Iptorrent Invites


Yes this a new forum too me.

You would think I was asking for something unrealistic?

I am on other forums as an established member for over 20 years more akin to my interests and I’ll tell you we don’t treat newbies like the way I’ve been treated here.

Just a normal guy looking to get back on a website he was inexplicably kicked from after 17 years of activity.

Thanks for the warm welcome 🙄

Yes this a new forum too me.

You would think I was asking for something unrealistic?

I am on other forums as an established member for over 20 years more akin to my interests and I’ll tell you we don’t treat newbies like the way I’ve been treated here.

Just a normal guy looking to get back on a website he was inexplicably kicked from after 17 years of activity.

Thanks for the warm welcome 🙄
You're welcome.

Yes this a new forum too me.

You would think I was asking for something unrealistic?

I am on other forums as an established member for over 20 years more akin to my interests and I’ll tell you we don’t treat newbies like the way I’ve been treated here.

Just a normal guy looking to get back on a website he was inexplicably kicked from after 17 years of activity.

Thanks for the warm welcome 🙄
It's not unrealistic - it's just generally a bad look to sign up to a community like this and immediately start hitting up the free stuff & giveaways sections. That's why someone suggested that you pump the brakes, contribute to a few discussions around here, and then this other stuff will happen when people are sure you're not just a drive-by account.

I realize it's "only" an IPT invite, but do remember that folks giving these away are depending on the recipient to use the site responsibly and keep their account in good standing, or else they can lose their account. Hence why you're unlikely to receive one unless you've proven yourself to be something beyond a freeloader (not saying you are, just consider how threads like this can attract noobs who tend to "dine & dash").

If you do stick around and want an inexpensive good time beyond what the tech forums hold, you can upgrade your account for as little as $5 to get access to General Mayhem and its various subforums. If you do that, I'd suggest creating a new thread to introduce yourself and asking about the hot dogs. Chances are you'll either stick around and have a good time or run to reddit complaining about how mean we are...either way it's cheap to find out!
It's not unrealistic - it's just generally a bad look to sign up to a community like this and immediately start hitting up the free stuff & giveaways sections. That's why someone suggested that you pump the brakes, contribute to a few discussions around here, and then this other stuff will happen when people are sure you're not just a drive-by account.

I realize it's "only" an IPT invite, but do remember that folks giving these away are depending on the recipient to use the site responsibly and keep their account in good standing, or else they can lose their account. Hence why you're unlikely to receive one unless you've proven yourself to be something beyond a freeloader (not saying you are, just consider how threads like this can attract noobs who tend to "dine & dash").

If you do stick around and want an inexpensive good time beyond what the tech forums hold, you can upgrade your account for as little as $5 to get access to General Mayhem and its various subforums. If you do that, I'd suggest creating a new thread to introduce yourself and asking about the hot dogs. Chances are you'll either stick around and have a good time or run to reddit complaining about how mean we are...either way it's cheap to find out!
Is this not common sense? :) I guess not seeing how he had reacted...
It's not unrealistic - it's just generally a bad look to sign up to a community like this and immediately start hitting up the free stuff & giveaways sections. That's why someone suggested that you pump the brakes, contribute to a few discussions around here, and then this other stuff will happen when people are sure you're not just a drive-by account.

I realize it's "only" an IPT invite, but do remember that folks giving these away are depending on the recipient to use the site responsibly and keep their account in good standing, or else they can lose their account. Hence why you're unlikely to receive one unless you've proven yourself to be something beyond a freeloader (not saying you are, just consider how threads like this can attract noobs who tend to "dine & dash").

If you do stick around and want an inexpensive good time beyond what the tech forums hold, you can upgrade your account for as little as $5 to get access to General Mayhem and its various subforums. If you do that, I'd suggest creating a new thread to introduce yourself and asking about the hot dogs. Chances are you'll either stick around and have a good time or run to reddit complaining about how mean we are...either way it's cheap to find out!

Thank you for that reply.

All points taken and understood. The ratio part very much so as I had sent invites to family members from ip before and they never used the site properly

I don’t Reddit to be fair and I don’t care if people are being “mean”

As I say I post regularly on other forums but to to bait a nameless newbie who granted now accepts he went about things on the incorrect manner isn’t a good look.

Thanks again for taking the time for your constructive post…….unlike others 🙄
Thank you for that reply.

All points taken and understood. The ratio part very much so as I had sent invites to family members from ip before and they never used the site properly

I don’t Reddit to be fair and I don’t care if people are being “mean”

As I say I post regularly on other forums but to to bait a nameless newbie who granted now accepts he went about things on the incorrect manner isn’t a good look.

Thanks again for taking the time for your constructive post…….unlike others 🙄
This is a common response on every website I've been a part of where invites to private underground trackers are involved. The responses you received are incredibly tame compared to what I've seen. That's just how it is. I've been on the receiving end of this, just like you, and I learned my lesson very quickly. I put in the time and effort to contribute to each community I joined, building enough reputation and trustworthiness to become part of the private tracker scene.
This is a common response on every website I've been a part of where invites to private underground trackers are involved. The responses you received are incredibly tame compared to what I've seen. That's just how it is. I've been on the receiving end of this, just like you, and I learned my lesson very quickly. I put in the time and effort to contribute to each community I joined, building enough reputation and trustworthiness to become part of the private tracker scene.

Thank you.

Yes you live and learn.

I had been detached from forum etiquette for a while with my usage on other forums down from what it used to be pre family.

All points also taken.
guess i still need to up my post count here before asking. i'm an active use of TorrentDay
Oh my. I'm new to this whole thing and if things aren't bad enough, after reading through a few comments. It looks like I have to build up my reputation first. Not sure how much time I can truly dedicated to this. My life is hard enough taking care of terminally ill family member. I was hoping that someone was generous enough to invite me to a private torrent but it looks like I needed to build my rep first. Best wishes to everyone. Be kind to new members like me please. Don't be too harsh on me for I am new at this.
I have a handful of invites for IP Torrents. You must be very active here or I will not consider it. Also, please don't ask me for an invite if you've already been banned on IP Torrents.
Pass the popcorn possibly anyone here?
PTP is currently under DDoS Attack. Has been ongoing for about 10 days.

I think I have an invite available, but I can't access it at the moment. PM me in a day or 2 to remind me and I'll try again.
Just realized I have (3) (1) available. Anyone interested send me a PM.

Edit: All gone
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I have 3 as well. As before You must be very active here or I will not consider it. Also, please don't ask me for an invite if you've already been banned on IP Torrents.
Looking for any other private trackers other than IPTorrents (which is also great imho). I've been on iptorrents for years and have a high speed seed box. My ratio is nearly 8 and my download/uploads are measured in terabytes.
milkie.cc has been around for a few years, it's easy to get in, and there aren't any ratio requirements. Only scene releases though.