LG L204WT: 5ms and 2000:1 contrast

Just got back from the store about 20 minutes ago with my bran new LG Widescreen. This thing is incredible. And for the price of $350 at circuit city, it's a deal. The only thing that I might have a problem with (though it doesn't bother me a whole lot) is the fact that there are these faint, almost invisible, vertical strips that I can barely see in the background of the picture. I don't even notice them unless I try to focus my eyes on them. But, I am using an analog cable and not a digital cable; could that be what's causing it?


Alright, got the DVI cable and the lines went away. God DAMN this monitor is awesome!
I just returned a Viewsonic VX2025WM because it was terrible at producing black. It was beautiful otherwise, but the blacks just drove me nuts. Even with brightness and contrast all the way to zero, the backlight was just as bright. Has anyone used both that one and the L204WT and can comment on black reproduction? I use it mostly to watch toons in my dark bedroom (yes I am a loser). Circuit City has one on display, but of course its displaying a static image that's really bright and its hooked up with VGA so it looks like crap there.
Hmm the disgustingly low price of this monitor is really making me wonder if I should get one, and drag the 215TW back to Costco.......hmmmm.....hopefully giving up an inch and 200 points of "real" contrast won't hurt too badly.
jimnms - sorry to hear about your dead pixels. Apparently at the Future Shop I bought at, in the first week the L204WT was being sold (I bought and replaced mine towards the end of the week) mine was the only return due to dead pixels. That doesn't mean it was the only monitor with dead pixels though. Some people might not even bother doing a proper test, and depending on the location of the dead pixels and the desktop backgrounds they are looking at they might not even notice or care enough to make a return.

That stand really is a pain though. Like you I got the base off, but the stem was impossible. I could see the four slots far inside the stem that I would need to press something into to retract the locking tabs, but without five (tiny) hands and four long screwdrivers it didn't seem possible. I considered using a large rock to smash it off, but decided that might reduce my changes of a hassle-free return. I ended up leaving the stem on and cutting a hole in the box for the stem to stick out of so I could at least close it up properly for transport. I pity anyone who attaches the stand before checking for dead pixels. Anyone who buys this monitor, atttaches the stand, and then later decides to switch to a monitor arm will also have to deal with the removal of this stand. As I mentioned in my previous post, I opted for a Ergotron monitor arm when I brought my replacement L204WT home and I left the monitor stand in the box.

I'm still really happy with my replacement L204WT though. Hope your exchange works out.
Iron_Dreamer - That 215TW looks pretty sweet from what I've read. Quite a bit more money, but lots more features too. From what I hear of people doing side by side comparisons with 20 inch LCD monitors at the same resolution, that extra inch you get with the 215TW actually makes a big difference.

You could grab an LG 204WT and put it side by side with your 215TW and compare them for a day or so and see what you think, but I am thinking that the extra money you paid for your monitor is worth it and that switching to the LG would be a step down.
Wouldn't that extra inch raise the dot pitch, though, resulting in images being more crisp / sharper on the 20' opposed to the 21'?
I also played with 215TW for a week right before L204WT came out. Even though 215TW is larger and uses better panel, there was something I don't like about, especially while watching dvd movies.
Now, I got L204WT and I like it a lot. Within 5 minutes of playing with it, I made my mind up to return 215TW. It also gave me close to $250 savings.
Somone please help me buy this monitor
The only thing thats stopping from rushing out to future and getting one is the fact that theres no reviews out as yet

for similar specs and price I found the Samsung 205WB
HDCP\600:1\6ms 420 with tax at CanadaComputers
theres also a review out on it
and on widescreen-gaming -pretty good ratings

I work at Best Buy and I get discount on the warantee and on the product so all together I will pay 420 with tax with a 4 year psp for the LG and the same with no warantee for the samsung

if anyone knows if their will be a review on the LG and when please let me know
hmm...it's on sale right now at Future Shop for 369.99. Debating if I wanna get it now, or wait till around Dec. Would the price of these size LCDs drop further within the next 4 months? Or should I just jump on this now while the price is good?
I just went to Circuit City and they didn't have it on display. I just wanted to check it out. They had the 19" one up though. It looked pretty nice. Right now i'm hunting around for some coupons to sweeten the deal.
Well I just picked up one of these from CC. I can't say much for color quality until I get the DVI cable I ordered off ebay. I CAN say that I like the black reproduction on this one much better than the VX2025WM, probably because its at least even across the entire display. It still isn't perfect black, but I guess I can't complain until I've spent at least a couple grand on an LCD.

Also, the backlight shows along the top edge of the display, rather than that godawful X pattern on the Viewsonic. I don't have to move my head side to side to see even contrast across the whole thing too which is a nice bonus.

One thing I noticed, while running Nvidia's display optimization thingy. In the part where it shows several bars of different shades of gray, I could see a bit of swirling(?) that I didn't get on the Viewsonic. I'm not comparing apples to apples here since I'm using an analog connection so I'll hold off on analyzing that one, its probably just noise.

Overall, being the second LCD I've tried to replace my ~15 year old Sony 20" Trinitron with, I'm quite pleased. Besides, CC charges 15% on returns so I'm probably stuck with it anyway :)
Doesn't CC waive the return fee if you exchange it for a different model? They do that for GPSs I know.

Does this monitor have a glossy screen? Does it have the grainy anti-glare coating of the Viewsonic 2025?
I guess I could exchange it for the cheapest monitor they have and then return that if I wanted as much of my money back as possible (this assumes I wanted to buy an LCD elsewhere).

But anyway, it doesn't have a glossy screen like the expensive NEC ones, its the regular matte finish.
Link said:
I also played with 215TW for a week right before L204WT came out. Even though 215TW is larger and uses better panel, there was something I don't like about, especially while watching dvd movies.
Now, I got L204WT and I like it a lot. Within 5 minutes of playing with it, I made my mind up to return 215TW. It also gave me close to $250 savings.

Oh boy, now this is getting very tempting indeed. How are the real-world viewing angles and contrast compared b/w the two? I guess you don't find the missing inch too significant, eh?
Is there chance to buy it in UK? I know they sell it in US and france, but in UK? I can't find any retailer selling 204WT. I also wonder, if the black version will be available.
Just got back from CC, got the 204WT for $321 with a coupon. I am quite impressed with this monitor, the contrast is certainly better than the 215TW. No dead pixels or other issues found. Looks Like I just saved about $250! :D
Iron_Dreamer said:
Just got back from CC, got the 204WT for $321 with a coupon. I am quite impressed with this monitor, the contrast is certainly better than the 215TW. No dead pixels or other issues found. Looks Like I just saved about $250! :D

I'm hearing so many good things about the LG 204WT, so why are people complaining that it's a TN panel?
After reading this thread, I went straight to Circuit City and bought myself one.







This LCD monitor is in store at $329.99, you do not have to purchase this online.
Great Monitor, hurry and go get one!
Kliter said:
I'm hearing so many good things about the LG 204WT, so why are people complaining that it's a TN panel?
TN panels are known for bad color reproduction due to being 6bit, low contrast ratio and bad viewing angle. Personally, I don't care much about viewing angle since I don't watch exercise dvds on it. But it seems this LG one took care of all those issues. It's got 8 bit panel and dymanic contrast ratio ranging 700 ~ 2000:1, and decent viewing angles.
im so tempted to buy this monday, but i cant decide because i really only play BF2 and it has no widscreen support and sence i play BF2 at a compatition level id dont know if i could get use to black bars on the side or it being streched. cutting off the top and bottom of the game isnt a viable option unless i wanted to put my self at a disadvantage lol.

but i do need a new monitor as my crt is starting to get wavy lines all around it. and i want an LCD for easy transport if i go to lans.

this monitor looks really nice tho

how tall is the screen? im too lazy to do the math but if it had the black bars on the side what size would the 4:3 view be? such as 17" diagnal ect.
Link said:
TN panels are known for bad color reproduction due to being 6bit, low contrast ratio and bad viewing angle. Personally, I don't care much about viewing angle since I don't watch exercise dvds on it. But it seems this LG one took care of all those issues. It's got 8 bit panel and dymanic contrast ratio ranging 700 ~ 2000:1, and decent viewing angles.

Color looks fine on modern TN, but it may not be suitable for graphic pros. Viewing angles are actually better on TN for the horizontal than MVA panels like the VX2025. And with a widescreen it is the horizontal viewing angle that counts. The updown you take care of by setting up a decent postition you will never notice when sitting down.

I would either get this or the Dell 2007wfp which has a sweet IPS panel which has good 8 bit color and excellent viewing angles.
LostStorm said:
Nice pictures XLeezardx, can you please post some game pictures too
Thanks, im waiting for my computer parts to come in Monday from Newegg. Im in the process of building a new Gaming rid. Right now its hooked up to my Dell 6400 through VGA. I will post pictures for you of the game Fear in this thread Monday.
Wildace said:
im so tempted to buy this monday, but i cant decide because i really only play BF2 and it has no widscreen support and sence i play BF2 at a compatition level id dont know if i could get use to black bars on the side or it being streched. cutting off the top and bottom of the game isnt a viable option unless i wanted to put my self at a disadvantage lol.

but i do need a new monitor as my crt is starting to get wavy lines all around it. and i want an LCD for easy transport if i go to lans.

this monitor looks really nice tho

how tall is the screen? im too lazy to do the math but if it had the black bars on the side what size would the 4:3 view be? such as 17" diagnal ect.

BF2 supports widescreen, you just need to add "+szx 1680 +szy 1050" to the startup command. The game itself adjusts correctly to the aspect ratio, but your minimap and menus will be stretched.

also has very little input lag. I measured from about 0 to max about 15ms, but the digital camera I used sucks. might have to pull out a better one. The max is also a rough geuss because I always caught the lcd changing. i.e. The number before was disappearing and the new number reappearing. So its staying on my desk. If I saw like a 20ms + delay, it would go back to c.c. in a flash.

What stand are people using for this. becuase this stand is for like short people or something. and I need to replace it ASAP.
jimnms said:
BF2 supports widescreen, you just need to add "+szx 1680 +szy 1050" to the startup command. The game itself adjusts correctly to the aspect ratio, but your minimap and menus will be stretched.

it doesnt "support" wide screen the top and bottom of the screen are chopped off.
Wildace said:
it doesnt "support" wide screen the top and bottom of the screen are chopped off.

but you get more on the sides. Its goofy I admit. But I'd still say it supports wide screen because the 3d does not get distorted like the rest of everything
you dont get more on the sides, its takes the 4:3 image and cuts off the top and bottom to make it 16:9 you dont gain anything you just lose the top and bottom
Wildace said:
it doesnt "support" wide screen the top and bottom of the screen are chopped off.
I was under the impression that widescreens are not as tall as their 4:3 counterparts (1050 pixels vs. 1200). Given that, you'd have to expect to be losing something?
Looking for advice as i'm seriously looking to purchase a 20" wide LCD.

I was initially looking at the Samsung 205BW until this Friday when I saw the LG L204WT in a flyer. I'm swaying towards the LG as it will save me ~$35 (covers the DVI cable), appears to have better blacks, is a touch faster and I like the sound of LG's "swap" coverage during the first year. If only LG included height adjustability... doh.

Thoughts? I'm mainly looking for a solid display for every day use with text (web/email/documents), processing digital images and occassional gaming.

Has anyone managed to get L204WT or L203 to accept 16x10 resolution lower than 1440x900? I've tried 1280x800 with the videocard driver but the monitor just switches to 1024x768...
drizzt81 said:
I was under the impression that widescreens are not as tall as their 4:3 counterparts (1050 pixels vs. 1200). Given that, you'd have to expect to be losing something?

i dont really want this thread to turn into a 4:3 vs 16:9 thread.

but. a true widescreen game such as HL2 and WoW have the same height in 4:3 as 16:9 but the 16:9 offers a wider view giving you more to see. "there is no top and bottom cut off" the 4:3 is actually cutting off the sides.

where when you have a game like BF2 that doesnt support wide screen to get a wide screen picture you have to chop off the top and bottom of the screen to get it to 16:9

ignores the res. of the monitors they dont really mean anything in terms of how much is visible on the screen it all depends on the game because 1024x768 offers the same view as 1600x1200 but they are a totally diffrent res.

if people could post alot more screens of this monitor asap would be much appreciated im ordering my monitor tomorrow its either this one or im getting the Acer a few threads down.
im going to circuit city tonight to check it out its still on sale just not as much its $10 more now. i wish it came with a DVI cable thats another $10-15 i have to spend lol.

if someone could post a pic with bf2 or another game pls id appreciate it.
well i ment pictures of the monitor with it showing games ect. not just the desktop. but thx for the link
i just bought the LG, ill get pics up once i set it up. i havnt opened it yet. i need to clean all the cans off my desk to make room for it lol
Just bumping this up to the top for more discussion. I'm probably going to pick this display up tomorrow, if I can find stock, and run it through the paces.

Again, i'm down the LG L204WT and Samsung 205BW. I would jump on the Samsung 215TW but can't justify $600 on a display - I don't think my needs warrants the expense.
i still havnt opened mine, i got side tracked with food lol, just now starting to clean.. man ive got too many pop cans. i need to buy a small can crusher or something