Monster Hunter World (Beta)

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I bit the bullet and threw a 500 GB SSD in my PS4 Pro - the SSHD was okay, but I realized after I migrated the data previously that without FFXV installed I was only using ~100 GB of data (previously it was like ~200+ GB or so)

The load time differences even over an SSHD are pretty significant. For MHW this is ideal because you are loading into instances pretty frequently.

I've tried using Charge Blade a bit, not sure if I like it really but it's definitely interesting. Trying to get better with Hunting Horn as well.

As for the Kulve event, I farmed it enough to get enough gems and mats to make the armor sets, though I haven't really used any of them yet. Also got a decent amount of gold weapons to try out. That's what prompted me to try the CB, as I got the R7 gold version of the Diablos CB.
I'm waiting for the PC version but what's the final verdict on this game?...amazing?...very good?...average?
I was pretty hyped about the PC version but I'm not sure now. I may get it anyway just to support the game, but I don't know if I want to start over again on PC, and honestly this game is made for a controller anyway.
I think it's amazing, I have almost 300 hours into it and I still play it almost daily.

About to hit HR 200 pretty soon.
I was pretty hyped about the PC version but I'm not sure now. I may get it anyway just to support the game, but I don't know if I want to start over again on PC, and honestly this game is made for a controller anyway.
Literally exactly the same opinion after exactly the same amount of game time and level progression. The unfortunate part is that I've put so much time into the PS4 version than I don't see myself starting over either on PC; which is a shame since I'm sure a constant 60+ FPS and cranked up visuals will be great for this game.

I'll still likely purchase the PC version though in case I change my mind and I want to support Capcom with this game and their business model thus far with it. They've released a lot of free content that most other developers would be hiding behind paid DLC. I do hope they do make large paid expansion packs (new areas & multiple monsters w/ armor and weapons) though.
Historically, that kind of content has come in the "Ultimate" version which is a separate title (though generally they allowed you to migrate your save data over). But with this being released worldwide from the get-go, and ease of downloading content, we'll see where they go with this. I also hope they just make a larger paid expansion pack for stuff like G-Rank and other maps.
Historically, that kind of content has come in the "Ultimate" version which is a separate title (though generally they allowed you to migrate your save data over). But with this being released worldwide from the get-go, and ease of downloading content, we'll see where they go with this. I also hope they just make a larger paid expansion pack for stuff like G-Rank and other maps.

Speaking of Ultimate...

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate JUST announced for the Switch.
Yeah, I just saw that!

That is a bit of a hard sell after the QoL changes in World, but I will probably buy it regardless to have MH on the Switch.
I'm waiting for the PC version but what's the final verdict on this game?...amazing?...very good?...average?

Been playing MHW on and off for a couple of months. I think it is a mixed bag of very good and not so good.
The good includes environments, art style and graphics, Japanese wit and charm in the writing and characters, music, animations and general motion quality of all people and creatures. The Japanese eye for detail is apparent everywhere you look.

The not so good for me is a lot of the nuts and bolts of the core gameplay. And a lot if this is just personal preference.

The combat is frustrating as heck. And I have tried several different weapons in the attempt of finding something that works for me and is fun. For me it is mostly a clunky mess, peppered with slow animations that you can not break out of. Once you choose an attack the animation plays out no matter what. You can't break free of it to dodge or roll.There is a kind of lock on, but it does not really work well. So the camera can be a problem. Clipping is another issue. Clipping into monsters is common when you get up close and personal.

The game has a lot of menus, UI that needs to be open and closed, items to be sorted through, used. It all holds a tons of information that needs to be fathomed and understood. This gameplay outside of actual monster hunting is surprisingly deep. Which is okay, but you have to put in the time to learn it all; crafting, upgrading, jobs, stats. There is a lot to absorb, and hopefully you find it all fun.

There is a good amount of grinding maps to gather ingredients for upgrading armor and weapons. Which I do not mind because the environments are fun to explore and full of engaging content.

So for me the game is a mixed bag. I have not given up on it, I keep playing it, but I still cuss the combat every time I do, he he. And I am still trying to wrap my head around all the gameplay. It is not a simple game. It is actually a pretty broad and deep Japanese RPG.
It's not for everything, and can definitely be a grind sometimes. I am still enjoying it quite a bit, though I admittedly don't play as much as I did earlier on.

However, there is a new(ish) monster - Lunastra!

For anyone waiting for MHW on PC, go check out Dauntless while you wait. It's basically a f2p MH that's in open beta right now. They apparently will not be resetting characters from now on, either. It's definitely not as in depth as MHW, but I think it's actually a pretty darn good game to play as a casual MH-lite type of thing.
Kulve is back until the 22nd (IIRC) for those still playing.

Still trying to get that thunder lance.
Somehow I'm not. Are they still planning on even doing it?

Haven't heard otherwise, though I doubt it's a huge priority to be honest. It's already the top selling game EVER for Capcom.
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But I was told PC was releasing this year! WTF!? Have we been gayed by the consoles again!?
For anyone waiting for MHW on PC, go check out Dauntless while you wait. It's basically a f2p MH that's in open beta right now. They apparently will not be resetting characters from now on, either. It's definitely not as in depth as MHW, but I think it's actually a pretty darn good game to play as a casual MH-lite type of thing.

Checked it out last night based on your comment. It's definitely a Monster Hunter uber-lite. But interesting nonetheless, probably will keep messing with it.
Well, the PC version is supposed to release sometime this autumn according to their last statement from January. Autumn lasts from September until December so its still ~3-6 months away.
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PC version releases August 9th!

I'll probably pick it up on sale - I'm having a really hard time justifying going to my PC from my PS4 Pro when I have about 500 hours already invested. Wish they allowed for some sort of transfer but that is highly unlikely since the data is all saved locally.
They honestly picked a terrible time to launch for PC. The WoW expansion launches a week later, and a large chunk of people that would have been interested in MHW are just going to skip it for a while so they can focus on WoW.
They honestly picked a terrible time to launch for PC. The WoW expansion launches a week later, and a large chunk of people that would have been interested in MHW are just going to skip it for a while so they can focus on WoW.

The pre-order has hit the Top Selling list on Steam already. I think it'll do okay.
60fps lock is disgraceful.. Hopefully someone can hack it. Not happy about the DRM as well. Did they go to ubisoft and were like "Yo, whats the best way piss off PC gamers?".
I'm hoping that there's an unlocked framerate option, but we haven't seen it yet.
And I'd bet a large chunk of the population basically stops playing after the first week.

I think it is a better game than that. For me it has been one of those games that the more I play it, the more I warm up to it. It might take a majority of players new to the game more than a week to really figure the game out. There is a lot to it.
I think it is a better game than that. For me it has been one of those games that the more I play it, the more I warm up to it. It might take a majority of players new to the game more than a week to really figure the game out. There is a lot to it.

I would say that it arguably requires you to put that time in to actually appreciate it. There will certainly be some people who just don't end up liking it, and that's fine - happens with a lot of games. But if it clicks for you, you're talking hundreds of hours of gameplay.

Full Price for a console game I mean cash grab I bet the kids go crazy over it though the Ark crowd.
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I think it is a better game than that. For me it has been one of those games that the more I play it, the more I warm up to it. It might take a majority of players new to the game more than a week to really figure the game out. There is a lot to it.

Don't get me wrong. I love MHW, and I put a few hundred hours into the PS4 version. I just really have a feeling that a large chunk of its potential PC audience overlaps with WoW. I am not going to be shocked at all if the MHW population takes a nosedive after a week due to the WoW launch.
Don't get me wrong. I love MHW, and I put a few hundred hours into the PS4 version. I just really have a feeling that a large chunk of its potential PC audience overlaps with WoW. I am not going to be shocked at all if the MHW population takes a nosedive after a week due to the WoW launch.

World of Warcraft... is that game still a thing? I played it for about 9 months after launch. I loved it for a while, but when I had my fill of it , I put it down and never picked it up again. It was my first ever MMO.
I don't see WoW affecting MHW sales in a major way...not even close to the same type of game.
Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood players will get access to Monster Hunter: World-inspired content on Aug. 7, when the legendary monster Rathalos invades the Final Fantasy MMO...players will be able to take on Rathalos in a trial named “The Great Hunt,” which will come in normal (for up to eight players) and extreme (just four players) versions

the Monster Hunter: World-Final Fantasy 14 crossover content will arrive as part of the MMO’s patch 4.36 update...only players who have reached level 70 and have completed the Stormblood expansion’s main scenario quest will be able to take on Rathalos...

Final Fantasy XIV x Monster Hunter: World Collaboration Trailer...

So Behemoth is annoying as fuck. Many attempts now and still can't finish it with randoms. The one shot move is really cheap and stupid.
So Behemoth is annoying as fuck. Many attempts now and still can't finish it with randoms. The one shot move is really cheap and stupid.

5 out of 10 with randoms for me. I am playing HBG with Wyvernsnipe / Slicing / Cluster and mostly pounding away on the front legs to get everyone Shearclaws (even if the group wipes). Also picking a group can be really important, I try to join one where people are over HR200 and using on-meta weapons.

Here is one of my kills from earlier in the night with all randoms:

5 out of 10 with randoms for me. I am playing HBG with Wyvernsnipe / Slicing / Cluster and mostly pounding away on the front legs to get everyone Shearclaws (even if the group wipes). Also picking a group can be really important, I try to join one where people are over HR200 and using on-meta weapons.

Here is one of my kills from earlier in the night with all randoms:

You're doing way better than most people out there. I have seen a few videos of people using HBG Cluster and finishing it quickly.

I hear you about HR, unfortunately most of the time the SOSes I see are like HR 20-30 folks who you just know don't have adequate armor for this. Making it HR16 was a huge mistake.

Honestly, my biggest beef with the fight is the Ecliptic Meteor - especially the one right at the end of the fight when he's ostensibly already dead. Sometimes the comets get destroyed, or the only one available is across the area where you can't make it in time. A few times now, the only comet was right below Behemoth, and when he slams down it knocks you out from behind the comet and kills you in the blast.

I guess you can use the Jump gesture but the timing is way too precise to rely on.

Most of the time the fails I have had don't even have to do with randoms dying early, it's just shenanigans with the Ecliptic Meteor. To me that indicates an issue with the game mechanics themselves.
The one saving grace for the Behemoth fight is that you can still get the materials needed to make the armor / Insect Glaive without actually completing the Slay quest. You can either find SOS for the Repel quest, which gives you 8 carts instead of 3 (and is far shorter of a fight), or you can solo the Slay quest and bring your Palico with the Plunderblade, then just avoid dying while your cat gathers stuff. You can also try to break the horns / claws as well, and then Return from the quest.

After hours of trying to PUG with randoms on the Slay quest this last weekend and never once getting a win, I think I have to stop for my own sanity. Should be able to complete the armor and stuff without finishing it. Maybe I'll roll back around to it once people are more experienced with the fight.
I been playing this game pretty steady for the past month or more.

Took many hours for me to get a handle on this game, and become anything approaching proficient. Now however, I have come to grips with the combat and have become much better at monster slaying with a Long Sword.

The armor and weapon upgrade path has finally started making some kind of sense. I got past entry level Hunter Rank and made it into High Rank. Play mostly solo because there are not many players that have not reached end game and are still doing main game content.

There are about 14 different weapons for hunting monsters. Players talk about swapping weapons and using different ones, but I stick with the Long Sword. I have dabbled with other weapons, but that is all. It took me forever to get decent with the Long Sword, and I do not want to put the effort into learning all the moves and attacks of different weapons. Besides there are plenty of varients of the Long Sword to craft and upgrade. Poison, water, blast, fire, dragon, thunder, etc. I have a slew of them in my inventory, one for any occasion, all in varying degrees of damage dealing output.

I got this big boy monster I am after, an Elder Dragon. Gone after him 3 times and can't take him out. Not because he kills me, but because I time out. Game gives you 50 minutes to kill him. Finally figured I need a better sword that deals more damage per hit. He is weak to thunder, so I wanted to forge a thunder Long Sword. To do that I have to hunt down some lower grade monster that drops thunder crafting material. But not just one hunt. No no. One hunt will only get me an entry level thunder sword. I need to craft something that will deal serious damage to an Elder Dragon! That means upgrading an entry level thunder sword 3 or 4 times. Each upgrade requires a hunt and each successful hunt may or may not produce the specific upgrade item I need.

So that's the game. Building your weapons and armor up to take on progressively bigger and badder monsters. It takes research, thought and learning to be a successful hunter. But it is fun because the game is so well done. It is a good balance of challenge and accomplishment, at least once you understand the basics of combat and upgrading armor and weapons.