Modern Warfare 2 + party chat lock out = The Suck


Sep 5, 2001
Dear Infinity Ward,

As a constant purveyor of the Xbox Live party chat system, I'd just like to say "thank you" for locking that feature out in most of the game types I like to play.

Now I can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the game the way you intended I play it, all the while being forced to listen to the potheads, homophobes, racists, singers, and in-general fuckwits that populate the Xbox Live service during the times I am usually available to play it.

I hate your faces.


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calling someone a fag doesn't mean they're a homophobe, haven't you been watching south park?
agreed, the party chat is kind of sucky, kind of hard to talk to the 3 other friends I was playing with tonight. But otherwise happy about the game in general. maybe this might get patched in later updates if enough people complain.
I was reminded how much I hated listening to kids last night playing MP. How many white kids do I have to hear dropping the N word every couple words? Not that it's ok for non whites. Just find it very immature.
Is this true? Can you not continue your private xbox live party chat inside the game?

I understand the nature behind this, however, being able to BS/Laugh/cry with my friend about getting owned by 12 year olds is the best part about unwinding after work. I would almost consider not purchasing this game, and look else-ware for fun if this is true.

One of the reasons I bought an xbox was to have a private chat with my friends while we played, which we could not do on the PS3.
Is this true? Can you not continue your private xbox live party chat inside the game?

I understand the nature behind this, however, being able to BS/Laugh/cry with my friend about getting owned by 12 year olds is the best part about unwinding after work. I would almost consider not purchasing this game, and look else-ware for fun if this is true.

One of the reasons I bought an xbox was to have a private chat with my friends while we played, which we could not do on the PS3.

its true, its to stop the cheaters as you said you understand, which to me would be enough of a reason, but i understand your reason for wanting it also....we use it all the time racing in Forza3

here's an idea though, can you not create a private match with only friends and then use friends-of-friends invites to fill the rest, basically creating a room with only the people you want in it? havent seen MW2 so i dont know what it offers in way of multiplayer setup
its true, its to stop the cheaters as you said you understand, which to me would be enough of a reason, but i understand your reason for wanting it also....we use it all the time racing in Forza3

here's an idea though, can you not create a private match with only friends and then use friends-of-friends invites to fill the rest, basically creating a room with only the people you want in it? havent seen MW2 so i dont know what it offers in way of multiplayer setup

Thank you for responding.

I still find this issue quite disheartening. I do not condone cheating, but if I really wanted to I could just use my laptop for ventrilo while playing, or talk to my friend on a cellphone who is on the other team. The fact of the matter is, people who want to abuse the system will always find a way to do so. So people like me who enjoy the social aspect of the game lose out on some of the best features, just so a few nubs can't find out where the last player alive is. So instead of having to put up with some kids ghosting, instead I have to listen to the garbage that goes on (or nothing at all). I really hope this doesn't become a trend. If I can't talk to my friends privately while we play online, I might as well just play offline altogether.

And finally, a little offtopic but I really feel as though there has been a serious trend this season to scale back video gamers "freedoms". From Forza 3 not allowing custom player lobbies, to all of the personal computer issues regarding the release of MW2 I hope this is a trend that doesn't continue. If so, I'll see you guys back on counter-strike and world of warcraft/
I assume they are locking it out because of clan matches and the like?

Well, if so, then why not take time to actually setup a clan Killzone 2 for instance. Different console/game, but still- they have it setup fine. Just don't allow it in those.
This is great news. I was hoping to see this in more and more games going forward (mostly in ranked matches)
its true, its to stop the cheaters as you said you understand, which to me would be enough of a reason, but i understand your reason for wanting it also....we use it all the time racing in Forza3

here's an idea though, can you not create a private match with only friends and then use friends-of-friends invites to fill the rest, basically creating a room with only the people you want in it? havent seen MW2 so i dont know what it offers in way of multiplayer setup

Problem being that you won't get EXP to unlock new weapons that way.

What me and some friends did in CoD4 was to keep joining whatever gametype we wanted to play until we got registered as host, then drop -> rejoin to fill the ranked room. I like getting exp for the kills, and I really like playing against friends and not always alongside them (makes for better friendly competition -- wouldn't have played CS for so long during college otherwise), so that worked quite well. If it's like 10 of us that means there'll be a couple randoms that may or may not be jerkoffs, but when it's one of them they tend to quietly leave.
This is great news. I was hoping to see this in more and more games going forward (mostly in ranked matches)

I REALLY hope you're being sarcastic about the private chat being locked out, because it was the most idiotic move a developer could make. Everything that I have issues with this has already been said, player-haters ranting just because they're actually being powned by someone who is actually better than them, screamers who are just lonely fags who just trying to get attention, and little, weak-ass kids who's balls haven't even dropped who think they are all that by shooting digital bullets in a digital world even though they probably not even strong enough to hold a 30-06 in real life. The thing is, if you really want to cheat with private party chat, the only game you can really do in it is Search and Destroy, and Hardcore Search and Destroy, where it really matters, and that's only because you only get one life per match. All other game styles get unlimited lives, so there really isn't a big deal.

And on another point, this can't be a big deal on deathmatch and team deathmatch, because if there is one of my friends on the other team, and we're talking to each other, I'm gonna want to pown the crap out of his face, and teabag his corpse like there's no tomorrow, and shoot in the air like a drunken red-neck. Sometimes I even spend the extra time just looking for him.

So please Infinity Ward, do yourselves and all of us who really love the game a HUGE favor, bring back the party chat.
Nope, not sarcastic about it at all. I am tired of the cheaters. I am glad they didn't block ALL party chat, as it is still available in some of the game modes, including deathmatch. They just blocked where it matters.
I am for blocking anything that puts you at an advantage in a dead room or that is ranked and gives you an advantage.

Too bad the cheaters have to ruin it for everyone.
The thing is, if you really want to cheat with private party chat, the only game you can really do in it is Search and Destroy, and Hardcore Search and Destroy, where it really matters, and that's only because you only get one life per match. All other game styles get unlimited lives, so there really isn't a big deal.

Doesn't even make sense w/ only S&D. 'Ranked' matches are still nothing more than playing against randoms; K/D ratios do nothing more than to promote camping by the people that's lost track of what makes it actually fun to play a game. Limiting pt chat should have been something only implemented into private match options, if there really is such a thing as competitive play on Live.
Doesn't even make sense w/ only S&D. 'Ranked' matches are still nothing more than playing against randoms; K/D ratios do nothing more than to promote camping by the people that's lost track of what makes it actually fun to play a game. Limiting pt chat should have been something only implemented into private match options, if there really is such a thing as competitive play on Live.

In all honesty, I really couldn't care less about any of those stats, or even ranking. I have a life, and the only thing I want my xbox for is to have fun with my friends. To HELL WITH THE STATS. The leveling system is good because it makes you work for your guns, but I only did the boosting with cage match once, and got so bored, I never did it again, and never will, I like using what's available to me and kicking ass and taking names.
Yup...and I hope all the cheaters go back to COD4.

I don't cheat, but I don't care if you believe me or not. If someone's life revolves around Call of Duty so much that they have to cheat, or if someone is so involved in the game enough to care in the first place, then damn, y'all really need to get a life.:rolleyes:

I just like playing with my friends and kicking butt, if one guy comes in late and joins the other team, it gives us all the more incentive to kick his ass:D. lol Then we simply back out, invite him and then we all one happy, powning family.
Its pretty easy to mute the annoying ones. And now the mute carries over from in-game to the lobby as well.

Either way the game fucking rocks.
Team Deathmatch
Mercenary Team Death match Allowed
Free For All Allowed
Ground War Allowed
Headquarters Pro
Search And Destroy
3rd Person Teams Allowed
Hardcore Ricochet :SD
Hardcore Team Deathmatch
3rd Person Cage Allowed
I also like it being blocked. Being in games such as Halo and joining a team game and everyone is in party chat except me kinda destroys the point of a "team" game.
Unfortunately, at least on Xbox Live, "occasional" is not the case. It's overwhelming lopsided in favor of cheaters :(
I'd be ok with blocking the party chat if there was a better way to manage the little punks. Having to go mute each one is a pain.
I'd be ok with blocking the party chat if there was a better way to manage the little punks. Having to go mute each one is a pain.

But a least you only have to mute them once, and thankfully, as said earlier by someone else, the mute carries over into the lobby, but I don't know if it carries over into the next game. But still that they have added that at least
But a least you only have to mute them once, and thankfully, as said earlier by someone else, the mute carries over into the lobby, but I don't know if it carries over into the next game. But still that they have added that at least

It does. Me thinks it works as an xbox live mute so that person is perma-muted
Why don't they make it so spectators can only only view the score board. I am not going to buy this game because of this "feature". I want to talk to my friends, not a bunch of foul mouthed bastard children with no sense of social responsibility and absentee parents. For those who say this will improve the "team" aspect of the game, please tell me the last time you were on a team that was not mostly populated by the aforementioned bastard kids who are far more interested in detailing how fat your mother is, and how much of an "N" word you are then they are in working as a team to compete team objectives. I vote with my dollars.
Dear Infinity Ward,

As a constant purveyor of the Xbox Live party chat system, I'd just like to say "thank for" you for locking that feature out in most of the game types I like to play.

Now I can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the game the way you intended I play it, all the while being forced to listen to the potheads, homophobes, racists, singers, and in-general fuckwits that populate the Xbox Live service during the times I am usually available to play it.

I hate your faces.



Dear Kahnvex,

Nobody forced you to buy this game.

Common Sense
Why don't they make it so spectators can only only view the score board. I am not going to buy this game because of this "feature". I want to talk to my friends, not a bunch of foul mouthed bastard children with no sense of social responsibility and absentee parents. For those who say this will improve the "team" aspect of the game, please tell me the last time you were on a team that was not mostly populated by the aforementioned bastard kids who are far more interested in detailing how fat your mother is, and how much of an "N" word you are then they are in working as a team to compete team objectives. I vote with my dollars.

Amen, brother, amen!:cool:
its true, its to stop the cheaters as you said you understand, which to me would be enough of a reason, but i understand your reason for wanting it also...

The cheaters will just use a cell phone. Great work IW, less is more right :(
Why don't they make it so spectators can only only view the score board. I am not going to buy this game because of this "feature". I want to talk to my friends, not a bunch of foul mouthed bastard children with no sense of social responsibility and absentee parents. For those who say this will improve the "team" aspect of the game, please tell me the last time you were on a team that was not mostly populated by the aforementioned bastard kids who are far more interested in detailing how fat your mother is, and how much of an "N" word you are then they are in working as a team to compete team objectives. I vote with my dollars.

To be honest, most of the time in COD4 now no one is talking at all. At least this will bring people back into the game and actually talk. It is annoying as hell to see everyone just playing for themselves and having no communication unless they are in a group of their friends. The little kid screaming debate is stupid as well, there is quick mute that works fine and most of the time there are very few of these types, it just seems like a lot since no one else is talking or they are in private partys.

Frankly I want to see it more like the Halo 2 days where everyone would talk more and even then there were not that many little annoying kids (maybe one every few games). Too many people are all for themselves on these team games these days.
Yeah, I agree its stupid.

I play on a PS3, so there is no party chat, but disabling it is just stupid.

When I play with my friends we use cell phones, but we are more likely to be talking about our day at work than anything else, which nobody who doesn't know us wants to hear.

Disabling the party system just puts those people into the in game chat, and I don't want to hear a 30 minute conversation between two friends.
Disabling the party system just puts those people into the in game chat, and I don't want to hear a 30 minute conversation between two friends.

It sparks conversation though, then again most of the people out there are too thin skinned to handle any jesting :rolleyes:
What I find humorously contradicting and hypocritical is IWs dedication to "competitive" multiplay. So, they shat on PC gaming by removing dedicated servers in favor of peer2peer "competitive" MP. And because they are so serious about the p2p "competitive" MP, they disabled party chat...