iPhone 6 Bend In Your Pocket?

I hope this isn't as bad as it looks. If so, it sounds like a good plan to get Apple Care + while you still can.

I had some tight jeans on and kneeled down with my Note 2 in my front pocket once. It bent so much the battery lost contact with the contacts and restarted the phone. The phone returned back to its original form when I stood back up and had no damage (and still works now).

Sounds like I would have bent the iPhone 6 plus though that's the only time I ever wore pants tight enough to put pressure on my phone like that.
I'm glad you realize that you have anger and hatred issues. Maybe you can realize some day that people still have cars from 2007 that don't unlock or start without a key, but I can't ask too much from you. I'm just glad you realized that you have some emotional/mental issues to work through, that's a good start.
is your argument that you can't understand how a 2" piece of metal with reinforced ridges does not bend while a 6" flat piece of aluminum would?

should the thread start discussing the finer points of leverage or do you think you can manage to roll your face over your keyboard enough to sufficiently land on wikipedia? or would your keyboard bend?
is your argument that you can't understand how a 2" piece of metal with reinforced ridges does not bend while a 6" flat piece of aluminum would?

Which is apparently something that these particular iPhone 6 owners didn't understand either.
should the thread start discussing the finer points of leverage or do you think you can manage to roll your face over your keyboard enough to sufficiently land on wikipedia? or would your keyboard bend?

ROFL....I laughed so hard at this. What an ass, but, thanks. I needed that laugh.
Which is apparently something that these particular iPhone 6 owners didn't understand either.
absolutely. and that's why I said that, yes, if you aren't careful with your phone in your pocket then you are literally sitting wrong. and then those two started trying to derail the thread by claiming that my statement means I'm mad at android :confused:
is your argument that you can't understand how a 2" piece of metal with reinforced ridges does not bend while a 6" flat piece of aluminum would?

should the thread start discussing the finer points of leverage or do you think you can manage to roll your face over your keyboard enough to sufficiently land on wikipedia? or would your keyboard bend?
Lol you need to get back to reality again, I said that YOU probably take your keys out because YOU are afraid they will bend. I never said I had that problem or thought that my keys would bend. I keep my keys in my pocket.

But hey selective comprehension FTW! Maybe you can work on that too with these emotional/mental issues that you are working on.
Lol you need to get back to reality again, I said that YOU probably take your keys out because YOU are afraid they will bend. I never said I had that problem or thought that my keys would bend. I keep my keys in my pocket.

But hey selective comprehension FTW! Maybe you can work on that too with these emotional/mental issues that you are working on.
you created that analogy because you don't understand leverage.

do yourself a favor and stop trying to act like an armchair psychologist and educate yourself on how leverage operates because you're only making yourself look silly with your personal attacks.
it really should be common sense but apparently not for android folks.

I know...I'm just an angry, android hating luddite

then those two started trying to derail the thread by claiming that my statement means I'm mad at android

Your words not ours...

you created that analogy because you don't understand leverage.

do yourself a favor and stop trying to act like an armchair psychologist and educate yourself on how leverage operates because you're only making yourself look silly with your personal attacks.
You mad bro? It seems like you are the only one people here are thinking is silly by the replies...
absolutely. and that's why I said that, yes, if you aren't careful with your phone in your pocket then you are literally sitting wrong. and then those two started trying to derail the thread by claiming that my statement means I'm mad at android :confused:

If you apply enough force to metal long enough, it bends, plain and simple. I have no idea how much force was applied to these phones but for a device that costs this much that prides itself on its top tier industrial design with metal, I can see why some don't think about it possibly bending. I'd never put my phone in a tight fitting pocket just because that's not comfortable to me. I always use a belt clip when I wear pants.
So wait... aluminum bends now?!?!

I like how some people keeps attacking mindlessly because its Apple....

On the other hand, I have to say the news about phone are pretty bias about Android vs Apple in term of technology....
I want to see the full scope rather than a fanboy perspective.
If you apply enough force to metal long enough, it bends, plain and simple. I have no idea how much force was applied to these phones but for a device that costs this much that prides itself on its top tier industrial design with metal, I can see why some don't think about it possibly bending. I'd never put my phone in a tight fitting pocket just because that's not comfortable to me. I always use a belt clip when I wear pants.
there's a youtube video posted in this thread demonstrating exactly how much force is necessary to bend the new iPhone.

and the claim in the article that leads this thread is of a person claiming he traveled with the phone in his front suit pocket for 18 hours and it bent.

so watch the video, consider how much pressure a trouser pocket can exert on a phone, and then make up your own mind about the issue.

short of that, it seems like we're agreeing but it's hard to tell with you. sometimes you simply can't possibly agree with people in a thread even when you want to...
I'm glad you realize that you have anger and hatred issues. Maybe you can realize some day that people still have cars from 2007 that don't unlock or start without a key, but I can't ask too much from you. I'm just glad you realized that you have some emotional/mental issues to work through, that's a good start.

2007?? I'm still loving my 1995 e36!
there's a youtube video posted in this thread demonstrating exactly how much force is necessary to bend the new iPhone.

and the claim in the article that leads this thread is of a person claiming he traveled with the phone in his front suit pocket for 18 hours and it bent.

so watch the video, consider how much pressure a trouser pocket can exert on a phone, and then make up your own mind about the issue.

short of that, it seems like we're agreeing but it's hard to tell with you. sometimes you simply can't possibly agree with people in a thread even when you want to...

I have several keys on my ring that are bent just from being in my pocket. I had all kinds of problems with my S4 that where likely caused by stuff like this. And no I don't where tight jeans at all and my phone is usually on my desk. In fact my phone is usually in the "5th" pocket that doesn't get any force on it.

I want a new line of "tough" phones that for go some style and can take a hit.
You're pocketing it wrong.

Hopefully someone measures how much force is required to bend the phone.
There are quite a few photos on Google image search of bent iPhone 6's. Looks like I'll just go with the Note 4 after all. My Note 3 has been very good in my front pocket so I'll stick to what I can trust from my past experience.
Just wondering where the headlines are for

Iphone 6 has fastest SOC released to date

Iphone 6 and 6+ have better battery life then almost all current phones

iPhone 6 sets record sales for smartphone

I don't consider it [H] when you purposefully ignore a piece of tech. There should be no divide. Personal preferences yet, but being [H] should mean embracing all things tech.

Maybe you should read a couple posts down on the news page then.
short of that, it seems like we're agreeing but it's hard to tell with you. sometimes you simply can't possibly agree with people in a thread even when you want to...

Thanks for pointing out the link, I looked at it. I agree with you that metal does bend, but for a device that's touted as the best of the best and for what it costs I don't think that this is acceptable. It doesn't look like it takes a lot for this to happen and it's something that many people aren't going to think could ever happen, it is an iPhone after all.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, my point is that I don't think many people that bought this phone may realize how easily this could happen under conditions that other phones wouldn't necessarily have a problem. That is a lot of thin aluminum as you point out.
LOL. They should call it the iCrap!

BTW, Apple....I claim copyright and trademark on that name.
But but, it's the greatest phone in the world! How could it bend under normal use! Freakin junk. My S5 stays in the front pocket along with my wallet, same as every other phone I've had, no bent phones ever. That list of phones doesn't include iphones.
Just wondering where the headlines are for

Iphone 6 has fastest SOC released to date

Iphone 6 and 6+ have better battery life then almost all current phones

iPhone 6 sets record sales for smartphone

I don't consider it [H] when you purposefully ignore a piece of tech. There should be no divide. Personal preferences yet, but being [H] should mean embracing all things tech.

Eh? Maybe because it's not really news worthy? I don't usually recall seeing "Samsung has fastest SoC to date" .. It's to be expected with a new product launch.

With regards to the first one. I'd hope it would. I would totally expect a new device to beat a 6month old device. They'll have the crown until about 6 months from now. It would have been bad if they released a new "flagship" didn't take the lead (think Motorola).

As for the battery life. Again, it's a new OS version (iOS8) being compared to a year old OS version (KK4.4). I'd expect this will swing when Android 5.0 drops. It'll probably swing again when iOS9 comes.

The record sales doesn't surprise me. It's a 2 device market vs a (overly) saturated market. Anybody who wants a new Apple is limited in options, thus it'll sell like hotcakes to the people who are iOS fans. The people who are Android fans might jump from Samsung to LG to HTC every cycle (etc etc).
I've carried smart phones in my front pocket for 5 years. Never experienced any bending. Sounds like Apple should have made the damn thing a bit thicker to allow for reinforcing ribs.
Bendgate has been around since the iPhone 4, came back with the 5, and is making another appearance with the 6. It's thin aluminum people, if you smack it on something it can bend and stay that way.
Also look how hard the guy bending the 6 Plus in the video is trying. No shit you can break things with that much force. I am 100% sure I can break the vasty majority of small electronics by putting so much force on them my hands were trembling.
Also look how hard the guy bending the 6 Plus in the video is trying. No shit you can break things with that much force. I am 100% sure I can break the vasty majority of small electronics by putting so much force on them my hands were trembling.

The note 3 didn't break like that.
does he do this?

"The first user says his 6 Plus was in the front pocket of his suit pants for about 18 hours while traveling"

because if you've ever worn a suit you might think that a) that's ridiculous and b) see a

The Applephetamines are strong in this one. I wear a suit regularly. I've traveled in a suit regularly. My Galaxy has never bent in my pocket.

Is the Applephetamine come in a Kool-aid or pill? Just curious.
Also look how hard the guy bending the 6 Plus in the video is trying. No shit you can break things with that much force. I am 100% sure I can break the vasty majority of small electronics by putting so much force on them my hands were trembling.

He was able to get a noticeable bend with what seemed far less pressure. And under full pressure it didn't take long to really bend it. It's not a huge deal in and of itself. Again, I think the issue here is that a lot of people have this super duper state of the art iPhone and probably have no idea how easily this could happen.
The Applephetamines are strong in this one. I wear a suit regularly. I've traveled in a suit regularly. My Galaxy has never bent in my pocket.

Is the Applephetamine come in a Kool-aid or pill? Just curious.
are you asking me quoting the guy making the claim that his phone bent in his suit pocket or are you asking the guy himself? not sure why you're quoting me and trying to jab me when I have repeatedly said obviously that's nonsense
Watching how much force it took to bend that, imagine how uncomfortable that had to be in his pocket.
Bendy is trendy. You get that feature for free with iPhone 6 but it's extra with LG Flex. There's always the iPhone 4S and prior if you prefer non-bendy.
Until we get over this thin is awesome fad its only going to get worse.

Or we get a shiny new 1mm thick phone and promptly put it in a 2" thick case to protect it.


And fuck these stoopid thin TVs and Monitors as well.