iOS 14


Feb 18, 2016
Yes callbar jailbreak tweak by default in iOS 14 for phone calls! No need to jailbreak! A lot of useful idea in iOS 14 from jailbreak developers it seems!
I'm repairing an iPhone 7+ that was given to me. Got the screen replaced last night so I decided to load the Developer Beta on there.
The WiFi toggle Control Center finally completes turns off the WiFi radio. Thank Crom.
I think most of the stuff was really derived from Apple studying Android more than studying things jailbreakers were doing (although in fairness I'm sure there was some of that too).
Either way, these features are coming now. Still not sure if I'll get on the developer beta this time or not. I did last year for iOS 13 because I wanted Dark Mode so badly. But as I found out: when they say beta they do mean beta. There was stuff broken that was generally speaking not broken before. Like issues with a lot of web apps not loading or updating. Mail app just literally crashing. It's amazing that all of that stuff gets polished up and out before it hits customers just 3 or so months afterwards with basically all that stuff fixed. While it taught me a lot about how software gets tested I'm not sure I want the same experience again on my only phone.
The WiFi toggle Control Center finally completes turns off the WiFi radio. Thank Crom.
Honestly, that may just be a bug or an oversight. Apple deliberately regressed the toggle to only "soft" off the WiFi radio not too long ago.
I cannot wait to set defaults for browser, mail. That'll be nice. I get tired of tap-hold to copy URLs instead of simply tapping to open. Safari ain't bad, but the competition has compelling enough features. Same with Mail, really.

The widgets are a hot mess. Can't say if I like it or truly hate it. I've been experimenting with a home screen page of 2x of the Siri suggestions and that is interesting.

The App Library is... well, the Start Menu, basically.

Two steps forward, one step back, I think. Still early, we'll see I suppose!
Developer Beta 2 is out. Hopefully that means Public Beta 1 will be out tomorrow.
The WiFi toggle in Control Center now works like it did in previous iOS versions... :(
The idea with the soft toggle makes sense. for example. If I’m at work the the wifi is blocking something. Turn off soft toggle. But when I go home. It will still connect to my wifi. Saves me from having to remember.
Anybody still running the Beta? Public Beta 5 was released today, been a pretty smooth experience for me so far. Few bugs here and there but nothing serious.
I've had terrible battery life, although that could also be due to me using my phone more lately and having low signal strength. I noticed a couple minor graphical bugs, other than that it's been pretty smooth.
Beta 5 here on an 8 Plus - seems pretty solid. The new "this app wants to use your local network" popup is fairly annoying. Yes please let my UniFi app access my UniFi controller...
Today is iOS 14 launch day.
Technically all of the US should have it available by now, but I don't have access to it yet. Software update says "I'm up to date".
I'm assuming that they roll it out also determined by server load.


How many of you are updating immediately? Whats your experience so far if you have (this question will be relevant for at least a month or so)?
Got the GM yesterday as part of the Beta program. Waiting for the update to show up on my Apple TV.
Okay. Finally is showing up for me, just rougly 4 hours late. Updating right now - which is a risk. I did the beta last year for dark mode and I definitely got to feel the full progression of bug fixes and how long that takes. Normally I wait for at least one point release after a new version drops on iOS, but I'm going all in this time just so I can get the many UI improvements and also improvements on my Watch (which requires iOS14 in order to update to).

I'll report back any experiences. If it's smooth sailing, I'll bring that up too. I'm on iPhone XR and Apple Watch 4 44mm LTE.
How many of you are updating immediately? Whats your experience so far if you have (this question will be relevant for at least a month or so)?
I’ll be waiting until at least the weekend. I rely on my phone to get my ass up in the morning for work so a bit too much paranoia to update prior to working.
So far everything is working well. Snappy even on "two gen old" hardware. Makes me wonder how much time was spent in optimization or if they even need to bother anymore. There is a significant portion of Apple's product stack that is still running on A10 (like the iPad), so I'm sure they spent at least a bit of time making sure that iOS14 runs pretty smooth even on 3-4 year old hardware.
It's running pretty smoothly on my iPad Air 2, from 2014.

I haven't really taken a look at what iOS14 offers on my device.
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Running great, finally having picture in picture and the incoming call notification that doesn't take over the screen is great to have.
So far so good. I'm not sure who wanted that App Library page at the end, but whatever.
Yeaaaah. I'm finding that it's my least favorite thing of the update. I wish I could just delete all of the icons (or remove the entire drawer). Maybe I'll post a picture of my screen, but I'm ultra fastidious. Every app is organized in folders by type and everything is literally alphabetized. I have every app on a single page and still enough space to have a wide widget stack at the top. The whole point is I hate the multi-page concept to begin with (so avoiding all swiping) in order to have a faster more direct home screen. Swipping to the app drawer page is just straight nonsensical chaos in comparison.

My previous method, which I will continue to use, of drag down and type-in works just as fast if not faster than going to the drawer. I think in that sense the app drawer has kind of failed on iOS. Having the app drawer just be part of the pull down from the center of the screen makes way more sense. Have "search" at the top, with results immediately under, siri suggested under that, then the whole list of applications under that; it makes way more sense to me than the "unnecessary" extra screen on the right.

The left-most widget page.. still awaiting judgement. Getting used to the little tweaks to photos etc.
That's been there in some form since iOS 12. The main difference now is the new widgets that can be placed on the home screen.
I can't remember, but I don't think that Apple is allowing devs to have homescreen widgets yet, those are only reserved for Apple first party stuff. So in other words there are a few widgets that I still want or need that are relegated to the left screen. That's probably my only other minor complaint: that I can't have a YouTube Music Widget on my homescreen yet.

Other than that, the rest of the experience has been quite good. I like my homescreen widget stack, it's actually helped me free up space on the dock (calendar/weather/activity) and it does feel like the information is useful and quick. There are deep settings that I like from the update as well. I like having more privacy control features and control over the camera and location data.

I do wonder how long it will take before we get those homescreen widgets directly on the lock screen (as opposed to only swiping left which for me are an entirely different set of widgets).
That's been there in some form since iOS 12. The main difference now is the new widgets that can be placed on the home screen.
I can't remember, but I don't think that Apple is allowing devs to have homescreen widgets yet, those are only reserved for Apple first party stuff. So in other words there are a few widgets that I still want or need that are relegated to the left screen. That's probably my only other minor complaint: that I can't have a YouTube Music Widget on my homescreen yet.
Plenty of widgets from app developers are able to occupy the home screen - they just had to update a few things and conform to its limitations (vs the widgets in the "left screen" widget zoo). The weather app, CARROT, is far superior to the stock Apple Weather one and offers multiple sizes/styles. It's going to be a mess, really.

I agree about the swipe down vs the app list/catalog. Some of these "features" are just mess/bloat.
Plenty of widgets from app developers are able to occupy the home screen - they just had to update a few things and conform to its limitations (vs the widgets in the "left screen" widget zoo). The weather app, CARROT, is far superior to the stock Apple Weather one and offers multiple sizes/styles. It's going to be a mess, really.

I agree about the swipe down vs the app list/catalog. Some of these "features" are just mess/bloat.
Apple also recently bought Dark Sky, which many say is the best weather app on any platform. A bunch of people got annoyed by this, since it was also the best weather app on Android and Apple removed it from the Play Store. Mostly talking to myself, but I guess I should see if there is a widget for that and also checkout the app.

EDIT: It's apparently a paid app and it hasn't been updated since the beginning of the year. It's probably worth "not" buying until there is an iOS14 update for it - but I also recognize that may never come. Apple may just be intending to absorb all of Dark Sky into their own weather app... meaning at some point it could be free. And also meaning that there may not ever be another Dark Sky update.
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Apple also recently bought Dark Sky, which many say is the best weather app on any platform. A bunch of people got annoyed by this, since it was also the best weather app on Android and Apple removed it from the Play Store. Mostly talking to myself, but I guess I should see if there is a widget for that and also checkout the app.

EDIT: It's apparently a paid app and it hasn't been updated since the beginning of the year. It's probably worth "not" buying until there is an iOS14 update for it - but I also recognize that may never come. Apple may just be intending to absorb all of Dark Sky into their own weather app... meaning at some point it could be free. And also meaning that there may not ever be another Dark Sky update.
Yeah I would not get the Dark Sky App - the "hyperlocal" rain indicator has been absorbed into the Apple Weather app. The API has also been pretty much shut down (no new applications, etc.) so other weather apps will no doubt lose access to it. I mentioned CARROT for a reason - it's a solid application with additional features (all subscription unfortunately) that do make it more useful... for a price.
Yeaaaah. I'm finding that it's my least favorite thing of the update. I wish I could just delete all of the icons (or remove the entire drawer).

My wife showed me last night that if you start the “edit Home Screen”, then press the app drawer on bottom, it will take you to a screen where you can hide entire drawers.
My wife showed me last night that if you start the “edit Home Screen”, then press the app drawer on bottom, it will take you to a screen where you can hide entire drawers.
I might need to see a video. As at least what I'm doing to try and follow these instructions aren't working.

EDIT: It's now been about a week. And I would say I haven't noticed any significant issues while running iOS14. I had minor bugs that I think may just be iOS related and not necessarily "iOS 14" related. But none of them prevented me from doing what I was trying to do. So far its a solid update. I think the big things for me are waiting for more widgets from third parties. And updates to the weather app like I talked about before (I have now noticed some of the increased weather data from Dark Sky in the standard app, but want more).

I haven't tried any of the third party "custom widget" apps as the make me paranoid. It's too big of an opportunity for a third party to have access to all the data you give it through those customizations. Sadly I can't trust that any of these devs will have their apps be fully controlled and data kept locally (that is to say only on my device) anymore.
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What I find is that every app is rushing to implement widgets. What was once a mess in the widget area is now a mess in the main home screens. I'm not sure this is for the better.

That said the only offensive thing I've found is that Apple News will hard crash if it cannot access the iadsdk subdomain of I had it DNS blocked. I lifted the block and poof it doesn't crash.
it would be nice if I could rearrange drawers/screen pages. the edit option is nice to turn drawers on or off, but its limited. I should be able to rearrange them too..
What I find is that every app is rushing to implement widgets. What was once a mess in the widget area is now a mess in the main home screens. I'm not sure this is for the better.
That all comes down to your personal preferences though. I am highly selective with which widgets I use. So I think its on each individual user to add them or turn them on or off. If you have clutter, then it's time for you to go in and just get rid of everything you don't want.
The other part of that equation is the widget stacks. And that has helped immensely with this particular issue. I only have one widget stack on my home screen (with 3 widgets) and that's it. And then the limited few stacks on my widget screen.

it would be nice if I could rearrange drawers/screen pages. the edit option is nice to turn drawers on or off, but its limited. I should be able to rearrange them too..
I wish I could figure out how to do even that much. Or just turn off the entire app drawer screen.
That all comes down to your personal preferences though. I am highly selective with which widgets I use. So I think its on each individual user to add them or turn them on or off. If you have clutter, then it's time for you to go in and just get rid of everything you don't want.
The other part of that equation is the widget stacks. And that has helped immensely with this particular issue. I only have one widget stack on my home screen (with 3 widgets) and that's it. And then the limited few stacks on my widget screen.

I wish I could figure out how to do even that much. Or just turn off the entire app drawer screen.

edit Home Screen. When everything is wiggling. Click on the app drawer dots