Modern Warfare 2 + party chat lock out = The Suck

You and others like you, like to prance about and go "shouldn't have bought it" as if that's a reasonable solution to the issue. Nobody likes everything about anything, and as if 20 people would have made a dent in 341 million dollars of day one sales.

If enough feedback is given about the way something is implemented, hopefully other developers will see it's not a feature the customers are clamoring for.

I have no idea what Bogie is on about with the cheating thing. It's like a persecution complex. I played CoD4 for two years and never once did I feel that the other team had some sort of omniscient presence alerting them to our every move. That sounds like a lot of work. I play I win, I play I lose. It's whatever. We usually had enough people to fill an entire side of the playlist though, so maybe that helped us avoid the dastardly agenda that cheaters have in their never-ending quest to win by any means necessary.

All party chat does, in my opinion, is allow normal people to not have to be subjected to the bullshit that occurs when you give the general populace a voice and internet anonymity to project that voice through. I can be as hateful and vulgar as anybody, and nobody needs to be subjected to me either. Except when I'm playing by myself or with people I don't know, I don't even use the headset. Some people see it as an opportunity to be as annoying as god gave them ability to be.

It's one more step to mute the other team, so at this point we've all dealt with it, and it's officially annoying, but no big deal. I just think the majority of us would like it known that we didn't ask for this feature and don't want it in future games. Whatever they've intended with the feature, I view as a failure.

The rest of the game is great, I consider my dollars well spent, and this is the last I'll post on the subject.

Amen! You have just said what I believe is what the majority of gamers feel. It's kind of like IW said, "Woops, didn't account for this cheating scenario, so lets just get rid of a major 360 exclusive feature so we can prevent a small majority of players from cheating, even though most people don't care."
Honestly, how many people even care about the stats in the game, because that is the only reason why I could imagine anyone cheating for, as small and pointless as it seems to me.
You and others like you, like to prance about and go "shouldn't have bought it" as if that's a reasonable solution to the issue. Nobody likes everything about anything, and as if 20 people would have made a dent in 341 million dollars of day one sales.

That's what happens when you buy a game on day one instead of giving it a few days to see what others say about it and see what problems/glitches come up. Ever notice how forums and the game's websites are usually full of people posting complaints/problems/bugs/glitches?

That's good enough reason right there to wait a few days to see what the major issues are before purchasing.

Just cause you have money in your pocket doesn't mean you have to fork it over the first day something is available.

And BTW, Activision WILL NOT fix this problem, have you seen their stance on everything else? They will not fix anything that the customers aren't happy with in this game. I guarantee you they will leave it pretty much as is except to add DLC to the game (some of which is already on the disc btw) and some minor bug fixes.

If you enjoy gimped multiplayer and p2p network gaming, more power to you sir. If you support the devs removing features that have been around since the beginning of time, then by all means Vote With Your Wallet, oh wait, you already have!

I don't like to be personal, but the way you mention how 20 people not buying the game wouldnt' make a difference in 340 million dollars worth of sales, those same 20 people wouldn't be supporting the company and the company's ill fated vision of what their customers "want", and instead would probably spend their money on other games, like Dragon Age Origins, Borderlands, Assassin's Creed 2 or Batman Arkham Asylum.

the fact is that MW2 is the worst game to come out in recent memory to have sold so much
There was no prior announcement about which playlists would and wouldn't have the lockout.

How does that stop you from waiting to buy the game, making sure you find out which ones they were?

Nobody likes everything about anything


isn't actually solved in game by this, and nobody benefits.

Actually, less cheating equates to more benefits.

I have no idea what Bogie is on about with the cheating thing. It's like a persecution complex. I played CoD4 for two years and never once did I feel that the other team had some sort of omniscient presence alerting them to our every move.

Just because you didn't experience it doesn't mean millions of others didn't. Settle down.

It's one more step to mute the other team, so at this point we've all dealt with it, and it's officially annoying,

Annoying for you, a godsend for others.

but no big deal. I just think the majority of us would like it known that we didn't ask for this feature and don't want it in future games. Whatever they've intended with the feature, I view as a failure.

The majority of us wanted the cheaters stopped. I think you are in the minority.

The rest of the game is great, I consider my dollars well spent, and this is the last I'll post on the subject.


I NEVER cheated, and I am pretty sure that a majority of the people complaining don't cheat either. I still don't see what you can even gain if you cheat. Cheating won't get you to the number one rank, and even if you managed to get better stats, Woop-de-F@#King-DOO!!! NO ONE CARES ABOUT STATS! Won't help in the game, won't help you get a job, and CERTAINLY won't help you get girls. So at the end of the day, Private Party Chat Lockout: BAD IDEA, case closed!!!!!!!!!!

You opinion is noted.

Back on topic, party chat is still there, just not on every game type. MW2 is one of the top 3 games this year, hands down. It's awesome.
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And welcome to the ignore list.


After re-reading his posts I realized he's just a troll. His arguments lack any kind of intellectual backing and he continually reiterates his "cheaters" topic, which I may add that not a single other post in this thread has claimed to be an issue. If I were to guess, he's some mid 20 year old, living with mommy that gets butt raped by 12 year olds daily. He blamed and continues to blame his 0.4 KDR on cheaters as it's the only way he can sleep at night.... this is the general 'between the lines' that all of his posts hold anyways. I suggest to others that you refrain from feeding the troll and let this thread die.

After re-reading his posts I realized he's just a troll. His arguments lack any kind of intellectual backing and he continually reiterates his "cheaters" topic, which I may add that not a single other post in this thread has claimed to be an issue. If I were to guess, he's some mid 20 year old, living with mommy that gets butt raped by 12 year olds daily. He blamed and continues to blame his 0.4 KDR on cheaters as it's the only way he can sleep at night.... this is the general 'between the lines' that all of his posts hold anyways. I suggest to others that you refrain from feeding the troll and let this thread die.

It's true what they is born every minute. :rolleyes: