NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

Well the HP is about $100 more right now so they don't cost the same and aren't the same resolution. You can't really make a direct comparison.
We don't have the HP ZR24w in my country yet (EU) - they will come in may/june.

I think HP will cost somewhere from 400-600€, might cost even more based on the HP LP version. NEC costs 400€.

But new versions always have some issues which are than redeemed with new firmware revision.

If you want a 23" get the NEC. If you want a 24" get the HP.
I decided to wait for an official review of the HP before I decide - I do want the 24" but not at all costs. I hope TFT central will do one in a month or so.

For now, I am still waiting for some reports on the black, contrast, noisines and the price in my country. Have the HP thread bookmarked.
I bought this monitor a little while ago... It sucks to have it sitting next to my other monitors... The quality of the colors and the build of this monitor make all my others looks bad =(... Guess I will need to replace all my monitors with this one!
I finally ordered my 3rd nec, this time from the egg. Once again I got a perfect one w/o stuck pixels or backlight issues. I got them setup in portrait and loving it. I posted a pic in the workstation thread.
This monitor seems to give a lot of bang for the buck and I'm very interested in picking one up. I currently have a PX2370 and I have decided to return it due to poor build quality and a disappointing black level.

The only thing holding me back is the fact that the response time on the NEC isn't that great. I will be using this monitor solely for gaming on an Xbox 360, primarily FPS's. Do any of you guys use this with an Xbox 360 or PS3? If so, is it responsive enough to be used as a gaming monitor or should I be looking for something else?
:confused: Based on the positive vibes on this board and a great price I recieved this monitor yesterday...

I would like to have your guys opinions on whether the degree of color inconsistency is about average or should I send it back for an exchange?

Purple Lagom screen: Note pink bloom on right bottom!


Grey Photoshop Screen: Note Cooler left and warmer yellow gray right


Lagom Logo Viewing angle screen: Note again bottom right side bloom of visible letters


Let me know thanks
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I don't know maybe I'm picky but it's not a cheap monitor and the selling point is that it should be a superior screen than a TN panel. Taking all that into consideration, hell yes I'd return it. What good is it if 1/3rd of the screen is defective?

LG or whoever makes these panels has some low ass quality control based on the amount of defective screens people get. It's not just this NEC either it's all of the cheaper IPS panels.
It's like a lotto to win a monitor without defects. On top of that you've got crap companies like Dell that screw people over who have defective monitors and then tries to pull a fast one and replace it with a refurb or an already returned monitor.

but anyway, yes return it. You deserve what you thought you were paying for and 1/3rd pink screen isn't right.
just purchased one cant wait to get it! will be doing some major photo work on it. hope it doesnt fail me like the hp 2475

Thanks for your 2c :D

I really hope that considering the good experiences most people have with this monitor I will be able to exchange this one with and get at least a "decent" one...

I certainly understand that at this price level one can't expect perfection but I should at least get a screen I can use for proofing my photo colors...

I have initiaded the RMA process...let's see what the lotto brings!
can anyone re-upload the 83 hz driver? mediafire can't find it anymore.

also, I seem to have gotten myself stuck at 50hz, after reinstalling the 75hz EDID override driver posted earlier, even though it was working for me for a bit, mebbe the CCC is forcing it, idk.

edit, crashed my rig opening moninfo, when it booted, I could select 75hz again, but 60 disappeared, seems to work just fine at 75 now though.
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I just purchased this today to replace a Samsung PX2370. Unfortunately, I forgot to buy an adapter so I had to hook it up via VGA. For some reason, there was a very bad yellow tint that was impossible to get rid of and the display looked very blurry. Although the Xbox 360 said it was running 1080p, the OSD said it was actually 1680x1050. After playing a few games to test responsiveness, I have realized that this monitor is just fine for console gaming.

I decided to test the DVI connection to see if it was any better. I am pleased to say that it works just fine. The display is very sharp and after tweaking some settings in the Nvidia control panel I was able to get accurate colours and a deep black level. I plan on buying an adapter for my 360 tomorrow and I'll let you guys know how that turns out. Based on the DVI connection, this monitor blows the PX2370 away and it was only $10 more! If you're on the fence on this one and comparing it to TN's, I'd recommend this by far; it's a steal for the price.

EDIT: Just noticed some blacklight bleed in the lower left corner. This covers 25% of the screen. Manufacturing date is December 09. For those that have a perfect set, what is the date for yours? I hope this isn't a widespread issue as my local store only has 2-3 more left.
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Doubt anyone has a perfect set, they just have ones that they are happy with.

All 3 of mine calibrated within 1-2% of eachother and are fine for Eyefinity... no dead/stuck pixels that I could find or even notice right now so I doesn't bug me. And the backlight bleed again isn't something I notice when I'm using the screens, even then the bleed isn't much.

But I guess I'm not that picky
Doubt anyone has a perfect set, they just have ones that they are happy with.

All 3 of mine calibrated within 1-2% of eachother and are fine for Eyefinity... no dead/stuck pixels that I could find or even notice right now so I doesn't bug me. And the backlight bleed again isn't something I notice when I'm using the screens, even then the bleed isn't much.

But I guess I'm not that picky
I think I'm getting my terms mixed up. There is both backlight bleed and uneven backlighting on mine. In the top right corner, there is some mild backlight bleeding but this is only visible against a completely black background so it's not an issue.

In the left corner however, there is a cloudy patch. This makes all the colours in the bottom left portion of the screen lighter than they should be. While browsing this forum I noticed that the left corner is gray while the rest is black. I will admit that I am a bit picky but this is unacceptable. I think I may even have a dead pixel now. I hope the replacement works out cause I really like this monitor. :(

As for the VGA port, can anybody explain why the screen is so yellow? The display was also very dim and blurry. I have read about tinting issues for this monitor but this is only affects one input.
hello, im sorry to just butt in, but i have some questions. First, what back lighting does the EA231WMi use? CCFL? does this mean that the brightness will diminish over time?
hello, im sorry to just butt in, but i have some questions. First, what back lighting does the EA231WMi use? CCFL? does this mean that the brightness will diminish over time?

I've never heard of CCFL's getting less bright over time...

And to answer Baghdadii's question... that sounds more like uneven colors which is definitely not acceptable... but backlight bleed is where on black backgrounds you see certain areas are darker than others.. Backlight bleed you never notice when you're just using the screen normally, that's why it never bugged me.
I got my replacement today and there are absolutely no problems with it whatsoever. :)

For those that are using this with a console, what would you recommend for calibration? The image quality out of the box is very good but based on the way it looks with tweaked settings on my computer's video card, there is a lot of potential and I want to extract as much as possible.

I am currently considering the Spyder 3 express but I would prefer to get a more affordable solution. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Purple Lagom screen: Note pink bloom on right bottom!


Lagom Logo Viewing angle screen: Note again bottom right side bloom of visible letters

Is that really what you see in real life too? I was just wondering if your camera is being tricky in these photos, no?
LG or whoever makes these panels has some low ass quality control based on the amount of defective screens people get. It's not just this NEC either it's all of the cheaper IPS panels.
The more manufacturers pay for quality control, the better panels they get. For example there has been surprisingly little amount of reported uniformity issues with the ZR24w, so I guess HP paid a little bit more.

But in the end the real problem is that if manufacturers do not want a panel from LG, they don't have a lot of other options...

It's like a lotto to win a monitor without defects. On top of that you've got crap companies like Dell that screw people over who have defective monitors and then tries to pull a fast one and replace it with a refurb or an already returned monitor.
Btw. has NEC ever done that (especially with this model)? :confused:
The more manufacturers pay for quality control, the better panels they get. For example there has been surprisingly little amount of reported uniformity issues with the ZR24w, so I guess HP paid a little bit more.

That may be true regarding quality control, but really the ZR24w really only started shipping in April...

The Dell has been shipping since October 09? or somewhere around there...
Edit: Removed; seems like default Native is "perfect" according to the calibrator, and I agree >_>. Makes all the calibrations I done look bad. xd
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I'm having some minor but worrying issues with my NEC...

For some reason, whenever I turn on the monitor after it's been off for a few hours it makes a high pitched grinding noise that only lasts a few seconds. If I try turning it on and off again, there is no noise. Also, while playing NHL 10 on my Xbox 360, there are some lines that appear in the background and they start moving up and down for a minute or so then suddenly stop. Every time I go to the main menus this happens and it covers at least 25% of the screen. It hasn't happened during a game but I'm worried that there may be a significant issue that I'm not yet aware of. I'll take some pics and upload them later.

I have 3 days to return this monitor but if I do so I will not be able to get a replacement as there are no more available. Other than those minor issues, the monitor is just fine but I don't want to be stuck more problems down the road. :(
I'm planning on ordering one of these today, anyone know who has the best return policy as far as online stores go? or if i have an issue should i just go straight to NEC?

I'm planning on ordering one of these today, anyone know who has the best return policy as far as online stores go? or if i have an issue should i just go straight to NEC?


I can just tell you that NEC support is great. Ihave used it a couple times over the years and turn around was great. The last time was with a refurb 20wmgx2 about a year ago. I sent it in they repaired it and sent it back within 2 days.
So I just got mine yesterday. I have to say I'm VERY impressed! My last monitor was the stupid wide gamut HP LP2475W, messed up my colors at lot. I'm a semi-pro photographer so colors matter to me A LOT. I was just using my Macbook Pro screen, which was giving me impressive colors (although a little more saturated, but bearable and fairly accurate), it was giving me results that looked a little brighter though due to the glossy screen. Yes, I downgraded from a 24" to 23", but I couldn't be happier with this decision since I was in pursuit of more accurate colors!

Out of the box this monitor is great. The blues were a little messed up, greys little a tad lighter, no dead pixels, there was some backlight bleed in the corners which was bearable, except the lower right but nothing to worry about.

I'm currently using this monitor with no calibration in SRGB mode. Is this the best mode to use for color accuracy or is there a better mode??
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Would you guys trade the Benq V2400w for the NEC? I know some of you have the Benq (like 10e) what do you guys think? My primary use is gaming.
Anyone else get a triple LCD mount for these? The cheap ones on ebay should work for portrait... $60-75 and mount directly to your desk. Unfortunately they're too wide to fit landscape mode... but I don't think I'll ever use landscape again.

I was hoping to get more of my deskspace back and get the speakers set back up again :D right now there's no room with the monitor's and stands where they are right now.
Hey guys, don't post much but lurk constantly on here. Well I just received my EA231WMi, decided to get it after I read this whole thread, but there is a green "stuck pixel" dead middle on the screen, it's driving me nuts. I wonder if newegg is going to exchange it for me, I'll call them tomorrow. So far the monitor is amazing, it's just that green pixel that is driving me... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Edit: tried JScreenFix and UDPixel, also pixel massage... still there.
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You can try some methods to "unstick" stuck pixels... it only works on stuck pixels (solid red, green, or blue) but not dead pixels (solid white / black)

Some methods run programs that flash between lots of colors and others involve rubbing the screen with a soft cloth while turning the screen on and off I think.

Run the applet and have the window where the stuck pixel is... try it for 30-60 minutes

Or if that doesn't work you could try this
Yeah I tried all of them, it's solid green so I am assuming it's a "stuck pixel". Ran Jscreenfix for an hour, also tried the massage technique and it's still there. It just doesn't want to unstick. I would have been fine if it was in the corner but dead middle is just killing me softly. Thanks for the tips though, I appreciate it but newegg is getting a call tomorrow :)
Lol, pixel massage...


Sorry, just woke up and I find it stupid I'm even laughing at that... I need coffee, lol.
Man I just called newegg they are all out of stock. They wont refund the monitor either, saying it's not refundable, only store credit. Sigh I guess I can live with a stuck pixel :(

Edit: The reason they can not exchange it is because they are out of stock for the NEC btw.
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Man I just called newegg they are all out of stock. They wont refund the monitor either, saying it's not refundable, only store credit. Sigh I guess I can live with a stuck pixel :(

Edit: The reason they can not exchange it is because they are out of stock for the NEC btw.

Don't settle for a dead pixel in the middle of the screen. Call NEC and see if they will exchange it for a new not refurbished model.
Don't settle for a dead pixel in the middle of the screen. Call NEC and see if they will exchange it for a new not refurbished model.

Yeah I called newegg again and they told me to just wait till they get in stock and they will overnight me a new one once they get it. On a different note, damn the monitor is nice :D
Originally Posted by Julianb2
Purple Lagom screen: Note pink bloom on right bottom!

Lagom Logo Viewing angle screen: Note again bottom right side bloom of visible letters

Is that really what you see in real life too? I was just wondering if your camera is being tricky in these photos, no? "

The answer is actually YES but even more apparent due to your eye having more dynamic range than your camera! :D I took several shots before settling on these that came close to what I was seeing. For example my Outlook reading pane was definitely blue white on the left side and decidedly yellow gray on the right :eek:

Anyway hats off to, they emailed me today saying a Replacement is on the way....
Yeah I tried all of them, it's solid green so I am assuming it's a "stuck pixel". Ran Jscreenfix for an hour, also tried the massage technique and it's still there. It just doesn't want to unstick. I would have been fine if it was in the corner but dead middle is just killing me softly. Thanks for the tips though, I appreciate it but newegg is getting a call tomorrow :)

I have the same except mine seems to change color depending on what's being displayed. Black on a black background, red on white. NEC support was no help and neither was the retailer.

A panel that can display all 1080 lines of 1920 pixels (rather than 1079 lines of 1920 and 1 line of 1919!) would be nice but I guess I'll just hope it breaks in some other way and I have to send it back sometime.
I'm currently using this monitor with no calibration in SRGB mode. Is this the best mode to use for color accuracy or is there a better mode??
The sRGB mode is pretty accurate out of the box, at least on mine. I would really invest in a calibration device, though. It easily pays for itself over time, especially if you are serious about photography.