Jay Wilson: Auction House really hurt Diablo 3

O shit I can't beat this part better go to "insert Chinese item farmers site here" and buy a weapon....yep that's what they did in D2.

I never did that in D2 and I never had any problems. Always found good enough loot drops to keep progressing...*shrug*
O shit I can't beat this part better go to "insert Chinese item farmers site here" and buy a weapon....yep that's what they did in D2.

It adds enjoyment to finding Items. I Found this great Item that I happen to not need let me sell it. As apposed to D2 I found this great Item but have not use for so I drop it.

I beat the entire game without using the auction house before the damage nerfs....just because you can buy something to make the game easier doesn't mean you have to. I also know someone who has limited time he was able to pass the game on inferno without wasting his time grinding.

a small few skills are tight. Most are useless and poorly designed and useless. They don't have a skill tree as its an Action/Item hunt game not an RPG like D2 was.

The item design is what caused the majority of problems included the auction house inflation. With better Item design the auction house wouldn't of hyper inflated nearly as bad.......You can pass the game with 20k DPS and get your character above 300k so everyone assumes if they don't have 100k + damage they are doing it wrong.....Major design flaw this gap mixed with the rarity of perfect roles is what causes the Auction house inflation and instability.

i agree that itemization was a huge issue. but the skill system left tons more room for creativity. were there some skills that were weak as shit? hella. i dont think i used slow time twice.. but i still think the skill system was wayyyy better then any skill tree system.

also i never bought items in D2
I never did that in D2 and I never had any problems. Always found good enough loot drops to keep progressing...*shrug*

And you can progress in D3 just fine as well, auction house is purely optional, anyone who says otherwise is a fool or troll.

I used sites for D2 items all the time. I worked my ass off to get a Zod rune (literally hundreds of hours)....Then I needed another Zod Rune and I said FUCK THAT spend 1 dollar saved 120 hours.

i agree that itemization was a huge issue. but the skill system left tons more room for creativity. were there some skills that were weak as shit? hella. i dont think i used slow time twice.. but i still think the skill system was wayyyy better then any skill tree system.

also i never bought items in D2

I like a few skills sure but the wizard has 3 beam spells and NO heavy lightning attack. The way the skills are equipped and used are pretty good its just some of the skills seem lazy and half assed.....I could go on... also the way they did it doesn't allow for much synergy.
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And you can progress in D3 just fine as well, auction house is purely optional, anyone who says otherwise is a fool or troll.

I used sites for D2 items all the time. I worked my ass off to get a Zod rune (literally hundreds of hours)....Then I needed another Zod Rune and I said FUCK THAT spend 1 dollar saved 120 hours.

whaaaat? dude you just said itemization was bad, and you were right. i couldnt do SHIT in inferno without the AH man.
I quit in ACT 2 Inferno when I realized that items prices were increasing faster than I could earn money; I refused to play several hours a day. I felt like a little dog chasing a car, so I quit.
Now you only have to play like 15 minutes to buy the gear needed to kill Diablo.
Is that because of the items from all the people playing higher monster power?
And you can progress in D3 just fine as well, auction house is purely optional, anyone who says otherwise is a fool or troll.

I used sites for D2 items all the time. I worked my ass off to get a Zod rune (literally hundreds of hours)....Then I needed another Zod Rune and I said FUCK THAT spend 1 dollar saved 120 hours.

If you spend around 8+ hours a day farming in D3 you can avoid the AH. If you live any kind of life that prohibits such a time sink then no , you really can't avoid the AH.

This is pretty much what made me quit D3. I refuse to play a non-mmo where I have to farm like I'm playing an mmo to get the gear I want.

Its perfectly fine if you have the time to do such a thing but I know I'm not alone when I say I do not or prefer to spend my time in other games as well and not exclusively D3.
whaaaat? dude you just said itemization was bad, and you were right. i couldnt do SHIT in inferno without the AH man.

The Itemization is bad, but beating the game without AH is still quite easy. It really only takes around 20k dps to do it. People use the auction house to "over kill" their DPS. Which is equivalate to getting Breath of the Dying in D2 which took literally months to do.

If you spend around 8+ hours a day farming in D3 you can avoid the AH. If you live any kind of life that prohibits such a time sink then no , you really can't avoid the AH.

This is pretty much what made me quit D3. I refuse to play a non-mmo where I have to farm like I'm playing an mmo to get the gear I want.

Its perfectly fine if you have the time to do such a thing but I know I'm not alone when I say I do not or prefer to spend my time in other games as well and not exclusively D3.

8 hours of grinding inferno should be plenty enough to get you through the entire game (post 1.0.6). You did have to grind quite a bit before 1.0.3 in order to properly play inferno.

The auction house is there to save people the time of grinding if they so choose....it just cost money.

In the end the auction house is still purely optional. Spend the time to grind gear or save the time and buy gear you have both options or a mix of the two.

Most of the auction house use is just over kill to maximize DPS which in itself is optional.

The use of the auction house seems much worse than it actually is because of the bad Item design.
It just brings the worst out in people, including myself i just played for money. Made over 400 quid in just a little over a month and packed it in out of sheer boredom. Not played the game since

Bring money into the equation and you have just turned a game into a chore
I predicted this long before D3 came out back when it was still in the beta stage. I said the AH concept would hurt far more than it would help. It was a bad design decision and it made the average players game less satisfying since you have to or you can go to the AH every few levels for upgrades.

Also 4 difficulty levels ensures that the people playing on the most 2 difficult settings have to pour some gold or RL money into improving their character enough to survive.
Inferno mode was a poor design to make the game harder by just spamming big numbers into monster attribute fields. With skills not leveling up in damage at all when you level up, it makes the gear grind even worse. The D2 skill system, with the synergies at the end, was f'ing perfect. I'd love to have that system back. :( Leveling up in D3 was one of the most underwhelming experiences I've ever had in any kind of RPG or RPG-lite. Level up, and you get the same skill, but perhaps with some lame-ass new rune to add on to it. Yippee....
Inferno mode was a poor design to make the game harder by just spamming big numbers into monster attribute fields. With skills not leveling up in damage at all when you level up, it makes the gear grind even worse. The D2 skill system, with the synergies at the end, was f'ing perfect. I'd love to have that system back. :( Leveling up in D3 was one of the most underwhelming experiences I've ever had in any kind of RPG or RPG-lite. Level up, and you get the same skill, but perhaps with some lame-ass new rune to add on to it. Yippee....

Yep they made this an Action / treasure game....virtually no RPG in it at all.

The leveling system is equivalent to Battle Field 3's leveling system. Kill 100 People get a new scope for your gun. Kill 100 monsters get a new Rune for your skill.

this isn't necessarily a bad thing just different from D2.
Yep they made this an Action / treasure game....virtually no RPG in it at all.

The leveling system is equivalent to Battle Field 3's leveling system. Kill 100 People get a new scope for your gun. Kill 100 monsters get a new Rune for your skill.

this isn't necessarily a bad thing just different from D2.

Very arcade-y. People laughed when I called D3 an Arcade RPG, which is exactly what it is. Fun, but not something I can spend that much time on at this point. Lacks depth.
The game just sucked for lots of reasons - the AH being one of many. The design of that crap entry into the diablo universe rests on the shoulders of the team - and doubly so on Jay Wilson's since he's the lead. Sorry Jay, that's the way it works - you're responsible for everyone's screwups as well getting to claim more than your fair share of praise when the team succeeds - that's management.

You built a game with bad loot, with bad skills, with bad character builds, with little real replayability, with a bad AH, on a beloved franchise. You deserve all the negativity you get, go eat a bag of d%&ks. If you were smart, you'd stay out of the spotlight and keep your fat mouth shut. But you won't - cuz you're a douche...
Inferno mode was a poor design to make the game harder by just spamming big numbers into monster attribute fields. With skills not leveling up in damage at all when you level up, it makes the gear grind even worse. The D2 skill system, with the synergies at the end, was f'ing perfect. I'd love to have that system back. :( Leveling up in D3 was one of the most underwhelming experiences I've ever had in any kind of RPG or RPG-lite. Level up, and you get the same skill, but perhaps with some lame-ass new rune to add on to it. Yippee....

yeah man diablo 2 leveling system was super rewarding, open up skill tree click skill box once.

open up stats click strength 5 times

Very arcade-y. People laughed when I called D3 an Arcade RPG, which is exactly what it is. Fun, but not something I can spend that much time on at this point. Lacks depth.

Proven further by the fact that they're releasing a console version.
8 hours of grinding inferno should be plenty enough to get you through the entire game (post 1.0.6). You did have to grind quite a bit before 1.0.3 in order to properly play inferno.

The auction house is there to save people the time of grinding if they so choose....it just cost money.

In the end the auction house is still purely optional. Spend the time to grind gear or save the time and buy gear you have both options or a mix of the two.

See, a lot of people didn't wait until 1.0.6 to finally get a game they wanted to play; they just quit. You mentioned beating the game "before the damage nerfs" (and various drop rate buffs, etc.) like the game was perfectly fine or something, but it was certainly not fine.

The nature of skill damage being based on weapon DPS means that your progress is completely reliant on weapon drops. If you got unlucky via RNG - you know, those weapons that dropped with good/godly stats...except for the 200 DPS number that fubar'd it - you were basically just grinding with no end in sight unless you used the only guaranteed way to get something useful: the AH.

A "grind" usually refers to a fairly slow, plodding way of progressing toward a goal. With the D3 system that most people experienced - the 1.0.0 to 1.0.3 systems - players would hit the Inferno wall and suddenly find no way to progress other than getting a lucky drop, hence the constant calls for increased drop rates. Is it a grind in the traditional sense if you aren't getting anywhere by doing it? The real grind was the gold grind, and that ultimately led to the AH because the Blacksmith was absolutely terrible.

To say it's optional isn't untrue, but to suggest that time invested was actually rewarded properly early on is disingenuous. Now everyone complains how easy it is to get godly gear because of the "whiners", but that's what happens when the only way to improve your character is gear, and the gear is so simplistic that everyone wants the same stuff.
Proven further by the fact that they're releasing a console version.

That's irrelevant, Diablo 1 was on consoles and if the PS2/Xbox era had more robust online capabilities, so would Diablo 2. Torchlight was released on the 360, and I'm 100% sure that if they could, the devs of Path of Exile would release it on consoles as well.

A game having a console version doesn't say anything about the quality, depth or difficulty of it.
See, a lot of people didn't wait until 1.0.6 to finally get a game they wanted to play; they just quit. You mentioned beating the game "before the damage nerfs" (and various drop rate buffs, etc.) like the game was perfectly fine or something, but it was certainly not fine.

The nature of skill damage being based on weapon DPS means that your progress is completely reliant on weapon drops. If you got unlucky via RNG - you know, those weapons that dropped with good/godly stats...except for the 200 DPS number that fubar'd it - you were basically just grinding with no end in sight unless you used the only guaranteed way to get something useful: the AH.

A "grind" usually refers to a fairly slow, plodding way of progressing toward a goal. With the D3 system that most people experienced - the 1.0.0 to 1.0.3 systems - players would hit the Inferno wall and suddenly find no way to progress other than getting a lucky drop, hence the constant calls for increased drop rates. Is it a grind in the traditional sense if you aren't getting anywhere by doing it? The real grind was the gold grind, and that ultimately led to the AH because the Blacksmith was absolutely terrible.

To say it's optional isn't untrue, but to suggest that time invested was actually rewarded properly early on is disingenuous. Now everyone complains how easy it is to get godly gear because of the "whiners", but that's what happens when the only way to improve your character is gear, and the gear is so simplistic that everyone wants the same stuff.

Nearly perfectly said and you'll get no argument out of me...I did however really like the difficulty pre 1.0.3. I didn't use the auction house until after I beat the game and beating the game was a fun and difficult challenge....when you found that 1 piece of gear that allowed you access to ACT 2 inferno it was a good feeling....and I can see how the people who never found that 1 piece of gear would rage quit. Despite its many many many flaws D3 launch was nothing be good times for me.

Also Blizzard handled peoples dissatisfaction quite well offering full refunds makes it hard for me to dislike blizzard......this alone also says they know they didn't deliver nearly what they should have.
Remember SteveDave that you played in a group and shared items with other members of your group. Most of us played solo.
Remember SteveDave that you played in a group and shared items with other members of your group. Most of us played solo.

quite true my entire experience of the game is through multiplayer so I have no clue what soloing would of been like....multiplayer was pretty bad ass so many good times.
A game having a console version doesn't say anything about the quality, depth or difficulty of it.

I didn't really mean any of those things...rather just the way the game was designed UI-wise and control-wise from the start.
People still play this game?

One million a day according to Blizzard although it seems that they are camping the auction house instead of killing Diablo. Basically what I was doing 8 hours a day before I quit. Glad to see Blizzard acknowledging it finally.
I also played in a group of regular people. In fact, there was like a huge community of people. When I found the sickest fucking Ice Climbers ever WAAAAAAY back, I was getting tells from like 30 people, letting people try them on, people hopping in and out of vent, etc, etc.

I can't imagine ever playing these games solo. I mean, I had at least 10 people who would spot items on the AH for me. I would do the same for them. There was basically a line or rotation for inferno groups. Maybe it was just the HC community. Everyone knew everyone. When people died, everyone knew about it. I lent millions of gold to people I only met in D3. I wonder how they're doing actually. When someone found a sick item, it was a big deal. All the deep pockets came out and it was just fun seeing who got what items. I remember when I got my IK chest for 250m. That was a big deal at the time. I got like the sickest fucking pair of IK boots for 200m as well I believe. Those two guys I bought them from had like no gold. That one item made them multi hundred millionaires lol

Dude, I bet those Ice Climbers would STILL be considered pretty good even by today's standards. I forget what patch it was, but it was just after they buffed the items but the drop rates were still REALLY low. Hell, I bet a lot of the items I had when I sold my account would still be pretty good now.

My experience with D3 is so much different than many of the people who post here. I really don't have many negative things to say about it. Sure, it had/has it's problems. But I had a TON of fun when I was playing it.
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I also played in a group of regular people. In fact, there was like a huge community of people. When I found the sickest fucking Ice Climbers ever WAAAAAAY back, I was getting tells from like 30 people, letting people try them on, people hopping in and out of vent, etc, etc.

I can't imagine ever playing these games solo. I mean, I had at least 10 people who would spot items on the AH for me. I would do the same for them. There was basically a line or rotation for inferno groups. Maybe it was just the HC community. Everyone knew everyone. When people died, everyone knew about it. I lent millions of gold to people I only met in D3. I wonder how they're doing actually.

Dude, I bet those Ice Climbers would STILL be considered pretty good even by today's standards. I forget what patch it was, but it was just after they buffed the items but the drop rates were still REALLY low.

My experience with D3 is so much different than many of the people who post. I really don't have many negative things to say about it. Sure, it had/has it's problems. But I had a TON of fun when I was playing it.

Those were your hard core Ice Climbers right....I remember those bad mofo's.
Those were your hard core Ice Climbers right....I remember those bad mofo's.

That's what I mean. You remember that. I remember that. I remember things that other people found. It was fun :)

Wow, sick. Found in September 2012 and sold for 185m.

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One million a day according to Blizzard although it seems that they are camping the auction house instead of killing Diablo. Basically what I was doing 8 hours a day before I quit. Glad to see Blizzard acknowledging it finally.

Yeah I guess I meant there is a F2P game , Path of Exile that is much better. The fact that people have stuck with D3 and it's terribleness baffles me. Masochists? Diablo 3 is the Call of Duty of ARPG's.
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...But I had a TON of fun when I was playing it.

I think that is key right there. Big_Aug I remeber how often you used to ask people to play HC with you and your stories. I had quit by then but I remember having a great group in D2 I played with in HC it was like that as well, but we played for a couple years.

Most everyone I know quit after a month maybe 3. I can't believe how many just quit playing D3. I didn't get anywhere near my money out of this game and that is what makes me sad most.
I didn't really mean any of those things...rather just the way the game was designed UI-wise and control-wise from the start.

But if that was the case, then why release the console version a year and a half later?

Controls and UI are usually the last things that are finalized in game development.
I think that is key right there. Big_Aug I remeber how often you used to ask people to play HC with you and your stories. I had quit by then but I remember having a great group in D2 I played with in HC it was like that as well, but we played for a couple years.

Most everyone I know quit after a month maybe 3. I can't believe how many just quit playing D3. I didn't get anywhere near my money out of this game and that is what makes me sad most.

I was about to post nearly the exact same response, haha. I had RL friends that played D2 and also I played with a lot of great players as a member of The Amazon Basin. Everyone was pumped for D3 and many older D2 players started coming out of the woodwork, yet my friends list emptied and The Amazon Basin D3 forums quickly became a ghost town.

Sure there are still people playing it and maybe some people will pick it back up here and there, but dear lord the potential that was squandered...
Yea I gave up on D3 pretty quick. Game is so boring compared to the greatness that was D2.
quite true my entire experience of the game is through multiplayer so I have no clue what soloing would of been like....multiplayer was pretty bad ass so many good times.

Its a VERY different game solo. I had a couple of friends that played but gave up right before I did. Without some decent help and good teammates D3 is a much more distraught animal that you don't want to deal with.
It's not that the AH is a BAD Thing, it's that they built the game AROUND IT.

You can't honestly sit there and tell me Blizzard didn't intentinoally make item drops SO fucking rare , requiring people to play through 3+ times to even get a single unique/special drop that that's "normal?

Blizzard knew DAMN WELL what they were doing and did it because with the RMAH they take a cut of the real money, thus they make money from people selling items, so they wanted people to need/have to use the AH and built the game toward that.

Diablo 2's looting was much less rare, a lowly "average" person could play the game just ONE time all the way through and generlaly found some decent rare loot/uniques, but not in Diablo 3.

Hell you couldn't even keep up with your gear at any decent level and generally HAD to resort to the AH just to get decent lv gear for your character.
You never were forced to use the AH. The same phenomenon occurs in Path of Exile as well. Your character levels and progresses faster than loot is dropped. I made a post about it and got flamed. I suppose D3 would have been good of it had q shitty trade system? The AH was not the problem.
You never were forced to use the AH. The same phenomenon occurs in Path of Exile as well. Your character levels and progresses faster than loot is dropped. I made a post about it and got flamed. I suppose D3 would have been good of it had q shitty trade system? The AH was not the problem.

This statement contains truth.
Huh the auction house never bothered me, but I hated everything else about the game so I never got that far.