iPad Vs. Lasers

i'll say it straight out that I really don't like apple products (hate them? maybe), but these videos are really honestly a complete waste of money/resources space, id rather just give those ipads away, just saying..
Cool that was a great and worthwhile video, well ok I gotta go now and throw some rocks at things and then maybe I'll go pound sand for a while, see ya later!
i'll say it straight out that I really don't like apple products (hate them? maybe), but these videos are really honestly a complete waste of money/resources space, id rather just give those ipads away, just saying..

To keep things in perspective, tons of iPads ARE given away in various promotional acitivities and such. The ones being destroyed would be a very small subset compared to those which are given away for promotional purposes or simply dropped on the ground and destroyed by careless users. I remember one friend who got an iphone 4 right when they came out and a week or two later it was sporting a fashionable broken screen from when he stepped on it while drunk :p
So that's why the iPads are over heating. "Hey is your iPad getting warm?" "Yeah it is, how about yours?" :D
Its not just the videos that makes this fun, its just certain people's reactions to it is what this is all about.