NASA Hacker 'Too Fragile' To Extradite

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The guy hacked into NASA because he was looking for government-hidden evidence of UFOs?

Sounds like this guy needs to be in a psychiatric ward, not a prison. Either that, or working for the DHS, since successfully hacking 97 different ironclad government computer systems is quite an achievement. :p
If I saw you didn't take/break anything and had no intent to, I wouldn't really care. I'd be like "Dude, wtf", kick you out, and remember to lock the door, but I wouldn't try to put you in jail and fine you. If you did it again, that'd be different.

So, you have no problem with random people entering your home, walking around, cataloging your possessions, taking pictures, sleeping in your bed, etc.? I highly doubt this.

Then there is that irritating little fact that the vast majority of people who do enter a house uninvited are usually there for less than genial purposes like theft, robbery and other assorted illegal acts. Not to mention that entering someone's house without permission is a crime itself.
So, you have no problem with random people entering your home, walking around, cataloging your possessions, taking pictures, sleeping in your bed, etc.? I highly doubt this.

Then there is that irritating little fact that the vast majority of people who do enter a house uninvited are usually there for less than genial purposes like theft, robbery and other assorted illegal acts. Not to mention that entering someone's house without permission is a crime itself.

Yeah someone walking into your house uninvited when your not around and not stealing anything probably rubbed one out on your sheets or something. :eek:
They should actually drop the case against this guy

He actually found ufo evidence in some of the computer systems, a list of off world officers as well as unretouched nasa photo's containing actual space ships.

If anyone should be inprisoned, it should be all the officials who have been covering up, and all around lieing.. which lieing itself is a prosecutable offence, for the past 60 yrs about ufo's

Not to mention we send people up in a space shuttle that takes damage ever trip, and is an all around death trap compared to the actual craft the government is secretly flying.

I was going to ignore your post but what you said is just rediculous.

...are you SERIOUS? Do you know why they keep that information, true or not, secret? It's because most people couldn't handle and accept the fact that we know of UFO's or another life form and the world would go bananas. People would literally shit their pants where they stand/sit. I'm neither saying that governments do know or don't know of UFO's and aliens, I'm just saying that whatever the do know, they keep it secret for a reason. People all over the world would spread bullshit, like we're going to get attacked, or there's ancient aliens buried in the Earth, and what's sad is they'll all believe it with no proof necessary.

Not to mention we send people up in a space shuttle that takes damage ever trip, and is an all around death trap compared to the actual craft the government is secretly flying.

...and your point? How about we just don't do space exploration anymore? Astronauts are completely aware of the dangers and are also well-trained to handle dangers and in addition, are willing to risk it for the benefit of mankind. As for secret government crafts...define safe. These 'secret' crafts aren't exactly safe either, and certainly not the prototypes I'm sure they're testing. But like I said, the pilots, like astronauts, are aware of the dangers and are willing to risk it. They made their choice for the betterment of mankind/new discoveries/making history, etc. I'm sorry but your post just sounds ridiculous to me. I'm not sure what you're implying about our dangerous space craft, but humans would know a lot less if risks were never taken.

When you look at anything in history that was developed or discovered, people were hurt or killed before things were perfected or well understood. That's just the way it works.

Back to the topic, this assburgers guy is a nutjob. Maybe HE is an alien and was just looking for his old ride! Hell he sure looks like an alien...God gave him the short end of the stick.
So your saying, as long as you can break into the place and don't damage anything, it's okay?

Like if you forgot to lock your house door, I can go in? I shouldn't get charged for anything? I go in, maybe take some pictures of your private life and so forth, it's perfectly fine. No big deal.

That's the dumbest excuse ever.

That's exactly how things are in the socialist UK.

If you leave your door open noone will be prosecuted if they enter your property and do no damage.

And there's no castle law so you can't kill them yourself.

THIS IS WHY we need to bring this retard here so we can collectively rape him. I would pay per view.
It makes me sick that retards and faggots can walk around free in those countries and noone is putting them in their place.

We should be working HARD to bring them here and show them what being a retard faggot is all about. We have the worlds highest rate of incarceration and are the world leaders in prison rape. Something which makes me proud to be an American.
That nazi prison guard in michigan was trying to pull the "too fragile to extradite" thing too. They caught him lying about not being able to walk and whatnot.
If he ends up being held in a UK jail I'm sure any of us would volunteer to go there and rape him.

Even the criminals in socialist UK are pussies, the level of prison rape is too low to gurantee this retard will get what's due to him.
This guy barely did any hacking at all, and even admits it himself.

He utilized glaringly obvious loopholes in the system, such as full-right administrator accounts with BLANK PASSWORDS, and commercially available remote admin software, RemoteAnywhere.

He may be a bit loony in his reasons, and then again maybe not. Regardless, he had no malicious intent, the only damage he did was to the ego/reputation of our government's IT security. He even claims he was simply looking for "free energy" technology that he believed our government to be covering up.

I just fail to see any of this truly being worth going to jail for 70 years for, and only for the sake of trying to understand some of these imbeciles remarks about how he committed some heinous crime.

They are simply trying to make an example out of him. He is not the first to have done this either, he claims in an interview of finding the IP addresses of computers located in various countries like Turkey, Holland, Germany, etc... I think it's much better this horribly embarrassing security flaw in our government was made public by this before any actual or REAL damage could have been done. Who knows what those other hackers came across?

The only people that need to be sent to prison here are the ignorant plebeians who are so quick to dish out judgements for punishment without even understanding the "crime" committed on even a basic level. What's really sickening that people of such low cerebral status are allowed to operate computers or have opinions.
If I downloaded a bunch of mp3's, pirated software, and copied a bunch of DVD's to share with AIDS victims in sub-Saharan Africa, I still think I would be prosecuted even without malicious intent for "breaking the law."

This guy should be extradited and prosecuted regardless of his intent. Obviously I don't think he should go to jail for 70 years as an example.
This guy barely did any hacking at all, and even admits it himself.

He utilized glaringly obvious loopholes in the system, such as full-right administrator accounts with BLANK PASSWORDS, and commercially available remote admin software, RemoteAnywhere.

He may be a bit loony in his reasons, and then again maybe not. Regardless, he had no malicious intent, the only damage he did was to the ego/reputation of our government's IT security. He even claims he was simply looking for "free energy" technology that he believed our government to be covering up.

I just fail to see any of this truly being worth going to jail for 70 years for, and only for the sake of trying to understand some of these imbeciles remarks about how he committed some heinous crime.

They are simply trying to make an example out of him. He is not the first to have done this either, he claims in an interview of finding the IP addresses of computers located in various countries like Turkey, Holland, Germany, etc... I think it's much better this horribly embarrassing security flaw in our government was made public by this before any actual or REAL damage could have been done. Who knows what those other hackers came across?

The only people that need to be sent to prison here are the ignorant plebeians who are so quick to dish out judgements for punishment without even understanding the "crime" committed on even a basic level. What's really sickening that people of such low cerebral status are allowed to operate computers or have opinions.

Even without intent he still accessed intel the government obviously wanted to keep secret. Not only that, he fly what he was looking for and what he found. That'd be akin to someone breaking into your laptop just to have a look around and finding animal and granny porn then telling everyone.

"Dude you should see what I found on this laptop I happened across. I was just going in to, you know, check and see the guy's movie watching habits and BAM, the most bizarre porn I've ever seen. It was crazy! I also know the guy's name too its..."

Even if he wasn't there to do anything with malicious intent, he still accessed information that required clearance and he obviously wasn't cleared to see. Oh he didn't break anything on his way out. Oh he was just so curious. Oh I'd let him snoop around on my system as long as he didn't break anything. Oh he had no malicious intent.

Even with that I don't think he should serve the rest of his life in prison or be subject to anal rape BUT he has to man up and take some form of punishment for this. I guess he figures he can resist extradition until the US gov just says "to hell with it" and leaves him over there but I highly doubt the gov is gonna give up on getting their sterling example in hand.
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