MS Crossing the Line by Pushing Security Essentials?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Is Microsoft really “crossing the line” by pushing Security Essentials out to systems with no antivirus protection? I don’t know guys, what do you think? Kinda makes you wonder what all these security vendors do if Microsoft made an impenetrable OS? Then what?

A recent move to push out Microsoft Security Essentials to Windows systems that don't have any antivirus protection, however, has some rival security vendors up in arms. From Microsoft's perspective, though, it's a little "damned if you do, damned if you don't".
I think that is a great thing. Maybe they should just do a choice of top antivirus programs too when first installing windows 8.
MSE is pretty great. Maybe if the competitors had better products this wouldn't be an issue to them.

Plus, it isn't like MS is really "pushing" MSE. It just shows up as a "recommended" update in Windows Update now.
Hey look Trend Micro and Pandra are bitching about something. Trend Micro is just pissed that MS' free software is beating out their piece of shit excuse for an anti-virus. Panda are just whining to whine it sounds like. The author did a good job of rebutting their claims. Trend Micro, Panda, and all the other companies can bitch all they want, but the truth is they relay on MS 100% not to make a perfectly secure OS. It is in their best interests for there to be security holes and issues.
Since it's being offered in windows update as an optional update....I don't see what the outrage is.
Boo fucking hoo. Seriously. Security essentials should come installed standard on all windows PC's.
It'd be nice to be able to just use MSE again, but my school forces anyone connected to the school network to use Symantec Endpoint (along with their other bullshit software) or they're forced off the network.
It'd be nice to be able to just use MSE again, but my school forces anyone connected to the school network to use Symantec Endpoint (along with their other bullshit software) or they're forced off the network.

At least Symantec is starting to get their shit together with their software.
Symantec is getting better, but their SEP suite is still a bit...eccentric. Going to stick with SAV until it gets better.
Good if you use the internet since it will greatly reduce the number of botnets out there.
Bad if you work for, or own stock in any antivirus company.
I like it, I use it. I even recommend it. I don't have to; I just do. I know there are alternatives out there.
I like MSE. I have to say that it is one of the easiest AV programs as well as one of the most non-intrusive. Nothing bothers me more than a program that I can not turn off (easily) and constantly jumps in my face. In fact I stopped using AV programs for a while because I could not stand how most of them ran, until I gave Security Essentials a shot.
I think offering it through the update stream as an option is fine. Making it mandatory as others here are saying is stupid, not everyone wants AV software, let alone MS AV software. I don't use such software as it slows my system down, however I set my clients up with MSE.
Crossing the line? Nope. Microsoft should be able to update their OS as they see fit.
I've used a ton of antivirus products over the years (or none at all!). Now, I use and recommend MSE to everyone. Between it and Windows 7's inherent security features, I cant remember the last time I've had a virus.

Far cry from the XP days of a virus every month or so
That is the problem any time you make a product that DEPENDS on another product. Seriously, what happens when Microsoft integrates its security feature and eliminates the need for 3rd party antivirus software?

Are they going to SUE to have MS make a less secure OS just so they can still make a buck?
lol, yep, pushing something to beef up security and virus protection in anything is bad nowadays :D
That is the problem any time you make a product that DEPENDS on another product. Seriously, what happens when Microsoft integrates its security feature and eliminates the need for 3rd party antivirus software?

Are they going to SUE to have MS make a less secure OS just so they can still make a buck?

What happens when macs take over the world? :eek:
I don't see any issues. How much software does Apple package with its OS X and yet they don't get shit for anything?

Not to mention MSE is by far the best AV software I have ever used. Beats the crap out of any paid AV software out there. Especially since the stuff from Norton and McAfee are complete garbage.

Also they already present a list of Anti-virus programs to pick when you first install Windows 7. If you look at the Issues button in the bottom right corner after you first install it will recommend an AV to use. Click on that and it takes you to a Microsoft website that has a grid of icons of every major AV software distribution available. And the grid of icons are randomized everytime you visit so if MSE appears first in one instance it has just a good of chance of appearing last or somewhere in the middle the next time you visit.

These companies are just mad that Microsoft made a better produce than they ever could and they're offering it completely free.
Are they going to SUE to have MS make a less secure OS just so they can still make a buck?

Sure, because just like you said, they don't care about customers - only their paychecks. Kind of reminds me of something similar. :D
Any anti-virus that uses kernel hooking is an enormous security flaw, probably worse than not having AV installed. MSE is the only anti-virus I can think of that doesn't use kernel hooks so that what I'm using on all my systems.
Ever since MSE I stopped using the other free AV software out there and recommend it myself.
Note to security vendors who aren't Microsoft: STFU and quit crying, you little whiny bitches!

Thank you. That would be all.
I like MSE, i use it on my computer and nothing else

it's at the right price too, FREE, and it has reviewed well against it's competition.

Makes having it a pretty easy decision for me.
Starting with Vista, Windows came with Windows Defender by default. So I guess that was a bad move?

Yeah as a technician I'm kinda miffed this comes standard. It's not a bad idea, but the thing that bothers me more is you can't remove it, only disable it. I'm all for having deep hooks into an OS, as long as they are properly removable, none of this IE6 junk.

Fortunately, I'm well trained in disabling it now, heh :p
It's pretty apparent where the money is in antivirus and such, and it sure isn't on the desktop. McAfee and Symantec did well for themselves to put a greater amount of effort on the enterprise level stuff, such as gateway malware/virus scanning and so on.
I think it should come preinstalled on every computer. I know these companies don't want to hear it, but Microsoft has made their products obsolete. If somebody brings me a computer with a AV other than MSE on it I replace it.(With their permission of course) It is the best AV out there paid or free IMO. It is idiot proof and it just works. No subscriptions or keys to enter in. It is truly a set it and forget it AV as it should be.
It should come standard with Windows, but they'd throw an even bigger hissy fit.
See, this is part of the reason that Microsoft never bothered with AV for so long on the consumer level. Sooner or later someone would bitch about it "being part of the OS" and then we've got the god damned monopoly bullshit raining down on them yet once again for no good reason.

Microsoft: you're doing great, ignore the haters.

Haters: go fuck yourselves, and leave 'em alone.

It's about that simple.
Do these antivirus companies not forsee the end of their industry as AV will become part of the OS package itself. Just like media players, internet browsers, etc etc...
Good. It's Microsoft's IP they should do whatever they want and if they want to suggest to their users that they install an AV, their or anyone else's than more fucking power to them. MSE is pretty fucking awesome and it beats out every other free/paid AV I've used.
MSE raised the bar and finally gave users something they desperately needed. The prices AV companies were charging was approaching highway robbery. Moreover, should one of those other companies' AV programs go wrong, they left you to deal with it. Customer service was a pathetic joke in the AV industry. "Charge them till it breaks, and then just keep charging them till they leave".

MS changed much of that attitude. As far as I'm concerned the AV companies can quit their complaining and compete with good products, fair prices, and making products that they stand behind. Seems simple, but it's been a long time in coming.

MSE is good stuff and good for the industry. Finally customers are beginning to get treated like customers, and ones who don't have endless wallets.