Interesting point...


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2001
I want to throw something out there for discussion...

How can we keep people folding, long-term? We can bring them in with a contest and a promise of a prize...but how do we keep them folding once that is over?? Food for thought.
Make them an offer they can't refuse.

Once you are in the [H]orde you can't leave the [H]orde.

Seriously though what if we can find and post research that has been impacted by folding maybe that will help keep people motivated if they see that their efforts are generating some results.
Yeah, I think most people don't stay because they don't see how it directly impacts them. :rolleyes:

For me..convincing people has been extremely difficult:
"what do I get?"
"well..I dunno..what if you get cancer in the future"
"nah..nvm i don't want to fold"


Too much selfishness, and none of them ever want to read the papers published.
I'm actually a biochemist by training, so I naturally find it interesting. No other explanation is necessary.

I saw the abstracts of the papers at

After writing a few papers, I can appreciate how the required technical jargon can be overwhelming. So, if you guys would like the main ideas "distilled" into something a little more comprehensible, let me know.
Either people will, or they won't.

Yea, not a great way to put that huh....

For me, keeping the forums a great place to hang out at is #1 in my book.

Contests are good.

Races are good.

Do these two items attract folks or keep them, I don't know. I think they push some folks harder to fix they boxen, leave that boxen running, ect.

For me the whole curing cancer and all is great, but it does not keep me going- Other aspects do. Maybe I just don't like the mussy side....
The thing that keeps me going is trying to catch up with and eclipse people that have been folding longer than I have.

It's purely a 'rat trying to get the e-cheese' setup, much like acquiring badges in BF2.

Within the [H] I've been holding a rank in the 400's for a while now, so it's time for me to b0rg more b0x3n. Otherwise I won't be able to crush my next personal target.

<me eyes Veeb0rg>

purdy stats? Since so many ppl enjoy the stats thanks to King and his awesome [H]ardfolding, I was thinking to add on to the stats and introducing ranks in addition to the [H]s similar to the Most valuable n00b. This does not have to be in the [H]s but if possible its cool too.

I am big history buff and I can come up with historical ranks, for example, if you are over 1 million points, the rank of WARLORD is attached, over 5 million? HIGH KING!! less than 5,000?muster recruit. You understand where I am going with this.

If this idea is good, LMK and I can start a poll to see if its really worth it. I can get the team to feel like a real barbarian [H]orde. :D

P.S. - I was playing Rome:Total War and a couple of mods so I am still in a military frame of mind.:D
marty9876 said:
Either people will, or they won't.

Yea, not a great way to put that huh....

For me, keeping the forums a great place to hang out at is #1 in my book.

Contests are good.

Races are good.

Do these two items attract folks or keep them, I don't know. I think they push some folks harder to fix they boxen, leave that boxen running, ect.

For me the whole curing cancer and all is great, but it does not keep me going- Other aspects do. Maybe I just don't like the mussy side....
I think Marty is right on target . I would add that there are 3 ways for people to be interested in pushing up WU production, and the likely persistence varies for each method:

1. Build your own boxen like I have done with either spare or new parts (the most expensive, therefore the most likely boxes to be taken down for other purposes because they have good parts). All costs, including electricity revert to the builder.

2. Build a fold-server farm using older parts less desirable to be converted to full-service desktops (probably the most productive overall, but requires more access to old but not obsolete parts, and ingenuity & know-how to put together a nice tower like several folks have shown). Costs reduced, but still revert totally to the builder.

3. Borged boxes -- the most unreliable, but also the "cheapest" solution which produces quietly & unobstrusively. However access is the key, and not everyone works in areas with access to borgable machines. Everyone else has only family & friends machines accessible to borg , not very productive overall for most people. Costs get distributed along with the computational and hardware load. Therefore the "borger" spends much less out of pocket.

While all of the above options are available to the people interested, many of us come to the table for the computer interest, but continue for the feeling that we are participating in a good cause. If , for whatever reason, the cause becomes more burden than the contribution warrants, the folder will disappear.

Conclusion: If you concede that we visit or inhabit [H]ardOCP because we are computer-centric, then you should realize that while we are the people to provide the means for the best folding results, we may not be the best at spreading the word about why it should be done. We should find a way to ally ourselves with medschool students, biological science students, pharmacy students, nursing students that have the drive to push the science with our help !! So go get a nurse and start folding !

The way Marty folds, I believe he found a nurse already ! :D

magnusvir said:
purdy stats? Since so many ppl enjoy the stats thanks to King and his awesome [H]ardfolding, I was thinking to add on to the stats and introducing ranks in addition to the [H]s similar to the Most valuable n00b. This does not have to be in the [H]s but if possible its cool too.

I am big history buff and I can come up with historical ranks, for example, if you are over 1 million points, the rank of WARLORD is attached, over 5 million? HIGH KING!! less than 5,000?muster recruit. You understand where I am going with this.

If this idea is good, LMK and I can start a poll to see if its really worth it. I can get the team to feel like a real barbarian [H]orde. :D

P.S. - I was playing Rome:Total War and a couple of mods so I am still in a military frame of mind.:D
I like this idea...and I bet it wouldn't be too hard to add it to the badges...

You around King? Input...please.
AtomicMoose said:
I like this idea...and I bet it wouldn't be too hard to add it to the badges...

You around King? Input...please.

Another thing to keep in mind is checking with kyle if the changes would be ok..

Not to be a spoil sport, but hopefully most people stick around for the cure rather then just trying to "level up"
KodiakStar said:
Another thing to keep in mind is checking with kyle if the changes would be ok..

Not to be a spoil sport, but hopefully most people stick around for the cure rather then just trying to "level up"
You know that I agree with you, but we are not all here for the same reasons... ie: marty doesn't give a rats ass about cancer.
KodiakStar said:
Another thing to keep in mind is checking with kyle if the changes would be ok..

Not to be a spoil sport, but hopefully most people stick around for the cure rather then just trying to "level up"

Its not a bad thing for people to go and try go get their scores up. In the process of getting higher output, they have to do more for the project. I think that people borging for points or borging for the cure are ALL working on the same team. I may do this because I like the nice badges, or because I wanna brag at work that I have 7 computers in my house.
:D It's all for the good of mankind. Competition brings out the best results.

BTW, this is not a stab at the comment. I had $.03 lying arround and it was buring a hole in my pocket. :p
ICE_9 said:
I had $.03 lying arround and it was buring a hole in my pocket. :p

*cha ching* Thanks for the business ICE_9 here is your changes *hands over $.01*

I agree I think points help drive, I mean really would it be any fun if you couldn't look at list of people you are trying to overtake while you sip on that cup of coffee on Sat's. Part of staying around this place is getting higher points and then talking some trash to people. All of which is in good fun.

I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to stay.
AtomicMoose said:
You know that I agree with you, but we are not all here for the same reasons... ie: marty doesn't give a rats ass about cancer.

actually I smoke so I'm trying to cure myself...somehow one way or another.
Well, since the team is pretty forum-centric, how about something that distinguishes active folders from the rest of the [H]ardforum members? I always liked the idea of custom titles (no, not ones like Kyle gives you when he's pissed at you) that would distinguish active folders from other forum members - something along the lines of [H]ardFoldingGawd instead of just [H]ardGawd. That would mean that someone with access to the titles would have to do more work to keep them updated, but I'm sure we could find a volunteer to help out with that.
Mattman said:
Well, since the team is pretty forum-centric, how about something that distinguishes active folders from the rest of the [H]ardforum members? I always liked the idea of custom titles (no, not ones like Kyle gives you when he's pissed at you) that would distinguish active folders from other forum members - something along the lines of [H]ardFoldingGawd instead of just [H]ardGawd. That would mean that someone with access to the titles would have to do more work to keep them updated, but I'm sure we could find a volunteer to help out with that.
Only Kyle and admins have access to change titles....while it is a good idea, I don't know how realistic it is.
Quit poopin on my party, Moosie. How about colored titles for folders, like [H]ardGawd?
marty9876 said:
actually I smoke so I'm trying to cure myself...somehow one way or another.
And of course that made me think of Josh Allison's take on it...

I don't know about the custom titles; it's a lot of work for someone to maintain those. And what about somebody who drops out and stops folding? I like the badges precisely because it's on you to keep up with them, remember to use them, and they update automatically.

maybe a title within the badge?
if you can list the points/etc... seems like you could list a title like "Hardfolding Commander" or "Ensign" before our username?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

If badge changes were to be made, we wouldn't want them to be
too much bigger... even as is there are alot of people who bitch
about seeing them everywhere.. and we want them to keep the
clean and professional look that they already have..
I do it for the money!

Now where is my damn check!

I think that the points is what keeps me interested, and the badges help a little with pride. I was doing this before just anonamously and when I refformatted I never intalled it again. i started reading the forums and discovered Team 33 and got back into it. I do believe the people that get interested in the pints and badges are the ones that stay and try to overtake as much as possible. Now if the electric bill would subside a little or a lot. :D

codysown said:
I do believe the people that get interested in the pints and badges are the ones that stay and try to overtake as much as possible.

Pints you say?!? Where's my free beer????

OSUguy98 said:
maybe a title within the badge?
if you can list the points/etc... seems like you could list a title like "Hardfolding Commander" or "Ensign" before our username?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

That is exactly what I was thinking. But instead of "ensign" or "Hardfolding commander" we would have historical barbarian titles/names just to give it the [H]orde feel. ;) We could do it by ranks or by points.
magnusvir said:
That is exactly what I was thinking. But instead of "ensign" or "Hardfolding commander" we would have historical barbarian titles/names just to give it the [H]orde feel. ;) We could do it by ranks or by points.

I've got a much better idea. Just put an e-penis in there and the more points you have, the bigger your e-penis gets. :eek:

SmokeRngs said:
I've got a much better idea. Just put an e-penis in there and the more points you have, the bigger your e-penis gets. :eek:

I thought that is what this thing was for

(it got a little cold while I was in pool today :mad: )
i thought having a rank also like an e-penis. I was thinking having a primarily points based system and the rank of High King goes to top folder in the team, for there can be only 1 high king. :D Then the ranks are points related.

If its a girl/mary who is top folder, we can have High Queen.:D
magnusvir said:
i thought having a rank also like an e-penis. I was thinking having a primarily points based system and the rank of High King goes to top folder in the team, for there can be only 1 high king. :D Then the ranks are points related.

If its a girl/mary who is top folder, we can have High Queen.:D

I like your idea of the "barbarian" titles to go along with the Horde theme.
Maybe we could come up with a whole leveling system as well.

Base the title on ppd, and the level on total amounts produced.

So, if you are producing 2k+/day, you could be a [H]ardWarlord, and your level would scale with 100k point increments or something like that. So, 700k points, 2k ppd would be a Level 7 [H]ardWarlord. Or something to that effect.

Just an idea... Maybe it would be too much to put in the badges though.
Not too sure but I think I would like to have the title of "Arrow Fodder". Keeping with the [H]orde theme and props to BlackAdder

Carnecerro said:
Not too sure but I think I would like to have the title of "Arrow Fodder". Keeping with the [H]orde theme and props to BlackAdder

yay! someone else watches Black Adder!
Dark Ember said:
I like your idea of the "barbarian" titles to go along with the Horde theme.
Maybe we could come up with a whole leveling system as well.

Base the title on ppd, and the level on total amounts produced.

So, if you are producing 2k+/day, you could be a [H]ardWarlord, and your level would scale with 100k point increments or something like that. So, 700k points, 2k ppd would be a Level 7 [H]ardWarlord. Or something to that effect.

Just an idea... Maybe it would be too much to put in the badges though.
that sounds really cool - i'm interested -- it'd be like idleRPG in irc servers, but for a good casue and actually getting something done

hmm, i wonder if you could rig up an idleRPG where your stats/gear/level/what-not is dependant on your Barbarian level?

I was researching more and have come up with this, the barbarians had different units or types of soldiers and we could base the totals from that. The ranks would be determined by ppd.

How does that sound?
magnusvir said:
I was researching more and have come up with this, the barbarians had different units or types of soldiers and we could base the totals from that. The ranks would be determined by ppd.

How does that sound?

Could you explain that a little more? I'm sort of confused. Is that kind of like the opposite of what I said?
Dark Ember said:
Could you explain that a little more? I'm sort of confused. Is that kind of like the opposite of what I said?

Ok so your basic barbarian unit is a warband. Maybe upto 20k points you would be a warband. If you are upto 20k and 2k+ ppd you would be a warlord of the warband. Maybe upto 100k you could be a woad warrior. Something along those lines :cool:

I was just reading that and it sounds too complicated for a badge. Maybe I will add the level thing instead to make it easier for people. Not everybody is a history buff.:p
I don't think that changing titles, or altering the tags are going to significantly impact the number of people that continue to fold long-term; most people don't really post that much in the forums in the first place, and so getting them special tags isn't going to matter to them.

Rather than that, there should a strong argument and explaination of how exactly folding alters the battle against cancers and other diseases. I don't think that too many people are going to fold long-term for points; while it might be neat to do for a bit, in the long term people generally just don't care that much. If we could have either cancer survivors, or those currently fighting the beast, to express their appreciation, or something along those lines, I think that casual folders might take it a little more seriously simply because they could be seen as doing something productive. Further, emphasis on the ease of folding, the benefits for stress testing, etc could encourage people to fold that might be somewhat hesitant.

magnusvir said:
Ok so your basic barbarian unit is a warband. Maybe upto 20k points you would be a warband. If you are upto 20k and 2k+ ppd you would be a warlord of the warband. Maybe upto 100k you could be a woad warrior. Something along those lines :cool:

I was just reading that and it sounds too complicated for a badge. Maybe I will add the level thing instead to make it easier for people. Not everybody is a history buff.:p

I think you're right, that it would be too complicated for a badge. But it's a really good idea. I wonder if we could somehow make a mini-game/rpg type thing out of this too. If we could find an effective way to do that, with actual battles and such, I bet we could attract a lot of people to folding, and for an extended period of time too.
Dark Ember said:
I think you're right, that it would be too complicated for a badge. But it's a really good idea. I wonder if we could somehow make a mini-game/rpg type thing out of this too.

I smite thee with my +5 Boxen of OC'd AMD... :p
