iPad Swapping out the Charge?

My first mp3 player was an iRiver 2 gig that ran on a single AA. I miss those days. A single battery lasted over 5 hours and when it died out, I simply swapped in another rechargeable AA that I carried with me.

If I felt like it, I can just find a mini-USB to mini-USB cable and use my Hello Kitty cellphone charger. Looks like this....

Oh, forgot to mention. There's 2 AA batteries inside the Hello Kitty.
As for those iPhone/iPod batteries, I'll never buy one, as I'll never own an iPhone/iPod. I want high sound quality on my mp3 player, as that's it's main purpose. Neither those two products can deliver.

I love high quality sound too, but I'm not going to carry around a 2003 iRiver iHP-120 + DAC/HP amp. The iPhone and iPod Touch offer pretty good sound quality, even better sound quality if you use the line output from the dock connector.
Or I can simply carry around my X-Fi and X-Fi2 and have better sound quality than either the iPhone or iPod Touch, while being lower cost. As for at home, why would I bother with a portable mp3 player?
Yeah but how many cracked/lost battery covers have you dealt with through the years... I agree with the fail, but having to ghetto tape my batteries in a remote control, because my battery cover cracked sucks. I've relegated TV sets to the GYM room because of shit like that...

Zero. WTF are you doing to your battery covers that this has been a chronic problem for you? Besides, dealing with a cracked battery cover and/or replacing one is 10x better than dealing with a dead battery you can't take out of the darn thing.
...of use.

You can properly store a LiOn battery for 3 years and lose none of its capacity.

That's not how I interpret what's written at Batteryuniversity.com. Yes, if you charge it to 40% and keep it in a cool spot, it will lose capacity at a slower rate, but it will lose capacity. And frankly, that's not a very realistic scenario. Who buys a battery, charges it to 40% and sticks it in a wine cooler, where it's cool, but not too cold?

The bottom line is that they lose about 1/2 their capacity over the course of 3 years under normal use and normal non-use.
I love high quality sound too, but I'm not going to carry around a 2003 iRiver iHP-120 + DAC/HP amp. The iPhone and iPod Touch offer pretty good sound quality, even better sound quality if you use the line output from the dock connector.

they need a real EQ. Every set of headphones sounds different and everyone's ears are different. It baffles me why Apple hasn't put in a nice 10 band EQ. I can understand not using a parametric EQ, because they're harder to use, but everyone understands how to use a graphic eq.
My first mp3 player was an iRiver 2 gig that ran on a single AA. I miss those days. A single battery lasted over 5 hours and when it died out, I simply swapped in another rechargeable AA that I carried with me.

If I felt like it, I can just find a mini-USB to mini-USB cable and use my Hello Kitty cellphone charger. Looks like this....

Hahaha! That's frickin awesome. I built myself a USB battery charger for my Creative Nomad when the battery was starting to age. Considering I was the type to listen to music 18 hours a day straight, I'd tend to have a battery dying on my train rides home after a long night. 4 AA battery pack wired directly to a female USB connector. Housed it inside an oversized prescription pill bottle. To say it spooked some people is an understatement.


Got a good 4 or 5 years use out of that before LiPoly USB battery packs came on the market. NiMH AA nominal voltage = 1.2v x 4 = 4.8v @ 2200 mAh. Worked pretty damn well. Also used it to recharge my Razr once I got the right kind of cable for it.