Text will be even blurrier and grainer on this [...]
You reccon text might be blurrier on the IPS236V than on the TN-Panel PX2370? Well, that's a brave statement ... based on ?

pixel pitch is the same (236V vs PX2370)
Yeah, but you know that it's all about the technology beyond the panel, isn't it?

[...]and the minimum luminance will most likely be around 100cdm/2 (just like the U2311H) vs 75cdm/2 on the PX2370...
What does the luminance say about the picture and text quality?
I set the brightness of the PX2370 down to zero and it was still too bright for my taste.

the LG IPS series have a blurred text !
i confirm

How blurry is it? compared to what? what are you connecting it to? do you use cleartype? do you use Firefox 4 with hardware acceleration ON?

Would be nice to have a bit more details, you know.
i have compared it with a same category TN ( LED, Full HD, 22" and LG brand ) whit same DVI cable and NOT use FF 4.0, but i use firefox 3.6 ( the 4.0 is ridicolous, i wait the 5 ).
Clear type is ridicolous, it's limited !
( i comprared it also with glare notebook monitor and a 19" hanns G TN, i know what i say, i tryed to set this IPS many times but the resoult is the same ).

the TEXT is blurred ! the AG coating is clean but is eccessive !
optimal for pictures, movie and games but for read cause eye strain, i tryed to zoom or more DPI but is bad.

This IPS is not for read, only for movie, graphics work and occasional player.

Yeah the only difference seems to be the backlighting. And I can't say I really notice dithering on my LG IPS226 (I do notice the harsh AG coating though), while I hated it on all TN panels I've seen before. Must be high quality dithering or something.

Hardly any dithering on this monitor. I've looked at smooth gradients from LCD test sites and I can't see any dithering. It is better than the Samsung PX2370. What I don't like is the AG coating; I use it at work, I don't want to see it at home. Thought I could live with it, but just can't. Its going back.

Its back to the old Acer 26in. Size trumps all with good image quality to boot.

Edit: after spending a bit more time with this monitor and adjusting it to my preference, I think I'll keep it. :)

Yeah I have to admit the coating is pretty bad (it bothers me the most when watching blu rays, it's VERY noticeable when there's some fog/smoke/cloud). When reading I can see it but it doesn't make the text 'hard' to read for me. It's not pretty but it doesn't hurt me either. In games it's invisible for the most part.

It's a real shame too, seeing how the gradients are perfectly smooth and the colours actually decent by simply lowering the brightness to 40, blue to 41 and green to 42.
I wonder if Scoobydo wasn't noticing the AG rather than the dithering tbh.

I purchased one from bestbuy on Friday,

PROS: wow, 1st IPS panel, always had TN, I have it next to an LG L227WTF-pf, the color difference is remarkable. Whites actually look white, and blacks are super deep.

CONS: My particular monitor has AWFUL backlight bleeding on the top right side, I have seen other people saying that the cabinet might be too tight so I gave the top right corner a squeeze, and sure enough, while squeezing it, the problem goes away, as soon as I let go, it returns, also found 1 red stuck pixel.

Bottom line, definitely going to bestbuy to exchange it for another IPS236V, the colors are too nice.

Also, the anti glare coating is noticeable, but only at close distance, I find when I lean back in my chair all is well :)

Test is going to be worse on these because they use the aggressive anti glare coating. The PX2370 used the Medium AG coating while C-PVA panels use the lightest

Did you change the sharpness on the PX2370? Minimum luminance on the PX2370 I tested was about 75cdm/2, if you want something with really low brightness you should get something like the Samsung F2380, minimum luminance is 22cdm/2, screens really don't get any darker than this.

Once PRAD.de's LG review shows up I'll post the minimum luminance (or any other review) if you can wait.

Hi all,

Just got back from Best Buy where I purchased a single one of these. This is my first IPS Monitor (I have a large screen IPS TV)...

Here are my first 30 minute impressions;

1) Slight backlight bleed on lower left of screen, shouldn't be a huge issue since the task bar covers it up. But if watching a movie or playing a game, it would be noticed. That is the only place I see any problems.

2) No dead pixels.

3) If glancing at the lower left of the screen while my head is close to the monitor on the right side, things turn red. I understand this is part of the IPS limitations.

4) If transitioning from sitting in my chair to looking down on the monitor, there is a slight darkness band which goes through the screen. The viewing angle is not what I anticipating coming from a TN panel, I thought IPS is supposed to fix that, but it's still better than a TN, but not perfect.

5) AG is sort of annoying. It's not much different than a TN panel to be honest. I can see the "dirtyness" but not anymore or less than any other TN I've used.

6) Out of the box calibration is just horrible. At the user RGB levels of 50, the thing is WAY too red. I had to put it down closer to 32, and then it looked purple. I just used eye calibration with a TN panel next to it to atleast get the colors close...

7) It is 6 bit with AFC as you can see the dithering and the shifting when looking close.

8) Black levels and/or contrast ratio actually are pretty solid. Better than I expected.

9) On a black screen, I'm not sure if its uniformity or what, but colors change a bit when you move your head, it gains colors from black and makes things almost a slight bluish. But I assume this is just again IPS.

10) Things are different from a TN. It could be the colors, it could be contrast radio, but it's almost like I'm wearing glasses for the first time, where my eyes aren't "adjusted"... Maybe it's my brain so used to the crappy TN and viewing angles that it's expecting the screen to shift colors, etc, and it's not, so my brain isn't able to comprehend... Again, maybe this is part of the AG coating. Not sure what it is.

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I have no idea what you're trying to say, but i picked one up, and it's better than the dell 2007WFP ips sitting next to it by leaps and bounds.

nothing wrong with text. just tune cleartype.

will need a vesa mount. the OEM stand is.........beyond wobbly.
I have received my LG IPS 236V last Saturday and I'm amazed.

Had the Samsung PX2370 before which had good qualities except for displaying small text. Because I spend most time on the internet and with word processing, clean and sharp text display is important to me. That's why I returned the PX.

I was worried that other TFT LED monitors might have a similar problem with that but oh boy, the LG IPS 236V really blows. After the first 10 minutes of testing I already knew, this is a keeper!

I can neither, verify nor confirm the complaints of NCX and senna89 in any way. The LG saitsfies my needs in so many aspects that I will buy another one soon.

So don't listen so much to the uh oh ah smart people and trust your own judgement more :D
Recorded with a crap camcorder, but still good enough for some impressions .. ►


Samsung PX2370


LG IPS236V (1)


LG IPS236V (2)

1 ) You are saying me that the text is better in the IPS236V than PX2370 ?

2 ) Can you stay in front of this LG many time witout pauses ? My IPS226v radiaties my eyes and is hard to text reading. :eek:

3 ) A little question : When you star your PC, after check, when appears the windows 7 logo during loading OS, can u see tha LG panel became purple if u move sideway ?

Read This review of another user :


to 1. I hereby confirm that the LG IPS236 has considerable better picture quality than the Samsung PX2370.
This opinion is based on personal evaluation.

to 2. I have the LG in use since Saturday morning with at least 7 hours a day of intense usage. My eyes are sensitive too but up to now there is no issue I could complain about.

to 3. I have just checked and indeed I noticed an ever so little kind of purple touch.
As hard as I try to think, but I cannot come up with something that I care less about.

Anything else?
I would know if the text sharpness is better in LG, not image quality, only text especially small fonts.
Please :)

*For PX2370 have tryed to increase "sharpness" value ?
And in your LG what is the Sharpness Value ? 5 ?

NOTE : have u read the user review i had posted 4 you in precedent post ? :)
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Settings of my LG IPS236V

  • Brightness = 20
  • Contrast = 70
  • Sharpness = 5

While I had the PX2370 I tried everything to improve clearity of small text:

  • Recalibrating ClearType via Windows 7
  • Readjusting via the website Lagom
  • Changing brightness, contrast, gamma, MagicAngle and MagicColor
  • Calling Samsung's hotline, a young gentleman advised me to change the DVI-I cable and to see whether a change of MagicBright would make it any better
... but nothing helped.

And yes, of course I read that review you mentioned. I read everything I could find before I bought that monitor.
If you check it again, you will see someone who joined the conversation, called Yorkfield - that's me.

The thread starter technoid complained about a coloration during gameplay, when the screen supposed to be pitch black.
He mentioned hardforum, where apparently lots of people are reporting the same issue with the Dell U2311H.

And that the surface treatment impacts (small) text clearity - yes he whines about the strong anti glare coating like everyone else on this forum.
At the end he admits that you always get what you pay for and this IPS screen is considered as a BARGAIN compared to other high quality IPS monitors.
That doesn't necessarily mean that expensive IPS monitors are perfect.

I can only judge from my personal impressions and they are the best I ever had of a computer monitor.
Sharpness 5 ? :eek::eek::eek::eek:
With my IPS226v when i used sharpness 5 ( default ) my eyes exploded.
small and not sharp, i use 6 value.

Last some questions please :

1 ) From 0.248 to 0.265 there's a good difference or not ?

2 ) Are u stay in a dark room ? because 20 to brightness is very low for me :(

3 ) With LG........have u set your clear type in windows 7 ? ( have u win 7 ? right ? :confused: ) .
Tell me Senna, when was the last time you have seen an eye doctor?

to 1. By the way, I would like to see the difference between the 23" and the 21.5" version as well.
Both, the IPS236V and the IPS226V share the same resolution.

236 = 550 (w) x 350 (h) x 19 - 39 (d) mm
226 = 515 (w) x 332 (h) x 19 - 39 (d) mm

to 2. I'm fine with a brightness of 20 whether it's bright or dark in the room.

to 3. Yeah, sure clear type is on (Windows 7 x64).
my last doctor visit was 3 mount ago
He was diagnosed only a conjunctivitis.

can u tryed the sharpness value 6 or 7 ?
With 5 the text for you is not slightly blurred ? perfect and clear ?
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I've been using it with the brightness at 40 for the last few weeks.

It's great when gaming (both during the day and in the dark) but it's far too bright for films or reading/working late at night.
I tried 0 yesterday and it was actually great for films (deeper blacks and the clouding was much less noticeable).
20 might be a good compromise actually, I'll try it as changing the brightness all the time isn't very practical (I really hate navigating through the OSD, not that I've ever had a monitor where the OSD was pleasant to use anyway)
Can you try to set sharpness to 6 or 7 ?
On 5 text is not even slightly blurred for you ? Is it clean and clear ?

Yes, yes, and yes again!

Review LG IPS236V

Please note that these pictures are not able to reproduce the faithful look of the screen, specially of close ups.







My window is located exactly behind the desk. On this picture I let down the shutter about ¾ of the way:


And on this picture daylight is hitting the screen:





Close ups of my screen are rubbish compared to the real look:



Good color display even at skewed viewing angles:


I find this silver thinge close to the power LED ridiculous:



From my opinion the stand is sufficiently robust






Hey cov, can you get to the service menu and see what it says for panel type?

You press and hold menu while turning on power. once its on press menu again.
You press and hold menu while turning on power. once its on press menu again.
Hi, I just tried but that trick doesn't work for this model.

Well, I have just called LG technical support and a gentleman explained to me that regular customers are not able to gain access to the service menu and besides this, the panel type would not be in the service menu anyway. He then asked me for the product code and after a short while he confirmed that this type of screen only comes with IPS panels. So, were do we go from here?
you keep it tilted? :eek:

Your text is fine, my monitor is not same, have you changed the character of the Internet Browser ? ;)
... have you changed the character of the Internet Browser ? ;)
No, I haven't.

But I just compared this very page in FireFox with Internet Explorer and was pretty surprised to see that Explorer has even sharper text display. I have no explanation for why that might be but wow. Just made a screenshot ... hope you can see the difference. Didn't change any of the settings.

That's normal, it's Firefox 4 hardware acceleration in Vista/7. turning it off fixes it.
PRAD.de IPS236V Review

PRAD said:
Subjective assessment

An input lag is not noticed in subjective tests. Much stronger is the streaking on the panel. This is even after some period of acclimatization still quite substantial. In a way, you get used to it after a while, but is likely to be for most players an unsatisfactory result. Just smear strong and rapid movements make the goals inaccurate.

In films can also be perceived slight streaking in some circumstances. Nevertheless, you can use the IPS236V for movies.

PRAD.de IPS231P Review

Dell U2311H remains the best choice for gaming/movies.
I'm so happy with my LG IPS236V, I ordered a second one just today.
still loving mine too!

i'd buy a second one, but i need a bigger desk first. :]
Check the PRAD reviews above, they both have <1ms of input lag, however they both have very slow response times compared to the U2311H.
23" is not confortable for read.
21.5" is difficoult.
24" is too expensive. :(
Cov how do u calibrate your RGB monitor values ?
What is the gamma mode have you used ?
Your link lead me to a very very interesting article Cov ( http://www.anandtech.com/show/2803/6 ), thanks!

I wonder why I never stumbled upon it before, it's actually probably the only article about v-sync and input lag that isn't full of BS and over-simplification.
So are there versions of this monitor out there without the distinctly darker bottom corners?