is overclocking worth it?

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You need to overclock the FSB on intel in order to get maximum performance, it isn’t the processor speed that is problematic. Even if you overckock the FSB it is going to be the main bottleneck anyway. The FSB's isn't able to transport data as fast as other hardware wants it
If you don’t want to overclock you should go with AMD. AMD has much more power when it comes to communication with other hardware
You need to overclock the FSB on intel in order to get maximum performance, it isn’t the processor speed that is problematic. Even if you overckock the FSB it is going to be the main bottleneck anyway. The FSB's isn't able to transport data as fast as other hardware wants it
If you don’t want to overclock you should go with AMD. AMD has much more power when it comes to communication with other hardware

That is complete twaddle.
Run your CPU at the same speed with different multiplier / FSB speeds and I bet you can hardly tell the difference in a benchmark let alone with your eye.

AMD has much more power when it comes to communication with other hardware
Means nothing, it makes no sense.
Read about the latency when data travels through the FSB and it will make a lot of sense

Still makes no sense.
How is AMD better if you dont overclock?
Seeing as you already 'know' about it, back your words up with some substance.
Tell me Kassler. How many people is it going to take that tell you you're wrong, or you haven't got a clue, and how many reviews will it take to prove you are wrong before you finally realize you have no idea what you're talking about? Most everyone here already knows it, but when will you figure it out???

Guys, just check his post history. He is the most ignorant fanboy I've ever not met.

If you thought dubby was bad, this guy is next level!

He can't backup his words with any substance beucase he claims all the review sites are being paid off by Intel.
You need to overclock the FSB on intel in order to get maximum performance, it isn’t the processor speed that is problematic. Even if you overckock the FSB it is going to be the main bottleneck anyway. The FSB's isn't able to transport data as fast as other hardware wants it
If you don’t want to overclock you should go with AMD. AMD has much more power when it comes to communication with other hardware

Read about the latency when data travels through the FSB and it will make a lot of sense

You started a similar discussion with reference to AMD vs Intel in another thread where you called us out with Anandtech's cache2cache numbers comparing Intel's Q-series vs AMD's Phenom.

Myself and at least one other replied with Q6600 numbers for you which were even lower (as in faster than Anandtech's numbers.) You never posted numbers from your Phenom system.

You are a troll, unintentional or not. You make posts with absolutely no information to back them up, whether it be on purpose or simply because you are a flaming AMD fanboy.

Find at least some sort of benchmark to back up your ridiculous claims. Post the results from YOUR AMD Phenom system. Others will gladly post the numbers from their Intel quad cores, as there is no shortage of Intel Q-series owners on this forum.

Lastly if you do not own an AMD Phenom system and you are simply spouting claims without any first hand experience from even your prized component, then please leave.
You need to overclock the FSB on intel in order to get maximum performance, it isn’t the processor speed that is problematic. Even if you overckock the FSB it is going to be the main bottleneck anyway. The FSB's isn't able to transport data as fast as other hardware wants it
If you don’t want to overclock you should go with AMD. AMD has much more power when it comes to communication with other hardware


not this shit again no one cares
Core 2 is faster then Phenom
deal with it
Read about the latency when data travels through the FSB and it will make a lot of sense

you still owe us cache times from that other thread or did you run cache2cache and it come up slower and chickened out


You need to overclock the FSB on intel in order to get maximum performance, it isn’t the processor speed that is problematic. Even if you overckock the FSB it is going to be the main bottleneck anyway. The FSB's isn't able to transport data as fast as other hardware wants it
If you don’t want to overclock you should go with AMD. AMD has much more power when it comes to communication with other hardware

WOW, You are a tad bit misinformed.
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