight is very good for my age. I see no patterns forming or screen-door effects, the panel just looks like a beautiful painting from everywhere! So to those who were wondering about that: Do not worry.

Almost forgot to mention this:
What is really noteworthy is the low reflection level of the panel. That's one thing that usually annoys me in most CRT's and older LCD/TFTs, their shiny mirrorlike surfaces. In this 2690 I can barely make out myself, even in Off status, while I have the back of my screen facing daylight (so the light is coming from one direction always). This is a great plus, IMO, for the LCD2690WUXi!
I have a technical question for the experts:

Nec 2690 uses Lg/Philips LM260WU1 panel;

luminance: 500 cd/m2
contrast ratio: 1000:1/3000:1(dcr= dynamic contrast ratio)

luminance: 400 cd/m2
contrast ratio: 800:1

Why different specifications?

At first the 800:1 contrast of the Nec compared to other panels (i.e. the new 27" used by Samsung that has 3000:1 contrast) seems poor, but after reading the specifications at Lg/Philips i thought that maybe every manifacturer measure contrast with different methology.
Does anyone know the truth?

Most manufacturers just use the panel specs as you stated for their final specs too. These specs generally dont end up being the same after all the electronics are put in place and are actually driving the panel. I think NEC is one of the only companies who tests their monitors after they are completely and then posts the results as the new specs.

Also the 3000:1 contrast on teh Samsung and any other LCD for that matter is dynamic not static, which basically means it is calculated using a fairly conveluted method and in the end the 3000:1 contrast is never really attainable.
Hey Aquila, what's this we have here... 2690 shopping? :D

Tamlin lives in Norway. As for US availablility, it looks like it kinda dried up for a while. NEC filling large corporate orders maybe? Travbomb can hopefully provide some more channel availability news soon.

EDIT: A buddy of mine is really interested in the 2490 - Trav, if you can provide any news on the status of those, that would be fantastic too. Thanks :)

Product has been shipped to all major US and Canadian distributors as of yesterday. Some shipped on 2/26 and some shipped on 2/27. We do still have more product in our inventory too.

The 2490 is going to be a bit harder to get a hold of due to large corporate customers. Probably closer to end of March before these become available.
O.k., I'm sorry to say but NEC has really been of very little help so far. No one could answer any of my questions regarding my problems and emails continue to be cheap templates that don't even address me by my name :mad:

So, I don't have a advanced menu and neither does my manual indicate one. I never thought it matters, because nothing on their website would lead to that assumption, but it might be due to the fact that I have tha black version. I just saw an online reseller with both of them listed and the LCD2690WUXI-BK is actually cheaper.

travbomb, can you confirm a difference between the two models? According to posters here the models in Netherlands and Italy have that option, so it doesn't look like they differ from the US models.

If that is the case, how could they release something and have resellers take pre-orders without mention of the differences :confused: :confused: :confused:
Product has been shipped to all major US and Canadian distributors as of yesterday. Some shipped on 2/26 and some shipped on 2/27. We do still have more product in our inventory too.
When will the SpectraView edition be available?
O.k., I'm sorry to say but NEC has really been of very little help so far. No one could answer any of my questions regarding my problems and emails continue to be cheap templates that don't even address me by my name :mad:

So, I don't have a advanced menu and neither does my manual indicate one. I never thought it matters, because nothing on their website would lead to that assumption, but it might be due to the fact that I have tha black version. I just saw an online reseller with both of them listed and the LCD2690WUXI-BK is actually cheaper.

travbomb, can you confirm a difference between the two models? According to posters here the models in Netherlands and Italy have that option, so it doesn't look like they differ from the US models.

If that is the case, how could they release something and have resellers take pre-orders without mention of the differences :confused: :confused: :confused:

Here in the US we only have the black version but generally speaking black is cheaper than white because there are a lot less white models made. You should have an advanced menu on your display. All of the other posters on this board from Europe have advanced menus so I am not sure why yours wouldnt.
Neither am I. It will get picked up and (eventually) replaced. I hope this is the end of this sad start :(
Neither am I. It will get picked up and (eventually) replaced. I hope this is the end of this sad start :(
Can you photograph your screen? Maybe you've been had by your reseller or something, and you have a fake or something.
Mine is Black too, it has all that it should have.

Did you really try to access the Advanced menu properly? By holding the Power and Input button pressed together two seconds while powering it on.
Mine has. I'm in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You can't get it any more European than that. ;) Mine is Made In China and France, mostly, according to the parts.

Did you hold the power and input button pressed for one second at power up?
I actually even noticed that you can hear it switch, in the back of the screen.

Granted, there are a few differences between what's mentioned under Advanced options in the manual and what's actually there, but 98% of the entries are correct.

Mine has. I'm also in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You can't get it any more European than that.;)
O.k., mine does have the advanced menu too. See, I got confused there wit the power button and powering down. You need to turn off the monitor with the power switch and then turning it on while holding down the power button with the input button. So, I hope the replacement gets here soon so I can start enjoying my monitor :p
The German helpdesk people don't know of such a thing though. They sent me a pdf of the German manual confirming, there is no such thing as an advanced menu. I told him it's there and maybe they should update that manual? It's not very comforting when somebody who should be able to help you tells you it doesn't work and you have to find out in an internet forum that it does. Oh well, back to frame one. I hope the new monitor is intact when it arrives (knock on wood).
Well after the long wait my LCD2690wuxi arrived yesterday!

Wow what a super monitor, truly professional grade! The display was nice out of the box but after I calibrated it at a brightness of 140 it ROCKS. I used the Spectraview kit and it worked fine.

This is my first LCD monitor so I have no reference to compare it with, but the display is very CRT looking compared to other LCDs I have seen.

Talk about display area! My mouse hand is going to get a workout, as moving the cursor from one side of the screen to the other is like a cross country trip. All this space is super for Photoshop (my main app), with all my tools pallets off to one side the room for the image is big enough for them to open proportionally full frame in a horizontally orientation.

Now that I am using the monitor, it was well worth the wait.

This forum is a great resource of information, thanks everyone and a special thanks to trvbomb for all his help and inside information regarding NEC.

David L. Moore
Simple question- Why does the 2490 reproduce 69% of the Adobe RGB colour spectrum only while the 2690 reproduces 92%? :D Just curious.
Product has been shipped to all major US and Canadian distributors as of yesterday. Some shipped on 2/26 and some shipped on 2/27. We do still have more product in our inventory too.

The 2490 is going to be a bit harder to get a hold of due to large corporate customers. Probably closer to end of March before these become available.

Awesome! Thanks travbomb, you are a HUGE boon to these forums. Quick & accurate & informative.

I've decided that I'm going to go with 2690. I've been waiting and waiting for a good LCD, and this will be great. I haven't found any (English language) reviews of the 2490, but everything is top ranked for the 2690. The 2690 has a better color spread as well. The SpectraView software being released just pushed me over the edge on this one. Now I have to explain to the wife why I'm spending more on a display than I did on her engagement ring. :D

Also, as much as I'd like to wait for the 24WMGX#, I just don't see it working out. Honestly, I don't really need component, S-Video, & composite; I just thought it would be 'cool' to have. Worst case, I can Radio Shack a cable together and hook it up to the analog connector or get a tuner card for my PC. Lastly, I tried out my buddy's laptop with the OptiBrite 'shiny' screen LCD, and where it's located would drive me NUTS with the glare.