LAME: SOYO dodging rebates?

When I check on verifyrebates, I don't see ANYTHING. Soyo owes me $75 for the i865 and $160 for the i875. !!!!
C|aymore said:
Be still my heart!

A company that is exiting the business NOT paying their rebates timely!? OMG :eek:

After all, they have so much to lose. Why, customer loyalty alone will cost them -- NOTHING!

What'd y'all expect?

Your sarcastic remarks indicate that you believe those of us who have had problems with Soyo rebates are getting what we deserved - perhaps because we're not as smart as you? Thanks for your constructive contribution, and please post again if you have a problem - I'm sure you'll get a sympathetic hearing.
Anyone else having trouble with the rebate site? I dont have the Rebate #, so I try to manually look it up but NewEgg isnt an option, nor is the motherboard.

Just call them?
yep i got the e-mail, but the bad news for me is the online form wouldnt let me apply mine to begin with claiming it had expired...
they sent me an email (SOYO did ) saying that they couldn't find my rebate blah blah blah

And told me to send everything in again. :mad:

Now I have to dig all that crap up again....
stumpy said:
they sent me an email (SOYO did ) saying that they couldn't find my rebate blah blah blah

And told me to send everything in again. :mad:

Now I have to dig all that crap up again....
only i've sold off my motherboard and threw away the copies :(
Well, I thought SOYO was dodging me after waiting for around 8 months for my rebates from a Tiger Direct purchase, but I checked the site just recently and found that my rebates were accepted and processed. Granted it took forever and I havn't RECIEVED them yet but that's looking on the up and up. So give it time, and to do a search for your rebate without a NUMBER or anything, just do a manual search with your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME AND ZIP CODE. That's how I did mine. Good luck with all of yours and don't shortchange them, they just have innumerable rebates to process (though they did it to themselves). But it'll come eventually hopefully

To help us provide you with prompt service, please provide us your complete
information on your rebate application form.

anyone still have the form kicking around? i need to know exactly what to send them
Brad4321 said:
Maybe I am the only "poor" person here, but $70 would at least qualify a few phone calls.

Hellz yeah!! I must've emailed Staples like 4 times for my 75 cent rebate on a 4-pack of white-board markers. Then, again... it was an easy rebate, so I didn't have to send anything in (ie. waste 37 cents on a stamp for a 75 cent rebate).

And guess what... the easy rebate wasn't so easy!!! Bah!

Good luck Soyo peepz!
My status on the rebate site hasn't changed, so I emailed them.

"We have yet to recieve your rebate form and proof of purchase, they could have been lost through the mail as this happens quite often, but if you have copies, you could resubmit them"

I replied that I have all copies and I could fax them over. No reply to my email yet.
had 2 friends pick up a free after rebate board from soyo and they're both getting the run around

first response out the box from soyo in both their cases was "sorry we never received your stuff, please resend"

fortunately they made copies and 1 friend, a bit paranoid about soyo, rightfuly got receipt confirmation/tracking on the orginal mail he sent in and was able to catch soyo in their lie. They did receive it!

wtf is up with soyo? i hear they're going to dissolve their motherboard division and also that they're going to close all US operations and then I've heard they're going out of business.

which is it?
This is pissing me off. SOYO needs to clean up their act and give us our money. Someone needs to take them to court and sue them for the total amount of money they have screwed out of people on this deal.
~¥~ßLÅÇK~ÇîrǵT~¥~ said:
Someone needs to take them to court and sue them for the total amount of money they have screwed out of people on this deal.
And then that person will have all our money?

Why don't we nuke Iraq :rolleyes:
I purchased a SOYO SY-P4RC350 motherboard in November of 2004. I mailed in two rebates worth $90-- total. When I check on their rebate site there is no record of my submission. However, I checked my usps confirmation tracking number and confirmed that the rebates were received by Soyo. Also have some small issues with the board; at least small for the moment. My first motherboard purchase. My last from Soyo
They keep telling me my postal carrier lost them in the mail and I have to take it up with them. What a load of BS! I cannot believe there is no class action lawsuit againt these losers. SOYO is a joke.
I sent in the two rebates for the 865 and only one of them (finally) is showing up on verifyrebates. I e-mailed them and asked why that one was showing up and not the other.

I got the standard "It must have been lost in the mail because we never received it. You can resubmit, blah blah blah." Well, that's odd....considering I mailed both of the rebates in the same envelope, just like the rebate said to.

I replied back telling them this and asking which rebate it was that did not process because they're both for the same amount and the site didn't list which one had processed. No reply as of yet.

Never have really liked Soyo and should have just passed on this deal...
Could anyone send me a scan of the UPC from the box? I have copies of my receipt and rebate forms, but I can't find my copy of the UPC. :( I need it because I have to re-submit everything according to this stupid email:

Dear valued Customer:

Thank you for your recent submission of your rebate request.

According to our record, we did not receive your rebate request. Please
1) a copy of your correct rebate form (forms)
2) a copy of invoice or packing list or receipt
3) a copy of UPC Barcode

blah blah blah...
flyboy747 said:
I sent in the two rebates for the 865 and only one of them (finally) is showing up on verifyrebates. I e-mailed them and asked why that one was showing up and not the other.

I got the standard "It must have been lost in the mail because we never received it. You can resubmit, blah blah blah." Well, that's odd....considering I mailed both of the rebates in the same envelope, just like the rebate said to.

I replied back telling them this and asking which rebate it was that did not process because they're both for the same amount and the site didn't list which one had processed. No reply as of yet.

Never have really liked Soyo and should have just passed on this deal...

I just got the same email. I resent the 2nd one just for fun.

Even if I sell the motherboard for $50, I am making $5. If I get the 2nd rebate, that is just more icing on the cake.
Who still hasn't recieved their rebates? I don't have a copy of my UPC barcode... I know I should have kept a copy on file, but knowing how some of your have had confirmation shipping that went through 100% ok and SOYO denying recieving it, is pretty piss poor.

If someone could help out by sending in a copy of their UPC barcode, it would be much appreciated.

This whole situation has really tought me a lesson. No more rebates. I never really liked being short of the cash to begin with. This is just my preference though... never really thought that filling in info/copying UPC barcode, mailing, was really worth $10, 20 :rolleyes: But being burned on something that shoulda been free is a big disappointment.
i havent got my rebate, but i sold my mobo to a friend for 60 bucks. i made out fine, but i still want my freakin 75 bucks! i roders mine on like august 27th from the egg and im soo mad cause only one rebate showed up. if i dont get my money, im gonna call newegg and soyo and see whats up.
I could really use a copy of the UPC too, because they want me to send everything in again. :(
Just got this in my email:

Dear Newegg Shopper,

We have excellent news! is happy to inform you, the SOYO rebate issue has been resolved. Our agents have been working very diligently, which included long and hard hours, to ensure Soyo fulfills their rebate offer.

We are sending this email to let you know that your rebate check has been issued and will be sent to your location.

Again, please accept our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused. We are glad to know you have been well taken care of.

If there is anything else we can do for you, please contact us.


Newegg Customer Service

After this long, I'll believe it when I have cash in hand, but sounds promising.

Edit: added quote tags for readability
I have been in contact with both Newegg and Soyo, and no one seems to be able to tell me the status of my rebates, or when I might expect to receive them. The newegg rep that I've been talking with has attempted to help me out, even going so far as to admit that they have had a LOT of trouble getting Soyo to make good on their rebates, unfortunatly, that doesn't help me in the slightest!

Newegg tells me they are working on it, Soyo tells me that "the check is in the mail". They advised today that the check was mailed out March 14th....I find this quite hard to believe, as I don't believe that it takes mail that long to get to the outer reaches of Alaska!!!!

I advised both companies today, that if I didn't have money in hand by the end of the week, that I would be taking action against both of them. I understand that Newegg wasn't originally responsible for the rebates, but they are the company that offered them to me, and advertised them....that gives them a kings share of the responsiblity in my book!

BS, I totally understand your frustration, as there are many of us out here that are going thru the same thing. I am begining to suspect the following:

1. EVERY person who submits a rebate to Soyo is told that their paperwork was never received, and is asked to mail in the information again, in the hopes that most people didn't keep copies and won't attempt to collect.

2. Checks are cut, and postmarked, but not mailed out for several weeks, in the effort to continue to collect interest on the money that they have in the bank.

The helpful person that I have been corresponding with at Newegg, is named Brian Johnson, and he can be reached at the following e-mail address:

[email protected]

I know that he is making every effort to help me out....and I sincerely hope that in the future, Newegg will do a little better to protect their customers from this sort of scam!

Just FYI, if you look up Soyo on the BBB site, you will see that they already have an "F" rating due to business I'm not holding out hope!

I'll keep you all posted on when/if I receive my money. I hope you do the same!
I'm the OP on this thread.

I too am still in communication with SOYO and newegg. No rebates yet :confused:
I am sorry for the delay on your $80.00 check. No other checks were on your system.

However, we may able to help you if you will re-submit

1) a copy of your correct rebate form (forms)

2) a copy of invoice or packing list or receipt

3) a copy of UPC Barcode

by mail to the following address : -

Attn : Luis

Special Care Customer Services Dept

1042 N. Mountain Ave # B 291

Upland CA 91786

Please follow instructions carefully.

We will make sure to process your rebate request within 3 weeks after receive your mail. Please email me if you do not receive your rebate check within 4 weeks. You may also check your status after 3 weeks at

We would like to thank you again for your inquiry and patience!

Customer Services
$75 + $80 + $80 they owe me :(
Oh yea, Tiger Direct is soooooooooooooo awesome. I wrote them a letter complaining about soyo and mentioned that newegg said that they were gonna honor the lame soyo rebates. Next day I got an email back saying that $70 was refunded to my CC, the amount soyo owed, and sure enough there it was. TD really has made a lifetime customer out of me!

I bought a Soyo board from Newegg that had a "Newegg Only" rebate, and what I first mailed in (all the required stuff) was declared ineligible. Then Newegg emailed me and told me I could resubmit it because there was some issue with Soyo or something. Anywho, now says that my $70 is coming. In conclusion, Newegg is good, Soyo sucks.
ok my final post about soyo, after, almost an entire yr, i dfinally after threatening with lawsuit, and showed i had proof of when it ws bought, when it was sent in, with copies of upc and everything they issued a check supposedly in 2 weeks, only to be harrassed again for not sending it out, then they said they sent it out march 7th, i get it in the mail, post marked the 21st,,, but after that i got it..
Well I thought I would read back over this thread since I still do not have a rebate in my hand. I see there is a pdf above with the rebate and I can go to newegg and print an invoice, but of course I no longer have the UPC code. So does any have a copy of the UPC code?
The helpful person that I have been corresponding with at Newegg, is named Brian Johnson, and he can be reached at the following e-mail address:

[email protected]

I know that he is making every effort to help me out....and I sincerely hope that in the future, Newegg will do a little better to protect their customers from this sort of scam!

Ditto on that guy. I emailed him explaining my situation, gave him my full name and the email account associated with my Newegg account. He told me that my information has been forwarded to an agent working w/ the SOYO problem and that if I do not recieve an email from SOYO within 1-2 weeks, to contact them at a given email address and an immidiate resolution will take place.

Sounds like most of you got screwed on the Newegg scam but if you got something from TigerDirect instead, like I did, you may want to contact them because here is what I received back after sending them a polite notice that SOYO was screwing me.

Dear Valued Customer,

Thanks for your e-mail.

We have applied $70.00 credit back to the credit card that was used at the time of purchase. Please allow two to three business days for funds to show available.

We at Tiger appreciate your business. If you have further inquiries, please reply to this email, or call us at

1.800.800.8300. Make sure to include your entire email in any responses, so we can address your issues further.

SW 246
The Web Response Team
chitzu said:
Sounds like most of you got screwed on the Newegg scam but if you got something from TigerDirect instead, like I did, you may want to contact them because here is what I received back after sending them a polite notice that SOYO was screwing me.
yeah one of the few times tiger shines for some reason
If I understood the nice lady I just talked to correctly, she said Newegg will be honoring them but that it will probably take about 2-3 weeks because of the volume involved.
i'm a little fed up

soyo owes me 35, 40, 80, 80 in checks, totalling 235

i finally got around to emailing zzf and newegg for help

we'll see how this goes