NCASE M1: a crowdfunded Mini-ITX case (updates in first post)

Looking at the beautiful prototype pictures with the WC CPU and GPU i'm thinking I would love a setup like that. (Swiftech pump/waterblock, reservoir on the back) So my question is wheather or not you guys see it as beeing very hard with the tube routing? As the view etc will be very limited, with the 240mm rad on the bracket blocking when you are putting in the finishing touches. Or is the best approach perhaps to work from up top?

Or perhaps a bottom seated 2x120mm rad 25mm thick and slim 15mm fans could work as mentioned above, this would def. be optimal and could possibly clear up room for an internally mounted reservoir?

I understand it's hard to say until you try it yourself, but any advice would be appreciated.

I don't believe the bottom mounted 240 rad is feasable - 15mm fans don't really produce enough pressure and they would be blowing up against the GPU waterblock.

About the tubing routing. I think it's best to experiment when you have the case in your hands. Since fittings tend to be quite pricey, it might also be an idea to wait with purchasing those until you are able to make some measurements with your components mounted in the case.
Thanks for the answer regarding the spares. I've got one of each. My wife was telling me yesterday she wants a small gaming computer in black so that will be for her and I'll make a nice office PC with the silver.
I'm pretty sure red and blue emergency lights have nothing to do with that.

Green is the color the human eye is most sensitive to. A green light on a cop car at night would be much more visible than blue.

The human eye is much less sensitive to red, which is why if you want to use a flashlight at night to read a map or chart, you use red... It doesn't screw up your night vision ( pupil dilation) as much, and it doesn't give your position away, as much.

Having said that, I thought the button looked great. I am impressed. You can't make everyone happy
He probably replied and then removed it.

Anyway, IGG collects the payments, so if IGG shows it as having gone through, then you're fine.
Necere, is it feasible to put a slim rad with slim fans in the bottom? I saw a few posters discussing it.
Thanks for any insight.
Necere, is it feasible to put a slim rad with slim fans in the bottom? I saw a few posters discussing it.
Thanks for any insight.
It gets brought up now and then. Basically, not unfeasible so much as impractical. A slim 120mm rad+fan is a more realistic proposition than a 240mm rad. Here's an H60i rad w/12mm thick Scythe fan:

It gets brought up now and then. Basically, not unfeasible so much as impractical. A slim 120mm rad+fan is a more realistic proposition than a 240mm rad. Here's an H60i rad w/12mm thick Scythe fan:

I'm glad to see a rad can fit in the bottom. Having a Gtx780 and a 4770k in my future build I was nervous about running those off of a single 240mm. Having an additional 120mm will defiantly help. Final question, would you recommend a reservoir/radiator combo (granted it fits) or just a regular rad with a reservoir ? I know a few posters mentioned mounting the reservoir externally on the back but I would like to have it internal to preserve the M1's clean profile.
Again, thank's for answering all the questions Necere!
Hmm, was wondering if a 120mm fan/rad could be mounted to the top of the case, kinda curious if this zalman resorator 3 cooler would fit there if using a mobo without the VRM daughter board.

The motherboard I have has the socket fairly low too, so I was thinking if mounted to the top of the case, it would just fit neatly between the IO, the RAM and the water block.

Of course, i may need to get L shaped sata cables and possibly a different 24 pin ATX cable.
I've been thinking that once these start shipping, and people actually get to start installing things, it would be somewhat awesome to have a build database/wiki. Given the limited run, and the unique nature of the layout, it would be both a place for people to show-off (like [H] sigs) but also a resource for people still in the process of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. If it were well-utilized, it would save on the "has anyone tried X motherboard in combination with Y HSF?" queries.
I've been thinking that once these start shipping, and people actually get to start installing things, it would be somewhat awesome to have a build database/wiki. Given the limited run, and the unique nature of the layout, it would be both a place for people to show-off (like [H] sigs) but also a resource for people still in the process of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. If it were well-utilized, it would save on the "has anyone tried X motherboard in combination with Y HSF?" queries.

A few pages back it was mentioned that a new thread be started for M1 once orders were received. It would be good to have the first post listing/reserved what you described. I'm all for it. :)
I apologize if I did that. :( I just wanted to make sure everything would be fine with my payment.

Wasn't specific at you, couldn't finish writing before I had to attend a meeting at work.

Just swamped at day job, will answer emails and Q this weeknd.
looks like 600 units will be hit quite a bit before the end of the campaign.

will more orders be taken or is the plan to only limit it to 600?
Necere (i believe) stated it was a soft cap, how soft remains to be seen. No mention of a Hard cap but I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere round 1k is it.

looks like 600 units will be hit quite a bit before the end of the campaign.

will more orders be taken or is the plan to only limit it to 600?
I've been thinking that once these start shipping, and people actually get to start installing things, it would be somewhat awesome to have a build database/wiki. Given the limited run, and the unique nature of the layout, it would be both a place for people to show-off (like [H] sigs) but also a resource for people still in the process of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. If it were well-utilized, it would save on the "has anyone tried X motherboard in combination with Y HSF?" queries.

I think that would be a good idea. This way, we'd be the test lab for Necere, should he ever consider building another case, we'd be able to provide many different use cases and builds to test certain aspects.

And ofcourse it would help the M1 buyers determine good/suitable upgrades, minimizing the "buy to try" problem.
Is it a GTX670 with standard (i.e. short PCB)?
Then you might be able to even fit a (small) dedicated pump right next to in in the bottom of the case. The res shouldn't be below the pump.

I'm going to mount it on top of a DDC pump (it's a pump top/res combo).
I know :p
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Good, since these are the ones I was going to buy.

Three questions before I order:

Will there be 3 dual 2.5" adapters included in the case for those that plan on having 6 ssds in total?

Will there be the option for a no cut-out top panel?(wahaha360, you were pushing for this.)

And most importantly, right now I'm in Portugal but I may be (hopefully) living in the UK when you finally ship. Will I be able to contact you guys then and have the case shipped there instead of here? both are European countries and if anything shipping to the UK would be cheaper that to Portugal.

Sorry to ask this again Necere, but the 600 units are almost gone and I have to make a decision.
Will there be 3 dual 2.5" adapters included in the case for those that plan on having 6 ssds in total?

Highly unlikely. Outside of the custom dual mount for the front you can just buy two 3.5" to dual 2.5" adapters on your own. Something like this:

Will there be the option for a no cut-out top panel?(wahaha360, you were pushing for this.)

No, it would have been posted on the campaign at the start if it was going to happen.

And most importantly, right now I'm in Portugal but I may be (hopefully) living in the UK when you finally ship. Will I be able to contact you guys then and have the case shipped there instead of here? both are European countries and if anything shipping to the UK would be cheaper that to Portugal.

I'm sure if you contact them before they start shipping they can send it where ever you want them to ship it.

Now run go buy a case before they are all gone.
What happens if we don't make a contribute now?

Is the Ncase M1 will no longer be made after this? Sort of like a 1 time deal?
Not even this one?
With a watercooled GTX 670, SFX PSU and the radiator mounted in the top most position? (don't crush my dreams :p)
My response was directed more at him and his planned build (GTX780, bottom rad). Using a short GTX670 will indeed open up some more options in terms of internal res mounting.

Three questions before I order:

Will there be 3 dual 2.5" adapters included in the case for those that plan on having 6 ssds in total?
Only two sets will be included.

The other two questions are w360's to answer, really, but I can tell you he was looking into adding a perk for an additional top panel.

What happens if we don't make a contribute now?

Is the Ncase M1 will no longer be made after this? Sort of like a 1 time deal?
I think it's a safe bet we'll make more available before the end of the campaign. Beyond that though, I think it'll have to be worth w360's time to do future shipments. He'll be using his vacation days to handle shipments for this run as is.
Wow, 554 out of 600 claimed and still 16 days left. Get them while you can. :D
Only two sets will be included.

The other two questions are w360's to answer, really, but I can tell you he was looking into adding a perk for an additional top panel.

That additional perk would be awesome, but the situation with having to ship to a different country is the one that worries me.

Gonna pm him to see if he can shed some light on this matter. Thanks and congrats on a very successful campaign.
I'd contribute to additional perks to have the top panel and both side panels configurable! I plan to use this case for at least 5 years and while my initial build with a 4670k and a gtx 760 is gonna need all the ventilation it can get, as die shrinks continue I hope to drop both my power requirements and need for ventilation over time. Fully sealed up panels, with just a 120mm fan on the bottom for an intake and a 92mm fan for an exhaust would be heaven. Though I'll admit I'm probably in the minority here!
Is that a Noctua NH-C12P pictured on the IG page?
While I did test with the NH-C14, the picture above is a render with the NH-C12 shown. The 3.5" HDD cage only fits with the latter.