MWLL: Mech Warrior Living Legends Crysis mod out Dec 26th!

like any new release, it has its own issues, right off they had to issue a 0.4.1 hotfix because certain sounds would cause a crash to desktop....but they fixed it within 24 hours or less....

yup, was just a simple compiling error that was actually fixable on the user side as well as the hotfix that permanently fixed it.
Gonna bump this thread because this game is so freaking awesome. If you have the rig to play this game, and you are not playing it, shame on you. Do you remember the epicness of tribes? Yea, it's like that. There is now a 3xRAC5 Atlas. Don't get in front of it. There is so much new hardcore stuff.

Bushwacker E

When you see it, you will shit bricks....Then you will probably die.;)
"The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.
Please login below or register an account with MechWarrior: Living Legends. "

just sign up on the forum, takes a whole 2 minutes.. but if your even to lazy to do that here..

theres a few more but im to lazy to post the links.
yeah the cracked glass is bad ass. just wish my pos gfx card could run the game :( damn HD6970 needs to get here NOW!!!
im a big fan of mech warrior.

awesome game/ series/ books (battle mech)

i just started to download the latest version. I had to get crisis first. I picked the game up and i hope to be playing this here shortly.

I still play mw3. love it. Clan mechs are the best.
im a big fan of mech warrior.

awesome game/ series/ books (battle mech)

i just started to download the latest version. I had to get crisis first. I picked the game up and i hope to be playing this here shortly.

I still play mw3. love it. Clan mechs are the best.

well if you like MW3 you will like MWLL though its more of a battletech style then mechwarrior style game.
How many people play this? I might have to redownload this and check it out
a lot of servers are still being moved over to crysis war's but i was on yesterday they had 3 servers full plus 3 others with people on them. last i checked there was 2 US and 3 EU servers on the crysis wars version of the mod. there is also a no key server.. but i have no clue where the location is since the ping comes up as N/A.
so its up to 0.4.8 now, lots of new features and bug fixes if you havent played in a while

i recently upgraded my system and i tell you what, playing this mod in 1080 at all highest settings 4xAA etc,.......its absolutely breathtaking if you load the CCC 3.0 LVL 4+ config.....makes the stock very high settings look like junk
so its up to 0.4.8 now, lots of new features and bug fixes if you havent played in a while

i recently upgraded my system and i tell you what, playing this mod in 1080 at all highest settings 4xAA etc,.......its absolutely breathtaking if you load the CCC 3.0 LVL 4+ config.....makes the stock very high settings look like junk

Hows the lag/syncing. Last time I played the game would start off move but quickly deteroirate into a laggy cluster. If they fixed/improved this I would consider reinstalling Crysis.
crysis war's version fixed the lagging sync issues. the version on crysis is impossible to fix because its a problem with the multiplayer engine in that game. since they do not have full access to the engine they cant fix the problem. all they can use is the SDK provided to them.
i'd suggest getting warhead/war's(warhead multiplayer). the game runs much smoother plus the multiplayer engine is way better.
Do I need Crysis or Crysis Warhead to have fun with this?

Warhead, and more specifically, you dont need Warhead installed, only the multiplayer part that comes with it called Wars.

i would highly suggest following the install suggestions found in the wiki very closely
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I'm more interested in more details concerning the MechWarrior reboot. What ever happened to it since summer 2009?

On September 3, 2009, shortly after posting preview videos and images of the game, IGN was issued a cease and desist order by Harmony Gold USA (owners of the Robotech franchise), citing copyright infringement. In 1996, FASA (the former owners of the BattleTech franchise) were involved in a legal case over the use of mecha designs derived from the Macross series, and decided to discontinue using images of mecha that were developed outside of FASA. These 'Mechs were then referred to by fans as the Unseen.[3] The trailer for MechWarrior featured the Warhammer, one of the Unseen, which is designed similarly to the Destroid Tomahawk from Macross, or the Excalibur Destroid from the Robotech Series.[4] The Warhammer, as well as several other 'Mechs, such as the Marauder and Archer, were an important part of the early BattleTech universe and image, but were based on images from Macross and other mecha anime series, which FASA had licensed from the original Japanese creators, but Harmony Gold claimed the images as their own property inside the US. It is currently unknown if the Unseen will be used in the final game or not.

Copied and pastes from the Legal Trouble section of the wiki entry you linked to. It hasn't been ironed out is my understanding.
On September 3, 2009, shortly after posting preview videos and images of the game, IGN was issued a cease and desist order by Harmony Gold USA (owners of the Robotech franchise), citing copyright infringement. In 1996, FASA (the former owners of the BattleTech franchise) were involved in a legal case over the use of mecha designs derived from the Macross series, and decided to discontinue using images of mecha that were developed outside of FASA. These 'Mechs were then referred to by fans as the Unseen.[3] The trailer for MechWarrior featured the Warhammer, one of the Unseen, which is designed similarly to the Destroid Tomahawk from Macross, or the Excalibur Destroid from the Robotech Series.[4] The Warhammer, as well as several other 'Mechs, such as the Marauder and Archer, were an important part of the early BattleTech universe and image, but were based on images from Macross and other mecha anime series, which FASA had licensed from the original Japanese creators, but Harmony Gold claimed the images as their own property inside the US. It is currently unknown if the Unseen will be used in the final game or not.

Copied and pastes from the Legal Trouble section of the wiki entry you linked to. It hasn't been ironed out is my understanding.

Yeah, I figured they'd have it sorted out by now but if not that just plain sucks.
0.4.9 is out. We need pilots with grit and attitude. There is simply no MP PC game that surpasses this!

Battle for the Inner-Sphere,12624.0.html

Round 1

Round 2
T.B.C. 3rd period video is not uploaded yet.

A game like this requires skills on a mental and physical level.
Are you [H]ard enough?
Aye, I've been playing this regularly on the Huntress server for the past few months. Doing my best to be the biggest Elemental pain-in-the-butt I can possibly be.
Last time I tried to launch it said map not found. I tried to update via the launcher. DO I need to DL from the website?
There are some community created maps out there and the automatic map downloader is not implemented yet. These maps are generally available here.
Thanks for that. Will get my butt back out there. Play this game folks. It is LEGIT.
Oh its legit alright. There is a learning curve, and it is hard on resources so bring a decent pc, but this is the only game I play these days.
Looks like I'm gonna have to get back into it. I was playing it a lot near the end of '09 into the the spring of '10. But haven't touched it really for like 8 months. This weekend I plan on getting it updated and back into the fray.
Looks like I'm gonna have to get back into it. I was playing it a lot near the end of '09 into the the spring of '10. But haven't touched it really for like 8 months. This weekend I plan on getting it updated and back into the fray.

oh its changed a lot since then, make sure you have Crysis Wars installed, there is little to no support left for the original Crysis version
This better not be an April Fools joke, but this part make me think it is "In addition to this we also removed heat management from the game. We figured having heat with a power upped weapon would be useless and not necessary anymore."

I think obviously a joke now that i read it again

Dear Readers and Fans,

With our most recent development update we are pleased to announce that we finally managed to make the long waited for “Upgrade Crates” work in Mechwarrior : Living Legends!

Each weapon can now be upgraded in 2 levels. To understand how the upgrade works we will take a look at the PPC and how the upgrades will effect it’s performance. We have split the upgrades into 3 levels called Normal (stock weapon, no upgrades), Boost (you picked up a single crate) and Power (you collected the second crate). Each powerup adds new unique feature to every weapon. As we are looking at the PPC those would be:

Normal : No upgrades, stock weapon with regular damage and stats.

Boost : First upgrade, adds 25% additional range plus a 10% increased explosion radius.

Power : Second upgrade, adds 15% additional damage and 15% increase projectile speed.

As mentioned these are unique powerups to this weapon. Other weapons will have different power up effects but the names are the same. These won’t be explained but feel free to discuss it with others on the forums! In addition to this we also removed heat management from the game. We figured having heat with a power upped weapon would be useless and not necessary anymore.

This release is scheduled within the next few hours. Your Auto updater will install these release updates for you the next time you start it or when the MWLL Launcher discovers the new update.

Happy hunting!

yeah sounds like an april fools joke or a 1 day update that will be reverted with another update on april 2nd. that shit would destroy MWLL in my opinion. if it really happens you will definitely not see me playing the game ever again.
So I installed this (which was annoying because it required like 10 individual, sequential updates), and then started the game. There are hardly any servers, and the ones with players on them gave me some sort of random error. Then when I tried to do a "quick match", the game froze. So far I haven't even been able to play yet. :(
I read that Upgraded weapons and actually believed that, im bad :(

So I installed this (which was annoying because it required like 10 individual, sequential updates), and then started the game. There are hardly any servers, and the ones with players on them gave me some sort of random error. Then when I tried to do a "quick match", the game froze. So far I haven't even been able to play yet. :(

I had to install it twice (my own fault actually) and now i sort by number of players to see whats what. Try rechecking it, or delete and reinstall. and yes, the 10 updates are a pain. You also have to exit steam for some of them to take effect.

I wonder if we have enough people playing here to start [H]ard gaming clan, merc unit or house.
Alright, I'm going to install this mod tonight, anything I should know?
Be sure to use Crysis Wars and not vanilla Crysis. We all play on that engine now. Vanilla won't be supported in the next patch. Other than that, I think you will really enjoy this game. It's beta 0.4.9 but it feels like other peoples RC. It does have some minor issues that there are workarounds for.

You can start the mod without steam. Use the launcher don't check "force DX9" and select the 64bit binary. The mod should then launch with no Steam.

I would say, be sure to make an autoexec.cfg.
You can DL CCC 3.0 and it will generate one for you.
Add these lines to the end.

hud_showallobjectives 1

The first one displays hot points in 3D space for easy navigation around the maps and control point identification.

The second one opens the console when the game opens. This prevents a bug we all call the rainbow bug. No idea why it works but, it does.
Game is worth the effort. Such a dope mod. Best one I have ever seen. Complete game really. The people who did this deserve much praise and thanks.
Thanks for those videos. I watched some of the other ones and Gauss sniping looks intriguing and extremely deadly.