iPhone 6 Bend In Your Pocket?

Seriously? You have to make up stupid answers for every rebuttal? You must be real popular in real life. :p

Well it's true though! Humans were totally not at all meant to live underwater. Haven't you seen that one animated episode of Star Trek where Jim and Spork get turned into fishy people and Kirk is all like, "OMG I'm a fish! Fix me now, Doctor because no one will take me seriously and I don't wanna end up on the trays in the cafeteria on fishy sticks day!" So traumatic.

Also, I'm not at all popular in real life. I have no idea why...*shrug*

Is "exercise" what they're calling smokin pole for crack smokin with you hipster youngsters?

Dance poles are great places to make money, but I'm pretty sure that metal isn't healthy to try to smoke. I mean, we already know that smoking isn't good for you.

I disagree. Anyone who does leg/glute workouts regularly will end up with oversized thighs proportionate to "normal" people. For that reason, most body builders have to get baggy jeans tailored to fit them properly. This is well documented!

Don't take this the wrong way...I mean, body builders are just adorable with their malformed bulgy limbs and funny giant moobs, but that's really not very natural either. It's really just another human shape extreme which is why there's a need for tailored clothing. If you're normally shaped or a little bit on the thin but cute side, skinny jeans aren't bad regardless of gender.
Most skinny jeans I've ever seen on men make them look like women. What's worse is the guys I see wearing skinny jeans and have the butt sagging on them some...ugh...that just send chills down my spine.
Yeah I had some guy friends that wore their pants like that and, seriously, it's really unflattering. Then again, they weren't really friends either. We knew each other through school, but I wouldn't have ever talked to them outside of school. They were from a different social class.
Yeah I had some guy friends that wore their pants like that and, seriously, it's really unflattering. Then again, they weren't really friends either. We knew each other through school, but I wouldn't have ever talked to them outside of school. They were from a different social class.

And you're what.... 15??
Yeah I had some guy friends that wore their pants like that and, seriously, it's really unflattering. Then again, they weren't really friends either. We knew each other through school, but I wouldn't have ever talked to them outside of school. They were from a different social class.

I think some 13 year old girl highjacked CUG's [H] account.
However, it seems like a big improvement over his typical rantings.
I think some 13 year old girl highjacked CUG's [H] account.
However, it seems like a big improvement over his typical rantings.

Hey, if you people would pull your pants up over your underwear (no one wants to see those, seriously :() you'd never have to worry about negative opinions regarding dressing that way. Seriously, there's having a personal style that sets you apart from other people and then there's extremes that just come off as dumb looking. Wearing pants that fit properly is a hugely good idea too. Sure it's just my opinion, but look at how many people feel strongly about skinny jeans in this thread and then compare that to something even more controversial like not pulling up your pants and you're headed straight into fashion fiasco land.

Then again, I don't think the un-pulled-up pants would be as likely to bend your iPhone so maybe you're onto something.