LAME: SOYO dodging rebates?

for anyone that hasn't recived their rebates from soyo. i suggest you contact Jason @ newegg with your soyo information. i recived my rebate within weeks.

Newegg is a great company to help out with the rebates. i have seen no other company other then officemax do the same. I have purchased atleast 5k of stuff from them and will continue to buy from them.

[email protected]
Newegg Customer Support
Ph: 800-390-1119 x2050 Fax: 909-395-8907
codegrinder said:
for anyone that hasn't recived their rebates from soyo. i suggest you contact Jason @ newegg with your soyo information. i recived my rebate within weeks.

Newegg is a great company to help out with the rebates. i have seen no other company other then officemax do the same. I have purchased atleast 5k of stuff from them and will continue to buy from them.

[email protected]
Newegg Customer Support
Ph: 800-390-1119 x2050 Fax: 909-395-8907
thanks. i was able to call newegg and they said theyd credit me.

so newegg's pretty much squared away for anyone who needs it. it's just the zzf canterwood issue right now, which was more than twice the damage (160 vs 75)
Yeah. I can deffinitly agree. Newegg has helped me out with rebates. Soyo on the other hand, I once owned a motherboard from them, the support and everything was terriable. I will never do anything soyo related again.
Gave Newegg a call a few days ago, and they emailed today stating that they will take the loss. I will defintely continue to shop at Newegg, but I'm never going to touch a Soyo product again. Thanks Newegg! :)
My wife brings we a check and asked me to sign it. Lo and behold, Soyo! Granted only $60, so about half of the rebate – but it looks like calling the folks at ZZF did some good. All other conversations with the rebate company reached a dead end. Almost a year... WOW.
I too, am still wating for $110 woth of rebates on a soyo amd board. Got an email form zzf a couple of months ago but haven't heard anything since. Guess I'll try calling them.
postalcop said:
I too, am still wating for $110 woth of rebates on a soyo amd board. Got an email form zzf a couple of months ago but haven't heard anything since. Guess I'll try calling them.

same, i guess ill try calling them today also
I just called ZZF and they said that they were in the process of trying to resolve the issue with Soyo, legally. I feel, hmmmm, blown off? I hope they like my voice, cause they are going to start hearing it alot more often. Hooray for the Egg. We should all start calling as often as we can to nudge the process along, after all, that was our money and I, for one, could use it! Just an update, thanks.
That is what they told me too. ZZF said they would add my name to a lawsuit list or something like that. Seems they were working a lawsuite angle. Did not expect anything. Sure enough, after the rebate folks told me to get bent, the check shows up from Soyo abut a month later.
I bought a Soyo motherboard SY-P4i865PE+V1.0 from Newegg over a year ago. This was one of the mobos for which Soyo seemed to be dodging rebates. This mobo had 2 rebates, one for $40 and one for $35. I never received either rebate and according to, I never even sent it in.

I never pursued the matter because I couldn't find my copies of all the paperwork I sent them. As i was cleaning out my desk last night, lo and behold, guess what I found?! I sent NewEgg an email asking if I still had any options left, even though a year has passed. I received this from them the very next day:

We sincerely apologize for the recent delay and inconvenience of this Soyo
rebate. We truly understand the amount of frustration that you have endured
thus far. Nevertheless, Newegg will continue to stand behind our loyal
customers to ensure the complete and total customer satisfaction for every

Under normal circumstances, we would request that you contact Soyo for further
assistance with this rebate. However, we are certain that this attempt for
resolution has already been done, to no avail. Therefore, please allow Newegg
to honor this rebate amount as a courtesy for a valued customer.

A credit request has been issued in the amount of $75.00. All refunds/credits
are placed back on to your credit/debit card. Your card issuer will require 3-5
business days once the refund/credit is issued to fully process the transaction
and make the funds available.

This is why I do so much business with NewEgg and ChiefValue. They ROCK!
any word from zzf about this? i have 160 owed from that stupid 875
What sucks is I bought this board and never used it, it's still in the box. Actually I did use it to test the dimensions for my wooden case when I was building it :p

I'm sure I don't have any copies of UPC or anything, but will newegg still refund it you think? They should have the invoice on their site.
ChingChang said:
What sucks is I bought this board and never used it, it's still in the box. Actually I did use it to test the dimensions for my wooden case when I was building it :p

I'm sure I don't have any copies of UPC or anything, but will newegg still refund it you think? They should have the invoice on their site.
any update on zzf? anyone got the 875p and is down $160 now? i know i am and i could really use that 160 right now.
ziddey said:
any update on zzf? anyone got the 875p and is down $160 now? i know i am and i could really use that 160 right now.

I contacted zzf, and they are ignoring me. :(
I will get those $160 one way or another... mark my word on this one. :mad:
spectrumbx said:
I contacted zzf, and they are ignoring me. :(
I will get those $160 one way or another... mark my word on this one. :mad:
yeah man me too. ive sent a few emails to zzf as well. never a word back. sure isnt newegg
It's not NEWEGG or ZZF fault. It's soyo, grrrr, and NEWEGG was just nice that they hooked them up. ZZF doesn't owe anyone anything.

Stiill, NEWEGG is great.
It's not NEWEGG or ZZF fault. It's soyo, grrrr, and NEWEGG was just nice that they hooked them up. ZZF doesn't owe anyone anything.

Stiill, NEWEGG is great.

...which is why I'll continue to give the Egg my business, even if they may be a few bucks more at times. They took good care of me when Soyo crapped on my head. :)
ziddey said:
yeah man me too. ive sent a few emails to zzf as well. never a word back. sure isnt newegg

Did you not get this email from ZZF?

ear ZipZoomfly Customer,

We would like to keep you informed of the current situation in regards to your Soyo rebates.

ZipZoomfly is currently engaged in litigation with Soyo (San Bernardino Superior Court, Case RCVRS086190). In an effort to ensure that the matter is resolved in a timely manner and that all qualified consumer rebates are paid, ZipZoomfly has been actively engaged with Soyo to expedite rebate processing. We hope to resolve this matter with Soyo as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, we have been informed that Soyo is catching up on their much-delayed rebate processing.

If you still have an unpaid Soyo rebate outstanding for products purchased from ZipZoomfly, please click the button below to access our questionnaire and send us the details of your claim, including information on whether you have received a rejection or a simple non-response from Soyo. Please also fill out your name, email, date of purchase, ZipZoomfly order number and remember to check the product part numbers and enter appropriate quantities. Also, please let us know the total rebates you are eligible for, and how much you have received to date. For every order placed, please submit a separate form.

Please note that this particular situation applies to Soyo purchases made through ZipZoomfly. We regret to inform you that we would not be able to assist should you have other outstanding Soyo rebate claims for purchases made through another retailer. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Thank you again for being a valued customer.



I filled that out and also filled a complaint with BBB. Soyo responded to my BBB complaint with the same old you need to resubmit. So I called and asked for the Soyo contact listed on the BBB complaint. They said he didn't work there and put me right through to a supervisor who was very helpful. I couldn't resubmit because I had sent in the original UPC already. She let me send in a copy of my invoice and a check was sent out within 3 weeks. This was back in June. I didn't know people were still having problems. Here's the contact info of the soyo employee who helped me:

Angie: [email protected]
put attention Angie as the subject.