MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

Maybe someone could make a cod4 mod with the developers put in dresses with big lollipops and hooker shoes? Might be a "realism" mod lol.

Dump in a BOX!
How come we havn't heard from the angry german kid about this and only Hitler?

I've been down that road once back in the very late 90s with some racing game I can't remember. I still have the cd, but not at my place. It was online only and there was a monthly fee for playing. Wasn't bad since the gameplay was good and you had 4 servers to choose from. The game had originally been for single and multiplayer, but got delayed for about 2 years and ended up multiplayer only.

Just short of 1 year, an announcement was made that they were closing down the servers because current sales were not justifying the continuing of the servers being open. People had requested to buy the servers, but all offers were rejected because they were not interested in selling them. Needless to say that left a bad taste in my mouth and will be the last time I play any game like that.

With that said, I can see very much the COD series going that way, at least for the multiplayer part.
yep, seems the PC version is just a direct copy and paste of the console version.

I use the PC to game for a reason, and they just crapped on all of them in 1 game.
i have never bought a single DLC. am i the only one who thinks its a waste of money to spend 5-10 quid on a new fps map?

meh, im just use to getting those sort of stuff for free on the pc ie mods
RE: the modder, I got this from the IW forum.

For those of you in the PC community that don't know, there is a modder out there that did some pretty innovational stuff in COD4. He was probably the most aggressive modder in the last 5 years. His name is PST Joker.

Joker designed and executed the mod "eXtreme+" for COD4 and has also developed mods for COD:WaW. For those of you familiar with "eXtreme+" for COD4, Joker developed such ideas as:

  • Kill Streaks
  • Use of the AC130 as a Kill Streak bonus
  • Tactical Nuke

To this day, PST Joker personally has expressed that not once did IW give him any form of recognition for his mods. The game everyone will be playing on Tuesday includes all of these features and then some, all taken from Jokers "eXtreme+" mods.

I honestly don't feel that enough of the community knows about this, and feel it needs to get out. This hasn't been a very big talking point amidst the removal of Dedicated Servers, Mod Tools, Lean, and other things just to name a few.

Update (8:40pm EST): This is a link to the "eXtreme+" mod website. It details all of the eXtreme mods, as well as has downloads for all of the mods done and a discussion board.

Update (8:57pm EST): This is PST Jokers personal YouTube channel showing videos of different development stages of the AC130.

If I were him I'd sue their asses for this :) I mean, people have been sued for less, no?
easy. theyre gonna steal ideas from other games. If dice includes mods for their next battlefield games they can just take the ideas and put it in the next cod game and say that they were material that were going to be added in mw2 but didn't make the cut.
Well... there are other mods for COD 4 and they can always steal some of the custom maps!
I'd submit a DLC alright... with a dormant Skynet virus that would destroy their HQ and then some! :D
i wonder what is the ratio of gamers that can't be assed to sign the petition vs the gamers that can

i reckon its alot more than 180,000 people that are pissed with this game, think about that IW

and according to the ve3d poll, there was going to be more PC sales than console sales + the fact the console version has been leaked = your fucked

and dont forget all the retailers you pissed off who had to cancel and refund pre-orders, iam sure they will be ordering the same amount of units next time

well enjoy making the next Modern Thumbstick as the xbox's bitch, you won't be missed
ahh what next? microsoft suckers you into a deal that makes you an xbox exclusive? that would be gravy, loosing the PS3 community aswell.


Anything you mod for a game/engine is licenced under that game/engine, you can't mod something then moan when the developers copy you. As long as they didn't steal any actual work (models/textures) you made then its perfectly legit.

DMCA notices are serious business, if you file a false one you can be in a lot of crap, I bet we're reading next month that this modder faced legal action.

Anything you mod for a game/engine is licenced under that game/engine, you can't mod something then moan when the developers copy you. As long as they didn't steal any actual work (models/textures) you made then its perfectly legit.

DMCA notices are serious business, if you file a false one you can be in a lot of crap, I bet we're reading next month that this modder faced legal action.
Stupid perhaps, but even stupider for IW to want to kick the bees nest surrounding this game. With the mood of the community it might be taken poorly by most.

Smart would be to find a quiet solution.
A simple thank you to the modding community would have sufficed... but noooo, that's too much to ask.
Maybe, most of their sales will come from the console platform, their actions already indicate they dont care about the PC platform, I don't see this being a big deal to them, they'll just throw their legal team at it, it's not as if modding is even supported in MW2.
well enjoy making the next Modern Thumbstick as the xbox's bitch, you won't be missed
ahh what next? microsoft suckers you into a deal that makes you an xbox exclusive? that would be gravy, loosing the PS3 community aswell.

ironically quite a few of ps3 users dont give a fuck about this game
I can't wait for this game to be released just so I can laugh at all the sheeple who convinced themselves would still provide an acceptable online experience come flocking to the internet to complain that they have no one to play with.

Guarantee the online component will be dead within a month. MW2 is no different to any other shooter game on PC which has taken the lazy route of P2P networking.
I can't wait for this game to be released just so I can laugh at all the sheeple who convinced themselves would still provide an acceptable online experience come flocking to the internet to complain that they have no one to play with.

Guarantee the online component will be dead within a month. MW2 is no different to any other shooter game on PC which has taken the lazy route of P2P networking.

Cue Operation Flashpoint.
i have never bought a single DLC. am i the only one who thinks its a waste of money to spend 5-11 € (10+quid) on a new fps map?

meh, im just use to getting those sort of stuff for free on the pc ie mods

Not only you, I never buy that garbage either, hate it when a company nickel and dimes you. I bought the game, mkay, now leave me alone.

I only bought two expansions that could be considered DLC, United Offensive for CoD, which was pretty much a full game, SP and MP with tons of additions and Special Forces for BF2, another semi-full game. Other than them, I didn't buy any Armored Fury and other DLCs, screw that.

yea how come? is it because ps3 users have the brains to see through a overpriced mod of cod4?

I don't want to disrespect the 360 owners but a huge majority of them seem to have eager and happy to hand over cash for all kinds of garbage, they will buy ANYTHING without thinking twice.

Cue Operation Flashpoint.

Oh yea, what happened to that game? I remember it was an anticipated game and then they just vanished.

I just hope IW either corrects all of their mistakes or goes console exclusive and leaves PC alone, no one wants their cut down garbage on the PC.
operation falshpoint is a major fail and when it came out, people where saying it pisses all over Arma 2m yet after a months play, opf2 is practically dead while Arma 2 is still going strong with tons of DLC coming out, opps i mean Free mods LOL
Oh yea, what happened to that game? I remember it was an anticipated game and then they just vanished.

"One" word: no dedicated servers.

This crap (i.e. MW2) will only be kept alive by the legions of 360 sheeple who'll buy it without a second thought just because it has "Call of Duty" in its name.
Single Player Clocks in at 4 hours. It's all here, watch if you want to.

Considering how one part of Dragon Age took me 5hrs (Circle of Magi Tower) this is kind of laughable, but no unexpected. I'm just pointing out that getting it for just SP makes little sense.

(btw let me know if the videos are wrong etc)
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Single Player Clocks in at 4 hours. It's all here, watch if you want to.

Considering how one part of Dragon Age took me 5hrs (Circle of Magi Tower) this is kind of laughable, but no unexpected. I'm just pointing out that getting it for just SP makes little sense.

(btw let me know if the videos are wrong etc)

So $50 is equal to 4 hours of fun? Lets see I can watch 4 movies that equal 8 hours of entertainment, buy a few more models for my 40k army or buy a game that doesnt suck. I mean really 4 whopping hours? I own porno longer than that and they cost less to boot:eek:
So $50 is equal to 4 hours of fun? Lets see I can watch 4 movies that equal 8 hours of entertainment, buy a few more models for my 40k army or buy a game that doesnt suck. I mean really 4 whopping hours? I own porno longer than that and they cost less to boot:eek:

Oh man I bet you're going to be disappointed when I tell you this: The game costs $60.
Oh man I bet you're going to be disappointed when I tell you this: The game costs $60.

Well that throws off all of my other calculations doesnt it. I didnt buy the game nor will I after the server debacle. Being only 4 hours is the icing on the cake.
I don't know why people are little girls and play on regular, play the game on veteran and see how long it takes. I understand that doesn't make the story any longer or better but still, regular?
Well that throws off all of my other calculations doesnt it. I didnt buy the game nor will I after the server debacle. Being only 4 hours is the icing on the cake.

I just hope they don't go full out like Epic did. Maybe they'll stand to reason as time goes on.
Single Player Clocks in at 4 hours. It's all here, watch if you want to.

Considering how one part of Dragon Age took me 5hrs (Circle of Magi Tower) this is kind of laughable, but no unexpected. I'm just pointing out that getting it for just SP makes little sense.

(btw let me know if the videos are wrong etc)

Great website, thanks!

The game looks boring IMO, it's the same old game, you just go around through a scripted environment shooting bots, it's not interesting at all, nothing original. I haven't had fun with an SP part since CoD1, which was the best(still is IMO, both SP and MP).