Meet the Xbox 360

I dont minde it unless they keep that raised part with the logo, it really makes it ugly.

Also., the CD Tray should match the color more.

And the font should be cooler.

ll get the version with the HDD< I gave up on memory cards after the N64 (except for my Gamecube, but I got 2 for free so whateva)
Michael.R said:
Just more proof this is the real deal.

Here is a picture of the 64MB memory card for xbox 360.

Notice the round edges around the memory card are the same as the round edges on the concept art and the picture of the actual xbox 360.




The memory card image was taken from the ourcolony website.

Well thank you, Captain Obvious. That doesn't tell us jack shit.

It's fake. Anyone smart can tell just by the way XBOX 360 looks.. and that it isn't even a real picture. If it was out someone would have a REAL picture.

Oh and I just noticed.. look at the arrow on the button in picture 2 compared to picture 3. :rolleyes:
Hate_Bot said:
...And the font should be cooler.
remember, this is m$ were dealing w/ here. the only thing gates and his henchmen know about cool is that they were always picked on by cool people.
good call on the different arrows...

i call shens that this another fake, probably one of the best i have seen, but still a fake, when is this supposed to be on mtv? like may 12 or something
CrimandEvil said:
What a POS, then again it is the next Xbox. :rolleyes:


It looks okay, but how do you know the gaming wont be uber great?

The PS2 isnt exactly a beauty model either
Luxor said:
Well thank you, Captain Obvious. That doesn't tell us jack shit.

It's fake. Anyone smart can tell just by the way XBOX 360 looks.. and that it isn't even a real picture. If it was out someone would have a REAL picture.

Oh and I just noticed.. look at the arrow on the button in picture 2 compared to picture 3. :rolleyes:

I cant wait to say I told you so when may 12 comes around. These pictures are infact the real deal, and I believe it has been pointed out many times that one of them is concept art. Concept art and the final production isnt always 100% perfect. The point about the arrow means nothing.
Michael.R said:
I cant wait to say I told you so when may 12 comes around. These pictures are infact the real deal, and I believe it has been pointed out many times that one of them is concept art. Concept art and the final production isnt always 100% perfect. The point about the arrow means nothing.

And if you are wrong, what then?

Until it is out, or shown on May12th....NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE!

Good grief.
I can assure you, On may 12 thhi sis what we'll see:

MTV Logo
Xbox 2 Logo
Something along the lines of "Te most powerful console" etc...
A closeup shot of the DVD Tray/ Anywhere where the logo is printed
Random Celebrity:"It was just so fun" etc
Closeup Shot of the controller
Various celebrity shots of them playing it (The Xbox is out of view)
"On <Release Date> Get ready for the next stage of gaming" or something to that like
3 Millisecond shot of the Xbox (in closeup)

I seriously believe that is what we can expect
Okay, people are saying that this is not real because it doesn't "look" real. The ones that are actually pictures came from Ourcolony, and the renders are people's renditions of what they have actually seen looked like. They are not exacty, they are just what people made up so that they can show people what it looks like. The rendition looks similar to the pictures and popular websites have said that they're sources who have seen the actual xbox agree that the renders represent what it looks like.
I'm not on an acid trip, thanks... Look what Sony has done with the portable market (trying to drive up the price big time), MS will definately be driving up the price with their 2-tier or 3-tier XBox 360. I mean, which enthusiast would buy the barebones $300-350 version of the console? I just hope Nintendo doesn't follow suit and jump their prices more than they need to. Sony, I hope, will also learn their lesson for making the PSP so damn expensive, and release the PS3 at a more competitive price point.
steviep said:
I'm not on an acid trip, thanks... Look what Sony has done with the portable market (trying to drive up the price big time), MS will definately be driving up the price with their 2-tier or 3-tier XBox 360. I mean, which enthusiast would buy the barebones $300-350 version of the console? I just hope Nintendo doesn't follow suit and jump their prices more than they need to. Sony, I hope, will also learn their lesson for making the PSP so damn expensive, and release the PS3 at a more competitive price point.

err, the reason things cost so much is because its expensive to make them, not just for the fun of it.

Im sure that if sony could sell the PSP for $100 and they would make a profit they would. Imagine how many people would buy one...
Hate_Bot said:
err, the reason things cost so much is because its expensive to make them, not just for the fun of it.

Im sure that if sony could sell the PSP for $100 and they would make a profit they would. Imagine how many people would buy one...
m$ jacks up the prices on their software products.

think about it: $.02 a cd, if that, thousands of copies a day, 93% of the world market. 200$ is a complete ripoff, and most likely a few thousand % profit. it probably takes m$ maybe 4 months after a good product release to make a complete turnaround and begin making oodles of profit.
TSS Modder said:
remember, this is m$ were dealing w/ here. the only thing gates and his henchmen know about cool is that they were always picked on by cool people.
:p Well put. ;)

I could care less about design...

As long as it reads disks correctly, is as quiet as the last Xbox, and is around the $300 mark... I'm in. ;)
I have a hard time with all the "its ugly" crowd. Do you guys really think the Xbox looks better than this? I sure don't. In fact this looks a lot better than I thought the Xbox 2 would look.
compslckr said:
good call on the different arrows...

i call shens that this another fake, probably one of the best i have seen, but still a fake, when is this supposed to be on mtv? like may 12 or something
Ever think the other model is just an older picture of an unfinished design? It has been floating around a week, the other for 36 hours.
TSS Modder said:
m$ jacks up the prices on their software products.

think about it: $.02 a cd, if that, thousands of copies a day, 93% of the world market. 200$ is a complete ripoff, and most likely a few thousand % profit. it probably takes m$ maybe 4 months after a good product release to make a complete turnaround and begin making oodles of profit.

You have no idea how much it costs to develop a software application do you? Especially one on the same caliber as Windows.
Staples said:
Ever think the other model is just an older picture of an unfinished design? It has been floating around a week, the other for 36 hours.

I bet it prolly isn't even that. Someone got a peek at the next Xbox standing vertical, and then they went to someone who could use Photoshop or 3DSMax and told them what they saw. Since the person was told that it was standing vertical, they drew the eject lines vertical without a second thought.
Maximus825 said:
You have no idea how much it costs to develop a software application do you? Especially one on the same caliber of Windows.
Apparently not.

I always think a person is 12 years old when they make the argument that software should cost no more than $2 because the box the CD only cost 20 cents to make. Most 12 year olds do not understand the concept of intellectual property.

Tiny said:
And if you are wrong, what then?

Until it is out, or shown on May12th....NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE!

Good grief.
And you are pretty sure of it being fake too. How do you explain this logic if no one knows? You are just as wrong as he is by claiming that it is fake.

For the record, MS's partial body shots look a lot like this render plus we have had eye witnesses say this looks like the product MS showed up. I don't know how anyone can think it will look any different. Unless MS is behind these images including the render, I don't see how the Xbox2 will look much different.
Maximus825 said:
You have no idea how much it costs to develop a software application do you? Especially one on the same caliber as Windows.
i am very aware of how much it takes to develop software. but it will still only take a few months to create a profit off of windows or office at the prices they charge.

the developers are payed by a weekly salary, not by the amt of hours they put into coding the product. microsoft makes money off of all of their products as a whole, and then pays off expenses. the turnaround time for a m$ software product will be very short due to the low cost of production and high cost of retail.

Staples said:
Apparently not.

I always think a person is 12 years old when they make the argument that software should cost no more than $2 because the box the CD only cost 20 cents to make. Most 12 year olds do not understand the concept of intellectual property.

nowhere did i ever say that software should be 2$. i stated that the profit margin on a piece of software is extremely high due to low production costs. i happen to understand the concept of intellectual property.

and i fully resent being called a 12 year old. i am 15. :D :p
TSS Modder said:
nowhere did i ever say that software should be 2$. i stated that the profit margin on a piece of software is extremely high due to low production costs. i happen to understand the concept of intellectual property.

and i fully resent being called a 12 year old. i am 15. :D :p
Fine but Windows XP upwards of two billion to create. You can not recap that in a week even if you charge $100 for each copy of Windows. Even that is what Best Buy charges, MS gets $65 or so per copy and $25 per copy installed on an OEM computer. And what about the continued support? WMM2, WMP, fixing security problems, licensed software within Windows, etc. I am sure they have probably spend 200 million on just that over the last few years since Windows XP came out.

I agree that Office is way over priced and only the crazy should ever buy it ifor $500 but Windows is actually somewhat justified.
Staples said:
Fine but Windows XP upwards of two billion to create. You can not recap that in a week even if you charge $100 for each copy of Windows. Even that is what Best Buy charges, MS gets $65 or so per copy and $25 per copy installed on an OEM computer. And what about the continued support? WMM2, WMP, fixing security problems, licensed software within Windows, etc. I am sure they have probably spend 200 million on just that over the last few years since Windows XP came out.

I agree that Office is way over priced and only the crazy should ever buy it ifor $500 but Windows is actually somewhat justified.
here we go again: where did i ever say a week?!?! i said over only a matter of months....

idk if ppl are incompetent, or are just illiterate.... :confused:
Where the "supposed HD goes" I see 40GB on it.. :rolleyes: Would be nice if its true..

Whats that oval cover lead to?? :confused: Its at the bottom of the first post pictures, below those two indentations..
the on of just the side with no print on the silver thing is a non-hd xbox360 and the one that says"40gb" is a harddrive version.these can not be called real as we are saying ourcoloney is real though theres a good chance there legit you never know. it registerd to a sony employee ya know :p
Ya I agree with the poster a few posts up. What was everyone expecting? Even if that really is it(I doubt it) it looks fine to me. Its a $300-$400 console. Not some expensive ass piece of electronic equipment. Your getting an entire gaming console for the price of a decent video card. As long as its not a square box like this one I will be happy.
Who cares what the actual unit looks like, if its ugly mod it so it isn't ugly or stick in a corner where no one can see it. Im more concerned with what the on screen performance looks like, I want to see screen shots of games in devlopment, not a dumb looking peice of hardware.

edit-> I also wouldn't mind seeing soild specs that are real and not just speculated.
I think these pictures, be it real or not, show the XBOX 360 to have a very aesthetically pleasing design. As a registered Industrial Designer, I can say that many styling cues are taken from trends currently found in electronic devices, such as laptops, receivers, etc.. The trend in the product design industry is all about minimalism. The design is in line with the design methodology of the XBOX 1 with the hard straight lines, but has its own unique design, through the use of subtle curves, arcs, and radii.

Its not a mistake that the XBOX 360 looks similar to Apple designs, for the simple fact that apple products have been winning industrial design awards for years now. I would think it ignorant to knock the design when it has design cues taken from award winning products. Its clear that this design will use injection molded parts, and a half shell approach. The fact that is symmetrical down the horizontal midline would suggest, it was designed this way so one mould is needed for the top and bottom section as opposed to two. This cuts down on cost dramatically as injection molds are very expensive to produce.

Design is often influenced through the manufacturing techniques, which are used to create the design. A unit such as the XBOX 360 is not going to be full of undercuts, complex lofts and curves, simply for the fact that mass manufacturing products with these type of features will increase the cost of the product.

Just because there are cases, for PC, with samurai or robot faces on them, does not mean these are "good design", and should definitely not be looked at, for design inspiration.
U HAX0R said:
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I don't want to have to buy stupid memory cards :mad: ... and this thing gonna use wireless controller ? Not sure if I like it.

You had memory card slots on the first XBox except they are on the controller.You didn't really need them and hopefully you won't need them now.