Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

More info on my blackout issue - again, it doesn't seem like it's just losing signal, it's like the backlight is going completely off. It hasn't happened again since that one time, but when it did, one of the things I tried was switching video inputs (like, to Component or S-Video) and hitting the "menu" button to see if I could bring up the OSD. That didn't work.

I've gone back and read over all the posts in this forum to see what everybody else reporting black outs are using, and almost all of them are using HDMI. I'm not - I'm using the cheesy "stock" skinny VGA cable that came with it.

Again - I only got it the one time, and after that, I kept it on for 4 hours or so (from 8pm to after midnight last night) and it didn't do it again; of course, I also turned the A/C up in that room, so ambient temps probably went from around 75° down to around 70° - but heat problems ALWAYS get worse as times go by, so I'm not feeling really sanguine about this. I'll stress it out this weekend and see what happens; if I get it again, this sucker's going back and I'll probably be out $40+ in shipping ($20+ when I got it, $20+ for it to go back). :mad:
Working with it tonight, screen has started to "flicker" - every couple of minutes there'll be a "blink" when it goes black and comes back up again (a split second). These sorts of problems don't fix themselves, so I guess I'm going to have to return it.

Stay tuned for my experience returning an item to TigerDirect. *sigh*. :mad:

Let's see...$21+ for the shipping to me in the first place, and I'm guessing TD won't spring for the shipping back, so I'm going to be out over $40 for this little misadventure.
Well, TigerDirect provided a UPS label to print out, so I packed the sucker up, included a full half page of documentation on the behavior along with the RA form, and mailed it off Monday - we'll see what the result is.

Meanwhile, I've got to find another monitor to serve as this one was going to; leaning towards the VH222H...
i reduced brightness and contrast to 0 and RGB tone to 0,0,0.
the brightness is ok in this config.

The lamp 100% produces solid light. 500 cdm is too bright for the eyes.
dimming is implemented using pulse width modulation (PWM). that's what causing buzzing noise and flickering. 2-3 years ago they did not use PWM and LCD panels did not flicker at all.
now most LCD's have the same problem of flickering as CRT monitors.
stable solid not ultra-bright backlight would be best for the vision.
Phase modulated grey made of the combination of fast switches of the back-light from ultra-bright to back is tough for eyes.
Although I suspect nowadays every LCD has the same problem.
Dell's 24" MVA panel has 450 vs westy 500 cdm. 450 is better, but still too bright. same problem of dimming it with PWM
Of course, this monitor has sharpening problems with my dell's e6400 nVidia over hdmi
it works fine when connected digitally to one of my pc's with ATI card.
screen menu shot's DVI when connected to ATI. and shows HDMI when connected to NVidia

Using nVidia control panel I'm able to set up 1080p correctly over HDMI to my Dell laptop.
1200 mode always has problem of oversharpening.

it's an XP machine. I could not play the trick mentioned in this thread for Vista drivers.
I'm coming up on the end of my 1 year warranty and can't decide if it's worth returning or not. Been on VGA for a few months now without a single flicker, but the lack of sharpness sucks (analog FTL). I'd love to go back to DVI/HDMI, but the dropping of the signal drove me nuts.

Gonna call tomorrow I guess, but I'm not looking forward to paying $50 or whatever it'll be for shipping it to them (companies should reimburse me IMO if it turns out to be faulty, which it is) and then risking getting it back with the same problem or worse. Perhaps they'll let me pay a few more bucks to switch it out for a currently produced model (25.1" perhaps?).

So do you guys even recommend buying this monitor? I found it for $260 shipped on ebay, and it's a perfect all around monitor for what I want it for. But it seems all the last few pages have been nothing buy complaints about the monitor. Is there even anything else decent for this price range for a non TN 24in?
Really, the picture is AWESOME, and if it weren't for the buzzing noise, which none of my roommates can hear, but I can, I would keep the monitor. I would be somewhat concerned with the longevity of the unit, given some of these reviews, but we all know that negative reviews are louder than positive ones on the internet.

For the price, I don't think you'll get a better non-TN, but you can get some very nice TN panels for $250.
TigerDirect sent me a link to get a UPS label printout, I packaged up the monitor and sent it off, then they emailed me and said to expect a credit to my account in the next 7-10 days.

I just got the credit - it was for $191. They apparently not only didn't refund me the original shipping cost, but they also took out money for shipping it back as well since the price of the monitor by itself was $199.

So basically they charged me over $31 for a monitor that didn't even work within about 5 hours of receiving it. Nice work if you can get it.
I've had this monitor for a few months hooked up to an 8800GTX via a DVI cable and DVI to HDMI adapter. I never had a problem until today when I replaced the 8800GTX with a GTX 275. Now my text is blurry as described early on in this thread. I reinstalled Vista x64 just before installing the 275, and I've tried 3 different Nvidia drivers. Any ideas what I should do?
How about getting this monitor recertified? Is it worth $190 price shipped? Did anybody use this monitor in portrait mode using separate stand / wall mount?
fix worked fine for me.

Which method did you use? I replace the entire[nv_commonRestrictionsAndTiming_addreg] registry lines with:

HKR,, OverrideEdidFlags0, %REG_BINARY%, 5C,85,80,51,00,00,FF,FF,04,00,00,00,7E,01,00

This works with the 185.85 drivers but not 186.18.
I just add the overridedidflags0 somewhere, forget where though (and not at computer) worked fine for me w/ win 7 x64 RC. I seem to recall there being some lines in the inf file that indicated it removed the overridedidflags0 key, so I might have removed those too.
I just add the overridedidflags0 somewhere, forget where though (and not at computer) worked fine for me w/ win 7 x64 RC. I seem to recall there being some lines in the inf file that indicated it removed the overridedidflags0 key, so I might have removed those too.

If you could locate the method and link to it or paste it here I'd sure appreciate it. As it is.. I'm only able to use the 185.85 drivers and I'd sure like to be able to take advantage of the performance and stability enhancements of the newer drivers if at all possible on my GTX 275.

Recently moved the monitor over from VGA to HDMI...I hate this monitor when using HDMI. Image over VGA is fine but image with HDMI is completely oversharpened (Even with sharpness setting at 0) making text unreadable without getting a serious migraine. I purchased the extended warranty from BB and they refuse to fix it, says there's nothing wrong. :mad: Color me pissed.
If you could locate the method and link to it or paste it here I'd sure appreciate it. As it is.. I'm only able to use the 185.85 drivers and I'd sure like to be able to take advantage of the performance and stability enhancements of the newer drivers if at all possible on my GTX 275.


Recently moved the monitor over from VGA to HDMI...I hate this monitor when using HDMI. Image over VGA is fine but image with HDMI is completely oversharpened (Even with sharpness setting at 0) making text unreadable without getting a serious migraine. I purchased the extended warranty from BB and they refuse to fix it, says there's nothing wrong. :mad: Color me pissed.

Hey here is the fix, it works this way without editing the driver inf file and it works in Vista and Win7. I don't know if it works in XP. Skyline889 you should try this if you need to use HDMI, you describe the problem I had.

Run Regedit & Navigate to:


Open the folder & check each folder (eg. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{E0CC2030-CCD8-49B9-8267-83140EF868CB} )

Check each sub folder called "0000" until you come across one which expands and includes the following:


Once you've located this, right click the "0000" folder and select "New" followed by "Binary Value".

Rename the value to:


and hit enter or okay

Next up, you need to right click the new key and select "Modify Binary Data" from the list.

Enter in this info below:
5c 85 80 51 00 00 ff ff 04 00 00 00 7e 01 00

After you enter the info in the value will show as (invalid DWORD (32-bit) value) but this is correct. Reboot and your monitor will work once again. BTW you will need to do this after every driver installation. I have experienced some severe blanking and weird noises from the monitor after some driver upgrades. You might want to connect up the VGA when updating drivers.
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Hey here is the fix, it works this way without editing the driver inf file and it works in Vista and Win7. I don't know if it works in XP. Skyline889 you should try this if you need to use HDMI, you describe the problem I had.

Run Regedit & Navigate to:


Open the folder & check each folder (eg. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{E0CC2030-CCD8-49B9-8267-83140EF868CB} )

Check each sub folder called "0000" until you come across one which expands and includes the following:


Once you've located this, right click the "0000" folder and select "New" followed by "Binary Value".

Rename the value to:


and hit enter or okay

Next up, you need to right click the new key and select "Modify Binary Data" from the list.

Enter in this info below:
5c 85 80 51 00 00 ff ff 04 00 00 00 7e 01 00

After you enter the info in the value will show as (invalid DWORD (32-bit) value) but this is correct. Reboot and your monitor will work once again. BTW you will need to do this after every driver installation. I have experienced some severe blanking and weird noises from the monitor after some driver upgrades. You might want to connect up the VGA when updating drivers.

You sir are a steely eyed missle man.. thanks! :D
I've had this monitor for 1.5+ years now and I had this problem a while back and it occasionally comes back.

The screen flickers, sound goes out too. Only on HDMI, using ps3 and 360. Mostly happens on 360.

I have read a lot of forum posts on here and everywhere and believe its an HDCP problem. But is there a solution. I haven't had it happen with my ps3 in a few months, but with the 360 today I had to turn it all off and try again tomorrow. It just flickered every 3-5 seconds, going black for 3 seconds each time. And eventually it went to the main blue HDMI screen and did nothing.

On the 360 dashboard however it was fine. Only while playing games did this happen. Is it a problem with the new update? I tried a few solutions and got nothing. Turned the auto detect thing off on the 360, nothing.

Could use some help, someone mentioned an HDMI splitter, but ti didn't solve the problem, only made it more bearable.
None of my subfolders contain -


What should I try next?
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None of my subfolders contain -


What should I try next?

Navigate to:

on the left hand side of the regedit window if you expand the Video key you will see Subkeys with numbers like {90E93A3A-5D69-49F1-BA7A-FE073797DD33}

Expand those crazy number keys and you will see yet more keys, you want to find the ones with 0000 or maybe 0001 or 0002 or 0003 and so on under the crazy number keys.

Now one of those 0000 0001 0002 ... keys will have subkeys like

You may not have all four of the above keys though so don't worry about that. Basically the idea is that those 0000 0001 0002 folders represent your monitor. You want to create the OverrideEdidFlags0 DWORD value inside that 0000 0001 0002 folder.
Sure would be nice if there were a real fix for this issue. Glad there is a fix at all.. but it'd be nice if either MS... the video card pushers or both got togther and fixed this sh*t. Having to dink my registry every time I update drivers sucks.
If I could +rep you, I would niconx. Thanks for the updated fix! The newish drivers released over the summer borked the old fix and I couldn't find a new one until now. :D
Just installed 196.21 drivers and applied the fix. I'm glad that our fix is still working, although I dread the day when Nvidia will eventually break the fix again. My next card will be ATI because although I have sent in a numerous communications to Nvidia regarding this issue we are all experiencing, they have never even once responded to me.

Also of note, I have discovered that my Intel g4500m card that outputs HDMI from my laptop also experiences the same effects with this monitor. Does anyone know how to fix the intel drivers ?
bump for a great monitor that has faithfully and extensively served me for the last 2 years and 1 month!
I love my monitor. It's so shiny and I hardly ever have a problem with it. Purchased it January 2008 and haven't had a problem since.
Does anyone with an ATI card have the same problem as the Nvidia users? I recently got a 5870 and am having the same problem as I did with my GTX 275. I'm not sure the fix is the same with ATI?
Does anyone with an ATI card have the same problem as the Nvidia users? I recently got a 5870 and am having the same problem as I did with my GTX 275. I'm not sure the fix is the same with ATI?

I have the same issue with an ATI card as well and it would be great to find a software/driver fix... right now I am using a dvi to hdmi cable, so the panel is working in DVI mode.
Hey guys. This problem has existed with ATI cards all the way back to 2007 with my 2600xt. I now have a 5670 and it still has the problem.

There is a solution, but it it's not done in software. If your card has a DVI out, buy this adapter for $2.96USD, http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.8308

You will get the correct colour output this way. I know this is not ideal, because a lot of cards have a built in HDMI port which we would rather use, but it's better than nothing.

Also, if you tried using an ATI supplied DVI-HDMI adapter and you still had the problem, this is normal, The ATI adapter doesn't fix the issue. You need the cheap generic one form the link above. I don't know the technical reasons for why this is the case, but it works.
Just updated to 197.45. Registry fix did NOT work for me. I had to edit NV4_DISP.INF to add the line in bold.

HKR,, OverrideEdidFlags0, %REG_BINARY%, 5C,85,80,51,00,00,FF,FF,04,00,00,00,7E,01,00

HKR,, NV_Modes, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, "{*}S 720x480 720x576=1;720x576=8032;SHV 1280x720 1680x1050 1920x1080 2048x1536=1;1920x1440=1F;640x480 800x600 1024x768=1FFF;1920x1200=3F;1600x900=3FF;1600x1024 1600x1200=7F;1280x768 1280x800 1280x960 1280x1024 1360x768=7FF;1152x864=FFF;"
Just updated to 197.45. Registry fix did NOT work for me. I had to edit NV4_DISP.INF to add the line in bold.

HKR,, OverrideEdidFlags0, %REG_BINARY%, 5C,85,80,51,00,00,FF,FF,04,00,00,00,7E,01,00

HKR,, NV_Modes, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, "{*}S 720x480 720x576=1;720x576=8032;SHV 1280x720 1680x1050 1920x1080 2048x1536=1;1920x1440=1F;640x480 800x600 1024x768=1FFF;1920x1200=3F;1600x900=3FF;1600x1024 1600x1200=7F;1280x768 1280x800 1280x960 1280x1024 1360x768=7FF;1152x864=FFF;"

Using 197.45 also and the fix worked for me. You may not realize that every time you install nvidia drivers you also have to go back in the registry and add the information again. Nice to know it can be done in the inf also though.