Irdeto reveals new DRM scheme to prevent game modding

It appears Capcom is silently adding a scheme called Enigma Protector to their old games to prevent modding and cheating. It breaks community fixes and is causing performance issues.

A representative issued a non-apology after people noticed and said they will redeploy the update after the issue is "fixed."

Capcom has already done this to other games like the Mega Man ZX Legacy Collection... A strictly single player game.

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As was pointed earlier, Japanese companies are wetting their pants over this feature. I do hope people are smart and boycott this shit. I don't care how much one expects Dragons Dogma 2, if it comes with this DRM then it should be boycotted and done so loudly. Just like Starforce this DRM should not be given a foothold in PC gaming.
Because they're run by MBAs who don't game and, therefore, don't understand their target audience. They know how to read a spreadsheet and a Gantt chart though, so there's that.

As was pointed earlier, Japanese companies are wetting their pants over this feature. I do hope people are smart and boycott this shit. I don't care how much one expects Dragons Dogma 2, if it comes with this DRM then it should be boycotted and done so loudly. Just like Starforce this DRM should not be given a foothold in PC gaming.

As much as I agree with these sentiments I can understand the business side of things with Piracy. Most of the studios run up massive debts developing the games and borrow the money to make them. Their lenders insist they protect against piracy in a credible way to protect their investment as a form of insurance / due diligence.

Japanese companies sell a lot to China and India, and there piracy makes up the bulk of the games titles in the wild and because of currency differences and volume even keeping 10-15% more “customers” honest can be the difference between taking a loss and turning a profit.

They know it’s not going to deter the actual pirates, but it will the casual ones if they can keep the games from being cracked or emulated for a week or two.
As much as I agree with these sentiments I can understand the business side of things with Piracy. Most of the studios run up massive debts developing the games and borrow the money to make them. Their lenders insist they protect against piracy in a credible way to protect their investment as a form of insurance / due diligence.

Japanese companies sell a lot to China and India, and there piracy makes up the bulk of the games titles in the wild and because of currency differences and volume even keeping 10-15% more “customers” honest can be the difference between taking a loss and turning a profit.

They know it’s not going to deter the actual pirates, but it will the casual ones if they can keep the games from being cracked or emulated for a week or two.

I have little against Denuvo. I never had a single problem with it personally and if a company wants to use it to prevent piracy from couple of weeks to few months, that is okay in my book. As long as the piracy prevention stays within the confines of the game and does not mess with the rest of my PC, I am cool with it. I do have a huge problem with bullshit like preventing modding and installing potentially dangerous rootkits without my consent however. Thankfully latter has fallen out of favor but now modding, an important part of PC gaming, is under attack and something has to be done to prevent it.
As much as I agree with these sentiments I can understand the business side of things with Piracy. Most of the studios run up massive debts developing the games and borrow the money to make them. Their lenders insist they protect against piracy in a credible way to protect their investment as a form of insurance / due diligence.

Japanese companies sell a lot to China and India, and there piracy makes up the bulk of the games titles in the wild and because of currency differences and volume even keeping 10-15% more “customers” honest can be the difference between taking a loss and turning a profit.

They know it’s not going to deter the actual pirates, but it will the casual ones if they can keep the games from being cracked or emulated for a week or two.

I agree with you when it comes to protecting IP and the business and I’m ok with that, but I think there’s a distinct difference between modding and piracy. Modding Half Life created a few really hit games back in its day (TFC, CS, Day of Defeat, Opera, etc), with Counter Strike remaining a popular standalone title. Modding WarCraft 3 spawned DOTA and League of Legends, which became big titles on their own. Who can forget Desert Combat, spawned from BF1942? These all enhanced the gamer experience and did more to attract positive attention to these titles than encourage piracy. Some even brought new gameplay innovations. Plus, permitting this sends a message to fans that you appreciate and encourage their creativity which works to build a loyal community of followers.
I really despise this kind of nonsense with every fiber of my being. You're basically hurting all the legitimate players of the game to go after the cheaters. Both sides suffer. There has to be a better way to address the cheating problem. Preventing legitimate modding is just plain stupid.
CAPCOM Reverts Resident Evil Revelations DRM Update After Criticism

This all started with a massive layer of review bombing on Steam, where users complained about the title facing multiple problems, such as performance degradation and crashes, especially in cases where modding was implemented...this resulted in over 200+ negative reviews for a decade-old title, and unsurprisingly, CAPCOM was quick enough to roll back the DRM update and issued the following message to all those Steam users who were frustrated by the studio's decision...
Why would they even spend money /time putting drm on a 11 year old game, wtf
Better question is why are people wasting their time buying these games at all when emulators have been able to play them perfectly on literally any device of your choosing? Mega Man Zero was made in 2002, which means that game is old enough to drink. If you can install RetroArch then you can play these games, and RetroArch has been ported to damn near everything.
Better question is why are people wasting their time buying these games at all when emulators have been able to play them perfectly on literally any device of your choosing? Mega Man Zero was made in 2002, which means that game is old enough to drink. If you can install RetroArch then you can play these games, and RetroArch has been ported to damn near everything.
It's still active, commercially sold ip. Just because it's old doesn't mean you can just steal it.
It's still active, commercially sold ip. Just because it's old doesn't mean you can just steal it.
Man, I bought the game 12 years ago. You don't sell it.... You're not playing old games because you wanted to play a classic, but because you likely own the game and there's no GBA or DS slot in your PC that you can just stick it in, at least not without spending $50. Especially when they sell the game with DRM, which is idiotic when a quick Google and low morals will allow you to run the game, with save states on a potato.
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Capcom is apparently doubling down. They've removed denuvo but added "enigma" to Monster Hunter Rise. Game no longer works on steam deck or in linux. Performance drops reported on windows PC version as well. Mods no longer working.

Steam forums are a fun read. Review bombing going on as well.
Capcom is apparently doubling down. They've removed denuvo but added "enigma" to Monster Hunter Rise. Game no longer works on steam deck or in linux. Performance drops reported on windows PC version as well. Mods no longer working.

Steam forums are a fun read. Review bombing going on as well.
Well deserved. This crap needs to stop.
Capcom is apparently doubling down. They've removed denuvo but added "enigma" to Monster Hunter Rise. Game no longer works on steam deck or in linux. Performance drops reported on windows PC version as well. Mods no longer working.

Steam forums are a fun read. Review bombing going on as well.

This dumbfuck attempt to stop modding will completely kill their PC market. PC has been a strong market for Capcom since the early MTFramework titles and now they have their heads stuck up their ass about mods and are only going to hurt themselves.
Somewhere, Todd Howard did a spit take when he was told their competitors were trying to block modding.