Just picked up RAGE on the Steam Sale, and...


Zero Cool
Sep 2, 2004
...it still has massive texture LOD swapping issues. Like, really noticeable ones.

I turned everything to max but it's just..bad. I thought these problems were fixed with patches?

Sorry for another RAGE thread, but I couldn't find a recent one and didn't want to necro one from like 6 months ago.

EDIT: Should I be running this on an SSD? Since it's such a huge game I didn't want to waste the space, but if it'll fix the issue...
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You're using the CUDA transcoding option, correct? It's possible that's not the best option to use on the 680.

Be aware that you'll never completely get rid of pop-in, as the engine can't accurately predict when to transcode pages that it anticipates will soon be in view. If you do a 360 degree spin and find that textures that were already paged in are popping back in again, there may be a driver issue. Some pop-in is totally normal, though.
Make sure the GPU Transcode option is enabled under the graphics settings. RAGE can use CUDA on NVIDIA hardware to handle the texture streaming/decompressing. The GTX680 isn't as good at double-precision floating point GPGPU tasks as the 580, but I don't think that's used here, so it should still be an improvement.
I have virtually zero pop in @ 1080p running RAGE off an SSD with Transcoding ON.
I'm using GPU Transcoding on. I guess I will try doing the SSD thing since I can't really think of anything else to try, barring any .ini tweaks (most of which are already in the Video options now I think, after the patches).

Thanks for the replies. I'll report back tomorrow when I get a chance to play again.

If you do a 360 degree spin and find that textures that were already paged in are popping back in again, there may be a driver issue. Some pop-in is totally normal, though.

Yeah, that is happening. I can turn around and everything will look super shitty for a few seconds while it streams in, even though I was just looking at it a second ago.
Yeah, that is happening. I can turn around and everything will look super shitty for a few seconds while it streams in, even though I was just looking at it a second ago.

Welcome to the crap that is iDTech 5 :p. Unfortunately, iD just really dropped the ball overall. They've gotten obsessed with their megatexture thing and it has lead to some really unfortunately compromises/side effects. Another shitty side effect is for devs you have to have a server with massive amounts of RAM to compile levels, totally screws over any fan level design.

As such there are likely going to be next to no games except form iD that use it. UE4 will again take the day.
what happend to the high resolution texture pack that was supposed to be out? this game is so lame... even now people have problems...
just booted this up and my god does it look bad. Textures remind me of the early 90s. Rage deserves all it's criticism and more.
Rage works fine in nvsurround on my GTX670. Not the best looking game but I absolutely loved it.
The graphics on the whole don't bother me at all, it's just the extremely noticeable LOD swapping. It's not even a situation where I am spinning around as fast as possible to try and "catch" it, it just appears naturally during gameplay and is really distracting.
Look fine to me. Enable high res textures maybe?

I've got all the settings up on max as far as I can tell. I mean, it reminds of when they used to use real photos or whatever for textures. Especially that very first part where you leave the cryochamber, the ground looks like it's a static photo. No depth and not even high res looking. Maybe I don't have everything on max, I'll have to check.

I will say however that the skybox looks pretty phenomenal, and the far away rock/mountain textures look good, just everything else looks like hell.
Not sure if it'll help but you might try to lower your AA to x2 or x4. Also make sure your not forcing anything through the Nvidia control panel.
I've got all the settings up on max as far as I can tell. I mean, it reminds of when they used to use real photos or whatever for textures. Especially that very first part where you leave the cryochamber, the ground looks like it's a static photo. No depth and not even high res looking. Maybe I don't have everything on max, I'll have to check.

I will say however that the skybox looks pretty phenomenal, and the far away rock/mountain textures look good, just everything else looks like hell.

Try this.
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Was tempted to pick this up.... decided to get Thief bundle instead. Surprisingly, it works well on my Win 7 system. Currently playing Thief Gold. Graphics are actually tolerable, I believe steam has patched this with some unofficial mods, as it worked straight away from steam install.

Back on topic, even at $10 I couldn't support a mediocre Id game. Id and Blizzard used to be a guarantee... now with Rage and Diablo 3.... that phase of history is gone I guess.
It's a no-brainer at $10 in my opinion. I paid $60, and I feel like I got my money's worth out of it despite the disappointments. Don't expect brilliance, but you can certainly expect to get $10 worth of fun out of it.
Was tempted to pick this up.... decided to get Thief bundle instead. Surprisingly, it works well on my Win 7 system. Currently playing Thief Gold. Graphics are actually tolerable, I believe steam has patched this with some unofficial mods, as it worked straight away from steam install.

Back on topic, even at $10 I couldn't support a mediocre Id game. Id and Blizzard used to be a guarantee... now with Rage and Diablo 3.... that phase of history is gone I guess.

Mediocre games aren't worth $10. They aren't worth anything.

A mediocre game means it was churned out crap and god knows we have plenty to choose from.

I can handle flaws. If RAGE had graphical flaws but a caring team and a great story/gameplay that'd be one thing but theres no excuse for supporting factory line bullshit with horrible flaws.
Mediocre games aren't worth $10. They aren't worth anything.

A mediocre game means it was churned out crap and god knows we have plenty to choose from.

I can handle flaws. If RAGE had graphical flaws but a caring team and a great story/gameplay that'd be one thing but theres no excuse for supporting factory line bullshit with horrible flaws.

I have had no PC issues with Rage. Not sure what you're getting at. I have seen far worse PC games.. not sure if I would call them PC games. Console port more like. Dark Souls will be the next victim of this.

I'm talking about PC support and a valid PC game. I'm not talking about gameplay or story. Those are opinion based..
It's possible that's not the best option to use on the 680.

I noticed that the 580 was completely faster with texture swapping than the 680 was. In other words, I went from almost perceptively never noticeable with 580, to noticeable with the 680. This was even when I upgraded later to a i7-3770 and test various driver releases. It is a very perceptible difference between the two.
Bought it for $10 the other day but haven't had a chance to install it. I'm expecting to have a fun time with it, I like the art style and have enjoyed all id games so far (including Doom 3 and Quake 4, yes I know Q4 was also Raven).
OP, maybe try some of the ini tweaks? I played through RAGE late last year/early this year and didn't have any real noticible texture pop-in issues. Are you using the latest drivers?

Bought it for $10 the other day but haven't had a chance to install it. I'm expecting to have a fun time with it, I like the art style and have enjoyed all id games so far (including Doom 3 and Quake 4, yes I know Q4 was also Raven).

It's a great game IMO. The storyline isn't anything groundbreaking, but the gameplay and combat mechanics are fantastic (especially if you have a 360 controller). I had a lot of fun with it.
For those of us who are easily distracted by baseballs flying past your face, a car engine revving as it's getting ready to run you over, or lightning striking the ground beside you don't buy this crap as the texture pop is that bad. It's like there are 10 extra enemies hiding in the hills as I keep getting distracted by the textures popping in. ID Tech 5 is garbage.

If you are oblivious to such things outlined above you'll have a great time playing this game.
Bit on the Steam sale and just finished the intro mission. Texture pop aside, initial impression is it's a lesser Borderlands clone with Fallout themes. I guess post-apoc wasteland was the new zombies, which were the new terrorists, which were the new nazis.
Well, I did a little testing with it on an SSD and it seemed to make a noticeable difference. I sometimes see the occasional texture pop, but overall it seems much better.
Well, I did a little testing with it on an SSD and it seemed to make a noticeable difference. I sometimes see the occasional texture pop, but overall it seems much better.

Maybe I'll try it on my raggedy OCZ SSD that I nicknamed Deadly as it will lose your data. Both cost me $60 and both are pretty useless. Maybe they can collaborate and make me happy for once.
Lol. Actually after some more playing there is still some minor LOD swapping. Nothing too bad, though. So far the only thing that bugs me about the game is that the FOV seems a little restrictive, and having to go back into the main menu to quit the game is a pet peeve of mine. Other than that, fun time-waster and the graphics overall are not bad.
From http://www.gamespot.com/rage-2011/reviews/rage-review-6338533/?page=2

When you're not engaged in firefights or friendly conversation, you spend a lot of time driving around the Wasteland

This turned me off from buying the game. I know the vehicles might have been put in for a change of pace, but I'm not interested in controlling vehicles with the keyboard/mouse or switching to a gamepad for vehicle sections often. HL2 and DNF (yes, I've played and beaten DNF) had vehicle driving sections, but at least they didn't last too long.
I haaaaate invisible walls. One thing great about Gamebryo is the ability to go nearly everywhere.
Why is config telling me I don't have enough cores for the texture detail setting, or do they mean GPU cores?
The internal transcode bench is giving me a 41. Is that low for my rig (sig)?
I haaaaate invisible walls. One thing great about Gamebryo is the ability to go nearly everywhere.
I don't believe you've ever played Fallout: New Vegas.

"Invisible walls" aren't an engine limitation, by the way. Some of the very first quasi-3D game engines didn't have invisible walls, and some of the most modern games on the most modern engines do. It's a development decision.
I don't believe you've ever played Fallout: New Vegas.

"Invisible walls" aren't an engine limitation, by the way. Some of the very first quasi-3D game engines didn't have invisible walls, and some of the most modern games on the most modern engines do. It's a development decision.

Pure laziness. Theres any number of things you can do to make an impassible area. Walls, wreckage, poison swamp, a fucking locked door.

"oh we didn't have time to finish that" Fuck you don't put out an unfinished game. Doing that makes the dev a lying, lazy, cheat.

Thats what pisses me off so bad about this game. It's one thing to put out a flawed game and admit it but to charge $60 for a obviously unfinished game and pretend like that's how it's supposed to be is ripping off consumers.
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