Just finished Crysis - WOW

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I bought crysis and warhead, loved them both only for the single player. something about crysis multiplayer is way off for me, I don't like it at all.
I've just upgraded from an Athlon X2 3800+ @ 2.6GHz to a Q6600 @ 3.6GHz and the game plays at exactly the same speed.

All this time I thought I was CPU limited. That carrier mission still kills my system. The entire game can be buttery smooth but once the bridge is attacked, frame rate drops below 10.
I've just upgraded from an Athlon X2 3800+ @ 2.6GHz to a Q6600 @ 3.6GHz and the game plays at exactly the same speed.

All this time I thought I was CPU limited. That carrier mission still kills my system. The entire game can be buttery smooth but once the bridge is attacked, frame rate drops below 10.
well you have an 8800gt so I certainly would not expect a big change in average framerate just from upgrading the cpu. really though something is wrong if you didnt at least pick a few more minimum frames because I had a 2.6 X2 and it would most certainly bottom out in the very low teens at times even with a 8800gt and low res. thats one of the reasons I built this pc last year.
I have i7 and GTX275 and I still think this system is not up to the task.

Are you trying to run really high levels of AA or something?

After reading this thread I decided to fire up the game again yesterday and start from the beginning. I was playing @ 2560x1600 with everything on high and I couldn't believe how well it was running. And that was with one GTX 260 -- my other one is sitting outside of my case right now.

Surely the game runs acceptably well on your 20" NEC unless you are demanding 100fps to consider your system up to the task. :p

Ugh...I hated the alien ship, for some reason that section made me motion sick. Never had that happen with a game before. I can play Shattered Horizon or Descent just fine, but when I get in that ship, ugh.
I agree, Crysis was an awesome game.

Crysis was one of those games that when I got done playing I wanted More More More...

not many games do that,
the few that did it for me where

Interstate 76, Deus Ex, Oblivion, Max Payne1 + 2, KoToR, Hidden and Dangerous 2, Portal
Crysis was one of those games that when I got done playing I wanted More More More...

Exactly, I didn't want it to end. I wish the game was a lot longer or the released a bunch of side-missions that enhanced the plot (err... besides Warhammer)
I myself was one of the late comers to Crysis. I just basically revamped my puter so bought it to see what it was all about.

4870x2, i7, 12gb ram etc

I actually liked the plot very much. Though the initial part of just picking off the Koreans was kind of tedious, once the nano-suit wearing Koreans were introduced. the game chagned for the BETTER. And personally (crysis not crysis warhead), after the nuke made them even stronger.. they should have kept going with it instead of ending it at the mother ship......

but can't complain. I like Crysis wars..... though I like FPS period. So much so that I had to re-dust off my Serious Sam: Second Edition for some run and gun, fun.
I agree, Crysis was an awesome game.

Crysis was one of those games that when I got done playing I wanted More More More...

I wanted More More More....character development and storyline.
I plan on replaying the game when I build a new rig later on this year when 5850s drop in price/become more available.

Phenominal game, one of the best shooters I have ever played, plot and aliens included.

I wanted More More More....character development and storyline.

Funny, I thought you loved this game from your previous quotes, thanks for clarifying.
Crysis was one of the few games I actually finished. I loved the fighting towards the ending. It's too bad that I'm a huge wimp, so I'm always cloaked 99% of the time haha, but boy it was fun punching the aliens during the first encounter.
Crysis was one of the few games I actually finished. I loved the fighting towards the ending. It's too bad that I'm a huge wimp, so I'm always cloaked 99% of the time haha, but boy it was fun punching the aliens during the first encounter.
I actually thought punching the aliens was pretty stupid. I mean I could dump a few rounds in them and do nothing but yet I could just grab and punch them and they could die. if anything that type of stuff almost ruined the game imo.