Mushkin 12GB (3x4GB) - $200 - PM shell shocker

I may pick up another 12G. Win7 pro should support it, right?

Support yes, make actual use of, depends on what you are running I suppose. To be more precise, Windows 7 64-bit max RAM:

*Starter: 2 GB
*Home Basic: 8 GB
*Home Premium: 16 GB
*Pro/Enterprise/Ultimate: 192 GB
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64 bit, yes.

64 bit Win7 can support 192GB, so you have some room to grow.

Thank god I got pro. According to this, home premium only supports 16GB even in a 64-bit os! That is pretty lame considering you can stick > 16GB in an i7 board pretty cheaply...
It's 24gb, sell current 6x2GB sticks and make a ram drive for games and such, or other things.

I really wanna. :(

Aaaand then when I think about it I'd be better off buying an SSD. More GB/$

But I really wanna! :(
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FYI, these parts are what my 12GB 3x4GB Mushkin Ridgeback 2000MHz CAS 10 ram is based on.

Great looking deal.
Dammit...what's the deal with this stuff? A few years ago Mushkin was regarded as some of the best RAM you could buy. It's not listed on the QVL for my P6T Deluxe (doesn't mean it won't work, I know) and I'm a little hesitant. Either ASUS didn't test a lot of Mushkin memory for some reason, or this stuff just isn't compatible with my board.
i paid 230 for 12gb (2gb x6) couple month ago. this is killer deal.

24gb maxed out ram for only $400
It's a great deal. Too bad it isn't at least 1600mhz/CL8 or I'd consider going in for this. But anyone who just needs a LOT of DDR3 cheap, this is pretty sweet.
24GB for $400 - Nice.
It's a great deal. Too bad it isn't at least 1600mhz/CL8 or I'd consider going in for this.

If what someone above said was true, that these are based on Ridgebacks.. get them. My 12gb of cas6 1600s can run 10 hrs of memtest at cas6 1926(?). I've come to the belief that Mushkin ram can end all problems and save the world.
If what someone above said was true, that these are based on Ridgebacks.. get them. My 12gb of cas6 1600s can run 10 hrs of memtest at cas6 1926(?). I've come to the belief that Mushkin ram can end all problems and save the world.

Yeah but yours are manufacturer rated CAS6 1600. ^_^
I think the reason that these are rated CAS9 1333 is because they weren't binned high enough to meet spec.
These are the modules that got culled for not being good enough.

How much did your set of ram cost anyways. Did you get them before DDR3 memory rose to ridiculous prices?
The price of the set I'm using has risen about 40% compared to when I bought em. I regret not getting 12GB before they sold out and the prices went all whacky.
Yeah but yours are manufacturer rated CAS6 1600. ^_^
I think the reason that these are rated CAS9 1333 is because they weren't binned high enough to meet spec.
These are the modules that got culled for not being good enough.

How much did your set of ram cost anyways. Did you get them before DDR3 memory rose to ridiculous prices?
The price of the set I'm using has risen about 40% compared to when I bought em. I regret not getting 12GB before they sold out and the prices went all whacky.

All of these parts are based on 991770:

These are binned 1333 9-9-9-24 1T at 1.5v

My Rdigebacks are rated for 2000 10-10-10-27 1T at 1.65v

More voltage, more speed. Sure, mine are high bin, but I doubt these 1333MHz parts are fully bin tested.

Most manufacturers don't bin every single chip they get... They bin 'x' amount to fill the demand of the higher end/enthusiast market and then just sell everything else untested/binned at slower speeds to save time and snatch up as much money as possible.

Boost these puppies to 1.65v and they'll probably do pretty damn nicely.
I have this kit which I bought direct from the mushkin site before the rebate. I didn't spend much time on it but I am running 888 24 at 143 through memtest a bunch of times. Asrock X58 Extreme. Much higher than that and I started dropping sticks of ram on post.

I have an i7 950 and bios 2.4. I run vm's on my linux based host hence the ram. I initially wanted 24 gig but the boss put the nix on that.

This is my work desktop so overclocking was not a priority. If it is a priority you should look at other alternatives.
I have this kit which I bought direct from the mushkin site before the rebate. I didn't spend much time on it but I am running 888 24 at 143 through memtest a bunch of times. Asrock X58 Extreme. Much higher than that and I started dropping sticks of ram on post.

I have an i7 950 and bios 2.4. I run vm's on my linux based host hence the ram. I initially wanted 24 gig but the boss put the nix on that.

This is my work desktop so overclocking was not a priority. If it is a priority you should look at other alternatives.

Did you increase vdimm from 1.5 to 1.65? Did you also raise your QPI as you increased your BCLK?
This RAM is actually cheaper now after rebate. It is down to $209.99 with free shipping and a $20 MIR taking it down to $189.99. It is very tempting.
Very tempting, once again. My 940 is limited only by my RAM so far. I wonder if they'd take higher than 1412MHz? 4GB to 12GB... hmmmmm