Is Apple Building a Search Engine?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The rumor mill says that Apple might be building a search engine and for some reason, people are acting surprised at the news. I don’t know why this news is surprising, Apple is certainly capable of building its own search engine.

If you think about it, the idea is not so far-fetched: Apple’s Safari browser has 6-7% market share and currently uses Google exclusively as the search engine for both the standard and mobile versions on the iPhone and iPod. Through the maligned MobileMe, Apple has a suite of personal productivity tools that bring more traffic to them on a daily basis, which means there is a lot of searching going on without a lot of monetization on Apple’s part, according to Michael Arrington.
I have ten bucks here that says they will call it iSearch.
Regardless of what they call it, or how well it does... Nothing will pry me away from Google and Lycos.

And the only reason I use Lycos is for nostalgia. Well, that, and I like black labs.
I think iGlass would be nifty...
but it'll probably work out to iCan'tFindWhatI'mLookingFor
Regardless of what they call it, or how well it does... Nothing will pry me away from Google and Lycos.

And the only reason I use Lycos is for nostalgia. Well, that, and I like black labs.

i just had to say thanks for the memories from 1999...i can honestly say I completely forgot about that search engine, though I used to use it a lot.
Anything related to Windows or Microsoft will be filtered. ;)

lol I doubt it.

You remember the Live Search's SearchPerks thing that's going on? I'm taking advantage of that just for the hell of it (hey free stuff lol), and if I can't find anything I'm looking for, I use Live Search to locate for me for another point.

Hey...I've got an idea.

How about another social networking site? Or just pick one of the other things the internet already has hundreds of!
Maybe they won't be so creative and call it iGoogle then won't get hit for copyright violation because it contains an 'i" :p
Odds are they'll go with "Apple Search". It does seem as if Apple is shying away from the i naming moniker lately.

I can't say I have any interest at all in an Apple search engine, especially on my iPhone. I intend to keep using Google until a search engine surpasses it in every category, and I doubt Apple's really one to surpass Google's search framework.
considering how they run their forums, cant imagine a search engine actually providing real results.
I seriously doubt that apple would make their own search engine. It's not gonna happen. They can't even get mobileme working properly.
it will get popular because it will become the default facto in safari on every new macbook and mac fantarts will use it cause it is made by apple so it iso much cooler and leet to use an apple search engine vs google.
Odds are they'll go with "Apple Search". It does seem as if Apple is shying away from the i naming moniker lately.

I can't say I have any interest at all in an Apple search engine, especially on my iPhone. I intend to keep using Google until a search engine surpasses it in every category, and I doubt Apple's really one to surpass Google's search framework.

Suprised they havent files a lawsuit againts intels i7 yet.
Let me guess, this is going to be the "first" real search engine. And it's going to "revolutionize" all other search engines... and every other search engine is going to be "garbage" compared to it.

Right? Isn't that how apple rolls?
Let me guess, this is going to be the "first" real search engine. And it's going to "revolutionize" all other search engines... and every other search engine is going to be "garbage" compared to it.

Right? Isn't that how apple rolls?

another great one, LOL; i must admit, apple products are acceptable, but how they market/ advertises them are just not the proper way, way too much exaggeration. they think they're the shit when in reality, they really aren't....
It's pretty clear Google is Apple's new target what with Android phones coming out too.

The only question is who they will get to play Google in the ads.
Maybe Yahoo will ask Apple to buy them instead.

iYahoo anyone?
Maybe Yahoo will ask Apple to buy them instead.

iYahoo anyone?

That would make more sense than trying to come up with their own. Yahoo's value keeps falling, they'll soon be able to buy it for a couple of iPhones.
Apple should make an entire separate internet and force all the mac users to use it.
they could try and out-smug each other and leave us alone.
At this point in the game do they actually think they can compete with Google? Or are they just planning on going for a sub 10% niche market share?
Hey...I've got an idea.

How about another social networking site? Or just pick one of the other things the internet already has hundreds of!

And they will call it "iFriends".

Was it apple or somebody that made a social networking site that only mac os users could visit? I want to say it was within the past year.
It's pretty clear Google is Apple's new target what with Android phones coming out too.

The only question is who they will get to play Google in the ads.

well since google chrome had a large base in safari.. i guess apple is going after them now.
Meh, I've also heard they were going to build a gaming system. Pardon the lack of enthusiasm. . .
All their products are over priced. Why not charge for this search service? They probably will !!!
I meant like console. Anyway, still not impressed. The only reason the Iphone is so prominent is because of "multi-touch," which they patented so no one else can use it. . .
its called the iphone.
You've got to be kidding, surely?? I mean, seriously, you consider an iPhone a serious gaming device? Only a blind mac a.................. well, nvm... We all know where that would be headed.

The only reason the Iphone is so prominent is because of "multi-touch," which they patented so no one else can use it. . .
Yes, exactly.
Just like that study recently showed, even if there exists a superior gadget: more features, better quality, lower price, consumers today will buy a touchscreen device over the more "sensible" choice.

Just the way it goes. It's something new that IMO will eventually wear off, just like I think the Wii eventually will.
Granted they can do things to improve it and make it a viable alternative (RIM already headed this way with the Storm), but touch screens just aren't the answer to everything.

I am a FIRM believer in this after having always used touch screen phones, and using the new Blackberry Bold. I scoffed at first for lack of one, but it has shown me one thing: lack of a touchscreen is not a big deal, when you've got a high-quality device with a good interface.

All their products are over priced. Why not charge for this search service? They probably will !!!
;) Now you're thinking.
I could hear it now...
"Connect better than ever before! The iConnect service from Apple is a REVOLUTIONARY way to connect with other people. Send a note, share a photo or document, connecting to one another is better than ever! Since all Macs are perfect, there is no need to fear of malicious users spreading viruses around when you are connected to iConnect! No troublesome firewall or virus software to bog you down, you have the security of a Mac!"

"But, wait... Isn't the Internet already well established, with Google Docs, Gmail, Google Talk all being able to---"

"It's just better."