MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

Sure. Pages 1-72 = Entitlement syndrome crybabies, and a few reasonable people.

Hope someone leaks what ports I need to open up in my router to be able to play and host, I'm taking a day off on Tues.

Right, it's entitlement syndrome when we correctly point out that every decent PC multiplayer game released in the last 10 years has used a client/server system, and that Infinity Ward will ruin the multiplayer component with this change. :rolleyes:

Listen servers and matchmaking are an INFERIOR COMPROMISE to allow multiplayer gaming for consoles. Trying to force that same system onto PCs where the compromise isn't necessary is complete and utter FAIL.
To tell the truth I wouldn't mind paying $60 per game if it meant they'd actually put forth more effort in the PC version.

i agree 100%. if it had all the features of mw1, i would pay $60. is that to much to ask? so they are taking features out and charging more? hmmm, is something not right. oh wait, didnt they add all kinds of great feature? iwnet? matchmaking? oh yeah that is worth an extra 10 bucks...
I still can't believe the PC version is going to be locked at an FoV of 65. That is just absolutely horrible. Even if the game did have dedicated servers and mod support etc, being locked at FoV 65 would have prevented me from purchasing it, that is just way too low.
what's the default FOV in COD4? is it 65? i'm fairly sensitive to narrow FOV, but COD4 doesn't bother me. Wolfenstein is unplayable to me and FC2 before the last patch was pretty bad as well.
Steam does a very good job at delaying piracy because you cannot play a steamed game until its been activated by steam and any COD MW2 leaked now is worthless apparently
okay thanks for the summaries :)

my friend has this game for 360 some stores around here and in some other states were selling it early
but my b day is monday so I asked for it for that if i dont get it as a present ill buy it from steam
Cliff Notes for this thread:

IW announces no Dedi-servers mere weeks before the game is due for release.

Mass exodus of PC pre-orders ensues.

Primarily PC and Primarily Console gamers rivalvry heats up.

Piracy talk talk around in reference to how it could affect the situation and how much there will be.

MW2(Modern Warfare 2) Xbox360 version is leaked. Many instances of "I knew it." are heard.

Obligatory, "See! Piracy isn't just PCs!"

Obligatory, "Consoles still make devs more cash despite the piracy."

Mention of IW pulling an Epic. The meaning "Pulling an Epic" varies but it basically boils down to "Abandoning the gaming community that used to be your primary customer base and going primarily console."

Series of Boycotter created videos, pictures, and motivational posters are linked or posted.

Best Buy IW Q&A... PC gamers are livid. Console gamers are like "Suck it up." Insanity ensues.

The word "Sheep"(which I HATE seeing boycotters use) is thrown around.

A spreadsheet snapshot showing all the features removed between MW1(Modern Warfare 1) and MW2(Modern Warfare 2) is posted. Repeatedly. Also quoted.

An argument between about 5 boycotters and 1 guy(english was obviously not his first language and thus quite a few misunderstandings happened) ensues and is subsequently deleted by our resident mod.

Mod lays down the law to curb anymore bickering.

Riftsaw attempts to make Cliff notes of this thread. They are hilariously bad. Laughter at his expense ensues.

this is by far the most enjoyable post i've read this entire thread. thanks, lol.

well, mw2 is coming out this week, so whether people buy it or not, the world will still go on.

again, boycotting this game won't affect sales in the slightest.

considering cod4 has sold over 13 million to date; being conservative - let's say mw2 does 15 million and 10% comes from the pc = 1.5 million

15 million total sales = $900 million

1.5 million pc buyers = $60 x 1,500,000 = $90 million

200k boycotters = $60 x 200,000 = $12 million (only about 1% or so of total sales)

that doesn't even take into consideration the massive sales of chargeable dlc maps that they expect to bring in. consider cod: waw brought in over $70 million in sales from dlc on the consoles. so even if all 1.5 million pc buyers were to boycott the game, the sales from dlc for mw2 just on consoles alone will more than make up for the losses. that is why activision/ iw doesn't care about the boycotts/ online petitions.
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During an earnings call Activision's President, Mike Griffith, had the following to say:

"We think one of the problems with our PC (releases) on this title in the past is that it has not been as friendly a consumer experience in terms of matchmaking and online play as the consoles have allowed it to be. Our solution here improves that consumer experience overall by a significant margin. We think the benefits we will see are going to far outweigh any of the negatives that seem to be surfacing."

looks like they still avoiding question.
okay thanks for the summaries :)

my friend has this game for 360 some stores around here and in some other states were selling it early
but my b day is monday so I asked for it for that if i dont get it as a present ill buy it from steam

There will be no dedicated servers. It's going to be p2p with matchmaking like the consoles = lag
Without dedicated servers there will be no admins = cannot kick/ban cheaters, idiots, trouble makers.
Without dedicated servers the host will have a 0ms ping advantage.
Maximum number of players is going to be 18 (9vs9) although it isn't clear yet if it applies to all game modes. TDM could only have 16 or less.
There will be no lean. Consoles don't support it, they didn't bother.
There will be no mod tools and as such, no custom maps = make people pay for DLC (maps).
It's expensive.
It requires Steam = no resale.
It uses VAC instead of PB = from bad to worse.
25 killstreak is a tactical nuke = it ends the game.

IW called us all idiots, pirates and dimwits.

I think I covered it all.

P2P - Well, I'd have to wait and see, maybe it could turn out to be OK? Unsure
No admins - Don't care much. OK
0 Ping - Kinda annoying. Unsure
9vs9 - Well, it is my preferred number for people but still nice to have bigger servers once in a while, bad decision. Bad
No Lean - I use, Bad
Mods - I rarely ever play them but still for those that want them. Bad
DLC - Horrible, not willing to be microtransraped. BAD! deal breaker.
Expensive - Not worth it. Bad
Steam requirement - Horrible, I hate having to run anything in order to run the game I bought on the CD, screw that, this is a big neg for me. I don't like games "tied" to some other software.
VAC - On it's own, meh, Unsure.
25 Killstreak - Kinda fun. Good
How can you be unsure about P2P? It's inferior to a dedicated client/server model, period. We're talking about comparing a dedicated server with plenty of available processing horsepower on high quality leased lines in a server farm somewhere to Joe Schmoe's computer whose processing time is also being used to play the game on a residential quality connection with who knows what downloading in the background.

What's there to be unsure about?
How can you be unsure about P2P? It's inferior to a dedicated client/server model, period. We're talking about comparing a dedicated server with plenty of available processing horsepower on high quality leased lines in a server farm somewhere to Joe Schmoe's computer whose processing time is also being used to play the game on a residential quality connection with who knows what downloading in the background.

What's there to be unsure about?

Yea I didn't count processing power.

360 is a dedicated machine and everyone has an equal power but in PC, some(most) are going to host with very weak machines, while leeching porn.

And most PC players I know don't play for hours, just a quick in and out, which means there is going to be a lots of host migration.

You are right, still I want to witness this epic failure... it's going to be interesting, since there are LOTS of casual PC players who are not in the "scene" they just bought the game and play it, then they are going to buy MW2 and find out how horrible it is and much more complaints will follow.

BTW, TDM seems to be limited to 6vs6
okay thanks for the summaries :)

my friend has this game for 360 some stores around here and in some other states were selling it early
but my b day is monday so I asked for it for that if i dont get it as a present ill buy it from steam

The steam version of the game will release on the 12th i.e. a couple of days after the retail release date. If you want to play it as soon as you buy it, get it at retail. The key will activate on steam anyway.
I completely forgot about the lack of a console in my post. No changing FOV, no advanced tweaking, nothing.

And most PC players I know don't play for hours, just a quick in and out, which means there is going to be a lots of host migration.

Don't forget about the waiting times for connecting, waiting for all the players to set their status as "Ready" (someone will always forget to do that or even not do that on purpose to piss everyone off).
Me: Ooh Activison, MW had it’s share of flaws and was utterly overrated but i had fun with it, i’m looking forward to the sequel.

Activision: *throws cold glass of water at me* how about now?

Me: Well i’m cold and wet but I still kinda want to play it and I could use a new multiplayer shooter

Activision: *kicks me in the balls* how about now?

Me: Well i’m cold and wet and my balls hurt but i guess i’ve already put the money down on the pre-order.

Activision: *slaps me in the face with it’s cock* how about now?

Me: Well now i’m cold, wet, my balls are killing me and i’ve got Kotick’s dick cheese on my face. At this point I’m not sure if i want to play the game or just throw myself under a fucking truck to escape the shame of paying for this thing.

Ya. I personally dont buy any games that have matchmaking systems. Thats just stupid.

Anyone who runs or helps run a gaming community and/or server admins(like me), you cant build a community around matchmaking servers. Same reason why communties arnt created around left4dead. I didnt buy l4d either for this reason.

Matchmaking essentially lets valve use your servers for their benefit, not your gaming communities benefit....I know many other game community owners and admins as well, and they feel the same way. Matchmaking system lets them utilize your server which you are paying hard earned money for, for their benefit. I say if they want to dictate and utilize my servers like that, they should be paying for them.... Just my opinion.
You're right, buying MW2 hoping they'll fix it is a stupid idea. My general premise - approaching them as paying customers, rather than anonymous internet denizens - is still sound. I even said so myself, a few posts ago:

If every one of their paying customers from CoD4 sent in a letter with a proof of purchase and registered their distaste for MW2, I think that would go a lot farther than an internet petition and low MW2 sales numbers from the boycott.

You had me til this.
You buy the game and send them anything, what will they say behind closed doors?
"People are complaining, BUT THEY BOUGHT IT ANYWAY. Continue pulling the BS, they'll take whatever we give them no matter what."

Sorry, I don't buy into this (literally and figuratively).
I join the sentiments of several other posters - if IW and Activision pull all PC support in the future, oh well. :rolleyes: Hell half the other game companies could do the same thing and I wouldn't care. I'll still have Valve, Steam, and the independent studios putting kickass titles out on Steam for $10-$15.

I didn't build gaming PC's for Call of Duty, I built gaming PC's for Valve (especially TF2).

And to answer another thought - I could care less about pirating MW2, I'm not going to waste my time. I don't want the game as it is, I could care less if it was $50 or $0, the multiplayer is still jank. I'll stick with MW1 and all the other MP games I can play with solid MP components and none of this fruity shit that IW and Activision decided to pull in MW2. :mad:
Matchmaking essentially lets valve use your servers for their benefit, not your gaming communities benefit....I know many other game community owners and admins as well, and they feel the same way. Matchmaking system lets them utilize your server which you are paying hard earned money for, for their benefit. I say if they want to dictate and utilize my servers like that, they should be paying for them.... Just my opinion.

Nah, they don't use your servers, they just completely eliminate servers.

You know in theory P2P gaming is quite a good idea, in theory... the need for a middle man(server) is eliminated, no need to pay for servers anymore, any person can be a host and easily set up a server, which means TONS of places to play always full and since it's limited to 9vs9.

IWNET acts simply as a referee and a match maker.

However in practice, the connection can and most of the time will be horrible with such a variable host as a PC... difference configs, connections, processes.

IWNET can be abused and has all the power..... and it will be abused.
You had me til this.
You buy the game and send them anything, what will they say behind closed doors?
"People are complaining, BUT THEY BOUGHT IT ANYWAY. Continue pulling the BS, they'll take whatever we give them no matter what."
Did you read the post you quoted? I said that buying MW2 and hoping they'll fix it is a stupid idea. I was talking about writing in and including a proof of purchase for CoD4. That way, they can't dismiss you as being a pirate, or an internet strawman who signs a petition a hundred times. Each letter would be coming from a unique, paying customer with legitimate concerns. It demonstrates that you were willing to support them in the past, with CoD4, and you'd be willing to support them with MW2 if they fix a few things.
Sorry, I don't buy into this (literally and figuratively).
I join the sentiments of several other posters - if IW and Activision pull all PC support in the future, oh well. :rolleyes: Hell half the other game companies could do the same thing and I wouldn't care. I'll still have Valve, Steam, and the independent studios putting kickass titles out on Steam for $10-$15.
That's fine if you are satisfied entirely with titles like World of Goo. You can't expect big-budget quality for that kind of price. Look at all the flak Valve is getting for selling L4D2 at $40 or $50.
And to answer another thought - I could care less about pirating MW2, I'm not going to waste my time. I don't want the game as it is, I could care less if it was $50 or $0, the multiplayer is still jank. I'll stick with MW1 and all the other MP games I can play with solid MP components and none of this fruity shit that IW and Activision decided to pull in MW2. :mad:
Good for you. If only everyone else was as clear of mind about this. High piracy does not send the kind of message we want to send.
I don't know if this has been posted already, but it pretty much sums up this horseshit.

Further analyzing the monetary component from the corporate end, a post by Anonymous Coward from Slashdot rings poignant and should be strongly considered by any gamer of any platform...

""They could provide their own server as a value add, and I'm sure the service would be popular.""

This is an area the game developers have dreamed of for years, but it goes way beyond that simple comment. Online play with private dedicated servers up until now has been a money loser in the support Dept. for game developers and distributors that do aspects of general support for the PC platform.

Removing dedicated servers and starting up IWNet is a prime to exploit the customer. IWNet is really nothing more than a disguised delivery and billing system and latr a billing system that also delivers content. This is the beginning of moving away from the player owning the game to a delivered content model that they can charge a fee. You buy the game and it can be played fine in a limited way, but if you want the expanded content then you pay a monthly subscription fee. FPS games are prime for this now that consoles have almost caught up to the PC platform, so merging them under one delivery system makes sense to the game company.

Once you have IWNet deployed and debugged you simply go through a period to allow the customers (suckers) accept it as the way to play. This will never sit well with the hardcore but they aren't the target. The target is the average players as IW often quotes. Now that players are comfortable you introduce the 'added content' part of the model. This costs extra. Similar to addon paks companies have tried to make money on for years. But now there is both a delivery method and the impulse buyer, because they simply add it to their steam account and are billed directly.

Now for phase 3 if you wish to put a name to it.. The company now introduces enhanced online play with many more control and modding options, along with a much improved match system. A monthly fee is all that is required to play. This of course is the real payoff. PAY TO PLAY is now here and everyone accepts it as the norm. If you want to go beyond the causal player level, then you are going to pay for it.

Don't take my word for it. It's been discussed for years but the technology simply wasn't there. Now it is and in 3-5 years what we all have known will be gone if IWNet is a success. Think of it like cable tv. You get the privilege of paying for whatever tier you want. May not be what you like but to bad. It's not about the customer it's about money and control. the two always go together.
Ya that crap kinda scares me. Pay-to-play a fps. Damn. Im sure it will happen at some point.

I personally dont buy or play/participate in any pay-to-play games. Ive never played WOW or any of that other garbage. However, this is also partly due to having a life. Just dont have time or want to pay for that crap.

In terms of MW2. Matchmaking just seems like a horrible idea for FPS.
You know in theory P2P gaming is quite a good idea, in theory... the need for a middle man(server) is eliminated, no need to pay for servers anymore, any person can be a host and easily set up a server, which means TONS of places to play always full and since it's limited to 9vs9.

No, it's not quite a good idea, not even in theory. Like I keep saying, it's a compromise - one that's necessary on the consoles (unless the game publishers want to host their own dedicated servers) but completely unneeded in the PC world.

P2P gaming is inferior, period.
you know why I love counter-strike?

Gun game and whacky custom maps that no developer would EVER make, but some dude in Germany would.

MW2 will have none of that and probably charge for every map/gun/bullet they add to the game after release, so they can go eat my doodoo.
Ya that crap kinda scares me. Pay-to-play a fps. Damn. Im sure it will happen at some point.

I personally dont buy or play/participate in any pay-to-play games. Ive never played WOW or any of that other garbage. However, this is also partly due to having a life. Just dont have time or want to pay for that crap.

In terms of MW2. Matchmaking just seems like a horrible idea for FPS.

pay to play happens a lot in Asian market, they love playing those kind of game..

and most of them are major rip off from American games such as "CS:O", yes, you did not read that wrong, its "Counter-Strike Online"... :D
They also have "BF:O", yes again, you did not read that wrong... its "Battle Field Online".:p ... "CoH:O" - Company of Heroes Online....etc....

and now they are going after TF2 with H.A.V.E Online... here is the video..