Is your graphics card AGP or PCI Express in your main PC?

Is your graphics card AGP or PCI Express in your main PC?

  • AGP

    Votes: 337 66.1%
  • PCI Express

    Votes: 173 33.9%

  • Total voters
AGP x800XL here

wasnt thinking of upgrading my proc for a while, untill i read i can get the asus 478-479 converter and whack in a Pentium M....

so i'll be good for a year or so..
jhzero1984 said:
I see AGP still is dominant on this forum (currently 156 users vs. 71 for PCI-E). I am actually shocked by this, with the plethora of threads about the 7800 GTX and SLI setups (PCI-E only for those that are unfamiliar). Although, I see a pattern with most posts about AGP. The next rig will have a PCI-E slot. I wonder how many of those still with AGP will upgrade their vid card before they move to PCI-E.


I just did last month. I went from a 128 Mb 9800 pro to a 256 MB 6800GT. Not a giant step, but enough to play BF2 a little better.

I think we shoudl have another poll on how many people who are playing BF2 upgraded their system.
Yeah, this poll has pretty much gone as I was expecting.

AGP people out-number PCI-Express people by an easy 2:1 ratio.

And considering this is an computer hardware enthusiasts forum, what does that say about the 'regular' folks out there?

It is for this reason that I think you should continue to expect both ATI's and Nvidia's top end cards to make their way onto the AGP platform.
Another AGP user. When I got my 939 mobo, you couldn't even find 6800 series PCI-E cards in stock anyplace for less than a $100 markup over identical-performing AGP cards.

I'll keep it as long as there are video cards available for it. With a 6800 GT @ Ultra clocks, it will be a while before I find a video card upgrade even remotely interesting.
spine said:
Yeah, this poll has pretty much gone as I was expecting.

AGP people out-number PCI-Express people by an easy 2:1 ratio.

And considering this is an computer hardware enthusiasts forum, what does that say about the 'regular' folks out there?

It is for this reason that I think you should continue to expect both ATI's and Nvidia's top end cards to make their way onto the AGP platform.

Yes in the enthusiast market over 33% of the people have upgrade to PCIe in less than 6 months. Doesn't say much for hte life of AGP. By just after christmas you can do this same poll again and probably find it reverese.

Wow, I was expecting there to be more early and mid adopters here. 66 to 33 % :eek:
AGP x (6) at my house. All six of them, ranging from an ATI X800 Pro 256 to Geforce 3 :D

AGP. I have the Jetway s754 PCIe mobo on the way though. 7800GTX MSI to ensue shortly.
7800GT for me. PCIe for now. Also, I'm on my 5th PCIe card already. AGP hasn't been a real consideration for me since last year.
AGP.... when I bought my 939 board PCI-E wasn't even widely available yet

When I do my big-ass upgrade next year it'll definately be PCI-E and possibly Socket M2, or if Intel chips are better at gaming by next year i'll go with them. I'm impartial, I just want the best performance out of my chips.
AGP right now....waiting for Crossfire to come out before I build my next set up(dual card/dual core cpu)
just upgraded to s939 but stayed AGP about a month ago....
pci-e is the next step.
pci-e 6800 ultra. I also have some decent agp cards around here (mainly, a ti4200) but my fastest agp system is my server (dual pIII 800's / 512 mb / tyan tiger 100) so it doesn't really count for much, so instead I just use an 8mb ATI rage XL agp in there.

And of COURSE agp outnumbers pci-e. agp has been THE graphics standard for like 6-7 years now, and pci-e has only EXISTED for just over a year.
me have PCI-e version of the Sapphire Radeon X850XT PE 256MB Dual Dvi ViVo Videocard.

Thats one more for PCI-e on the poll.
Where is the option that "I have a AGP card, but it will be my last, as I will go PIC-E on next upgarde"?

Terra - AGP 6800GT...the last AGP card I will own.
Hhmmm..... I may have jumped the gun on voting. What I consider my "main" computer - the one I use for e-mail, surfing the 'net, (everything BUT games) - has an AGP card.

The computer I use for gaming has a PCI express card, has everything turned off that I can turn off, and isn't online.