Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

That Sir Hans? Don't want to play Henry again. Warhorse could've made us wait 5+ years good to see it out this year. 2018 was the last game.
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2024, I'm so hyped, I'll have to re-play KCD soon. Since it just says 2024, I assume it will be late Q3 / or Q4.

BTW it looks like it either has RTGI or another advanced GI system. Hopefully it is CryEngine 5.7+, getting tired of all the UE5 games.
A game announcement and release in the same year? Wild.

Really enjoyed the first one, looking forward to it!
I got the first game free during one of those Epic Store giveaways but haven't touched it yet...I hear it was a bit grindy and tough to get into in the beginning...maybe KCD2 will be more accessible from the start...I don't need 100% realism in the game
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The original game was good the best part for me was the monestary. I spent a few hours trying to get out of there. You can't escape unless you do certain events in the locked up and guarded. Think I used a YouTube video on how to get a key "which was too dark on my LCD." in the kitchen to escape through a cellar then out a window? You run out of the Monestary with a friend then hope the guards don't catch you think you run towards a swamp.

The part that irritated me the most about the game was questioning people then getting stone walled by clueless NPCs.
I got the first game free during one of those Epic Store giveaways but haven't touched it yet...I hear it was a bit grindy and tough to get into in the beginning...maybe KCD2 will be more accessible from the start...I don't need 100% realism in the game
A lot of people just couldn’t get over the combat system, which is quite unique. At the start you (your character) sucks at it, but as you play the game you get better, and it feels less and less clunky as you progress.

I wish more RPG’s had leveling systems where your stat improvement comes from performing said stat, maybe like Skyrim, instead of just hitting an experience level and putting points wherever you want them.
A lot of people just couldn’t get over the combat system, which is quite unique. At the start you (your character) sucks at it, but as you play the game you get better, and it feels less and less clunky as you progress.

I wish more RPG’s had leveling systems where your stat improvement comes from performing said stat, maybe like Skyrim, instead of just hitting an experience level and putting points wherever you want them.
The problem with Skyrim is your skill doesn't actually improve with use. You just unlock perks. I would say it's more akin to using something like the nGCD mod for Oblivion, or CCCP for Morrowind.
2024, I'm so hyped, I'll have to re-play KCD soon. Since it just says 2024, I assume it will be late Q3 / or Q4.

BTW it looks like it either has RTGI or another advanced GI system. Hopefully it is CryEngine 5.7+, getting tired of all the UE5 games.

Looks like it's still the same engine or some other version of CryEngine. The graphical detail is decent, but the lighting is clearly last gen. Skin and other textures look extremely flat.

Looks like a cool game though.
Graphic look not like a big jump but I suspect it will have twice of it (the city footage for example seem a big jump in complexity) and the first one did hold up over time really well anyway, with hardware evolution catching up to be able to run it over time.

And there something about looking different than everything else.
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agreed...I don't understand why more developers don't use's probably more difficult to use but it delivers gorgeous visuals and features

What specifically do you think looks good in cryengine and this game's graphics?
I was about to write an essay on why CryEngine is amazing, but polonyc2 summed it up in a few lines.

KCD1, Crysis both portray realistic foliage, lighting, etc... There is sometimes when I was playing KCD in a forest that my brain literally confused it with reality.

I wouldn't assume the game is going to look like this trailer, yes I think the trailer looks good, but I think the game will look better at launch. Go back and look at E3 2017 KCD trailer, which was 8 months before release, the trailer barely looks like KCD at medium settings.
What specifically do you think looks good in cryengine and this game's graphics?
First one was the forest and nature:


this one the city seem to have stepped it up.

I would not expect them to match Rockstars or anything (or be incredible performance for what they render like the Call of Duty teams), but for a small studio for a game that involve a lot of non technical / story line work, they look good.
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CryEngine in general delivers amazing looking foliage, lighting etc...the forest sections of Crysis 1 still to this day look incredible...destructible environments, facial animation, textures etc

Ok, to each their own I guess. I completely disagree, especially in regards to the lighting. It looks like decade old game tech with more polygons and higher resolution textures. Similar to Starfield.
Ok, to each their own I guess. I completely disagree, especially in regards to the lighting. It looks like decade old game tech with more polygons and higher resolution textures. Similar to Starfield.

it's probably not the PC version they showed in the trailer...the first game was ahead of its time in terms of technology and way ahead of the console versions
The problem with Skyrim is your skill doesn't actually improve with use. You just unlock perks. I would say it's more akin to using something like the nGCD mod for Oblivion, or CCCP for Morrowind.
I thought that might've not been the best example, it's been years, but you're still advancing your playstyle by simply playing the way you care too, we need more of that.

And yeah, the foliage absolutely slapped in KC:D.
Find it funny that swords get all the attention in any other videogame but maces and axes are the real deal. They must of did some green screen stuff and determined swords just suck.
That trailer looks amazing… but again… the combat must be re-worked to be more gamey and less niche.
I loved the first game, both the setting and the visuals. Just exploring the forrests and landscape was amazing, no dragons or fantasy elements, just felt like a good simulation of what life in the middle ages must have been like in Central Europe.
Combat was a bit clunky, but archery felt quite realistic and you can cheese through a lot just using your bow. Looking forward to this, just hope a 5080 will be enough.
I played the first one in my 1080 GTX in 2018 but bought a 2080RTX and finished it almost with that card . I plan on using my 4080
That trailer looks amazing… but again… the combat must be re-worked to be more gamey and less niche.
Yeah, you're not gonna win mashing buttons. The combat in the first game is one of a kind and excellent imo. Once you get the hang of it I suspect you'd agree. The quests in this game are some of the best I've experienced. I couldn't wait to get revenge for my parents, I kept thinking 'when am i going to find these bastards'. If you play the original you must to do the "Mysterious Ways" quest with Father Godwin.

Graphics look pretty realistic to me.