MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

i dont understand why they would not have dedicated servers. this game is gonna be a huge flop on pc if this shit is true
the great thing about cod on pc is it runs great on almost any system. i hope for your guys sake that this info is just a rumor and not the truth that would really suck....
I cancelled my pre-order. I will not buy this game until it has full functionality in MP including 64 player games, dedicated servers, and mod's. I have no interest in buying a PC version of a console port.
I don't get that, 64 players - really? Have you played COD4 with ~32 players, it's insane.

I never saw any good mods for COD4 anyway...
I don't get that, 64 players - really? Have you played COD4 with ~32 players, it's insane.

I never saw any good mods for COD4 anyway...

That depends on your definition of what a good mod is. What is your idea of a good mod? I have tried several and have only found a few that I REALLY like. But I play COD4 for the tactical "realism" and the servers I found for that are pretty freakin good.

Side note: I like how IWNET was supposed to make it easier for casual players, and yet I have never had to mess with my router(which is usually reserved for more advanced users) to get a game to work with dedicated servers.
lol that guys is funny,

"I dont know what this shit is, care package? whats that?"

good question though lol
Beaten to death but what ever happened to server browsers? I've played multiplayer games since 97/1998 and up till about 2 or 3 years ago server browsers seemed to just vanish
Beaten to death but what ever happened to server browsers? I've played multiplayer games since 97/1998 and up till about 2 or 3 years ago server browsers seemed to just vanish

matchmaking service.

You get no choice, now.
well i am gonna get this on a console for sure. cod4 was just insane with 32 players. the only good thing was u could level up really quick or u got your ass blown up non stop cuz people spam nades like no ones business lol
You can see hes jittering and warping back at points. The ping looks like its at 250-400 fluctuating. The matches are really short also.

7min on xbox is nothing new.
10min is the norm.

15min, if lucky, and everybody sucks... like me?
You can see hes jittering and warping back at points. The ping looks like its at 250-400 fluctuating. The matches are really short also. The battles don't seem as epic as before.

so you cant see the ping just the cellphone signal strength bars?
i just got done watching a bunch of hd videos of actual gameplay and the game looks bad as hell. too bad the pc version is gonna be junk. they better have dedicated servers or this game is gonna flop hard
so you cant see the ping just the cellphone signal strength bars?

Yes, there are just cellphone bars. They dont want PC gamers to see what the actual ping is

Most casual gamers prolly wouldnt understand it anyway, or atleast that was more than likely IWs thinking when they produced it. Or could it be, because this was truly a pure 360 port? I will let you be the judge.
i just got done watching a bunch of hd videos of actual gameplay and the game looks bad as hell. too bad the pc version is gonna be junk. they better have dedicated servers or this game is gonna flop hard

There has been alot of talk about "patching" the game, I just cant see them being able to patch in dedis. I could be wrong, but it seems there would need to be a rewrite of most of the code to get dedis to work.

Prolly just best to forget this game ever existed and wait for the next big game.
God, I hate the UI in arcade mode.

*shooting guy*

Way to kill the immersion. Blood effect looks pretty lame too when you take damage. Sticking to my boycott for sure.
Yes, there are just cellphone bars. They dont want PC gamers to see what the actual ping is

I didn't think it was possible for this to become an even bigger [F]ail than it already was; guess I was wrong. :rolleyes:

Or could it be, because this was truly a pure 360 port? I will let you be the judge.

Oh, it's clearly a port. They stripped everything that the PC version had that was different; it's clearly now a port. Very sad. :eek:
this game is so friggin awesome - i'm gonna buy 12 copies right now!!!!! g-g-g-g-g-gooooo iwnet, yeah!
There has been alot of talk about "patching" the game, I just cant see them being able to patch in dedis. I could be wrong, but it seems there would need to be a rewrite of most of the code to get dedis to work.

Prolly just best to forget this game ever existed and wait for the next big game.

I doubt there will be a patch. If they were planning on adding dedicated servers in the future, they would have announced it to keep the pc gamers from being angry. But then again, who knows what they're trying to accomplish on the pc side of things.

Wow, not only are the gun sounds still as shitty as all the previous releases, but it looks like the same fucking game.

From what I can tell, you'd have to be a major tool to buy this game.

Hell, my entire gaming community that has played every COD religiously is planning to pass on this one. Not one single person I know is going to buy this game.
It was a huge let down seeing the stream. It felt like all hope was lost. Its the same thing as mw1 but with all the features stripped with p2p matching. The graphics are a tiny bit better but once you get over it the gameplay starts to factor in a lot. 6vs6 in tdm doesn't cut it. The lag also. Jitterness lag. Warping at times. I could see the lag also when shots were fired. A huge let down. I bet someone is going to mod mw1 to be just like mw2. Its practically the same. Someone could just port the maps over by opening up the main files. Disappointment. They want everyone to pay 60 bucks also lol.

Felt like it was a xbox game being ran on the pc. Straight port. Purest port i have ever seen. Only thing they added was mouse and keyboard options with video settings.
It was a huge let down seeing the stream. It felt like all hope was lost. Its the same thing as mw1 but with all the features stripped with p2p matching. The graphics are a tiny bit better but once you get over it the gameplay starts to factor in a lot. 6vs6 in tdm doesn't cut it. The lag also. Jitterness lag. Warping at times. I could see the lag also when shots were fired. A huge let down. I bet someone is going to mod mw1 to be just like mw2. Its practically the same. Someone could just port the maps over by opening up the main files. Disappointment. They want everyone to pay 60 bucks also lol.

Felt like it was a xbox game being ran on the pc. Straight port. Purest port i have ever seen. Only thing they added was mouse and keyboard options with video settings.

In the interview, IW had already admitted as much.
close enough, since the pc version is a direct port

except with better graphics
close enough, since the pc version is a direct port

except with better graphics

I'd doubt the better graphics.

Sure, we can render at higher resolutions, instead of upscaling, but... it's still a dx9 subset game. Probably with some addon renderer to make it work on the PS3.
I'd doubt the better graphics.

Sure, we can render at higher resolutions, instead of upscaling, but... it's still a dx9 subset game. Probably with some addon renderer to make it work on the PS3.

and with lots of shadow glitches that shows on the videos... even on their first trailer...:p
i've played the PS3 and PC versions of the first game and the PC version looked 10 times better. The PS3 game looked like crap.

resolution and anti aliasing makes a huge difference.