Left 4 Dead Demo PC

Let's see: Just had a group of 3 little butt buddies (who were talking like idiots half the game anyways) kill me at the end of the level.

These are the people that should not be in the L4D community, and if they go to L4D2, I won't get it.

Sorry dude, but that's fucking hilarious.
The zombies need some type of knockback in this game. That is one thing that has always annoyed me about l4d. It seems like common sense.

It would be nice if a chest shot into a group of zombies repelled them backwards to some degree, or shooting zombies in the air(jumping/falling) would also knock them backwards. The zombies feel like they have no "mass". A shotgun into the chest in a group of zombies id think would knock them back....

Also, something similar to like killing floor, where heads have nicely defined hitboxes where you can decapitate zombies to instantly kill them would also be cool.

Maybe slight speed increase in running speed or horde size to compensate for such additions would even it out.
The zombies need some type of knockback in this game. That is one thing that has always annoyed me about l4d. It seems like common sense.

It would be nice if a chest shot into a group of zombies repelled them backwards to some degree, or shooting zombies in the air(jumping/falling) would also knock them backwards. The zombies feel like they have no "mass". A shotgun into the chest in a group of zombies id think would knock them back....

Also, something similar to like killing floor, where heads have nicely defined hitboxes where you can decapitate zombies to instantly kill them would also be cool.

Maybe slight speed increase in running speed or horde size to compensate for such additions would even it out.

Bullets actually do not knock back targets. This is a myth. The amount of "shoving" force is quite minimal. It's roughly only going to be equal to the amount of knock back you get from the recoil of the initial weapons discharge.
Well ok. I have fired shotguns before at targets and they definitely have more force than it feels like in l4d. Im just saying.....Anyways, I wasnt necessarily talking real life, as obviously videogames/movies/entertainment strays far from that.

I was more talking along the lines of "games" and movies. I want more gratification of well placed bullets. We can probably agree that in games, bullets have knock back yes? It adds to the fun factor. Being able to spin a creature around depending on placements of bullets or push them back, put them on their ass, etc.

I just think it would enhance the experience. If I were on their dev team, I would have insisted that.

And I dont mean that the zombies should go flying to the other side of the map or anything absurd, just something to give benefits for well placed aim and more gratification for shooting them than the feeling like they have no "mass".
Also, something similar to like killing floor, where heads have nicely defined hitboxes where you can decapitate zombies to instantly kill them would also be cool.

IDK what game you were playing, but I have been cleaving zombie heads off with frying pans and machetes all day.
IDK what game you were playing, but I have been cleaving zombie heads off with frying pans and machetes all day.

Yes I know, but its different. I suppose the guns in l4d are less accurate than in killing floor, as there are no "iron sights" etc. I guess what im saying is, it would make it more interesting if there were more reasons to take aim at different places on the zombies bodies. Like shooting their legs off make them crawl fast, or shooting their heads of makes them walk around blindly, shots to the chest push them back, shooting in the arms makes them spin around and fall to the ground tripping up other zombies, etc...
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Yes I know, but its different. Its less precise than killing floor I guess. I suppose the guns in l4d are less accurate than in killing floor, as there are no "iron sights" etc. I guess what im saying is, it would make it more interesting if there were more reasons to take aim at different places on the zombies bodies. Like shooting their legs off make them crawl fast, or shooting their heads of makes them walk around blindly, shots to the chest push them back, shooting in the arms makes them spin around and fall to the ground tripping up other zombies, etc...

that sounds awesome... and honestly, was something like what I was hoping would be introduced into L4D2....

as it is, the demo plays *exactly* like the first game.... i know they are supposed to be similar, being two games in a series and all... but goddamn, the gameplay is exactly the same....
Does anyone know what the spawn table will be like? There are, what, 6 infected? Will there always be a boomer and smoker and the other two slots random out of the other 4, or will it always be random? Could lead to a shitty gameplay with unfair advantages for one team (Im sure Valve thought of this though.)
Does anyone know if the Spitter's spitgoo will hurt other infected? 25damage pounce + slashes followed with spitter will pretty much instant cap someone.

Man, already thinking of what could happen with the new infected. Boomer -> Charger into the group while Jockey'ing one of those knockbackd and running them in horde (around corners, etc) would be pretty ridiculous. Or even just plain ol boom with spit and pounces to keep them in it would be pretty mean. :cool:
that sounds awesome... and honestly, was something like what I was hoping would be introduced into L4D2....

as it is, the demo plays *exactly* like the first game.... i know they are supposed to be similar, being two games in a series and all... but goddamn, the gameplay is exactly the same....

I agree, it really is just new models and weapons. Instead of polishing the first turd, they just diarrhea'd all over the first one and slapped a 2 on it.
I agree, it really is just new models and weapons. Instead of polishing the first turd, they just diarrhea'd all over the first one and slapped a 2 on it.

Honestly, I felt the exact same way. Playing that first round seemed as it the infected had even worse pathing than in the first game. I never felt the same intensity that I did in the first one and I noticed quite often that infected would run into objects and then stop. To me this feels like a glorified content pack. It certainly does not appear to be the much improved game that valve claimed it to be.
Bullets actually do not knock back targets. This is a myth. The amount of "shoving" force is quite minimal. It's roughly only going to be equal to the amount of knock back you get from the recoil of the initial weapons discharge.

^-- truth
another thing that bugs me is when the Leader does not know how to start the game and everyone is just waiting in the Lobby

Yes, the lobby leader is nearly always afk. There should be some sort of timeout to prevent it happening so often.
Well the whole matchmaking system is retarded to begin with.....

That garbage destroys the gaming community.

The main problem is, now the games you get placed in, you have little control over. I cant tell you how many times in this l4d2demo ive been put into games that are unplayable, laggy or choppy garbage. Why am I being placed in games where I ping 120-200, when I should be pinging 30-60 valve?

Well, its because servers arnt dedicated, so sometimes youre being placed in some dumb kids retarded personal server or home connection, and other times youre being placed in a lobby/game thats across the country(maybe even world?).

This is the reason I never bought l4d1. Is it so much to ask to be able to pick what server you want to join? Jesus, save us.
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.... so I played the game over the weekend. Very boring IMO. SSDD. Besides the melee weapons I didn't see anything new and exciting. Got kinda boring running through the zombies w/ a melee weapon 1 shotting almost everything.

Won't be getting this title myself. I'm still stuck on borderlands ... leveling up all 4 chars :p
I played the original L4D when I had my XBOX 360 (and only because a friend bought it for me).

It was fun to play through the single-player and multi-player, but with not having that many maps and only a couple of different modes, it became state after only a month. So can I really justify $35 for a months worth of fun?

I guess it comes down to that any game I buy must have a really good single player component. Don't get me wrong as I love to play online but when friends are unavailable to play, I really can't stand playing with the general public.

I wish I wasn't that way so I could enjoy games like this more, but hearing a bunch of people screaming that everything is retarded, gay, etc. etc. really gets on my nerves.
Pre-loading is complete, ;) roll on the 18th (UK once again behind the times)

Thank god as my interest in Borderlands /TF2 is beginning to wain.
I played the original L4D when I had my XBOX 360 (and only because a friend bought it for me).

It was fun to play through the single-player and multi-player, but with not having that many maps and only a couple of different modes, it became state after only a month. So can I really justify $35 for a months worth of fun?

I guess it comes down to that any game I buy must have a really good single player component. Don't get me wrong as I love to play online but when friends are unavailable to play, I really can't stand playing with the general public.

I wish I wasn't that way so I could enjoy games like this more, but hearing a bunch of people screaming that everything is retarded, gay, etc. etc. really gets on my nerves.

thats one of the reason why the PC version is way better than the console version. user mad emaps gave L4D a whole new life for me.
I played the original L4D when I had my XBOX 360 (and only because a friend bought it for me).

It was fun to play through the single-player and multi-player, but with not having that many maps and only a couple of different modes, it became state after only a month. So can I really justify $35 for a months worth of fun?

I guess it comes down to that any game I buy must have a really good single player component. Don't get me wrong as I love to play online but when friends are unavailable to play, I really can't stand playing with the general public.

I wish I wasn't that way so I could enjoy games like this more, but hearing a bunch of people screaming that everything is retarded, gay, etc. etc. really gets on my nerves.

L4D shouldn't even exists on console.

Going to a movie cost 10 bucks for 2 hours....so given that cost 35 bucks for a month of entertainment doesn't seem so bad.
well gave in and got a copy, bought mine from someones 4 pack off ebay, was only like $3 more than just doing the 4pack normally, plus I get all the security benifits of ebay/paypal.

Now preloading the game and looking forward to the 16th :D
more secure than giving my money to some random guy off a forum and hope he gives me my game.

Hah...:p ya I suppose. Although ive been buying goods off forums for about 5 years and ive never had a problem. That is what heat is for. :0
Hah...:p ya I suppose. Although ive been buying goods off forums for about 5 years and ive never had a problem. That is what heat is for. :0

hehe i could say the same for ebay rep ;)

Anyways point is, I have the game now yay! lol :p