kepler needs to drop - and soon!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 82943
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Deleted member 82943

i'm on the fence as I don't want to buy a 7970 now if kepler is going to be faster. I guess this is kinda pointless but is anyone else sitting on the same fence?

if kepler sucks or is way to pricey then I think I'll get a 7970 BE and call my gaming rig finished even though by then i'll be itching to upgrade to ivybridge

so what you actually want... are some solid benchmarks?

All joking aside...
I'm interested to see how the 7 series compares to Kepler.
If i had to guess, i would say it will be faster, but not by a blowout margin.
Give me a minute!



Looking forward to SLI Kepler cards assuming they don't somehow turn out to suck :).
I've been AMD for a long time, but I'm finally getting sick of their drivers. I may look into this once it's released.
I'm sitting on the same fence. Have the money burning a hole in my pocket, a new rig to drop the card in and have to wait till March/April for the damned things to drop. I've heard NVIDIA was waiting for Ivy Bridge for a simultaneous hard launch. Since that's been pushed back, I'm gonna wait till April 15, and if I don't see/hear anything by then I'm pulling the trigger on CF 7950s.
@JD - I've been much like you but this time I think I'll blow about 550 on a BE single 7970 and see if I can't get it to do 1.1 or 1.2ghz on the core, single monitor for me won't see much need for a beast setup like two 7950s

yes - benches I want!
isn’t the top-end cards (GK 110) going to be late anyway and what we will see when Nvidia finally release something is the GK 104 which may not be faster than the 7970?
Money is in the bank waiting on either the 7970 or Kepler.

I was hoping for some leaks/news before ME3....but i dont think that will happen.
isn’t the top-end cards (GK 110) going to be late anyway and what we will see when Nvidia finally release something is the GK 104 which may not be faster than the 7970?

This. Kepler high-end will supposedly be available on Q3 (optimistic time-frame).
The longer IB and Kepler take, the more money I'll have to spend on other goodies to go with them, so I can't complain too much. :) At this rate I may be able to upgrade both mine and my wife's machines in tandem which would be nice.
By the time GK110 is released there will be something better on the horizon. These staggered releases are bad for bussiness. I want to be able to compare apples to apples.
I couldn't wait any longer. Had to buy the evga 570 with the hardocp promo code. Rift was running like crap with my old 8800gtx superclocked/underclocked for no artifacted lol
I had no idea Kepler was to be released like late summer ish...
I had no idea Kepler was to be released like late summer ish...

According to wild sourceless rumours its going to be released between next week until next year... Nobody knows so they just make up crap mainly based on their "fandoms". :D
ivy bridge doesnt look so good clock-for-clock in games. 2-4% at most. However with 77Watt tdp and a 63-64x unlocked multiplier, and 22nm will give you a much greater overclock. The 4.5-4.9ghz ocs are going to be 5.5-5.9ghz.

Mydrivers has their 3770k review up:

that's a 50% oc from a 4ghz chip to a 6ghz speed, yikes

i'm gonna be fine with a 7970 all i really want to do is play SC2 and single player story driven shooters at the highest resolutions (do they even make those anymore? ;))
I bought two 7970s on launch day. If Kepler is that much better, I'll but two of those too. ;)
Nvidia always seems to take foreeeeevvvveerrrrr to release their new gpu's for some reason.

I agree that they need to hurry up and come out with their competing product. Since I'm a surround/eyefinity gamer their current offerings don't interest me much over what i have and I don't find the value offered by 7970 crossfire compellnig over what I have currently.

I'm kind of at a place where I'm bored with what I have and want more performance, but nothing currenly available makes me want to pull the trigger and buy. We need kepler to come in and change current pricing or offer something truly compelling and we need it now! :)
April is gonna be a reaaaaaaaaally great time to buy and build a new system.
Ivy Bridge + Kepler will be just released so it's gonna take a while until all your shit is outdated again :)

I'll be finally ditching my E8400+HD4870 :D
As long as kepler comes out by the beginning of April nvidia will be ok.
Well, I agree that introduction of Kepler is needed to even the playing field and (hopefully) increase competition for AMD who are charging arm and leg for their 7xxx generation
I think everyone has forgot that BIG FOOT is coming (HD7990) .. who cares about a mid range Nvidia card.
I think everyone has forgot that BIG FOOT is coming (HD7990) .. who cares about a mid range Nvidia card.
The ironic part is that comment is that the 7990 will cost about the same as Bigfoot's capture reward ... :D
I think everyone has forgot that BIG FOOT is coming (HD7990) .. who cares about a mid range Nvidia card.

I couldn't care less about 7990, crossfire drivers suck for the 79xx's by all accounts, and my single card has been plagued by ULPS issues that only have an unofficial, cobbled-together third-party fix to solve them. The card's going back soon, just waiting a few days to have something to game on till I know when Kepler's dropping.
Yeah I think most people are going to care less about the 7990. With the 7970 OC versions hitting the market now though, kepler should drop soon than later...

so what you actually want... are some solid benchmarks?

All joking aside...
I'm interested to see how the 7 series compares to Kepler.
If i had to guess, i would say it will be faster, but not by a blowout margin.

Give me a minute!



Looking forward to SLI Kepler cards assuming they don't somehow turn out to suck :).

LOL I just want to see more funny kepler pics. THAT would be a good kepler thread :D

Oh yeah I wanna buy one too ;)
im with the above poster.
That picture was fucking hillarious Goldentiger haha.
I want a kepler faster than my gtx480 sli.... because the two cards apparently bottleneck my i7.

And an ivy bridge. i'd like one of those too plz.
an oc'd sb setup at 5ghz should be future proofed enough right, say until whatever is after ivy bridge - just need to know how kepler will fare damnit i hate waiting