Join the Alliance -- the Socket 939 Alliance!

920 posts later, I finally noticed this thread ;) Is it too late to join?

I'm running an X2 3800+ Manchester on Asus A8N-E and
an Opteron 165 Denmark on Tyan Tomcat K8E.
was not going to join til i figured i would stretch out my core for another year until AM3

[email protected]
Orthos Stable:6.5hrs
Vcore 1.47v
Idle 35c Load(orthos): 47c
Scythe Infinity Heatsink
Asus A8r32-mvp
Mushkin XP4000 redline
SuperPi 1M/30.984s 32M/27m 24.56s
As President of this alliance, I say its time to let go of our beloved s939 systems, and close this thread! ...
I'm rocking an FX-55, 4000+, and an 4200+ X2. 939, for life!
like 10 out of 10,000

Hey man, you are the president, do what you like. I know personally I just saw this resently and I find it really interesting how many people still have a 939. I still do and it does me well. Would I upgrade/switch (depending on which suites my need at the time)sides if I had the money, hell yeah but from what I have seen I think your numbers are alittle off.
My opty 170 is currently being ortho tested for 2.96 :D with wprime going as well. s939 all the way and i see no viable reason to switch if anyone already has 2gig ram with a decent chip.
Just built a X2 4200 Toledo system, upgraded from a S754 which my daughter still plays on it. This new dual core, 2GB, 7950GTOC pc is awesome, so please dont close this thread yet and let me join ! Holding out until Quad core, DDR3 prices fall then I will upgrade. AMD rawks :D
I guess I'll join is also w/ Asus A8R32-MVP Deluxe Opty 185. I will still use this and my bartons for a while til something worth while comes out, Probly next Christmas.:D

holding out for octal cores.
In respects to this board I thought i would post a pic of the HTT running higher than some may think with it. ITs a good board and great overclocker. The performance is also why i decided to hold out for a while longer.


I was clocked up to 2.97 but i am currently testing to see how close I can go with the 183 mem divider instead of the 166mhz.
Went from a Venice 3200+ @ 2.7Ghz to an X2 4200+ @2.805Ghz.
S939 still has more legs for me.
I am certainly not ready to let go...

I've been running a 939 3200 Winchester core for the last 3 years.

As of last week, I finally upgraded to a 939 Opteron 185 Dual Core.

3700+ San Diego, upgrading to 4200+ X2 Manchester... A8N-SLI Deluxe.

I want to join... 939 for life.
Hey guys, sorry, I just flunked out a couple of months or so ago now. I didn't just get a different socket processor, but I actually defected to the evil Intel side (actually, speaking seriously for a second, I'm no fan of Intel, just when I bought this chip a while back it was the best possible bang for the buck. Besides, Intel chips tend to do better at things like encoding even if not at games, and I still do a fair bit of encoding though I must admit that I spend a lot more time gaming, chatting, and etc where an AMD chip would be better cost-wise. I do just enough encoding to make the switch to Intel worth it though.)

Now I just need to get around to setting up an eBay account and everything to sell my old hardware... (I'm perpetually lazy. Neat trick making it perpetual, right? I'm too lazy to change it though.)

Actually, if I don't get around to it, my old San Diego would make an INCREDIBLE server. It is very hard to over heat and it is quite powerful while still being nothing to sneeze at when it comes to power efficiency (especially if I enabled PowerNow! which I normally turn off for overclocking to not screw up.) The thing is, while S939 chips may not be the best choice today for performance machines, I think that it's hardly time to abandon them (I only want to sell my old hardware for the money. I'd far rather I could put it to use as a server or something instead...) Don't scoff at what a good S939 chip can do. I'd like to add that, before I upgraded, my 3700+ San Diego overclocked to 2.4GHz (making it effectively a 4000+ chip) combined with an aged AGP X850XT-PE video card was able to play some surprisingly powerful modern games like BioShock with rather higher quality settings than you might think (though I did have to use a mod to reenable the SM 2.0 that the team felt some inexplicable need to disable... It ran and looked GREAT after I did that though -- well, a bit of rough loading at times due to the memory more than anything else, but otherwise great. I certainly never once felt like my CPU was a limiting factor in the game.) One thing to bear in mind is that AMD's latest chips aren't really THAT much more powerful. Even the dual core isn't as much of a big deal as it may seem as very few things out there are optimized NEARLY enough to get more than a bit out of the second core... (Though now that some things like video card drivers are starting to do it too it helps a little at least.) In truth, a good S939 chip can perform fairly at modern games given the right hardware.
I am now off of Socket 939(Got off it about two years ago). I am now on Intel using LGA775 with a Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 CPU. those still on 939 i suggest you upgrade(if you haven't already), you wont be sorry
Edited for you

lol!, Right now its Intel FTW. S939 was a great socket when it came out but when it comes down to it i don't say ''man i feel like building a Socket 939 system right now'' anymore. Sorry to say buy some of you guys need a serious upgrade(except if you don't play games), Even a lower end C2D crushes any S939 system nowadays(even at stock). And if you like AMD better then at least upgrade to AM2 or AM2+ for Phenom support(you would be better of with a Intel Core 2 Quad tho). The PC i am on right now is a S939 for internet and what not, but my ''real'' system is a Intel Core 2 Duo system running at 2.0Ghz for my gaming , yet it crushes the system i am on right now(has a AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2.0Ghz).
I didn't have the $$ to do a whole new build so I plunked down enough for a Opteron 185.
I'm running Crysis at max settings, don't know what the fps actually are but it runs very smooth. Bought me some time at least.:D
I don't see any reason to upgrade my 4400+ x2 at 2.4ghz. My 3850 handles all my HD processing. And I don't really game any more, although when Starcraft 2 comes out I'll play that. I even have access to the beta cause I went to blizzcon :D
I'm still one of the few who hit 3.0ghz on my Opty165. Woot. Gave that system away though to someone who needed it.
I'm still one of the few who hit 3.0ghz on my Opty165. Woot. Gave that system away though to someone who needed it.

I got to 3.1ghz on my opteron 165. 2.95ghz for everyday use though. Pretty much the best 939 EVER.
I really want to upgrade my s939 3700+ on the cheap. Did I miss the boat for all the 3600/3800+ x2s?
Wow, this is still an active thread, I remember when this first started. Intel won me back a while ago though. AMD's switch to AM2 left a bad taste in my mouth. If I wouldn't have needed to change socket, I probably would have stayed with AMD. I've since moved on to a Core2 duo and then onto my current Core2 quad system.
Im not a gamer on the 939 system I use xbox 360 for that so me and my 15 yr old son compete on halo 3 and lots of other stuff..My 939 3800 x2 o/clocked to 2.8 with 2 gigs of ram on an asus a8n-e...Dual boot xp and vista...system does internet and all other functions perfectly but ive always got the upgrade bug..Im kinda waiting out amd to put something together when things even out with amd's dual core new processors...hopefully by summer we will have something to chose from...I just cant seem to go to the dark side as I dont need the absolute fastest thing out[not a gamer]...This 939 system has been the best running system ive ever built for myself and i just love the thing...maybe it will be am3 nfor me at the end of the year...If your not a gamer 939 is more than you will need for quite a while...Maybe its just me but I cant seem to go to intel even though they have great cpu's and its probubly not the smartest thing to go amd rite now but ill wait it out and support amd the underdog....ive had amd since the k6 series and amd is a better bang for the buck for me since i dont need bleeding edge speed ...AMD with something close will suit me just me dumb or loyal thats just me..
Is it too late to join? I've been around since the begining and always forgot to join. My 4200+ Manchester and Asus A8N32-SLI is still going strong. I even upgrade my ram to 2gb and got a EVGA 8800 GT.
Well I know C2D is better but my system plays the latest games just fine with most, if not all, eye candy enabled. Liquid smooth at 1280 and playable at 1600... so...

until that no longer happens I see no reason to leave the alliance. I don't need to game at 1080p and higher, that's all video card anyways,

Get 60+ FPS avg? Why upgrade?
939 x2 3800+ here...

i'll gladly move sockets if anyone here can point out just one piece of software they can run that I can't